ANNUAL REPORT 2019 tsb community TRUST VISION To be a champion of positive opportunities and an agent of benefi cial change for Taranaki and its people now and in the future. Kia tŪ hei kaihĀpAi ki te whakatairanga i ngĀ kŌwhiringa, Ā, hei kaiwhakawhanake i ngĀ iwi o Taranaki ki Ānamata. With a focus on Child and Youth Wellbeing. TSB COMMUNITY TRUST WAIATA Nā Hemi Sundgren Music Composi on: Nganeko Eriwata – Te Wharekura o Te Pihipihinga Kākano mai i Rangiātea HE PAO Oranganui Ko te oranganui te waka Our kaupapa is empowerment and sustainability Ngā hoe o uta ko te tika, ko te pono Working together, genuine and true Ko te manawanui ē Success through courage and resilience Ko Taranaki te punga Mount Taranaki is our anchor He toi whenua, he toi tangata Secure in our people and our land Ki te ata tauira ē ī Growth into the future WAIATA Taranaki mounga, Taranaki tāngata ē Taranaki Mounga, Taranaki communities tū kau i te uru, Along our western shores Ākina a-hau, ākina a-tai kia manawanui Exposed to the elements, heavy winds and strong swells - we stand resolute He toi whenua, he toi tāngata, ko te whakakorikori ē Resolute in our commitment to empower and Te kaupapa o te waka nei, ko te oranganui ē enable - the region, land and people Tuia mai ko te tangata, ki ngā kaupapa nui ē, Agents of beneficial change, connecting people, ko te oranga mō te hapori, ki te ata tauira visioning positive opportunities without boundaries He toi whenua, he toi tāngata ko te whakakorikori ē Resolute in our commitment to empower and He toi whenua, he toi tāngata ko te whakakorikori ē enable - the region, land and people CHAIR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE REPORT Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome to the TSB Community Trust Annual Report for 2019. 2019 has been another successful o Taranaki and Te Runanga o Ngā extensive experience and knowledge and producঞ ve year for the TSB Mūtunga. We were very pleased in the to the Trust Board table. In May 2019, Community Trust (Trust) with later part of this year to formalise these Trustees Keryn Broughton and Te Aroha signifi cant developments on both a rela onships through the signing of Hohaia completed their terms with the strategic and operaঞ onal level. The Memorandums of Understanding. Trust. Both Keryn and Te Aroha have been great ambassadors for the Taranaki Trust’s philanthropic support of our We have also con nued to implement community, and we would like to thank region conঞ nues to grow with over our Community Investment and Funding them for their valued input. With eff ect $10 million in total grants paid out Strategy that was introduced in April 2017. from the 1st of June 2019, we welcomed and commi ed this year, bringing Our Strategic and Philanthropic focus the newly appointed Trustees Nicola our total contribuঞ on to over $137 has enabled us to con nue to explore Ngarewa and Wharehoka Wano. million since 1988. Innova ve Philanthropy through our Te From an opera onal perspec ve we Over the past year TSB Group Ltd, the Rau Matomato project. The Trust also reviewed our staffi ng structure and Trust’s Investment Management en ty, fi nalised our Impact Inves ng guidelines resources in 2018 and we have increased has con nued to engage proac vely and will look to implement these in the our staff team. In January 2019, we with the Trust’s two key assets, TSB and coming year. These guidelines will assist greeted three new staff members; Glen Fisher Funds, to monitor investment the Trust when considering opportuni es West, our new Business and Opera ons performance and ensure posi ve that are to create measurable and Manager, Yvonne Nelson, Finance outcomes for all par es. The Directors of benefi cial societal and/or environmental Assistant and Business Analyst and TSB Group Ltd are; Harvey Dunlop, Robin outcomes as well as the return of any Liza Fisher, our new part- me Grants Brockie, Guy Roper, Te Aroha Hohaia, capital outlay. Assessor. In February 2019 we also said and Ainsley Luscombe, all are Trustees On 19 July 2018, a er a long legisla ve farewell to long serving staff member of the TSB Community Trust. The Trust process the Trust’s boundary was Danae Etches who is off to explore new is the 100% owner of TSB and also has a extended to align with the South Taranaki opportuni es. controlling share in Fisher Funds. In June District Council Boundary, enabling On behalf of the Trustees, Management 2018 Trustee appointments were made the Trust to extend support to Taranaki and staff we wish to thank our community to the TSB and Fisher Funds Boards; Guy southern communi es including Pātea volunteers for your work suppor ng Roper was appointed to the Fisher Funds and Waverley. Since the southern our communi es around the mounga. governance board while Peter Dalziel and boundary expansion, the Trust has held Without your contribu on the Trust Harvey Dunlop were appointed to the numerous workshops and community would not be able to carry out its TSB governance board. engagements in South Taranaki to community funding ac vi es to the It is important to remember that we promote the boundary change and extent it does. would not be able to achieve all that we promote opportuni es to access possible We would also like to acknowledge our do within our community without the funding for the region. It is excellent to strategic partners; your commitment and con nued performance of both TSB and see the enquiries and applica ons from drive towards improving wellbeing in our Fisher Funds. By banking with TSB and within the Pātea/Waverley area increase communi es is remarkable, and the Trust having your Kiwisaver with Fisher Funds, and we look forward to engaging more is proud to be working with you. you are helping to contribute to the with these communi es in the years wonderful community of Taranaki. The to come. Grants to these communi es Finally – our thanks to the Trustees, ongoing fi nancial performance from both considered and approved in the past Management and Staff of TSB companies will result in increased support fi nancial year are listed in this report on Community Trust who work very hard to for the Taranaki community in years to pages 12 to 13. deliver on the Trust’s vision and remain come. commi ed to the region. Hayden Wano, our esteemed former On the Philanthropic side, the Trust Chair re red in 2018, on behalf of the remains commi ed to developing Trust we thank Hayden for his signifi cant Ngā mihi nui opportuni es to increase our engagement contribu ons, and we are very grateful Harvey Dunlop, to now have Hayden as our Kaumatua with key stakeholders and has priori sed Chair (from June 2018) opportuni es to strengthen and moving forward. Kelly Marriner also build new rela onships. The Trust is re red from the Board a er many years of con nuing to form and develop strategic governance, her contribu on to the Trust partnerships to progress our strategies. was also signifi cant. Our new Trustees Maria Ramsay, This year we have been working with Bali Haque and Chris Ussher commenced Chief Execu ve another two Iwi organisa ons, Te Kāhui in their roles in June 2018, bringing 1 TRUSTEES Hayden Wano Harvey Dunlop Jenny Gellen Keryn Broughton Chair Chair Deputy Chair (Unঞ l July 2018) (From July 2018) Ainsley Luscombe Te Aroha Hohaia Kelly Marriner Robin Brockie Guy Roper (Unঞ l June 2018) Peter Dalziel Chris Ussher Bali Haque (From June 2018) (From June 2018) STAFF Maria Ramsay Tania Pirini Dion Maaka Glen West Chief Execu ve PA - Board Support Finance, Risk, Strategy Business Opera ons Manager & Group Manager (From January 2019) Keri Wanoa Leighton Li lewood Danae Etches Kathryn Grant Sarah Birchler Manutaki Whai Hua Māori Philanthropic Strategy Leader Communica ons Leader Senior Grants Advisor Grants & Systems (Unঞ l February 2019) Administrator Kapoi Mathieson Zoë Taylor Yvonne Nelson Lisa Fisher Matatuhi Pūtea Team Support Finance Assistant - Business Analyst Grants Advisor (From January 2019) (From January 2019) Celebrating 30 Years and the Journey Forward In May 2018 the TSB Community the Bank at the me was Bob Dunlop. move since then was acquiring a 36 Trust celebrated 30 years of In 2015, his son, Harvey Dunlop, joined per cent shareholding of the KiwiSaver business – a special milestone the Trust, taking over as Chairman in provider, Fisher Funds. The Trust now for the Trust. For the past thirty 2018. “My father was the President of owns 66 percent of the company. years the Trust has supported the Taranaki Savings Bank when the The Trust now also has specialist staff many hundreds of people and presidents of the 12 respec ve banks got to off er advice, do research and assist organisa ons working towards together and had the fi rst vote whether Trustees. “We’ve got specialised staff , the success of our region and they would join together and he put his who look purely at the fi nancial side of communi es. We wanted to hand up on behalf of the Taranaki Savings the Trust that we didn’t have in the past. show our apprecia on for all the Bank and said ‘no, we’re not going to do We’ve also got staff who have exper se hard work put in by community this’,” Harvey says. “The TSB Community to engage with Māori, because we have volunteers, and to acknowledge Trust is the only surviving Trust out of recognised that now, and in the future, the input of former and current that original 12 community Trusts, who we need to be working eff ec vely with Trustees, staff and community s ll own a bank.
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