GRADUATION AT TRIAL OF DEATH THIRTY-THREE BUSINESS MEN ENFIELD HIGH CAR DRIVER SET members of the local In­ TO GRADUATE STILL AGITATED dustrial Development Com­ SCHOOL TONIGHT mittee, who put up such a FOR JULY 2ND splendid fight for the location AT ST. JOSEPH'S OVER NEW RATES of the container plant of the Sixty-Two Pupils To Re­ National Biscuit Company in John J. Davis this town, and only lost out by Exercises Will Be Held Mercantile Section Not ceive Diplomas At Ex­ On Bail of $1,000 After a narrow margin to the city of In St. Patrick's Church Yet Reconciled To the Meeting of Tobacco Growers Here Last Sunday Beacon, N. Y., are feeling rath­ Afternoon Goes On Record Demanding Inves­ ercises in the Auditor­ A Preliminary Hearing er gratified at a letter received Next Sunday; Program Increase in Fire Insur­ this week by Chairman Harry tigation of the Manner in Which the Affairs of ium—Other Events Of in the Local Court Yes­ Squirsky of the Committee. The and List of the Grad­ ance Rates Which Are Commencement Week. communication is from the head Connecticut Valley Tobacco Association Have terday Morning. / of the industrial bureau of the uating Class. Now In Effect. New York, New Haven & Hart­ Been Conducted—Receivership Urged. Excepting the farewell" dance to­ John J. Davis, the M. I. T. student ford Railroad. This bureau had The graduating exercises of the The new fire insurance rates in the morrow evening, the annual com­ who was the driver of one of the cars taken an active interest in the class of 1927 of St. Joseph's Paroch­ mercantile section of the town, which Charges of mismanagement, inef­ know. It should be determined once mencement week will end with the that was involved in the fatal acci­ industrial aspiration of the com­ ial School, will be held next Sunday Were recently put in force, continue ficiency, and diversion of funds which and for all whether the condition was graduation exercises at the High dent on Enfield street. Monday even­ mittee, and while so doing had morning at 10:30 in St. Patrick's resulted in irregularities that are tan­ due to inefficiency or dishonesty. made a thorough survey of the Church. Thirty-three pupils will re­ to agitate the business men of the School Auditorium this evening. Six- ing, was given a preliminary hearing tamount to dishonesty on the part of Former Senator George Christoph availability of the town for in­ ceive their diplomas from the school towfi, and seem certain to be publicly of Warehouse Point who was next tv-two students will receive their dip­ in the local coujrt yesterday morning. dustrial development. The let­ from the pastor, Rev. D. J. O'Con­ aired in some manner before they be­ the officials, 300 members of the Con­ necticut Valley Tobacco Growers' As­ called upon by the chairman, stated lomas from that institution. Miss On his request for a continuance of ter confirms the fact that the nor, who will also deliver the address come reconciled to them. While in a that he came to the meeting to lis­ Doris Caskie, who is the student re­ the case pending his recovery from industrial prize had gone to the to the graduating class. Rev. Edwin ! sociation, at a meeting held in the ten. He had no previous knowledge ceiving the highest honors, will be the injuries received in the accident, New York State city, but at the Gaffney, principal of the school, will rare instance the new rates have low­ Franklin Theatre last Sunday after­ of the plans to be presented to the the valedictorian of the class, and the the hearing was postponed until July same time it congratulates the celebrate the high mass, which will ered the premium charge, they have noon, unanimously voted to take steps meeting, but while he was in sym­ second honor student, Miss Helfene 2. A cash bail of $1,000 was furnish­ committee on its splendid ef­ be a part of the exercises, and also almost entirely caused an increase to force an investigation of the af­ pathy with a movement to end the Percival will be the salutatorian. The ed for his appearance on that date. fort, and the great possibilities the benediction which will be offered which varies according to the char­ fairs of the Association and secure affairs of the association, he wonder­ various prizes and awards for excel­ Davis is being held responsible for for industrial development of up at the close. acter of the property and the condi­ the appointment of a receiver to wind ed if it would not be done by the lence in scholarship and other distinc­ a serious automobile accident which the town which the effort of the The complete program of the ex­ tions surrounding it. There are a up the business of the organization. Board 'of Directors. It might be pos­ tive achievements in connection with occurred latg Monday evening oppos­ committee had so fully demon­ ercises is as follows: Processional, few cases where the addition to the This action was taken after several sible to get back something of the the school work will be announced by ite the Weeden homestead in King strated. Incidentally it assures selected; assembly of the graduating previous cost of the insurance is on­ speakers had expressed their opinion losses that way. He raised 55 acres Supterintendent Edgar H. Parkman. street, when an automobile driven by the committee that the indus­ class; hymn, "To Christ, the Prince ly nominal but in the vast majority of the officials in no uncertain terms, of tobacco and it was not necessary Superintendent of Schools Edgar H. him collided with a car operated by trial bureau will "keep on the of Peace." 6th, 7th and 8th grade of the buildings in the business sec­ during which it was charged that un­ to say how much he lost—but the Parkman. Principal Karl D. Lee will Joseph Kennedy of Hartford, and as job" in its co-operation uptil girls; high mass, celebrant, Rev. Ed­ tion, the increase has been from 25% less immediate . action were taken past is past—and could not the man­ have charge of the exercises. a result Mr. Kennedy's ten months something just as good in the win Gaffney; address to the grad­ i to 100%.. there would be nothing left for the agement wind up the organization. The complete program is as fol­ old daughter, Dorothy, who was rid­ way of an industrial plant is uates, Rev. Daniel J. O'Connor; pres­ | The merchants and property own­ members in the way of a financial ing in the Kennedy car was killed in­ ers in this area are naturally in a return from the tobacco now in the Thomas F. Burke of the commit­ lows: Music, processional, "Gradua­ landed in Thompsonville. entation of diplomas, Rev. Daniel J. tee that arranged the meeting, reply­ tion March" (Ascher) high school or­ stantly. Mr. Kennedy was traveling O'Connor; act of Consecration to the highly disgruntled state over the sit­ hands of the association if the offic­ uation, and many of them are pro­ ials were permitted to dissolve the ing to Mr. Christoph, stated that the chestra; invocation, Rev. W. D. Ham­ south over the main highway from Sacred Heart of Jesus, graduates; best legal talent had been interview- ilton; music. "Angels' Serenade" Springfield to his home in Hartford. benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, posing various plans to overcome this organization. additional cost of insuring their prop­ The meeting last Sundav, as ex-; ?d- W'-th regard to the possibility of (Bruga), double quartette; salutatory With him in the car were his wife, celebrant, Rev. Edwin Gaffney; hymn, bnn m abo with essay, "What Comes Next?" his mother, his brother, George, his SATURDAY NIGHT "Raise Your Voices, Vales and Moun­ erty. Most of them are inclined to plained bv Thomas F. Burke of East! £. e "t a dissolution of the (second honor), Helene Percival; es­ baby daughter, Dorothy, Duncan J. tains," 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls; meet the situation by a reduction in Hartford, who called it to order, was |association through some action of the amount of the insurance they are the result of several conferences andw16 dlrectors, but it was found that say, "Industrial Connecticut," David 01jver and Miss Rushleau of Laurel recessional, selected; organist, Miss ould n Brainard; music, violin duet, (a) street, Hartford. WILL SEE END OF Dorilda Castonguay. carrying, while others insist that the committee meetings by the represen-ll f f>t be done. The directors "Norwegian Dance," (Greig), (b) The heavy sedan driven by Davis, The following is the list of grad­ rate is almost prohibitive, and that tatives from the several districts that ; u perpetuated themselves in office they will be forced. to cancel their have been for some time dissatisfied1 v°ting to hold no election this "Herd Girls' Dream" (Sabitzky), which was said to have been travel­ uates: Catherine Elizabeth Cunning­ year and as the majority was favor­ Ciro Lampiasi '30, and Leo Lepore ing at the rate of 40 miles an hour, THE BIG BAZAAR ham, Edna Patria Fahey, Dorothy policies entirely. Some have gone so with the manner in which the affairs was going in the direction of Spring­ Elizabeth Kelley, Mary Elizabeth Sul­ far as to suggest the organization of the association are managed. For­ able to the position of the officials, '30; essay, "Italian Masters of the of a mutual insurance company, but mer Representative Michael J.
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