• DIRECTORY.] GLOUCESTERSHIRE. WINCHCOMBE. 373 Wall Letter Box, Frampton, cleared at 8.25 a.m. & 4.20 ABBEY DEMESNES, adjoining the town to the north­ p.m. week days only west; COATES, adjoining the town to the west; LANG­ POSTLIP hamlet is r mile south-south-west. The LEY, I mile west; COCKBURY, I! west-by-south; and Catholic chapel of St. James is an ancient edifice of Nor­ CORNDEAN, I! south-west, are hamlets. man date, built by William de Solers in the r2th century On March 25, I883, by Local Government Board Order at the request of his tenants; it is now the property of I4,695, a detached part of thls parish, known as Rushy Mrs. Forster, by whom it was· completely restored about Cockbury farm, was amalgamated with Prescott, West­ I8gr. Here are extensive paper mills. Postlip House, wood was added to Charlton Abbots, and part of Tod­ the seat of Edward Adlard esq. J.P. is a modern dwelling, dington to Winchcombe, and under the provisions of the in the Gothic style, pleasantly situated, and commanding "Divided Parishes Act, 1882," Stancomb has been trans­ extensive and beautiful views of the surrounding country. ferred from Sud~ley Manor to Winchcombe. Postlip Hall, a fine mansion in the Tudor style, is the property of Mrs. Forster and the residence of Miss Parish Clerk, Winchcombe, William Davies. Llewellyn. Parish Clerk, Gretton, Alfred William Harvey. OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. l'ost, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, Uounty Court, Abbey terrace, His Honor Arthur llecher North street (letters should have Glos. added).­ Ellicott, judge; Ernest Edmund Wood, registrar & William Charles Be!cher, postmaster. Letters are acting high bailiff. The court is held bi-monthly. delivered at 7· 15 a.m. & 4 & 6.30 p.m. Letters from The following is a list of places in the county court London & all parts arrive by mail cart at 5-45 a.rn. & district :-Alderton-cum-Dixton. Alstone, lleckford 3·45 p.m.; dispatched at rr.ro a.m. & 6.25 & 7-45 with Bangrove, Bishop's Cleeve, Buckland, Charlton p.m.; sundays, 4-50 p.m. Money orders are granted Abbots, Cockburv, Corndean, Coscomb, Cutsdean & paid from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m CWorcestershire), Didbrook, Dumbleton, Gotherington, 'Wall Letter Box, Hailes street, cleared at 9-35 a.m. & Grafton with Didcotepastures, Greet, Gretton, Guit­ 5·55 p.m.; no collection on sundays ing Power, Guiting Ten1ple, Hailes, Hawling, Lang­ lrall Letter Box, Gloucester street, cleared at ro.2o ley, Naunton & Frampton, Pinnock & Hyde, Postlip, a.m. & 5-50 p.m. ; no collection on sundays Prescott, Roe\ or Rowel, Sevenhampton, Snowshill & Wall Box, Gretton road, cleared· at ro.45 a.m. & 6.5 Hornl~azow, Southam, ::ltanley Pontlarge, .Stanton, p.m.; no collection on sundays Stammy, Sudeley, Toddington, Washbourne Great, Washbourna Little, Winchcombe, Woodmancote & JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR WINCHCOMBE W ortnington PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that Case Capt. Henry Ash ton, Beckford hall, Tewkesbury, of Cheltenham ; Charles Scott, County chambers, chairman Station road, Gloucester, official receiver Adlard Erlward esq. Postlip house, Winchcombe Certified Bailiff under the "Law of Distress Amend­ .\.ndrews Hugh esq. Toddington manor, Winchcombe ment Act," Charles C. Castle, High street Brocklehurst Henry Dent esq. Sudeley CMtle,Winchcombe Police Station, North street, John George O'Rourke, Elcho Lord, Stanway house, Winchcombe sergeant, & 2 comtables Eyres-Monsell Lieut. B. M., R.N., M.P. Dumbleton hall, Town Hall, High street, Henry ~-\ndrews, keeper DumblPton, Evesham WINCHCOMBE UNION Noel Major Gerard Thomas, Temple Guiting house, The union comprises 29 parishes, viz. Alderton & Dixton, Winchcombe Alstone, Beckford Bishop's Cleeve, Buckland & Laver­ Oakey John Anthony esq. Balloon house, 'Winchcombe ton, Charlton Abbotts, Didbrook, Dumbleton, Gather· Rhodes Lieut.-Col. Fairfax, Brockhampton park, ington, Great Washbourne, Guiting Temple, Hailes, Andoversfor·d Bawling, Little Washbourne, Lower Guiting or Guit­ .Sexty Capt. John Hampden, Bramhope, Eldorado cres­ ing Power, Pinnock & Hyde, Prescott, Roe!, Snowshill, cent, Cheltenham Southam & Brockhampton, Stanley Pontlarge, Stanton, The chairman, for the time being, of Winchcombe Stanway, Sudeley Manor, Toddington, Winchcombe, Rural District Council is an ex-officio magistrate \Voodmancote, Wormington, & Cutsdean in Worcester­ Clerk to the Justices, Ernest Edmund Wood, Abbey shire. The area of the union is 57,089 acres; rate­ terrace able value at Lady Day, I9I3, £64,58I; population in Petty Sessions are held at the Police court, on the last Igrr, g,647 friday of every month at n a.m. The following are Beard Day, every alternate saturday at the Workhouse, included in the petty sessional division :-Alderton, at 3.30 p.m Alstone, Ashton-under-hiiJ, Aston Somerville, Beckford, Chairman of Gnardians, F. W. Hinton, Alderton, Tew­ Buckland, Charlton Abbots, Childswicksham, Did­ lresbury tlrook, Dumbleton, Guiting Power, Guiting Temple, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Henry Hailes, Hawling, Hinton-on-the-Green, Prescott, Pin­ William Stephens, High street nock & Hyde, Roe!, Snowshill, Stanley Pontlarge, Treasurer, Samuel Ernest Gui!mant, Capital & Counties Stanton, Stanway, Sudeley Manor, Toddington, Wash­ Bank, Cheltenham bourne Great, Washbourne Little, Winchcombe & Collector to the Guardians, Hubert D. Woodward, Wormington North street WINCHCOMBE RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Union, Huhert D. Woodward, North street The p·arishes in the District are the same as in the Medical Officer.< & Public Vaccinatnrs, Hill district, Geo. Union. Council meets at Union workhouse, fortnightly (satur­ Ralph Cox M R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond.; Vale dis· trict, John Halliwell M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Ir­ rlays ), 4· 30 p.m. well, Abbey terrace Chairman, F. W. Hinton, .-l.lderton, Tewkesbury Vice-Chairman, W. E. Pardington, Sudeley,Winchcombe The Workhouse, Gloucester street, is a building of <tone, erected in r818. & ...-ill bold I4o inmates; Rev. William Officials. Franeis Eliot M.A. vicar of Wincbcornbe, chaplain; Clerk, Henry William Stephens, High street George Ralph C'ox "M.R C.S.Eng. medical officer; Geo. Treasurer, Samuel Ernest Guilmant, Capital & Counties James Fi>hlock, master; Mrs. Florence Margaret Fish­ Bank, Cheltenham lock, matron Medical Officer of Health, William Cox M.R.C.S.Eng. WINCHCOMBE REGISTRATION DisTRICT. Stone house, High street Superintendent Registrar, Henry William Stephens, High Road Surveyor, Edgar Whitcomb, Winchcombe str~et; deputv, Horace Ander•on Danbury, North st Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, Chas.Gardner,Gretton rd Registrars of Births & Deat bs, Cleeve Snb-rlistrict, Wm. PUBLIC ESTABLLSHMENTS. Thomas Edging-ton, Bishop's Cleeve; Gniting Sub-dis­ A<sembly Rooms, Abbey terrace, Henry William trict, Welter E. Haslum, Gloucester street, Winch­ Stephem, proprietor combe; deputy, Hubert D. Wol)dward. North street Cemeteries, John Herring Stephens, clerk to the joint Reg-istrar of Marriages. Walt~r E. Haslum, Gloucester burial committee street; deputy, Hubert D. Woodward, North street Cottage Hospital, built in 1887, at a cost of £420, &: PUBLIC OFFICERS. since enlarged, & supported by voluntary contribu­ ~ssistant Overseer, Albert Edward Bowl, Gretton tions ; &j patients were treated in I9I2 ; Wi!liam Cox Certifving Factory Surgeon, William Cox M.R.C.S.Eng. :M.R.C.S.Eng. John Halliwell :M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. High street Lon<l. & George Ralph Cox M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Clerk to the Commissioners of Land, Assessed & Income Lond. "urgeons; Conrad New, sec. ; .\. Lee Hall, bon. Taxes & Steward of the Manors of Winchcombe & treasurer; Miss _-\ nnie Burrows, matron Snde!ey, Ernest Edmund Wood, Abbey terrace .
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