S. Arr. J. Bot. 1997, 63(6) 345-350 345 Somatic embryogenesis of two indigenous South African Haworthia spp. (H. limifolia and H. koelmaniorum) D.J. Mycock1*, M.P. WatF, K.F. Hannweg2 , K. Naickerl, M. Makwarela2 and P. Berjak2 1Department of Botany, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050 Republic of South Africa 2Centre for Indigenous Plant Use Research, Department of Biology, University of Natal, Private Bag X10, Dalbridge, 4014 Republic of South Africa Received 18 March; revised 12 June 1997 The endangered, indigenous succulents, Haworthia koe/maniorum and H. limifolia, have been micropropagated using somatic embryogenesis. The somatic embryo induction medium contained MS macro- and micro-nutrients (MS}, 20 g 1·1 sucrose and 10 g 1·1 agar, pH 5.6. For H. limifolia the following plant growth regulators were tested: 2,4-D (1, 2 and 5 mg 1·\ picloram (1 and 2 mg 1·1} and 0.25 mg 1·1 kinetin plus 1 or 2 mg 1·1 picloram. Direct somatic embryogenesis occurred best from explants (apical one third of leaf) exposed to 2 mg 1'1 2,4 D. However, when the embryoids were transferred to plant growth-regulator-free medium they did not germinate but rather de-differentiated to callus and then underwent secondary embryogenesis. Hyperhydricity of the secondary embryoids was obviated by culturing in the presence of silica gel, and material treated in this manner differentiated into plantlets, which could be hardened. For H. koe/maniorum 2 mg 1·1 picloram and 0.25 mg 1"1 kinetin were also added to the embryo induction medium and the effect 1 of ABA on embryoid induction was tested at 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg 1· . Somatic embryoids, which could be germinated and hardened, developed directly from somatic cells of the leaf explant when the tissues were exposed to either 0.2 or 0.3 mg 1·1 ABA. Keywords: Haworthia, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, hardening-off. • To whom correspondence should be addressed. Introduction this is a slow process which is exacerbated by the low number of The genus Haworthia (Liliaceae) is native to South Africa and offshoots produced by each plant (Huxley 1979; Sheat 1987; Namibia, and is characterised by tremendous morphological Pienaar 1992). Consequently, micropropagation can be consid­ variation in the field. Due to the fact that early taxonomists ered n viable and attractive alternative means of mass multiplica­ described individual plants, the taxonomy of the genus has been tion oftliese endangered species. equivocal; for instance, over 400 names have been used at the To date, there have been no published reports on the in vitro infra-generic levels (Court 1981 ). The genus is largely restricted propagation of H. koelmaniorum and H. lim((olia, but several to the southern Cape province, although H. limifolia occurs in papers describing micropropagation procedures for other Hawor­ Mozambique, Swazi land, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, H thia species have appeared in the literature (Table 1). Although koelmaniomm in the Northern Province and H. arachnoidea in Bey! and Sharma ( 1983) obtained H. fasciata plantlets via Namibia. Haworthia species must therefore be seen in the con­ somatic embryogenesis, all of the other reported procedures text of geographical distribution and field relationships with describe direct or indirect organogenic regeneration. Somatic other species (Court 1981 ). embryogenesis is a potentially valuable tool in germplasm con­ Hmvorthia species tend to grow in pockets of shallow soil in servation as the material is genera lly most su itable for in vitro open to closed bushland (Boyd 1994). Intensive agricultural storage. For example, somatic embryos may be cryopreserved practices have resu lted in the fragmentation and isolation of pop· (Engelmann et at. 1995; Mycock et a/. 1995) or encapsulated ulations to sandstone ridges. This, combined with competition (Bapat & Rao 1988) and in this manner be stored until the need from invasive species, has had n strong negative effect on species arises for their retrieval and in vitro regeneration and mul tiplica­ population stability. Survival of the genus, and in particular the tion (McKersie 1995). two species H. koelmaniorum and H. limifolia, is also threatened The ultimate aim of this work is the multiplication for field by intensive utilisation in traditional medicine (Cunningham establishment and the in vitro storage of H. koelmaniorum and H. 1988). Hauwthia spp., referred to as 'uMathithibala', are sought limifolia genotypes. Consequently, our strategy towards the first after by local traditional healers because of their all eged power­ objective was to test and adapt, if necessary, the method of Bey I fu l healing properties in the treatment of constipation, diarrhoea, and Sharma ( 1983) for these species. The protocol recommended dysentery, haemo rrhoids, indigestion, nausea, stomach ache and by those authors also offers the advantage in that it uses leaf tis­ worms (Hutchings 1989). In addition, when the leaves are strung around the neck, they are reported to create an euphoric feeling sue as the initiating cu lture explant, th ereby being non-destruc­ and to ward off evil spirits (Hutchings 1989). As a result of their tive to the limited (endangered) material that is available endangered status the two species were declared as protected throughout the year. The investigations were duplicated in two under the Transvaal Nature Conservation Ordinance of 1983, laboratories to confirm the reproducibi li ty of the results. 86- 88 schedule 11. Both H. koelmaniorum and H. limifolia produce copious Materials and Methods amounts of seed, but these must be propagated whilst fresh as Plant material viabi lity declines within three months (unpublished data; see also Soi l-grown adult H. limifolia and H. koelmaniorum plants were Huxley 1979). The two species may also be vegetatively propa­ obtained from Si!verglen Nursery (Durban) and the National Botani­ gated via offsets from the parent plant or from leaf cuttings, but cal Institute (Pretoria), respectively. The plants were maintained at 346 S. Afr. J. Bot. 1997, 63(6) Table 1 Response of different explant types from various Haworthia species to in vitro culture Species Explant Mode of Regeneration References Haworthia spp (I 0) Gynoecium Indirect organogenesis (shoots) Kaul & Sahbamal ( I 972; 1975) Haworthia spp (5) Middle section ofleaf Direct organogenesis (plantlets) Rogers ( 1993) Direct and indirect organogenesis H. arachn01dia Perianth (shoots and flowers) Konishi ''/a/. ( 1982) Direct and indirect organogenesis H. qmbiforrnis Perianth (shoots and flowers) Konishi eta/. (I 982) I f. fascia/a Basal section of leaf Indirect embryogenesis (plantlets) 13cyl & Sharma ( I 983) H. p/anifolia Leaf sections Indirect organogenesis (plantlets) Wessels ct a/. ( 1976) Direct and indirect organogenesis H. turg1da pal/idifolia Ovary (plantlets) M<liumdar ( 1970) 14/ 10 h light/dark photoperi od. 600 ~t E m2 sec· 1 and 18-25°C night/ containing potting soil : (ii) as (i} hut sealed with pierced transparent day temperatures. plastic; (iii) in pl astic-covered seedling trays containing moistened potting soil and mist-sprayed dai ly; (iv) in plastic-covered seedling Culture conditions trays containing dry potting soil and mist-sprayed daily: (v) in The apical two-thirds of mature leaves were excised from the parent uncovered seedling trays containing dry potting soi l and plant. The material was surface sterilised for 20 minutes in I% (v/v) mist-sprayed daily: (vi) in small pots (75 x 75 x 75 mm) containing (H. /imifo/ia) and 2% (v/v) (H. koelmaniorum) sodium hypochlorite moist potting soil, sealed in plastic bags and mist sprayed daily. solution containing I drop Tween 20 per I 00 ml of sterilant, fol­ Hardening of H. koe/maniorum plantlcts was achieved using small lowed by three rinses in sterile water. For H. limifolia only the top pots sealed in plastic bags (rcscalable) which were opened and mist half of the excised leaf. and, for H. koelmaniorum, the entire portion sprayed weekly. of the ~ t e rili sed leaf material was used for culture. The material was Microscopy, photography and data analyses then cut into 5 mm 2 segm ~: nt s. The somatic embryo induction medium contained Murashige and Embryoids were examined at the light microscopt: lt:vel and photo­ Skoog ( 1962) macro- and micro-nutrients (MS), vitnmins and amino graphed using a WILD M3 stcreomicroscupc with photoautomat acids according to the formulation of Bey I and Sharma ( 1983). 20 g MPS 55 system (Durban) or WILD 420 stcreomicroscope (Wits). J·1 sucrose and 10 g J· 1 agar, pH 5.6. The following combinations of Large subjects were photographed using a Nikon FM2 camera with a growth regulators '.'iere tested: Mikro Nikkor 60 mm macro lens. Data were assessed using one-way (i) for H. limifolia, I , 2 and 5 mg 1·1 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid ANOVA [p < 0.05] (Statgraphics Plus, 1993 Edition). Alphabetical (2,4-D), I and 2 mg J·l 4-amino 3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid (piclo­ values were assigned to the means. with different letters indicating significant differences. ram), 0.25 mg J·1 6-furfurylaminopurine (kinetin)+ 1 mg J·1 picloram 1 and 0.25 mg J· kinetin + 2 mg J·l picloram. Results and Discussion (ii) for H. koelmaniorum. 0.25 mg J·1 ki_netin + 2 mg J-1 picloram + H. limifolia- Media composition 0.1 mg J·1 abscisic acid (ABA), 0.25 mg J·1 kinetin + 2 mg 1·1 piclo­ ram + 0.2 mg J·1 ABA and 0.25 mg 1·1 kinetin + 2 mg 1·1 picloram + Bey! and Sharma (1983) reported that picloram outperformed 2,4-D as the auxin source for both the induction and final yield of 0.3 mg J·1 ABA. After 14 weeks in the dark at 25°C, the explants were transferred somatic embryoids of H.
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