Publications for Brigid Rooney 2020 Australian Print Cultures and Modernity' by David Carter. Rooney, B. (2020). Stream System, Salient Image and Feeling: Southerly, 27(1), 174-181. Between Barley Patch and Inland. In Anthony Uhlmann (Eds.), Rooney, B., Olubas, B. (2015). Australian Literature / World Gerald Murnane: Another World in This One, (pp. 63-84). Literature: Borders, Skins, Mappings. JASAL, 15(3), 1-5. <a Sydney: Sydney University Press. <a href="http://www.nla.gov.au/openpublish/index.php/jasal/article href="http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvx5w926.11">[More /view/4116/4753">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> Rooney, B. (2015). Serial Cities: Australian Literary Cities and 2019 the Rhetoric of Scale. Cultural Studies Review, 21(1), 262-282. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.5130/csr.v21i1.4345">[More Rooney, B. (2019). Interior History, Tempered Selves: David Information]</a> Malouf, Modernism, and Imaginative Possession. In Richard Begam,Michael Valdez Moses (Eds.), Modernism, Rooney, B. (2015). Time and Its Fellow Conspirator Space: Postcolonialism, and Globalism: Anglophone Literature, 1950 Patrick White's 'A Fringe of Leaves'. In Ian Henderson, to the Present, (pp. 258-276). New York: Oxford University Anouk Lang (Eds.), Patrick White Beyond the Grave: New Press. <a Critical Perspectives, (pp. 163-177). London: Anthem Press. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199980963.003.0013" href="http://www.anthempress.com/patrick-white-beyond-the- >[More Information]</a> grave">[More Information]</a> 2018 2014 Rooney, B. (2018). Suburban Space, the Novel and Australian Rooney, B. (2014). "No-one Had Thought of Looking Close to Modernity. London: Anthem Press. <a Home": Reading the Province in The Bay of Noon. In Brigitta href="http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv80cdbr">[More Olubas (Eds.), Shirley Hazzard: New Critical Essays, (pp. 41- Information]</a> 53). Sydney: Sydney University Press. 2017 Rooney, B. (2014). From the Sublime to the Uncanny in Tim Winton's 'Breath'. In Lyn McCredden, Nathanael OReilly Rooney, B. (2017). "White, fierce, shocked, tearless": The (Eds.), Tim Winton: Critical Essays, (pp. 241-262). Crawley, Watch Tower and the Electric Interior. In Elizabeth McMahon, WA: University of Western Australia Publishing (UWAP). Brigitta Olubas (Eds.), Elizabeth Harrower: Critical Essays, (pp. 81-95). Sydney: Sydney University Press. 2013 Rooney, B. (2017). The Novel in Australia from the 1950s. In Rooney, B. (2013). Colonising Time, Recollecting Place: Coral Ann Howells, Paul Sharrad, Gerry Turcotte (Eds.), The Steven Carroll's Reinvention of Suburbia. JASAL, 13(2), 1-16. Oxford History of the Novel in English, Volume 12: The Novel in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Since Dixon, R., Rooney, B. (2013). Introduction: Australian 1950, (pp. 81-96). Oxford: Oxford University Press. <a Literature, Globalisation and the Literary Province. In Robert href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199679775.003.0008" Dixon, Brigid Rooney (Eds.), Scenes of Reading: Is Australian >[More Information]</a> Literature a World Literature, (pp. ix-xxxvi). North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. 2016 Dixon, R., Rooney, B. (2013). Scenes of Reading: Is Australian Rooney, B. (2016). Christina Stead's 'Kelly File': Politics, Literature a World Literature. North Melbourne: Australian Possession and the Writing of Cotters' England. Australian Scholarly Publishing. <a Literary Studies, 31(6), 1-20. <a href="https://scholarly.info/book/scenes-of-reading-is- href="http://dx.doi.org/10.20314/als.a14b5c69df">[More australian-literature-a-world-literature/">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> Morrison, F., Rooney, B. (2016). Introduction. Special Issue: Rooney, B. (2013). Stretching Out in all Directions: Patrick Rediscovery Christina Stead. Australian Literary Studies, 31(6). White and the Great Australian Emptiness. In Tanya Dalziell, <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.20314/als.7be4410aa2">[More Paul Genoni (Eds.), Telling Stories: Australian Life and Information]</a> Literature 1935-2012, (pp. 209-216). Clayton, Australia: Monash University Publishing. Rooney, B., Morrison, F. (2016). Rediscovering Christina Stead. Australian Literary Studies, 31(6). <a Rooney, B. (2013). Time's Abyss: Australian Literary href="https://www.australianliterarystudies.com.au/issues/volum Modernism and the Scene of Ferry Wreck. In Robert Dixon, e-31-no-6">[More Information]</a> Brigid Rooney (Eds.), Scenes of Reading: Is Australian Literature a World Literature, (pp. 101-114). North Melbourne: Rooney, B. (2016). The View from Above from Below: Novel, Australian Scholarly Publishing. Suburb, Cosmos. Australian Humanities Review, 60, 20-38. <a href="http://australianhumanitiesreview.org/2016/11/29/the- 2012 view-from-above-from-below-novel-suburb-cosmos/">[More Information]</a> Rooney, B. (2012). [Book Review] 'Shirley Hazzard: Literary Expatriate and Cosmopolitan Humanist' by Brigitta Olubas. 2015 JASAL, 12(3), 1-4. Rooney, B. (2015). [Book Review] 'Almost Always Modern: Rooney, B. (2012). Pathological Geomorphology and the Ecological Sublime: Andrew McGahan's Wonders of a Godless Sacrifice and the Sacred in Helen Garner's Narratives. World. Southerly, 72(3), 55-77. Antipodes: a North American journal of Australian literature, 19(2), 159-165. Rooney, B. (2012). The Ruin of Time and the Temporality of Belonging: Journey to the Stone Country and Landscape of Rooney, B. (2005). Words and Worth. Southerly, 65(1), 168- Farewell. In Robert Dixon (Eds.), The Novels of Alex Miller: 171. An Introduction, (pp. 201-216). Sydney, Australia: Allen and Unwin. 2004 2010 Rooney, B. (2004). David Malouf (1934- ). In Selina Samuels (Eds.), Australian Writers, 1950-1975. (pp. 214-222). Detroit, Rooney, B. (2010). [Book review] Fierce compassion. Review Michigan: Gale Research Co. of Warrior for Peace - Dorothy Auchterlonie Green, by Willa McDonald. Australian Book Review, 317, 56-57. 2003 Rooney, B. (2010), Interview with David Malouf. Produced in Rooney, B. (2003). "Those boys told me everything";The Journal. politics of the secretary in Christina Stead's 1930's fiction. Antipodes: a North American journal of Australian literature, Rooney, B. (2010). Kate Grenville as Public Intellectual. In 17(1), 29-35. Sue Kossew (Eds.), Lighting Dark Places: Essays on Kate Grenville, (pp. 17-38). Amsterdam: Rodopi. Rooney, B. (2003). Crossing the Rubicon: Abjection and Revolution in Christina Stead's I'm Dying Laughing. JASAL, 2, Rooney, B. (2010). Public recluse: Patrick White's literary- 29-39. political returns. In McMahon, Elizabeth and Olubas, Brigitta (Eds.), Remembering Patrick White, (pp. 3-18). Amsterdam: Rooney, B. (2003). Notes for ‘Judith Wright and Les Murray: Rodopi. Correspondence’. Southerly, 1, 179-180. 2009 Rooney, B. (2003). Poetry, race and nation: white desires for belonging in contemporary Australia. Working Papers on the Rooney, B. (2009). Literary Activists: Writer-Intellectuals and Web, 5(September 2003), 1-12. Australian Public Life. St Lucia, Queensland, Australia: Rooney, B. (2003). Stead's Satire of the West in Decline. University of Queensland Press. <a Overland, 173, 94-95. href="https://www.uqp.com.au/books/literary-activists-writer- intellectuals-and-australian-public-life">[More Information]</a> 2002 Rooney, B. (2009). Manifesto of the senses: blind sightedness Rooney, B. (2002). Breaking Social Spells: Pierre Bourdieu in Christina Stead's For Love Alone. Australian Literary (1930-2002): An Obituary. Politics and Culture, (2), online. Studies, 24(3-4), 53-65. Rooney, B. (2002). Christina Stead (1902-1983). In Selina 2007 Samuels (Eds.), (pp. 331-346). Rooney, B. (2007). Christina Stead. In Nicholas Birns and Rooney, B. (2002). Guest Editor: Materials for Feminism. Rebecca McNear (Eds.), A Companion to Australian Literature Australian Feminist Studies, 17(37). <a Since 1900, (pp. 235-246). Rochester, New York: Camden href="https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cafs20/17/37?nav=tocLi House. st">[More Information]</a> Rooney, B. (2007). Desert Hauntings, Public Interiors and Rooney, B. (2002). Introduction: Materials for Feminism. National Modernity: from 'The Overlanders' to 'Walkabout' Australian Feminist Studies, 17(37), 19-21. and 'Japanese Story'. Southerly, 67(1-2), 410-422. Rooney, B. (2002). Narrative viewpoint and the representation Dale, L., Rooney, B. (2007). New reckonings: Australian of power in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four. Sydney literature past, present, future. Essays in honour of Elizabeth Studies in English, 28. Webby. St Lucia, Queensland: University of Queensland Press. Rooney, B. (2002). Theme: Materials for Feminism: Rooney, B. (2007). Reluctant Prophets and Gadfly Laureates: Introduction. Australian Feminist Studies, , 19-21. The Australian Writer as Public Intellectual. In Ned Curthoys, Debjani Ganguly (Eds.), Edward Said: The Legacy of a Public 2001 Intellectual, (pp. 96-118). Australia: Melbourne University Press. Rooney, B. (2001). Falling in Love with Jane: The Pleasures and Problems of being an Austen Fan in Australia. Sensibilities, Rooney, B. (2007). Remembering Inheritance: David Malouf 23, 99-114. and the Literary Cultivation of Nation. Journal of Australian Studies, 90, 65-75. Rooney, B. (2001). Review: Masculine Domination. Australian Women's Book Review, 13(1), online. 2006 Rooney, B. (2001). Review: Pierre Bourdieu: A Critical Rooney, B. (2006). Review: Dearest Munx: The Letters of Introduction. Politics and Culture, (2). Christina Stead and William J. Blake; The Equal Heart and Rooney,
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