20 Pages Thursday, June 13, 2019 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 Graduation Day Erewhon Opens Palisades Village Doors By SARAH SHMERLING Editor-in-Chief lmost three months after Vin- tage Grocers shuttered its APalisades Village store on March 15, Erewhon Market opened in its place on Wednesday, June 5— welcoming its first customers at 9 a.m. The store offers a range of fresh produce, baked goods, ready- to-eat meals, sushi, kombucha, smoothies, raw vegan pumpkin The Palisadian-Post congratulates the more than 700 students in the Class of 2019 who graduated from pie and more—all made without Palisades Charter High School on Thursday, June 6. For more photos, see Page 9. refined flour or sugar, corn syrup, Photo by Chuck Larsen Photography and high fructose corn syrup. “It’s got to be top notch, it’s Photos by Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer got to be special,” Store Director Peter Dolan explained of the prod- ucts to the Palisadian-Post during Pastor Kenneth Davis to Leave a tour on June 6. Dolan added that each brand featured throughout Erewhon has an interesting story. One of the products is a pack Palisades Lutheran Church of a dozen eggs, which retails for $20. By JAMES GAGE Davis said. “As far as healing is show a license plate, so it does “It’s the most expensive egg Reporter concerned, the Palisades commu- reduce our ability to investigate you’ll find on the planet,” Dolan nity—especially my neighbors on further.” said, but added that it was worth alisades Lutheran Church Pas- the Alphabet Streets—has been “I do not believe the license it. Customers seem to agree—only tor Kenneth Davis is leaving overwhelmingly loving, caring plate was captured on the video,” one package of eggs remained on Phis position after two-and-a-half and supportive.” Detective Gail Russell added. the shelf during the tour. years and a 30-year career in or- Davis is now establishing his “Additionally, we have continued Erewhon has a range of items dained ministry. His last sermon own website, dedicated to bring- to check the area for the suspect available for every diet and re- will be at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, ing his message of hope, inclu- vehicle and have not had any new striction, including paleo, keto and June 23. sion, love and forgiveness to ven- leads.” Whole30. “It’s sudden to the commu- ues both secular and sacred. As an Davis, as his website sug- “If we can do it gluten free, we nity, but it was a decision a long inspirational guest speaker, Davis gests, is moving on and using his do,” Dolan explained. time in the making,” Davis told hopes to spread his message to a wounds to heal others. A couple of features that were the Palisadian-Post. broader audience. “My experience covers changed in the transition from Davis confirmed that he “We’re all very sad he’s made church and non-church commu- Vintage to Erewhon were the fro- will remain in the area while his this decision, but we were blessed nities,” Davis shared. “So I want zen food section, which was made daughters finish their last year of to have him and his family here to use my voice to speak in those smaller, and the butcher counter, high school in Santa Monica. An for the past two-and-a-half years,” different settings on the issues of which was completely removed. actor with experience in commer- Palisades Lutheran Church Coun- race and bigotry that polarize our A Tonic & Juice Bar, central to cial and modeling work, Davis cil President Rich Wilken told the country and plague us to this day.” each of Erewhon’s locations, was also confirmed his departure was Post. “We were all very surprised, At his final sermon on June added, which will create concoc- not to pursue acting specifically. but we wish him and his family 23, one member from each con- tions to “bring your body back into “I’m definitely exploring oth- nothing but the best.” gregation in the Palisades will balance.” er opportunities, including acting Earlier this week, Ralphs, speak about their experiences with Dolan explained that over the opportunities, but that’s not my where the hate speech incident Pastor Davis. next few weeks, the store will take primary focus,” Davis said. “I involving Davis and his daughter “I want to use that final ser- inventory of what Palisadians are want to focus on issues like rac- took place, released the footage of mon as a bridge to connect with interested in having more or less ism, hate and bigotry, and use my the incident to the LAPD. the community,” Davis said. “I of, and will adjust its offerings ac- voice to speak out against them in “I reviewed the video foot- hope that that will be a really great cordingly. whatever form they take.” age and without doing a follow service in closing out 30 years of “We’re just super excited to be Speculation rose that Davis’ up I can’t tell for sure if we have ordained ministry. My ministry here,” Dolan said. departure was caused by an April a suspect photo,” Senior Lead Of- will continue, but it will take on a Erewhon, founded in the late 18 incident in which he and his ficer Michael Moore told thePost. different form. The world will be 1960s, was purchased by Tony and daughter Cassadi were victimized “Unfortunately the videos do not my pulpit now.” Josephine Antoci in 2011. by hate speech. The Palisades iteration of Ere- sharing that the brands “joined the Vintage staff members to work “I don’t know if the incident whon marks the store’s fifth loca- forces” and were “partnering to re- in the Palisades location and be- on April 18 had a whole lot of tion, operating in Calabasas, San- brand Vintage Grocers’ Palisades yond. bearing on my decision, other than ta Monica, Venice and on Beverly Village location.” The Malibu location of Vin- to confirm that I really wanted to Boulevard. As the Post went to print, rep- tage Grocers remains open, with do something in the area of race re- When Vintage closed its doors resentatives from Erewhon did details of what will replace the lations in a venue where I feel that in the Palisades and Thousand not comment on what the details Thousand Oaks location in Caru- my voice can be heard by more Oaks, a joint statement was re- of this partnership looked liked, so’s The Promenade at Westlake than just the local congregation,” leased from Erewhon and Vintage, though Erewhon did hire some of Village not yet revealed. PPTFH Reports Homelessness Down Despite Countywide Increase, 2019 Estimate Reveals Lower Numbers in the Palisades By JAMES GAGE and make-shift shelters we count- rate as we would like to, and we Reporter ed has decreased since we start- all need to double our efforts to ed counting, but the number of help create that housing.” early 60,000 people live vehicle dwellers has increased,” Pacific Palisades is located without permanent shelter in PPTFH Homeless Count Com- in service area 5 for the Home- NLos Angeles County, more than mittee Chair Kim Clary told the less Count, which extends along 16,500 of them in vehicles and Post. “Vehicle dwellers seem the west side from LAX to Mal- 11,000 in tents, according to the to travel more and be harder to ibu. In service area 5, the total Los Angeles County Homeless engage than individuals on the homeless population in 2019 was Services Authority. ground. Our new challenge is 5,223, including 4,378 unshel- While the local results of the how to reach out to these vehicle tered individuals, 845 sheltered 2019 LAHSA Homeless Count dwellers.” individuals, 685 families and five were not released as the Palisadi- PPTFH board members dis- unaccompanied minors. an-Post went to print, the Pacific cussed the results of the count at According to the 2016 LAH- Palisades Task Force on Home- a meeting on Tuesday. SA Homeless Count figures, lessness was able to provide an “The task force is deeply there were 198 homeless individ- estimate of the figures. concerned that the number of uals around the Palisades, 61 of Based on formulas used by homeless individuals counted in which lived in makeshift shelters LAHSA in 2018, PPTFH esti- 2019 has increased for the city and 13 of which lived in vehicles. mated there to be a total of 88 and county, despite all the signif- Since then, the Palisades has homeless individuals living in the icant efforts,” PPTFH President seen a 56% reduction in home- Palisades in 2019—down from Doug McCormick told the Post. less individuals, a 95% reduction 107 in 2018. Of that total, PPT- “Clearly the lack of housing is a in makeshift shelters and a 77% FH counted 20 individuals on the key issue for all communities and reduction in homeless individuals streets, 39 individuals in vehicles is even more inhibiting than in counted by PPTFH, though it has and three in makeshift shelters. the past. Our communities can’t experienced a 200% increase in Photo by James Gage “The number of individuals find needed housing at the same homeless vehicle dwellers. Page 2 Palisadian-Post June 13, 2019 WEB TALK This week’s hottest topics on Palisadian-Post Facebook, Twitter & Instagram A beautiful day in the neighborhood! Photo shared by Palisades OUT OF THE PAST Lutheran Church on Instagram. April 10, 1975 National Charity League members preparing for April 19 roundup benefit on grounds of St.
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