280 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. His apprenticeship in the sheep business was served in the employ of Major W. H. Barnhart, then one of the leading wool-growers of Eastern Oregon. No better opportunity for studying the cares and duties of the man- agement of sheep could have afforded itself to the young seeker for fame and fortune in the West than the time Mr. Cunningham spent in the employ of Mr. Barnhart. Even while honestly help- ing to enrich another he fully made up his mind that in the near future a good part of his honest efforts should be devoted to enriching him- self.Being a thrifty lad he saved his money, and in 1873, in association withJacob Fra- zer, known to all residents of Pendleton as "Uncle Jake," he was able to purchase a respectable flock of sheep of his own.The business of Messrs. Frazer & Cunning- ham was a prosperous one from the start, and these gen- CnAs CuNNIEGHSR, PENOLETON, SHEEP KING OF EASTERN OREGON tiemen were soon able to pur- chase theWebb slough ranch, since better known as the Hewlet & McDonald ranch.This new purchase afforded additional and excellent browsing ground for their flocks, and the increase in the wealth and importance of the firm was both rapid and of a substantial nature.The partnership lasted between these two gentlemen until their flocks had increased to such a size that they felt that they had a sufficient number of sheep to look after for each partner to engage in business on his individual account.The firm then dis- solved partnership by mutual consent, and each in the future devoted his attention to the care of his individual flocks. In 1877 Mr. Cunningham purchased what is now known as the Cunningham ranch, located on Buffalo creek.At the time the gentleman purchased this place it was in IJmatilla county, but by a subdivision of the county it is now in Morrow county.One year after this time Mr. Cunningham married Miss Sarah IJoherty, a niece of H. B. Nelson, who was massacred by the Indians in the outbreak of 1878. This union, though a happy one, was of brief duration, for Mrs. Cunningham died two years after her marriage, leaving behind her a daughter, in whom the hopes of the father are centered today. In the early days of the sheep industry in Eastern Oregon the more common grades of sheep were raised, to the exclusion of what were then known as "fancy breeds."This naturally resulted in a wool crop of a quality greatly inferior to the Umatilla County, Oregon. 281 crop of today.Mr. Cunningham was among the first to perceive the advantage to be derived from raising the standard of his breed of sheep.Following out this line, he aimed to improve the quality of his flock by the importation of a number of thoroughbred rams.To his excellent judgment in this direc- tion is largely due the popularity and increasing demand at the present time for what is known as the "Cun- ningham wool."This gentle- man now numbers in his flock 20,000 sheep, 4,000 of which arethor- oughbreds. Outsideof thethor- oughb reds, therest of his sheep are graded, and of fine qual- ity.Steady progress has RANCH, CHAR CUNNINGHAM, NEAR PENDLETON beenhis constant motto through life, and he has never allowed any opportunity for advance- ment to pass by unimproved. When the famous blooded stock owned by William Ross, a noted sheep-herder came into the market, Mr. Cunningham took advantage of the opportunity to pur chase the entire hand.These sheep were from the noted Hammond stock of Ver- mont, and they never fail to inspire confidence and admiration in the breasts of practical sheep men who regularly visit the ranch ofMr. Cunningham.The fleece of these animals is long, white and of the staple quality for which there is such an eager and steady demand. The Hammond bucl s have established theii reputation as "leaders," and they are eagerly sought by sheep men whose knowl- edge of sheep-breeding is abreast of the times.Those who have bred to the Ham- mond bucks owned by Mr. Cunningham, have not only increased the weight of the fleece on their own sheep, but they have also added to the size of the sheep them- selves.It has been clearly demonstrated that a large fleece of actual wool depends upon the quantity of wool raised to the square inch of surface on the sheep's back. To produce the maximum quantity of wool, it must be long, dense and equally dis- tributed over the body of the sheep.All of these conditions are fulfilled in the Hammond breed, hence their value as wool producers is conceded.It is a well- known and undisputed fact that all stockmen who have made or are making their fortunes in sheep raising, are those who have bred to first-class bucks, and thus improved their stock, and who have also improved their wool clip as a result of raising the standard of their bred sheep.That the energy and good judgment which Mr. Cunningham has availed himself of in the sheep industry are fully appre- ciated, is attested by the fact that this gentleman is now in constant receipt of 282 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. orders for rams from Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and even from distant Cali- fornia. The rearing and caring of sheep is also a very important factor in the sheet industry.A thoroughbred animal is no more exempt from "scab" and other sheep disorders than his plebian brother of meaner extraction.In this direction Mr. Cun- ningham has also shown himself an expert in his business.By painstaking efforts he has succeeded in keeping his flock free from all the disorders to which the sheep is subject, and his entire ranch is today a model of cleanliness and good order. This has been brought about by the closest attention to the particular line of busi- ness to which Mr. Cunningham has devoted his best energies in life.As before stated, he is looked upon today as an expert and authority in sheep-raising, and as such is frequently consulted, not only by new men embarking in the sheep business, but also by many stockmen of experience who run across knotty points they are incapable of solving. When it is considered that the subject of this sketch came to this country as a raw Irish lad, entirely without means, and that he has, by strict application and hard work, placed himself among the wealthiest and most respected citizens of his section, the native ability and energy of the man can be better appreciated and admired. Some of the surroundings of Mr. Cunningham's home life may be gathered from the illustrations of his ranch published on this page. The larger illustration is a view of his ranch showing a few of his celebrated Hammond sheep browsing in the distance, a breed of which he is so justly proud.To gain anything of an accurate knowledge of the immense industry presided over by Mr. Cunningham,nd the care and responsibility involved in the management of 20,000 sheep, one should pay a visit to the home of the Oregon sheep king.Mr. Cunningham is a most affa- ble gentleman. He is unaffected and quite unspoiled by his great good fortune, and he always takes particular delight in making visitors to his ranch feel perfectly at home. Those who may be unable to pay a personal visit to the ranch of Mr. Cun- ningham, but who may desire accurate information on the subject of discriminating in making a choice of different breeds of sheep, can always obtain the desired infor- mation by addressing Charles Cunningham, at Pilot Rock, or at the Pendleton Savings Bank, Pendleton, Oregon. Athena, Oregon.Athena is a prosperous town of Umatilla county, having a population of about zoo.It is situated on the Washington division of the Union Pacific Railroad, 19 miles north of Pendleton, the county seat, and 250 miles east of Portland. A spur of the Oregon & Washington Territory railroad also extends from Helix to Athena, a distance of seven miles.The town is surrounded by a magnifi- cent wheat-growing section and today it is the largest wheat-shipping point in pro- portion to population, in Eastern Oregon. The shipments of wheat annually made from this point, with the heavy wool and stock interests of the tributary country, make Athena a thriving point which does a constantly increasing business with each successive year. In addition to the usual business interests found in a town of this size, Athena supports a bank and two weekly newspapers, The Press and The Inland Republican. The public schools are conducted in a conimodions brick building.Four teachers are employed in the schools and the average daily attendance of scholars is about 175.The Catholics, Baptists, Methodists and Christian denominations occupy church buildings of their own here.The place also contains a good hotel and two well Weston, Oregon. 283 stocked livery stables.Athena's growth during the past few years has been rapid and the prospects for a continued growth at this point are encouraging. Weston, Oregon.Weston occupies an attractive location on the Washing- ton division of the Union Pacific railroad, 22 miles north of Pendleton and 252 miles east of Portland.The extension of the Helix branch of the Oregon & Washington Territory railroad from Athena to Weston during the present year is practically assured.
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