Conflict May Kill Atlantic Highlands Renewal SEE STORY BELOW Weather Cloudy this morning then fair HOME this afternoon, high in mid 70s. Cloudy again later tonight and THEDMLY early tomorrow morning becom- ing fair and warmer in after- FINAL noon. Low tonight in upper 50s, high tomorrow in low 80s. Fri- day's outlook, fair and warm. 1 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 89, NO. 246 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Seek U.N. Anti-Israel Action Soviets Ask Pressure UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Syria. Council delegates believedlthen was,likely to call the ses- in Moscow refused to comment ernment and possibly even Pres- —The Soviet Union pressed to- the resolution would get only four sion on 24 hours' notice. on the speculation about Kosy- ident Johnson were expected to day for an emergency session of of the nine votes needed for adop- Speculation that the Soviet pre- gin. The Soviets obtained a per- attend the session. tion, clearing the way for action p p The feeling was widespread the U.N. General Assembly to mier would attend stemmed from mit to land a special plane in take action against Israel amid on the Soviet request for the as- among Arab delegations that the sembly to meet. a letter from Soviet Foreign New York about tomorrow but Russians were promoting the as- speculation that Premier Alexei Minister Andrei Gromyko to postponed the flight, apparently N. Kosygin might attend. After defeat of the Soviet reso- Thant yesterday saying "leading sembly session primarily to di- awaiting the scheduling of the as- vert attention from their failure .The Security Council was lution, Secretary-General U statesmen of the Soviet Union' sembly session. The U.S. Embas- scheduled to meet today on a So- would attend, I to help the Arabs in the war. In Thant would poll the 122 U.N. sy in Moscow said the Soviet line with this, Saudi Arabian del- viet resolution calling for Israel members by telegram, and the Soviet and other CommunisGovernment t had not requested egate Jamil M. Baroody com- to withdraw immediately from necessary majority of 62 coun- sources at the U.N. said they did any visas for the flight. mented that for the Arabs, the ; i the territory it seized in its blitz tries was expected to agree to not know to whom Gromyko was Should Kosygin come to Newresult of an assembly session war against Egypt, Jordan and the emergency session. Thant referring, and Soviet spokesmen York, many other heads of gov-would be "zero." In Matawan, Matawan Township FIRST SHOT — Victor E. Grossingar, chairman of the Board of Park and Recreation Commissioners, gets off the first shot on the site of proposed new Monmouth Coun- ty Golf Course. Members of the press were given a tour of the Gamer Farm, Howell ' Water Ernergency' Declared Township, which the county Board of Freeholders purchased under the Green Acres Matawan and Matawan Town- between 6 p.m. and midnight ac- mitted for 18 hours every other municipal water supplies were held up by slow delivery of fab- program for the first county golf course. Looking on as Mr. Grossinger takes his shot ship last night declared a "water cording to the following: day. more than adequate, Mayor Ed- ricators. Even- with the current are, left to right, Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, Freeholder Benjamin H. Dan- emergency" and Madison, Town- Ivyhill, Juniper, Waverly Parks, He added that when the third ward E. Hyme declared a water delays, construction is expected to skin and Mayor Richard H. Reilly of Howell Township. ship continued requests hot' to use Storyland, and non-Levitt Homes well is completed, and if themergencye . be completed by mid-July. water for sprinkling lawns and south of Church St. and east demand remains substantially the In the emergency, residents are Mr. Dietz said last night a filling pools. of Lloyd Rd. on all even days same, there should be no wat-asked to refrain from lawn sprin- "complete solution to the water Matawan Township Council of the month; Andover, Brook- er emergency in Strathmore next kling, car washing, and similar problem will not come until above-» Nature Molds County Course acted on the recommendation of view, Cambridge, Deerfield, Ford- year. uses between 4 p.m.. and 8 p.m.ground Storage' is completed." the Utilities Authority, and set Up ham, Northland, Oxford Parks, Karl Zukerman, chairman of on weekdays^ and from noon un- The borough's present storage a schedule' for watering lawns in and all other non-Levitt Homes the Utilities Authority; said yes- til 8 p.m. on weekends. tanks can hold only 300,000 gal- the Strathmore area. on all odd days. terday that before starting to Councilman George A. Dietz, Ions, less than a half-day's sup- This includes 1,923 homes. draw, from this third well, water chairman of the water and sew- ply for the municipality. The The schedule is expected to re- Mr. Kay compared this sched- capacity was 1.9 million gallons er committee, who originally re- state recommends that municipal Golf Site a Beauty main in effect until a third well ule with one during last year's per day. l quested the use restrictions, says tanks hold at last a two-day wa/ is completed within a month ac- emergency. It is now 2.6 million, he said, the water problem is one of stor-'ter supply. By PETER G. OLIVOLA ation and Parks Commission said, use it or any of the existing cording to Jerome R. Kaye, a In 1966, watering was permit- and when the third well is inage rather than supply.' I A special committee will meet HOWELL TOWNSHIP - If a but certain portions will be re-buildingl s if the floors can't stand member of the council and the ted for a total of eight hours full operation it will be four mil- At last night's Borough Coun- omorrow to inspect suggested beautiful piece of land is neces- served for picnic areas and ac- the load," he said. Utilities Authority. every third day. Because of the lion gallons a day, sites for the construction of two sary for a successful golf course, cess to fishing in the Manasquan cil meeting, Mr. Dietz said con- Preventorium Rd. splits the SprinkHng will be permitted increase in water facilities this At Matawan while borough of- struction of the new • aeration new above-ground storage tanks, then the Board of Freeholders River and the future Manasquan property in half with the build- ficials were still claiming that each holding one million gallons. are off on the right foot with River Reservoir, which will ad- ings in the center of the land/ between midnight and noon, and year, said Mr. Kaye, it is per- tank at the water plant has been their purchase of 300 acres on join the property. with gently rolling fields and One will be located at each Preventorium Rd. Several of the eight structures woods spreading out in all direc- end of the borough. Construction tions. In Atlantic Highlands LPA is.expected' to begin on the new Originally purchased In 1936 by on the property are in use, in- facilities in August. the late Carl F. Gamer as a eluding the main house with 15 Freeholder Director Joseph C. With completion of these two dairy farm, the property fea- rooms where Mrs. Gamer . still Irwin; who claims he's never tures gently rolling slopes and lives. played golf, was also along on new tanks, expected by spring, 8 mile and a half frontage on Under terms of the contract, the tour. Mr. Irwin has been Mr.'Dietz .said the borough will the Manasquan River. she will stay until work Is begun the strongest supporter of the pro- Conflict Seen Killing Renewal have at feast -a:three-day water on actually building,the course. supply in reserve in above-ground Freeholder Benjamin Danskin gram to provide a county owned torage. »a(d yesterday during a press Mr. Truncer said the existing golf course. By ROBBY ROBINSON Plainfield, Clifton, and South Riv-| Livio Poll, Ocean Blvd., stated, igciating the area between Cen- I "It's plain that there' is a defi- ter Ave. and Leonard Ave., bound- In Madison Township Edward tour that the rolling characteris- barn facility might be used as "I knew this was a nice piece ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Con- er, apparently agrees. Ford, superintendent of the Mad- tics of the land are very de- the basis for the club house, as of property, but I didn't realize flict within the Local Public Agen- After last night's meeting Coun-1 nite boo-boo being made. When ed by Aves. A and B, as a tenta- cilman Snyder said, "Urban re- is it going to stop? Let's be tive site for "a 50-unit walkup ison Water Co., said that its airable In a public golf facility was done at Hominy Hill Golf it was quite this beaufiftil," he cy may well spell the death of customers had never been com- because it permits faster play. Club in Colts Neck. said. urban renewal here. newal might have been the best men about this for once." project." • thing the ever happened to this, the LPA meeting was called pletely without water. They only The entire farm area will not "Of course this all depends on Three architects are currently "This program will be crushed The map, made public by the had a little low pressure in some be used as a golf course, James the structural condition of thepreparing proposals for the in Washington.
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