February 10, 1996 633 j 5 819- 0 :: SN IS EC OR Programs an Answer to Prayer-10 College Adopts Orphan Park Agency Thanks tudents at Sydney Adventist College (NSW) recently adopted a park as part of a program Ssponsored by their local council. Retiring The Mayor of Strathfield Municipal Council, Councillor Eve Dutton, dedicated a plaque acknowledging the adoption of Inveresk Park in a ceremony attended by about 50 students and Supporter 12 staff from the college. Councillor Dutton, assisted by Councillor Andrew Ho (one of the youngest councillors in Australia) and several city administrators, encouraged students to take an interest in, and value their environment. Finding a As a part of this environmental awareness the students planted a number of trees that, during the year, will be monitored by Year 10 and 11 geography students. They intend to Definition for nurture their development and see that the park is preserved for others to enjoy. Love —6 EDITORIAL Challenges for the Record layout of YOR. Obviously they are they are missing out on a blessing." love the more in tune with youth issues than We'll be working harder to try to make IRecord," those of us who left youthdom many more people want to read the Record writes one Rec- years ago. each week. ord reader, "and Michelle and Brenton have had have withdrawal some experience as editors—both What's Old? symptoms if I working at various times in the edito- We will still keep you in touch with miss out." rial department at Signs Publishing what's happening in the Adventist I've never Company. Michelle recently began Church in the South Pacific Division met her, but this work at a public relations company and around the world. Since its begin- woman obviously has excellent taste. and Brenton is a university student ning in 1898, the Record has seen as one "You keep me in touch with the hap- studying communications. I believe of its main aims as keeping the church penings of my beloved church," she they will not only make YOR more informed about the mission and continues in her letter. "Your editorials appealing, but also more relevant dur- progress of the church. That will contin- raise my spirits. You give me hope for ing 1996. ue. this Laodicean church." The Trans-Australian and the Trans- One thing that is old, but new, is that It's no wonder there was a certain Tasman Union Conferences will be we will have our copy editor—proof- glow among the editors when they reporting regularly and directly to reader back with us. Graeme Brown has received that letter. We're encouraged readers in the Record. This will help been heavily involved in book editing when we know that the Record is keep you in touch with resource devel- over the last half of 1995. He was virtu- appreciated. opment and ideas at that level in the ally unavailable to help with the Record. I'd be the first to admit that not all church. The editors are breathing a sigh of relief the letters we receive are that positive. We're planning a series we're calling that he is back. We do take any editorial suggestion "Walking With Jesus." We've asked The editorials, the letters, the fea- seriously. (That's a hint, by the way. If some of our best writers to help us tures, news, Flashpoint and Noticeboard you have something you want to say make this series something special, will still be there as a service, to chal- about the Record, please let us know.) something that will help lift our eyes to lenge, to instruct and to inform. It may interest you to know that a our Saviour. majority of the letters we receive, and Later in the year we plan to run a Record Offering most comments made about the report on Adventist churches in You may have already guessed from Record, are positive—that's an encour- Australia and New Zealand that are the enthusiasm for the Record in this aging response to us as editors. growing. And this report will not be editorial that it is time for the Record looking at what are sometimes called Offering again—next week, in fact. What's New? ethnic churches that have seen spectacu- We do need your financial support This year you will find some new fea- lar growth. You might be surprised at again this year. It costs money to have tures in the Record. For instance, we what churches are growing and what the Record waiting for you at church have been concerned for some time they are doing to have this success. each week. We've tried to do our part that YOR has not been widely read There will also be some challenging by holding the cost of the Record down among youth. We're attempting to articles, such as one recently commis- as much as possible (Record costs have make it a must read for them. sioned: "How Relevant Are the Three increased by less than 1 per cent over This year two youth (Michelle Abel Angels' Messages?" the past three years). and Brenton Stacey) will act as editors And, speaking of challenges, here's The church membership has support- for YOR. Under the watchful eye of one. In the letter mentioned above is ed this offering extremely well in the the editors of the Record, they will be the comment: "I know some people do past—and we thank you for that sup- responsible for content, design and not bother reading the Record, but port again this year. Bruce Manners Manuscripts All copy for the Record should be sent to: The Editor, Record Signs Official Paper Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria Next Week: Seventh-day Adventist Church 71 3799. Manuscripts or computer disks will South Pacific Division be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Phone Taking the "sin" out of (059) 66 9111. Fax (059) 66 9019. Editor Bruce Manners Subscriptions South Pacific Division, Assistant Editors Lee Dunstan, $A39.00 $NZ48.75. "single." Why the church Karen Miller All other regions, $A77.00 $NZ96.25. Copy Editor Graeme Brown Air mail postage rates on application. needs singles ministries. Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall Order from Signs Publishing Company, Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed Cover Photo: S weekly by Signs Publishing Company. A.C.N. 000 003 930 Vol 101 No 5 2 RECORD February 10, 1996 LETTERS My wife and I were fellow travellers Home Schooling on a coach tour that included stop- Recipe for Health The article "Just a Housewife" overs at Alice Springs, Darwin and It has been widely reported that (December 16, 1995) was timely. With Toowoomba. We were able to worship, more than 40 per cent of soft-serve ice- all her attendant tasks, this home- in all these places, with our faithful creams are a health hazard due to the schooling mother has just one ambition members. Our association with these bacteria E coli. Here is your own deli- (as does God): to train up her children church members of like faith was an cious do-it-yourself soft-serve in three for the kingdom of heaven. inspiration and a joy. We were blessed different flavours. At a time when families are disinte- to be recipients of their vibrant hospi- Peel, slice and freeze 3-4 ripe grating, home schoolers across the tality. We trust that our visit was bananas. Also freeze the diced flesh of board are saying, "We are close as a encouraging to them. one mango or two diced strawberries. family." That means a lot in these Olive and Harold Josephs, SA When needed, process the frozen times—for there is love, communica- bananas until half is smooth; then add tion, respect, learning and growing Uncontainable one of the frozen fruits. Continue pro- together. After reading the letter "Sad Story" cessing until all is smooth. Serve in a This allows time for beliefs and val- (December 16, 1995), I couldn't contain cone or as a dessert with fresh slices of ues to take root and grow strong during myself any longer. It is so good to see mango, or a little passionfruit on top. the tender years. There is enough someone confess to being a sexual The third flavour is just as nice. weathering to be had without the abuser and seek help. I know what it is Don't add any fruit while processing destructive blast of the current human- like to be abused. the bananas, but add vanilla and a istic education system (plus peer pres- Perhaps others in the church could dessertspoon of Perfect Cheese sure, television etc). come forward and be "real" people and Ricotta. No white sugar, no fat (negli- I have been home schooling my chil- not hide behind a cloak of respectabili- gible in ricotta) and no E coli! dren. My daughter, at the age of 15, has ty, living a double life. These people Marjorie Dodd, SA experienced God's working in her life may look respectable on the outside, and has learned to make good choices. but if they don't come forward and Missing Friends She plans to be baptised soon. receive help, they will probably, in the Please contact the Record if you With this type of schooling, along end, destroy themselves. know the whereabouts of Mrs Joy Van with Christian worship and fellowship, Unfortunately, I feel the church der Klift, or Helen and Ken you are equally-yoked with God in the encourages this respectability and calls Muggeridge.
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