Ar h· (? 1 J!)S 1<.551- v·e.. ' . '"2 • . ' t ·1--- . ' . , -tum t VOLU~E 88, NO. 23 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA May 4, 1989 ' . • ~ I ODK names .. new initiates . thing that was really neglected on ~ . fl y Nanc) K . Whalen • lri-cditor t:ampus and something that could •• be tmprovcd.'' He srud the idea ; came to him when he wao; return· • Omsnon Delta Kappa has named seven new initiates and mg from a party out at Zollman's John Fsalcowitz will be the rcc1p1· la-;t spnng. Fialcowltl IS also th e 'iOphomore class Exccuuve Com· • cnt or ODK's sophomore-of the· • year award. msucc representative . .. Al·cording to senior Moose llcrring said all ODK miuates Hernng, W&L's ODK pres1dent, must have a junior or sen10r .. the initiates were numed to give stnn<lmg and arc chosen through ... the juniors already inducted a a voung process. The ODK h<lnd· larger membership body for next book M;.ttcs thm all possible tlliti· .. year . llles must "rank m th e htghest •• ODK is a national leadership thirt)'·flve pcrccnt 111 scholarship ,. honor society founded December among studrnts in his or hcr 3, 1914, m W&L. II wa<; organ· cluss." llernng said the members .. 11.ed by fifteen student and faculty arc gi\Cn a list of non ·mcmbcrs leaders m the legacy ol the •deal· who arc academically clig1ble to ism and leadership of George b('conw members. At this lime, Washington and Robert E. Lee. euch eligible student is disrussed The new initiates, all jumors, and voted on individually based arc George Wesley Boyd, Jennifer on his or her character, leadership E. Spreng, fomas Andrew und service. Unfortunate!), ac· Brubaker, Kevin M. Nash, Robcn cording to Herring, "some of the K. Tompkins, Charles Richard people who have contrihu tcd most Tomkins, and Kara L . to the university me not a part of Cunnmgham. ODK because of the academ1~ re· I lernng said Fialcowitz, of quircment." Garden Cily, N.Y., was given the 1l1e ODK spring tnllli.ltson bc- 1 Rupert Nelson Lauurc award (Lnt· gnn las1 ye.ar ll1is naming of lure was a student founder of new members, according 10 Her· I ODK) because " we recognized ring, is because of ODK 's de~ ~e I that he is a mover and a shaker. to become more service-oriented ~ ..,; He !)Ulrted up Live Drive. People und to provide more campus acti v­ 0 thought that was one of the big· ities as were provided this year. BJ II•ok \I•Jttl lho llina.tunl ""; gest things to come to this univer­ The activities Herring nruned were Last Friday W&L students jumped rope for the American Heart Association. si ty tn a long time.'' Fialcowitz ODK's combining with the Minor­ nd they're off Senior Bob Tompkins jumped for the longest amount of time at 48 minutes and inslttutcd Live Drive with sopho­ ity Student Association for a panel 19 seconds. Students raised $1,863.33 for the Second Annual Jump Rope for mores Chris Bray and Rob Malloy discussion on minority awareness . • , Heart. See statistics on page 3. because he " thought it was some· ~----------------------~~----------------~ ~ Please see ODK p.3. ·shoe man EC denies funds to political Spectator approval" was granted in order 10 considered the political perspective several issues before the boartl fly Pat Lopes on ideas and issues involving enable editors to usc the or the The EC docs considers releasing funds; Staff Reporter W& L , as well as on national and Spectator Spectator. talks tr.tith international events. The group computer and laser printer in Tire not allocate funds to organizations however, Largardc point.cd out that The W&L Spectator was petitionell the EC for $700 needed Ring·twn Phi office. "Provisional that support a spc\.1lic 11oJ:.ical ,;rgani.~:u~ la-.k a :-.our~c fu, f.,nJs discussed at a special meeting of to cover the cost of printing the :.pproval " does not imply future interest or idealogy, such as the to cover production expenses of the Executive Committee on first issue, to be released this approval, she further explained. College Republicans and t11c the early issues. Furthcunorc, ·pen, pads Thursday, April 26, and the month. However, the provisional Vegso reported that the board Young Democrats. Lagarde effortS to raise cash for !he inttial Liberty Hall Volunteers, a approval the Publications Board denied the Spectator's request for explained that although the issue is hindered by tlte luck of an telegram to Chinese student granted the Spectator lead the EC financial assistance. The board Spectator's organizers arc example ~ show potential protestors, the policy for the to table the petition. The EC concluded that The Ring-tum Phi conservative, the magazmc will contributors. Witl1out studcm • H) Alesha Priebe distribution of grade change sheets sought a clarification of the and The Political Review provide not necessarily support a spcci lic governm ent aSSIStance, organi1crs , Staff Reporter and missing dining hall utensils meaning of "provisional approval." adequate avenues for the type of political agenda, nor will the of new publicati ons are forced to were discussed at the Monday, Normally, the EC releases funds literary expression that interests magazine engage in electioneering. rely on personal resources. Lcxmgton Shoe Hospital May I meeting of the EC. only after the board has granted Spectator organizers and writers. He rem inded the commiucc of EC mcmt~rs reexpressrd appears to be a typical small-town 1 During last Monday's EC the board an unconditional In ad<.li tion, the board was plans to include pieces expressi ng concerns about Ulc publKatiou's business to a person walking down meeting, sophomores Paul approval; but the EC can overrule concerned with a potential over opposing views on the same possible political agenda. II was • West Nelson Srreet, but the owner Lagarde, Ray Welder and Claude a board decision and release saLUration of the advertising subject. suggested that the Specwtor " , and operator of the tiny shop is Williams presented plans for the funds. market, as the Spectator will Lagarde also described how the editoria l poliry of pnnung cmmt.cr anything but typical; Cecil J. new student The EC reconsidered the compete with The \Ring-tum Phi eslllblishment of new student views could be abandoned after • ' Chnstley can neither speak nor Spectator, a request for funds on April 26. and The Calyx. publications is impaired by the release of student govemment , hear. publication. Lagarde, Welder and Board President Betsy Vegso In addition to the concerns b urea ucra 11 c di fficu llics. funds. Members voted to dl·ny Christlcy " t.a.lks" to his Williams are seeking to provide a explained that the "provisional expressed by board, the EC Currently, organizers must publish a Please see EC p.3. • customers using hand signals and forum for "enlightened discourse" • written instructi ons. But this docsn' t detract from business at • the Shoe Hospital. Customers SPCA seeks larger shelter • pomt to their shoes telling the shoe repainnan what they want ' done and Christley responds with Overcrowding forcing animals to be euthanized • his hands and a nod of his head. Christley knows sign language, The Campbell Lane shelter have 22 to 25 dog runs and 20 but unfortunately, few of his cus· Dy Alesha Priebe has nine dog runs, indoor cages cat cages, allowing more animals • tomers do. He says he "gets Staff Reporter with access to outdoor cages, and 10 be housed for a longer period ~ along fine" without using sign of time. It would be less noisy , language. If he doesn't understand The Rockbridge Society for the 10 cat cages, but the shelter is currently housing 19 dogs and 23 than the Campbell Lane area and • sometlting a customer is saying, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals cats. would provide better health condi· he asks them to write it on a has found a possible site for a ' sheet of paper. new shelter, SPCA chainnan Mrs. Cornett said the small space tions for the animals, CorneLL said. Christlcy, 6 1, learned some of Kenneth Cornett said. causes disease spreading and limits A four-acre area of land on the amount of time the shelter can During 1988, 1,455 cats and • his sign language at the Virginia· School for the Deaf and Blind in Route 39 ncar the county jail is keep an animal before euthanizing dogs were brought to the • Swunton, where he received his currently being considered for pur· it. Right now, an animal is kept Rockbridge SPCA shelter. That is four times the number of animals • only formal education. He chase. A $200,000 building has an average of 5· 14 days before it been proposed to house the stray brought to the shelter 25 years attended the school from the age must be put to sleep. Comeu said ago. • of eight umil he turned 14. and unwan ted animals that are 20 percent or the animals brought "We simply don' t have the , Chnstley said he " learned a lo1 now crowded in the shelter on to the shelter will be adopted. hy himself," including his Campbell Lane in Lexington. Tile other 80 percent arc put to room for so many animals. That's • l.nowledge or shoe repair. The currcm shelter is 25 years sleep. The Humane Society of the why the new shelter is so impor· United States reported that 12 mil· tant to us," Cornett said. Born in Draper Valley, Vir· old, 100 small and is " falling ginia, Chnstley traveled around :-~part," according to Cornett. lion animals end up in shelters The HSUS blames the igno­ ' the country in his "younger days" During the recent heavy every year.
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