Regrassing Cool-Season Putting Greens With Sod An old concept with a new twist sparks renewed interest in regrassing greens for northern golf facilities in the U.S. and Canada. BY JIM SKORULSKI egrassing putting greens was once looked upon as an inter- R esting concept that was suited primarily for high-budget golf facilities with members willing to tolerate the process. Convincing northern golfers of the merits of shutting down their golf course in early to mid-August and then opening the following spring to provide a monostand of creeping bentgrass was never an easy sell. Recently, however, there has been renewed interest in regrassing and rebuilding cool-season putting greens — and for good reason! New bentgrass cultivars are durable and provide excellent playing conditions over a wide range of weather and moisture conditions. Annual bluegrass (Poa annua), on the other hand, is far less reliable in that it is highly vulnerable to annual bluegrass weevil and disease pathogens, com- bined with poor heat and cold tolerance. The quality of the sod, whether grown on sand that meets USGA recommen- This equates to high management dations or that is washed, is critical to the establishment of the sod and ultimate costs and many sleepless nights for success of the project. those who manage it. The growing availability of quality commercial bent- first. Poorly designed greens with to sun and air movement. Those not grass sod and renewed confidence serious drainage issues are always willing to remove the trees necessary in its use have also made regrassing better candidates for reconstruction. to properly manage bentgrass should programs a more practical option in Reconstruction is more costly, but it not pursue this option! Annual blue- cooler climates where a disruption in offers an opportunity to address major grass, for all its weaknesses, does play for any reason is not popular. design and agronomic flaws. It involves tolerate shade and wet environments Golf facilities that have successfully altering the architectural design (if and is a better choice in those situa- regrassed or rebuilt greens are necessary), installing new rootzones, tions. The USGA Turf Advisory Service rewarded with much improved and adding internal drainage, and, finally, can be a highly valuable tool in helping more reliable playing surfaces that can resurfacing the greens with new turf. to evaluate your green complexes and be managed to be consistently firmer Conversely, simply regrassing is much provide an objective opinion on and faster. This article will take a closer less invasive and will usually include regrassing or rebuilding options. look at the regrassing concept and some aggressive soil modification how it might be more applicable to techniques, the installation of sand SOD SELECTION your golf facility than you think. channel drainage (where necessary), Regrassing greens with sod is the fumigation, and replacing the turf. primary focus of this article. Most turf REGRASS OR REBUILD? Either option is only suitable when the managers would prefer establishing Regrassing is not recommended for green complexes and sites themselves putting green turf from seed, and many every golf facility, and it may not even can support bentgrass growth. More have done so successfully. But, in be an option unless greens are rebuilt specifically, this includes full exposure reality, sod has become a more prac- ©2012 by United States Golf Association. All rights reserved. Green Section Record Vol. 50 (24) Please see Policies for the Reuse of USGA Green Section November 16, 2012 Publications. Subscribe to the USGA Green Section Record. TGIF Record Number 212912 Page 1 Considerations before regrassing: ● Is regrassing or rebuilding the best option? ● Will the existing rootzone support creeping bentgrass? ● Are major grade changes required to provide surface drainage or enlarge hole location areas? ● Have the growing environments for each green been thoroughly assessed to make sure there is adequate sunlight and air circulation? ● Will the membership support the project and the related work to prepare the green sites for regrassing and proper management of bentgrass? tical choice in northern climates where washed sod, but it will also be more ducer. Meet with sod producers and a shorter growing season makes late expensive. The option to contract with tour their facilities. The fields should be summer course closures required for a sod producer to grow sod on sand clean and free of annual bluegrass and seeding very unpopular. The use of that you specify may be an option in other weeds. Check the soil texture in sod will significantly increase project regions where washing equipment is the fields where the sod is produced. cost but should shorten the time not available. Determine whether the grower is will- greens will be out of play. That said, There are certain things to look for ing to produce sod on specific sand for the project’s ultimate success relies when selecting a commercial grower to you or if they have washing capabilities. heavily on the quality of sod used to produce sod for a project. Obviously, Ask the grower about their mainte- regrass the greens. It is critical for golf the grower should be reputable for nance practices. Do they have the facilities planning to use sod to begin reliability and the quality of sod pro- equipment and capability to manage the selection process far in advance of duced. It is a good idea to tour other the bentgrass to putting green stan- the project to ensure that high-quality golf courses where sod has been used dards? Are bentgrass fields topdressed sod will be available. Regrassing and inquire about the quality of the with sand? Will they topdress your sod projects that are done on short notice sod at the time of delivery and overall if requested? Ask the grower what have much less flexibility and are often experience of working with the pro- cultivars are being produced and if forced to accept whatever sod is they are willing to contract-grow specific available at the time. cultivars. Will the grower establish the There are several types of commer- fields based on the date it is to be cial bentgrass sod used to regrass harvested for your project? Ask about greens, the two most common being fertility practices. Check thatch levels sod that is harvested from sand-based in fields that are marked for harvest. rootzones or sod that has been washed What is the height of cut at which the to remove soil. Sod produced on native sod is maintained and will be har- soils that will be installed over high- vested? Are plant growth regulators sand rootzones should always be used, and what programs are in place washed to remove the soil that would to eradicate annual bluegrass? How otherwise create an unwanted soil will the sod be harvested and shipped layer condition that will impact water to your golf facility? movement through the soil profile and adversely affect establishment. Sod REGRASSING PROCESS that is grown on sands that meet Every regrassing process differs USGA Recommendations for a depending on many site-specific vari- Method of Putting Green Construction ables, including the condition of the can be placed over other high-sand rootzone, whether surface modifica- rootzones so long as the sands are tions are necessary to improve drain- compatible. A physical soil analysis Sod grown on a native soil was placed age or soften contours, if green perim- should always be completed to make over a sand-based rootzone, creating eters have been lost and are to be sure the sands are compatible. Both a layer condition that will have long- restored, if slit drainage will be added, types of commercial sod are used term impacts on establishment and the and whether the green complexes will successfully for green establishment greens’ performance. Aggressive be fumigated. The regrassing process projects. Sod grown on sand will cultivation will be needed to remove offers a unique opportunity to com- probably establish more quickly than the soil layer and its impacts. plete practices that would otherwise ©2012 by United States Golf Association. All rights reserved. Green Section Record Vol. 50 (24) Please see Policies for the Reuse of USGA Green Section November 16, 2012 Publications. Subscribe to the USGA Green Section Record. Page 2 be too disruptive. Use the opportunity to address contouring and drainage issues as well as thatch or other soil- related problems. Speak with superin- tendents, sod growers, and contractors who have completed regrassing projects to help formulate a specific plan at your facility. Work closely with your USGA agronomist to evaluate the putting green rootzone and determine the best cultivation methods to prepare the surfaces for sodding. The process will include multiple core aerations. Sometimes deeper soil modification is necessary where thatch levels are excessive or more extensive soil modi- fication is recommended. If only organic accumulation near the surface requires attention, then core aeration and deep vertical mowing may be all that is needed after the old sod has been removed from the surface. Fertilizer amendments should be added at this Annual bluegrass control programs begin with soil fumigation and continue as time, and the surfaces raked and rolled soon as the sod is installed. Hand picking or dabbing plants and the use of growth to create a smooth, firm surface that regulators and preemergent herbicides offer the best control options. Several new ties in smoothly to the green surrounds. selective herbicides are also showing promise against annual bluegrass in trials. Most who have regrassed greens also fumigated the rootzones to rid the soil of annual bluegrass seed, disease pathogens, and parasitic nematodes. The most popular fumigant, methyl bromide, will be phased out by 2013, so those wishing to fumigate after that time will be required to use alternative products like Basamid®.
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