P A G E T J T E im jOanrbPBt^r lEnrntng Hrralb WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1957 -4 ^ * 0 property where the new holes ties if th* Directors should decide Chester." Johnson said. "I thtnk would be built and sufficient land that ia in the best interests of th* Bloodmobile Visits Center Church Tomorrow,, 12:45 to 5:30 p.m. About Town around the water to protect the a private courM 1* an asset to the 30-Year Lease Plan town. "W * know what th* Coun­ town.". Johnson emphasized that Mr. and Mr*. Richard'S. Nhtr, reservoir are*. All of the w-ater try Club thinks ia best for lUelf," If th* Barnes proposal Is adopted, Buah Hin Rd., vUited Ausable above ground, both in storage and Kelly said. "What we’ve got to th* town . would be getting Chaaffi r*c«iit)y. In brook*, would be considered decide is what la beat for the Average Daily Net Press Run town water supply. 1210,000 on an investment of Before Board Tuesday town.” 8160,000, the estimated purchase Famous For the Week Boded The Weather Manr BuahnaU Cheney Aiu- 5. Receiving the approval of Director Po* suggested that price of th* land the club would July 27. 1967 Foreeast of U. 8. Waatfeer Riiriaa lltary, No. 13, U8W^^ haa been the general manager for each of Kelly’s idea of a public recreation use. , The Board of Director* will aetfeton attended the meeting at the iBformed that no Department the new holes before they ar* area under private operation and a The Country Club’s present 37,600 i Tonight, ebanoe of ahowora, ao9 Tuesday night on a 80-yesr lease Invitatton of the committee to all built. long-range leas* to the club might 12,002 tcnie WOi be held thia year. a year leaat of th* golf course now a* oool a* last night. Low noar 79. §’ectarday‘1 Herald failed to carry to the Manchester CJountry Club of the Board of Directors, com­ Barnes had originally suggested not be incompatible. The 10 holes on town property expires Sept. 30. footsteps Member of the Audit the wort “picnic" In an Item opposed at this time by three Dem­ posed of five Republicans and a rental fee of 119,500 for the first left to the town might be used for The club’s Board of Governors has Bureau of areulatloB Friday, warm, hnmW, ahowoia or jMbmlttad by Mr*. Olady* Ridolfi, ocratic members of the Board. four Democrats. Marte was not three years and 15,600 for the re­ s 9-hole course and other recrea­ turned down the public-private' op- Mancheatef— A City of Village Charm thunder shoYrera High 80 to 88. prealdent The Directors will have before present mainder of the lease term. He tional facilities might be built eraUon auggeation. State Rep. Ray them a lease on town-owned Globe The Barnet proposal, to be advocated a uniform rental rate around It. Warren, a vice president of the are tlioinaa Blanchard and hla aon Hollow property drarni up by the drawn up as an official document for each of the 30 year* last night. Mayor Turklngton supported club, attended the subcommittee (TWENTY PAGES) DaVM, 4, of 169 Wadaworth St, town counsel and conuining sug­ for Board action; provides for: The high fee at the time the club this suggestion If It receives the meeting but did not speak publicly. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. 1957 (Claaalfled Advortislaf on Pago 18) PRICE n V B CENTS 15*1., have returned from a 3-week gestions made by-Republican Di­ 1. A SO-.s-ear lease of land for wmuld be building new holes might approval of the town. Th* club’s present propoaal be­ rector Gilbert C. Barnes. 18 golf course hole* to the club. "put the squeeze on the club," he Director Cummings asked for trip to the Weat Coaat. After fly- fore the Board of Directors is for • •• Inj: out from Bradley Field, they EUmes’ lease p,roposal met ob­ Three of hese year* would be for said. i dUoussioif of terms of a short­ a 2-year ei-.lension of the lease It coming alaited many point* of Intereat jections from Democratic Direc­ lease of the present course on the Repeats Own Plan term public-private operation now holds, but the Board pf Gov­ trom San DIegro to San Franelaco tor* Eugsne Kelly. Ted Cummings east and west sides of S. Main St. lease with Country Club members ernors haa indicated willingness to Commenting on the Barnes pro­ |ss proposed at the last meeUng audi aa Dianeyland and Knott's and Francis Mahoney at a meeting The remainder would be for lease posal. Director Kelly repeated discuss a long-term lease. In the Crash Kills Berry Farm. They drove back last night of a subcommittee w'hich of eight of the presen* holes on ‘ of the subcommittee. past, th# club has offered to btiy hla own suggestion for a privately Director Mahoney asked for throuifh the southwest, stopping he heads. the east side of the street and land operated golf course open to the land from the, town under'* 3100,- at Fort Defiance and the PainUd The proposal was supported by for 10 new holes O'l, the east side. continued consideration of a short­ 000 lease-purchase arrangement. public. "I don’t care whether it term lease at thia time with th* j-Prosjpeefs jHouse Group Ignores Ike, Deoert Republican Director Roy Johnson 2. Payment of 17,000 a year by is a 30-year, 2-year, or 40-year course to be open to the public, and Republican Maj-or Harold A. the club to amount to a total lease. I think the public-private OON-TEST Tt>NIOHT In Soviet Plane Hie Sewing group of Emanuel Turklngton. of 3210,000 at the end of 30 years. and the clubhouse as well. A Watermelon Bating Contest requirement should go Into it." Opposes .Suggestion Lutheran CJHirch w;i; meet to­ Subcommittee members, besides 3. Moving off ail of the present Kelly said. He suggested adver­ on th* 11 playgrounda tonight 'will \ » ..................... morrow at 10 a.m. with Hr*. Ed­ Director Johnson declared him­ Barnes, are Kelly, Johnson. Dem­ course at the same time with one tising "Immediately" on a nation­ bring to a close the atriee of week­ Moecow, Aug. 15 (;P)— Thetbodies were recovered. Washington, Aug. 15 (ff‘)— ward Noren, 36 Roosei-elt St. ocratic Director Pascal Poe and year’s notice to the town. self opposed to public-private ly special events sponsored by the Six badly mutilated bodies were wide basis for a private group to operation of the golf course. "I ’m Briti8h Embaaay reported M«Rflb*ra will bring aandwichea. Republican Director Paul Marte. ' 4. Leaving sreesa to the Taylor operate the course and a public Rec Department for this summer, found floating on the muddy har- Prospects faded still more to- .Desserts and coffee will be served Cummings, Mahoney and Turking- Reservoir in the mida*. of the completely in favor of continua­ •ni* contests will sUrt at 6:45 and that two Britiah delegates to bor watwii and wM^ for quick House action on recreation are* with other facili­ tion of a prlvau course in Man-' by the hostess. prize# will be awarded. the world youth festival, minute* after the crash. Others'the stalemated Civil Rights were recovered from the sub- ^ jjj|j n Aid Funds Alan Titt and Miss Berly Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. ’West. 73 PitMn St., have a- their guest were believed to have been '"-nliflwT!!!!?,’.. ...M.I,.— ■ Aa stymied civil rights leaders tMs week Mis* Oay Bluggerman among (hd passengers of the paringarlng toO raise the wreck from the ; hunted Ways out of the House of Pawling, N.Y. Soviet airliner which crashed muddy bottom with a huge float­ Ribicoff, Bush ing crane. The plane was in 18 (D-Va.r moved Into position to into Copenhagen harbor to­ block immediate efforts to get the Mias BarbarSt J. PAvanson, 60 W. day. , feet of water and the Job may Eisenhower Middl* Tpke., and Benjamin Fore­ take hours. bill before the Hou.se. Trade Sharply man of South O rentry will be The Soviet State Airline. Aero­ Smith, frosty 74-year-old leader united in marriage Saturday at Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. flot, did not release a of the little band of Southerners Fails After 10 a‘.m. in . S t James’ Church. 15 (>P)—A twin-engined So­ list to Copenhagen airport■t suUiorl-author!' I battling civil rights legislation, is Worded Wires viet airliner coming in for a ties until three hours after the chairman of the Rtiles Committee crash. which controls legislative traffic in Mra. WilMam Webb haa Juat re­ landing plunged into Copen­ the Ho\ise. turned to Eatontown, Pa., after | The Ilyushin 14. Russia’s stand­ Hartford, Aug. 15 Third Plea viaiUng her family, Mr. and Mr*. hagen harbor today after dip­ ard airliner about the size of an In that post. Smith can delay . Democratic Gpvemor Ribicoff ■ Francis Toumaud, 23 Depot Sq. ping a- tall chimney In low American Convair. waa on a reg­ action on the bill Republican Sen. Pres­ ular run from Moscow and Riga after Labor Day Washington, Aug. 16 (?P)— Mr. and Mrs. Haaen Webb mo- hanging clouds. Police .said cott Bush exchanged sharply- torrt up over the weekend to drive I one American was among the | to Copenhagen. The route ' waa: target date, for adjournment of The House Appropriations her back to Pennsylvania.
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