The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine University of Maine Alumni Magazines University of Maine Publications 2-1928 Maine Alumnus, Volume 9, Number 5, February 1928 General Alumni Association, University of Maine Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines Recommended Citation General Alumni Association, University of Maine, "Maine Alumnus, Volume 9, Number 5, February 1928" (1928). University of Maine Alumni Magazines. 89. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/alumni_magazines/89 This publication is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Maine Alumni Magazines by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MR. E DW. H. KELLEY PURCHASI NG AGENT UNIV. OF ME O R O NO , M E. The Maine Alumnus Member of the Alumni Magazines Associated VOL. 9, NO. 5 FEBRUARY, 1928 TWENTY CENTS O' SS3 % S3CZ & i i h h * M M S i M m M m M w M HJ M M M m M m m WA M. M m m m i i c^a m CS M m M M President H. S. Boardman M HIM Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Bangor, Maine, under act of March 3, 1879 62 THE MAINE ALUMNUS February, 1928 <|IB — *■——II UNIVERSITY STORE COMPANY ¥ V* BOARD OF DIRECTORS RGANIZED in 1911 f t V o and conducted for the B e n ja m in C. K ent, T2 ir t Y* past fifteen years in the R obert P. Clark , '15 interest of the Athletic Asso­ L amert S. Corbett v ciation, contributing yearly from Y* James A. Ga n n e tt, ’08 its profits to the support of F red H. T hom pson, ’28 athletics. Y* W Taking many mail orders Store Manager, F. L. M anw aring from the Alumni for books v< Store Treasurer, I rving P ierce : and supplies; making special V reunion banners. Y* May we be of service to V( Books, Student Supplies Y i you? V Tobacco, Sodas, Luncheons Y* Confectionery i »■*« •IK »n »» DILLINGHAM’S UNIVERSITY OF MAINE BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS NONE BETTER AND BOOKBINDERS BANGOR, MAINE The State University m Maintained by the I State and General i Government Bacon Printing Co:i Dependable Printers College of Arts and Sciences 22 State Street, Bangor, Me. mi College of Agriculture W e also make Rubber Stamps. i■ a College of Technology I Maine Agricultural Experi­ •IM—ll« ment Station Graduate Courses Every Banking Service leading to the Masters’ degree are Made by j offered by the various colleges. CHECKING SAVINGS BONDS M A IN E M EN Summer Term TRUSTS VAULTS of six weeks (graduate and under­ graduate credit). MERRILL TRUST CO. Blake, Barrows & Brown For catalogue and circulars, address Dexter Bucksport Machias Jonesport Inc. BANGOR, MAINE President, HARRY M. SMITH, '93 INSURANCE—INVESTMENTS THE REGISTRAR State and National Supervision BANGOR, MAINE Orono, Maine Established 1864 Incorporated 1820 The Maine Alumnus Vol. 9, No. 5 February, 1928 Correspondence Outranks News This Month COMMENT ON PERSONALS up their lives. Before publishing these can be found in Turkey? AND THE DIX PLAN names I would recommend that the vari­ Smyrna has an inter-scholastic athletic ous persons concerned be notified and giv­ committee which can discuss as long as My dear Clark: en ample time to correct their error of any in America on one point and not reach Just a line to express appreciation for omission. If it was fair to publish the a decision? the very interesting Alumnus regularly names and amounts of people who pledg­ The play “Twelfth Night” can be given received. ed, then it is only fair to those who have with a real professional touch even in In reply to your page 50 Dec. issue paid that some acknowledgment of their Turkey? question with reference to “Personals”, I having fulfilled their pledge be shown and We give a boy and girl school party feel safe in assuring you that only to the this could be accomplished by publishing with a great possibility of arousing con­ extent that you emphasize this feature the names of those who have not paid. servative criticism? will you hold the interest of the general I am sending a copy of this letter to Even as in America, you can’t get away alumni in the Magazine. the president of the Alumni Association from that same old problem—what are we Hope to learn soon of progress on the and hope you hear from him on the ques­ going to do about these short-skirted, new idea regarding classes in college at tion. Procrastination is a thief of time. cinema crazy, giggling, dancing, Turkish the same time, having their reunions at Let’s finish the other half. girls? the same commencement. I believe this Very truly yours, Even in Turkey mothers are lamenting will furnish a very powerful incentive to G. H. ( “Dutch”) Bernheisel their children’s lack of reverence and re­ increase the attendance. I personally ligious training? would make an especial effort with such THE COLLECTION COMMIT­ In this same Turkey can be found a an inducement. TEE GETS BOTH MONEY young girl with only one girl friend whom With kindest regards, AND APPROVAL she calls on with her mother and that she I am will not be allowed to meet anyone except Very truly yours, Jan. 4, 1928 her teachers until after she is married? J. W. M. ’95 General Alumni Association Stranger yet, this same girl is apparent­ University of Maine ly very- happy? Orono, Maine Shall the Names of Subscribers to Ruth Hitchings, ’27 Gentlemen: the Memorial Fund Who Don’t A.C.I., Smyrna Pay Be Published in The Alum­ You are the most persistent cusses I nus? ever knew. Please find enclosed my check in the ANNUAL BANQUET BOSTON amount of ten dollars, payment of dues January 16th, 1928 ALUMNI Mr. Robert Clark for the coming year. I have intended to send this check but have overlooked it Secretary, Alumni Association The Annual Banquet of the Boston University of Maine and am glad that you are as persistent as Alumni Association will be held on Orono, Maine you are. If I ever start a collection Dear Bob: agency, you boys are sure of a job. Thursday evening, March 1st, at 6.30 It is my understanding that because all Wishing you a Happy New Year, and P M. Hotel Westminster, Copley Square, of the pledges have not been paid, our hoping that you are impartial in your de­ Boston. mands and that you get ten dollars out Alumni Association has only finished one- All Maine men and women are invited half of the job it started in building a war of every mother’s son of an alumnus for with their wives, husbands, sweethearts memorial to the soldiers who gave their the coming year, I am lives in France. Yours very truly, or “boy friends.” It seems to me time to take drastic ac­ H. F. L. Percy’s singing orchestra will play dur­ tion to secure the money thus pledged in ing one of the Hotel Westminsters fam­ order to finish what was started. The SOMETHING NEW IN ous dinners. “Pep” Towner will act as organization’s reputation must not be in­ TURKISH toastmaster. President Boardman of the jured. The men, in memory of whom university will be a guest and the commit­ this building was started, did not stop DID YOU KNOW THAT: tee has secured for a speaker, James C. half way through their job. Certainly the Turkey sports ’buses as large as those Higgins, Vice-president, Wall Keller-Mc- association should not stop working until running between Portland and Boston? Kee Co. the job we have started is finished. Latticed windows are still in vogue in Dancing in the Winter Garden of the Therefore, I recommend for your con­ Constantinople, allowing women to see Westminster will follow the dinner. sideration the business of publishing in out, but not be seen? Price $2.75 a plate, including dancing. the Alumnus the names of people who “Lucky Day” and “Blue Skies” have Write or phone for a reservation to the have not kept their faith with the other just arrived with jazzing force into Tur­ Chairman of the committee, Horace C. members of the Association who pledged key’s dancing centers? Crandall, 517 Fellsway East, Malden, and paid and also with the men who gave Jazz singing North Carolina darkies Mass. Malden 1679W. 64 THE MAINE ALUMNUS February, 1928 PRESIDENT BOARDMAN TO es and lectures by outside experts in LARGE AGRICULTURE EN­ MAKE STATE SURVEY various lines of engineering and industry. DOWMENT IN CALIFORNIA The list of speakers and dates follows: President Boardman has been author­ Feb. 9 Harry U. Fuller, Portland Wa­ The University of California has just ized by the trustees of this University to ter District, Portland, Me. received a gift of $1,500,000. for the es­ carry out an economic educational survey Feb. 16 Doctor G. Esselen, Skinner, tablishment of a foundation to foster and of the state, in co-operation with the Sherman & Esselen, Boston, develop to the highest degree the agricul­ Maine Development Commission, to try Mass. tural interests of that state. The donor to determine the exact status of the Uni­ Feb. 23 Edward M. Graham, Bangor is A. P. Giannini, a banker who was once versity of Maine in relation to higher Hydro-Electric Company, a farmer-immigrant from Italy. It rep­ education.
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