* TODAY: ANOTHER LAIDBACK DAY IN THE ASSEMBLY * TUTU HAS HIS SAY * Bringing Africa South SOc (GST Inc.) Wednesday March 6 'It 'W'as our Dlen' 'W'ho bODlbed The NaDlibian••• A FORMER member of the police task force, Josef K1eynhans, allegedly told '. Copsto another policeman on several occasions during August last year about a plan . crackdown to overthrow the Namibian Government. Kleynhans also confessed that ings with Kleynhans during the (Kleynhans and his cohorts) it was "their men" who bombed period August 9 to August 24. needed about 100 men to help .on drunken The Namibian's offices last He said Kleynhans was well­ them with their plan. year. known to him as they had pre­ Platt testified further that he driving 'Ibis evidence was heard in viously worked together on a and Constable Bewes went to the Windhook High Court number of occasions, especially Kleynhans's residence on THE Namibian Police have yesterday when Sergeant Joslma during operations in the Katu­ August 12 where he showed ... .," launched a 'get tough' r oad Platt was called to the stand in tura single quarters. them a photo album, which ~~ ~:, '•• " ,h safety operation in a bid to .the sensational treason trial. _ Platt said he approached included some pictures of Plan LOST AND FOUNJ). This old-timer was recently Four right-wingers, Josef KIeyilhans on August 9 and combatants who were killed cut down on the increasing spotted in the Windhoek West area sleepinAg alongside number of road accidents Kleynhans, Robin Montgom­ told him he knew a man from during the liberation struggle. which are claiming a high ery, Abraham de Klerk and Rehoboth who wanted to buy K1eynhans apparently said "can a spare pair of legs. He woke up when a photographer toll in lives. Uwe Tietz are appearing in some weapons. Kleynhans you see how we killed them" . stopped to snap the r ather strange picture. However, Particularly targetted in the court to face a number of responded that he had a "s.. t Platt told the court that he no amount of questioning could draw from the old­ operation will be drunken charges, including high trea­ house full of weapons" . was told he Could join Kleynhans timer what he intended doing with his prized posses­ driving. son, housebreaking and theft Kleynhans also told Platt he. and his group, and was also sion. Photograph: Mbatjiua Ngavirue. A statement issued by the and illegal possession of arms. was a member of the A WB and told not to worry as there were Ministry of Home Affairs Five of their co-accused have that he and some friends were enough weapons hidden near yesterday said the Govern­ jumped bail and fled the coun­ planning to overthrow the Windhook. m ent was distur bed by "in- . try. Namibian government. Platt was promised that he creasing road accidents which According to Platt, he was Kleynhans allegedly said he would be given an R-l and an are taking the lives of many instructed by Colonel Jumbo was very disappointed by the R-5 assault rifle and a 9mm people" . Smit,head ofWmdhoek's CID, fact that he had been fighting pistol free of charge if he de­ Further, "it is clear that to interrogate Kleynhans about against the " kaffirs" for a long cided to co-operate with many of these accidents are the weapons which had been time, but that they were now Kleynhans and his group. HARARE: Zimbabwean riot The crowd had besieged a caused by negligent driving, stolen from the police arseIl.\ll travelling in the same combL " If these weapons are found police used teargas to disperse house where they believed a people driving under the in the Industrial area in Wind­ He asked Platt to look for a at your home, then you can tell a crowd of several hundred couple had been locked into an influence of alcohol, overload­ hook on July 9 last year. contact person between their the police that you tookit from people in the suburb of Ml;lare unbreakable sexual embrace. ing ofboth people and goods, Reading from his notebook, group and former Baster leader on Monday, reports Ziana na­ drivin g without licences and Platt told the court of his deal- Hans Diergaardt because they TO PAGE 2 tional news agency. TO PAGE 2 driving at excessively high speeds, etcetera" . As a r esult the Namibian WE PAY CASH Police, particularly the high­ MUN, CDM agree to ..t­ way traffic division, have been instructed to Impose strict FOR ALL GOLD AND traffic control on all national RINGS!' r oads. R20.oo - DIAMOND JEWELLERY. " Th e police have been or­ settle differences R4oo.oo BRING YOUR RINGS , der ed to exercise their pow­ ers without fear or favour," CHAINS, BANGLES & A DISPUTE between the Mineworkers' Union of Namibia and Consolidated Dia­ the Home Affairs statement & said. mond Mines, which could have resulted in harmful industrial strife at the mine, has GOLD WATCHES The police will particularly been settled after protracted negotiations. EXCHANGE IT FOR be on the look-out for drunken In terms of the settlement, raid union members' property allegedly involved in the loot­ IMMEDIATE CASH! drivers. dismissed MUN members have was damaged and goods to the ing and destruction of work- "They are specifically un­ been re-employed, Andrew value of more than R53 000 ers' property. der instructions to check and Corbett, chairperson of the stolen. In January this year, the test whether any driver has Conciliation Board set up to The union then staged a two Cabinet approved the estab­ taken alcohol or not, to check resolve the matter, said in a day stay-away on September lishment of a Conciliation Board whether drivers have a valid statement yesterday. However, 21 and 22 to protest the raid. to resolve the dispute follow­ licence to drive that particu­ comprehensive final warnings In turn, the CDM manage­ ing the refusal by the CDM, lar vehicle, to check and were recorded in respect of the ment viewed this as illegal and management to accede to impose a required loading 11 workers which will be valid took discipIinary action against MUN's various demands. tonnage and strictly impose for 12 month~. the striking workers, dismiss­ Corbett said yesterday that a 60km speed limit in built­ The dispute arose after ing several workers who had the board had sat twice in up ar eas and a 120km limit members of the Namibian previous disciplinary records. February and agllin from Feb­ on the highways," Home Police together with CDM mine MUN demanded that these ruary 28 to March 1 and was Affairs emphasized. security personnel raided sev­ measures be withdrawn and chaired by the Ministry of An exception to the rule as eral cuca shops at Oranjemund that compensation be paid for Labour and Manpower Devel­ far as speed limits are con­ on September 14 last year - damages suffered by their opment. DIAMOND OLD MUTUAL ARCADE cer ned, however, is "VIPs' allegedly in search of diamonds members. The union also " After protracted negotia- BROOCH ES !! WINDHOEK movements both in towns and stolen by mine employees. demanded that disciplinary RSO.oo - RI 000,00 . TEL: (061) 31114 TO PAGE 2 . ~ I!ileged. th}lt dur!ng the . action be taken against ~ose TO PAGE 2 on highways". In conclusion, H.ome Affairs urged the public to give' the Namibian Police maximum co-operation. The crackdown swung into operation yesterday. tions the dispute was settled on the basis that 11 dismissed members of the MUN were re-employed by the company at the SOUTH Africa should have the best speech ever. really what to say." at home that we get some kind rates of pay and conditions of employment they enjoyed at the given Walvis Bay to Namibia "If we have caused you any Tutu and 25 southern Afri­ of penitence on the part of the time of their respective dismissals," he continued. as an Independence gift last suffering in the past, we are can Anglican bishops from government," Tutu said. " However, comprehensive final warnings were recorded in March, the Anglican Arch­ sorry, " was one thing. South Africa, Lesotho, President de Klerk was "a respect of them which would be valid for a period of 12 months bishop of Cape Town Desmond "(And) to help you cele­ Swaziland, Mozambique and very brave man", but he needed from their date of re-employment. " Corbett added that it was Tutu told Sapa in Windhoek brate your independence we Namibia are currently attend­ to take the Department of fUlther agreed that the final and general warnings issued to union yesterday. are letting you have W alvis ing a synod in Windhoek. Defence in hand. members for the stay-away would remain in force, "but that the "He (President FW de Klerk) Bay" was the second, the "It's going to be important "He clearly can't continue general warnings would be valid for a period of six working made a superb speech here in Archbishop said. protecting (Defence Minister) months from the date that they were issued to employees" . In March (1990)," Tutu said in "The world would have been General (Magnus) Malan, who addition, both parties committed themselves and their officials, an interview. "He left out two astonished if that had happened has acknowledged that he ac­ office bearers and members to the provisions of the recognition things that would have made it and we would not have known cepts political responsibility for and procedural agreement which had been concluded between what happened in his depart­ them and in particular to those provisions relating to the settle­ ment," he said, adding that ment of disputes and industrial action.
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