.1iJ, Librarian Callifolmi 'tate Library Sacrapnto 9, California g2 Flo CAGERS 'LIFT LID TONIG -iPege 7 Frosh Class Palmer Anno - Spartan Daily Votes Today . SIN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Entrance Requirements For Officers, an Jose State college will be able to accept more new students Vol. XXXIX San Jose, Calif., Friday, Dec. I, 1950 No. 45 The class of '53 makcs its in 1951 than was. possible . in 1950: announces Miss Viola Palmer. official entry into this world 01 registrar, who sent out a notice this morning informing high school student Troia y- toilfy-witti -what- and junior college administrators- of tho charige. in admittance appears to be "a surpisiiady .....(sx1 requirements. "The changes were recommended largely becaose. of voting ttn:nout.- ------74 t wo lizttkirb,.,61#1es- Nlis,s Valkny*. So :,:ey officiating members of r 1 1 4-4 i "Overerowded conditions are, Is - Iii,' Si udi'llt C OW t talk, atilS?illt.N Juan LA aiueure trig i4lloviated by thee graduation HI The tin ee Studeut Union voting elY of veterans who -have been en- boot les. rolled Inc the past lew years and Head Returns withdrawal of .non-veterans to enter military Training will rue -thee unit tillable as the spartan Daily lit' 011: ..1==. T--- IMMENN. goes to press, Official o Visit- The. revise.d admission require- winners SJS ments will apply to miet-y r among- the 13 candidates 101 be Returning to San Jose State a nil June graduates O f the .-1111* sinnottne'al here llonelay.-Hec.4.) college' 61 see 10.4 daughter per- rent school year and may lie Vot4:1_, whie.-41 opened at ie 30 it trill a.. featured soloist with the continued intieflnitel thereafter. a.m., %% ill continue. until 3:45 p.m. symphony o r ehestr a :weanTh.. -ding let Mi Sre Palmer. )ipe Tuesday h)ihm. iwz are, the r,. keel do today. Tabulation. und,..r. lit,' di- night. 4.:olleike of Idaho President admittance requirements for Stin any rection of Bob king. chief justice Paul M. Pitman renewed old toter Jose State college, as released by of the student court. well begin acquaintanci.s yesterday. tu'd inintediately.0a1 ter -the last vole is Miss Palmer.. t cast. king is optimistic - -The- tortior lit -an ol _.:.1.1en here _ Sellool graduates- will qual- "Also is looking tor ke ify for admission to the state eol- ant, turnout, but predicts many "lost - y facultv per- ballots. sonnet for his private, 700 enroll- lege division if four or more am - cco Innis were. earned in grades for Kin(' said: "Five to tin 101111104.111 -college at Caldwell, Idaho. ten, eleven, and lwvIve with Ice - ipe- of students who vote. win cancel ommending .e A or 1.3t grades. of in the effeetiven4 ss their vote by and personnel," stid President Pit- that group, hose with six or more nok- failing to use the rublinr stamp man. "We need a Dean of such units will he admitted in provided for ballot. If you spoil Women; a commerce instruettw; clear standing: those with less your ballot with pen or pencil and a kindergarten primary teach- than six, on probation. Ali of marks you may turn it in for these. students may enroll in the 1 another. Write-in candidates Pre'side'nt Pitman has followed curricula of their choice. 1642 names must be written in full and San Jose State's prog- football High school graduates with :. in the proper space on the ballot." ress with avid interest through less than four academic units 1=1111. The Student Court chief also the pages of the Spartan Daily earned in grades ten, eleven, and warned candidates their cam- which is being sent tee him. He twelve with reeoinmending (A paign posters must he removed expressed great pride In the fine or Ill grade's, will be admitted from the campus before 8:30 showin.g of Coach Bob Bronzan on probation the junior col- a.m. Saturday, Dec. 2. to and hts charge's. - lege division if they are not Here is a list of the 13 freshman "I'm not here to .scheduk a residents of another junior col- student government candidates On game with the Spartans, even lege districts or of another state. order of their nomination): presi- though we did. finish second in our Their enrollment will bo re- dent: Bill Eckert, Bud Cligny, conference to Lewis and Clark," stricted to a technical curricu- ALVISO SLOUGH? Blindfolded and ap- Dave Doerr, and Jack Houser; HEADED FOB THE laughed Pitman. "We play foot- lum only. Transfer from the propriately weighted for a death-plunge "worse than death," Chuck vice-president: Charles Luckhardt ball primarily for fun up there- technical only category will de- Benson, junior class mixer-chairman, is pictured above being given and Fred Grassle; secretary: Sallee for fun and for vocational train- pend upon a definitely success- an idea of what is in store for him should the Junior class lose to Lotz, Joyce Velander. and Louise ing purposes for P.E. majors. Our ful record at San Jose, and the Senior class in the Junior-Senior Mixer competition. Delmer: treasurer: Kirby Camp- juniors, evidently enjoying the prospect of being college provides a majority of high probably can not be realized be- Determined bell, Kit Hadley, 'Joyce Orlando, avenged should a slip-up occur and the seniors win the Mixer com- school football coaches in Idaho fore the completion of one year's and Orville "Kenny" Mitchell. petition, have weighted Benson with the filing cabinet which is the and eastern Oregon." work. will receive. prize the winning class 1). Most of the students at the Junior college students who Juniors pictured from left to right are: Beth Calvin; Howard La College of Idaho live on campus. have completed twenty-four or Virginia Cox, secretary to Breith; unidentified coed; Chuck Benson; Class to. See Film This gives them a %ery close and more semester units in acceptable the Junior council; Donald Sevrens, junior class adviser; Jackie Lar- aver- son; Dick Osborn, junior class president; and an unidentified by- On Arctic Work unified school spirit, President college courses with grades stander. Photo 'by Ernst. Pitman commented. "I think aging "C" or better, will qualify This afternoon at 1:30 in Room that you will have more of that for admission. Those who have S112, Ed Levin will show a film here at Man Jose State college completed less than that number on the Arctic. when the new dormitories are of units with a "C" average will Classes to Vie Tonight Miss Clara Hinze's Geography constructed." be admitted if their high school 121 class will attend the movie "Big events at Idaho are the grades would have entitled them 'Veiled in secrecy but nevertheless promising to be high enter- and all interested students are fall football Homecoming and the to admission to San Jose State col- urged to attend. Campus clean-up where everyone lege under present regulations. San tainment, Jose State State college seniors' skit tonight at the Levin, a graduate of San Jose pitches in and cleans the campus. Residents of other junior college Senior-Junior Harvest Time Mixer hopes to amass the most points State college, is assistant to Fath- The co-eds provide the food," re- districts and of other states and and win the coveted filing cabinet," Donna Plank, Senior chairman er Hubbard, the "Glacier -Priest". lated Dr. Pitmen. countries will not be admitted to While a student here, Levin heard Pr. Pitman will be in this area the junior college. In order to be for the mixer, said yesterday. The filing cabinet, to be used for the priest speak and he visited the until Wednesday. He heads for eligible to enroll, such residents holding class records, is the re-* famed explorer at his home to Spokane and a speaking engage- must qualify for admission to the ward one of the classes will re- Donald Sevrens, junior class coun- further discuss the Arctic. The ment there on Friday. Sunday state college in clear standing and ceive for presenting the best en- cil adviser, will chaperon the two have been associated since afternoon he will be back in Cald- elect other than a technical ob- tertainment, the skit being part affair. that -time. well. jective. of it, and for having the most class members attending. Beth Watson, director of the Basketball Game 'skit, wouldn't give any informa- tion to the press yesterday Features Pep How It will Be--Faculty Band concerning it. She said, "We're keeping it a secret. Watch us, A white rooting section itM The Faculty members were queried pense would be $20,000,000. Gold non-Russian Balkan countries. He we'll get that filing cabinet!" pep band will be featured at this yesterday and today to gather that’s easydig some in Fort feels that the European people Appearing in the skit are Duke evening's basketball game, accord- information about a possible third Knox and you'll check those Chi- themselves know of the danger and Denis, Dick MacQuiddy, Lee ing to reports from the Rally com- world war; what are the condi- nese out of Korea." strongly advocate an adequate de- Oro, Bob Pettengill, and Mari- mittee. tions that will bring It about; Owen M. Broyles, instructor in fense of their homelands. lyn Miller. All those Rally committee mem- what immediate and long-range economics agrees with his col- "The fact that little Turkey has Special vocalists and piano ar- bers who can usher for tonight's effect it will have on the world leagues and believes that Russia 3,000 troops now fighting in Ko- rea tists will offer also entertainment game and also for the Stanford- and what changes it will bring is fighting the United States and shows that country's aware- indirectly.
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