L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of The Lincoln National Life Foundatlon ------- Dr. Louis A. Warren, Editor Publlahed each week by The Lincoln National Life Inaurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana Number 1892 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA December 12, 1955 BRONZE AND STONE BUSTS OF LINCOLN One of tho moat inspirational projects which the Columbus, Ohio. State House. Thomas D. Jones. S Lincoln National Life Foundation has had the pleasure Columbus, Ohio. Gallery of l~lne Arts. Charles H. of aponsorln~r tho past twenty-two years has been the Niehaus. B Boy Scout pilerimages on Abraham Uncoln's birthday. Detroit, Mich. Detroit Institute of Arta. Gutzon Borg­ Each year over 10,000 scouts gather at some statue tum. S of IJncoln and part!clpata in appropriate ceremonies. Fort Wayne, Ind. Lincoln Nat. Life Found. H. An attendance award In the form of a properly in­ eeribed picture of some selected Lincoln statue is pre­ Muller. B sented ta each one present. This year the bronze atatue Fort Wayne, Ind. Lincoln Nat. Bank. Gutzon Borg­ chosen for thla honor is Bryant Baker's "Young Lincoln" tum. B showing blm In meditative mood. Gettysburg, Pa. EJ<edra In Cemetery. Henry K. Bush­ a Brown. B It bu occurred to the sponsors of these pilgrimage& Grand Rapids, M.ich. Park, State & Washington St.a., that buata of Lincoln which occupy areas open to the Augustua Weinman. B public would also serve as proper places to bold these memorial servicea. The location of these artistic piecea Harrogate, Tenn. Lincoln Memorisl University. Alex­ of sculpture would greatly e.xtend the number of polnta ander Doyle. B which mlgbt be visited. An attempt has been made to Harrogate, Tenn. Lincoln Memorial University. Car­ prepare a preliminary list of Lincoln busts In bronze or t.sino S. Paolo. B stone, but plaatcr studies have been omltted although Harrogate, Tenn. Lincoln Memorial University. they might be utilized as points of Lincoln interest to George E. Bissell. B be visited. The task of prcj)aring a list of plaoter buata Harrogate, Tenn. Lincoln Memorinl University. of Lincoln and their location would be almost lmposalblo. Henry K. Bush-Brown. B The fact that somo sculptors have made more than Havana, Cuba. National Capitol. Gutzon Borglum. B one head or bust of Abraham Lincoln haa caused aomo Hingham, England. St. Andrews Church. Leonard W. confusion In Identification. In fact Gutzon Borglum cre­ Volk. B ated as many as four dlll'erent studies not lncludlne Jersey City, N. J. Public Library. Semlelg. B his coloaaal head at Mt. Rushmore and his well known Kansas City, Mo. William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of statue at Newark, New Jenoy. His best known head of Art. Paul ~lanship. B Lincoln ia In marble and occupies a place in the rotunda La Porte, Ind. Lobby, Rumley Hotel. Gutzon Borg­ of the capitol at Washington, but this study bas also lum. B been cut In bronze and replicas appear in Springfield, London, England. Savoy Hotel. McDougal. Ill., and Borkeley, Calif. This work of art as well aa a London, England. The Royal Exchange. Andrew coloeaal atone head of entirely different design at Detroit O'Connor. S portray• a beardleu Lincoln of the earlier yean. Los Angeles, Cal., Uncoln Park, Julia Braken The moat widely distributed of the Boflrlum atudlca Wendt. B waa tho la•t one he made which was acquired after hla Los Angeles, Cal., Fine Arts Bldg. .Merrill Gage. death i!Y the "Commlttee for Constitutional Govem­ Louisville, Ky. J. B. Speed Art 1-iuseum. Albert P. ment." Several replicas of this bronze Uncoln bead "1tb Henry. S. beard, similar to tho one in the Lincoln National Bank Montpelier, Vermont. St.ste Houao. Larkin Meade. S at Fort Wayne were distributed throughout the coun­ New Milford, Conn. Park. Paul Morrie. B try. A very fine bron>.e of Lincoln was presented by tho Now Salem, m. State Park. Madeline Masters. S widow of Gutzon Borglum to Dr. Rumley of LaPorte, New York, N. Y. Republican Club. Max Bachman. B Indlann and It Is located in the lobby of the Jlumloy New York, N. Y. Hall of Fame, N. Y. Unlv., Augus- Hotel. tus St. Gaudens. B to New York, N.Y. College of U10 City of N. Y. Gutzon Apparently there has never been any attempt Bor~rlum. B publish nn exhaustive listing of stone and bronze busts New York, N. Y • .l>letropollten Muoeum of Art. and heads of Lincoln that are life size or over. A printed Leonard W. Volk. B list of heroic statues of Lincoln is available from the Now York, N. Y. Metropolitan Museum of Art. An­ foundation and a book entitled Lincol" ;,. Morbi• and drew O'Connor. S Bronze by Bullard and another on Th4 Stot~• of A bra. New York, N. Y. Jlletropollt.sn Museum of Art. ham Li>~coln by Dorman have been publiabed. It fa hoped that the ll•t of stone and bronze basta that follow, GI'Oil.'<~ Grey Barnard. S utilizing the aymbola (B) for bronze and (S) for atone OSlo, Norway. Frogner Park. Paul Fjelde. S may serve as a basic compilation to which information Paris, France. Luzemburg Muaeum. ~rge Grey about other atudioa may be added. Barnard. S Redlands, Cal. Lincoln Shrine. ~ree Grey Bar­ Lincoln Bust.s In Bronze and Stone nan!. S Rerkelcy, Cal., University of Cal. Gutzon Bor~rlum. n Rushville, Dl. Public Library. Hermon A. AlacXeil. Boonville, Tnd. Court House Lawn. George H. He>­ San Francisco, Cal., Golden Gala Park Museum. F. nig. B Blanco. S Chicago, Ill. Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yarda. San Francisco, Cal. Fine Arta Palace. George E. Paul Fjelde. B Ganiere. Chicago, Jll. Lincoln Room, Chi. Univ. Library. John San Francisco Cal. Bohemian Club. Ralg Patlgian. B Paulding. B San Marino, Calif. Town Hall. Raymond Barger. B Chlcae~ Ill. Chicago Historical Society. Gutzon San Marino, Cal. Huntington Library. Leonard W. Borglum. u Volk. B Chicago, Ill. Chicago Historical Society. Augustua Harrogate, Tenn. Lincoln Memorial University. A St. Gaudena. B Lincoln Seligman. B Chlcajfo, 111. Chicago Historical Society. Leonard W. Springfield, DL Oak Ridge Cemetery. Gutzon Borg­ Volk. B lam. B Chicago, Ill. Union League Club. Auguatua St. Gau­ Washington, D. C. Rotunda of Capital. Gutzon Borg. dens. B lum. S .
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