<¦lll i . gone conclusion that he will be! THE EVENING STAR. Washington. D. C. •• declared Ineligible. MONDAY. NOVEMBER *6. IBM A-21 Stormy But the hottest tip in the heart AREA FOOTBALL Session Nov. 10— 7 ... Duke 7 DISTRICT TEACHERS of the conference Is that if all Nov. 17—34 Virginia ... 7 printed charges of the fabulous RECORDS Dec I—Army iPhiladelphlA). Sept 29—13 Howard IN BOWLING Oct 6—12 NaUsnai Attlee IS rewards Moreland received for VIRGINIA GEORGE Sfpt 22—18 Virginia Military 0 I Oct 13—32 Oallaudet attending N. C. State are true, WSSHINOTON . Sept 29 WITH ROD THOMAS Vr’T^Vtf' Sept lObla) 7 Duke do Oct. 20— 0 Shepherd .. : Likely 22 7 Miami .... 6 1 14 |Oct 6-7 he not only will be suspended,! 6 7 Wake Forest ......... 6! Dec. !;Oet. <•) Sept 27 6 Norfolk State i’^hl 29—10 Purmnn .... 0 Oct 13—13 South Carolina 27’ ife but all the ct Lehigh on ’ _ coaching staff Oct 5—13 Hardin-Simmons 7, 20—24 ........ 12:’Nov. 17—36 Montclair Teachere .13 t 81: ct 27 7 Virginia Tech 1“ 14 OALLAUDET who had a in recruiting, Oct. 13—20 Bogton University 20 3 hand ’ Nov. 2 ........ 6 6 Montgomery Nov. 10— Vanderbilt ,Oct 0 Junior 22 him will be fired. N. ’Oct Virginia Military 7 North Carolina .... (i • 21' Oct Teachere .... Rita Welch, the newest star 596 and Wolfe 620. They earned C. State! 19—40 14 17— 7 Navy 13— District 3», & i Nov. 34 Mary 14 , Oct 20—22 Navel Receiving .. 32’ among duckpin bowlers, As ACC is conducting its own lnvestiga- • Oct 26—16 William Nov 24 0 > women . Meets Clrmson 7 ’Oct.j 27 6 : SSO. Nov 3 o West Virginia 14 Norfolk <Va State.. IS shone little tlon. Richmond Nov. 3 0 National Aetlea ..... 28 a brighter today as i Toni Rowe Downey, who used Nov.J 9—32 fl BOLLING AIR BASE . Bridgewater By MERRELL Nov. .... 7- co-champion of the Thanksgiv- rank j WHITTLESEY How Vince Olenik played at Nov. 17—20 The Citadel 0,1 :Sept 22 54 Mltchei APB 7 10— 7 ’to No. I in Washington,! HOWARD ,Bent 29—40 Port Lee 0 I FURY BELVOIR ing The most controversial meet- - North under * Sennlng Sept 22 It Day Mixed Doubles at . prize Carolina an as- Sept1 0 26 Oct 6—45 Fori ...... 2 ; Quantico Marines Fort won a consolation with 22 Shaw 1 Bept 29—4(i .....SR ing siifce Sept 29 Oct Pori 1 Fort Monmouth ...... 0 1951, when Maryland 6 1 13—21 Jackson ... 0 Davis. Sharing the victory, the 595 and El Geib, sr„ nabbed sumed name, the District Teacher! 13 Camp Lejcune Oct Camp Lejeune i one 1 controversial! Oct 6—7 Vlralnla Union 25, ,Oct 20—21 fl tl—l2 ..... *1 : and Clemson defied old ' Morgan Oct 13— ’first of her career, was Jack with 668. the 1 Cornell Johnson case at North Oct 13— 0 State ........ 41 27—33 Shaw AFB fl Oct 7 Little Creek 26 Southern Conference and took Carolina, the Orange Bowl I Oct 20—21 Fisk 0 Nov 3—19 Fort Eustls ... 6 Oct 20—12 Fort Sill 52 Brown, long-time pact ’ Nov. .... i a Army The tournament drew 36 cou- f Oct 27—20 Fayetteville 17— 6 Quantico Marines 7 Oct 28— fl Fort Jackson ... 14 vet- bowl bids, 12 Nov. Bgllp Nov. 3 JjfcL <//>/ professional pies, Is anticipated when and Ironing out football sched- Nov 3 0 Hampton 20 ; 24—21 AFB 19 0 Fort Dix .....’if''’ eran and one-time I a small entry for an event Novj 10—13 6 Dec. I—At Fort Belvoir Nov 10—19 Mltchei AFB 0 the Atlantic Coast Conference i up Morenouee Nov boxer who was a surprise final- so attractive. ‘ ules all will come at the' Nov. 22—13 Lincoln 6 QUANTICO MARINES 17—12 Fort Lee ..to , Nov. 24 0 Fort _ . * meets December 6-7 Sept 16—41 Fort Bennmg 0 Eustls 20 * at Greens- • ! meeting. / MARYLAND ... Dec. ist in the News Elimination i** Greensboro Sept Bept Fort 1—BoHln« AFB 22—12 Syracuse ... 22—33 Belvoir ..... boro, N. C. There also possibility j 28! Sept 8 0 NAVAL RECEIVING Tournament last year. The Thanksgiving Day Mixed is the Sept 29 6 Wake Forest o! 28— Fort Eustls l 13 1 Sept. 22—19 Cepe May 7 Miss Welch and Brown totaled Doubles no doubt suffered from Unless something happens In that charges will be made against | Oct 6 0 Baylor 12”Oct. B—B9 Fort Lee ........ O’ 1 Sept. 29—12 Montgomery Junior 0 I 14—40 — Oct 12— fl ;Oct Parris Island ........ 8 fl ALF TURNER the meantime, the big i of the conference schools Miami 13! 1 Oct. 7 Quonset Point ....... 9 1,269 and with a handicap of competition Inaugural issue will one Oct 20— ’Oct. 20—28 Xavier 13 —— from the 1 for' 6 North Carolina 34 1 Holy Oct. 13—33 Ferrum J. C. .13 Lions’ New Coach grossed 1,308 be Jackie Moreland, phe- unnecessarily rough play. j Oct 87— 7 Tennessee ... 34 Oft 28— 0 Cross ..... 13 Oct. 20—32 Oallaudet g° 39 for a prize of ' Handicap at Walkersville, Md„ the ¦ That Nov a— o Kentucky 14 Nov 3 6 Camp Lejeune 9 i Oct. 27—13 Columbian Prep. 14 . $l5O. They formed an impromp- which attracted 29 of Washing- nomenal freshman basketball 1 could blow the roof off the i Nov 10— « Clemson ft!!:Nov 10—20 Boston College 6: i Nov. 4—39 Kinder APB 7 3 Nov. 17— 7 Bolling Si 10—55 ' tu player at North State. Sedgefleld Inn, at Nov. 17— 0 South Carolina —l3 ; AFB Nov. Baltimore J. C. -O partnership on the opening ton’s regular tournament bowl- Carolina . Greensboro if;Nov. 22—25 North Carolina State 14 1 Nov. 22—34 Fort Monmouth 0 Nov 17— 0 Dover APB ... 0 ' ’night of the tournament, Thurs- They were N. C. State Is on 4-year proba- • the coaches talk there as much MONTGOMERY JUNIOR ers. in a field of 90,: Sept 29 day. tion from the they’re talking o Naval Recelvlnt ... 12 Turner Turns when Miss Welch rolled 618 which was 19 more than partic-i NCAA, and More- .as before the! Oct 6—22 Oallaudet 0 and Brown, 651. In averaging ipated last year, due to the pro- land is said to be the reason. meeting. ><(Oct 13—24 508th AAA 13 ’Oct 29 7 Potomac State 12 123-3 for the five games, Miss motional of ’ Oct 26 0 George Washington 7 activities livewlre Commissioner Jim Weaver The ACC will i JV Welch was seven points above Harry (Tuck! Filler. has asked for [ announce its!:/Nov 3—27 Baltimore J. C. fl more time before ; Orange Bowl team next Sunday, llNov. 10—19 Chowan J C. 7 Lifeless Lions the average with which she leads Leo Wickless, a Frederick- announcing what the conference i Nov. 17—13 Balnbrldge o MOTOR according Erickson, the District Women's Minor Md., newspaperman, will do about Moreland. There ; to Chuck NAVY was swillf athletic director at North Caro- Sept 19—39 William A Mary 14 League as a member of the winner ; [Oct 6—14 with 658-60-718, for was some surprise when Jackie J Cornell ...... 0 l*f Una and chairman of the ACC ’Oct 13— « George Deoudes team. SIOO. Harley Weakley, jr., played for the N. C. State Frosh ; i fulane 21 I CASH of; 'Oct ¦ ’ Bowl Committee. | 20—13 Cincinnati .... 7 Virginia Massey, who carries a Silver Spring, second , against the varsity in the Oct. 27—64 Pennsylvania .... 6 Info was at an- 'Nov. Winners ' After the result of Saturday’s ’ 3—33 Notre Dame 7 modest JoVERHAUL 94 average in league 649-60-709 for SSO and Bunny nual pre-season game the other With a new coach and > play, teamed with Eddie Owens’ at night, Clemson-Furman game is In. the a new j ’Powell, Frederick, third 644- because It’s almost a fore- faculty outlook, the Lions are eagerly r for second place. She rolled 503 56-700 for S3O. ' athletic chairman at each CREDIT SOT; awaiting their next test in the and Owens 665 for a scratch of Others in the payoff were r school will be polled by wire. i ——— J Eastern ; 1,168 gross Harold Ray, Silver Hockey League—against and a of 63-1,231 Harvey Havland, Silver Spring, Spring, 50- ’ There’s whispering that there ANT MAKt CAR Wednesday night . for $75. Frank Micalizzi, Silver I WORK CUARANTHO Clinton at 80-691: Ray Specht, Thurmont, 678: ,are headaches at Carolina All Uline Arena. Frankie and Spring, 13-675; Chick Cramer, r North Wilson Perce Md., 83-689: Tom Harding. • that didn’t exist in his pre- Forty-eight ago Wolfe, Frederick, 50-674; now hours the. both former nationally; ’Frederick, 40-685; Lerou Bur- Maynard vious terms as player and were at They ¦ ranked stars, Hamilton, 60-671; -1 coach, Lions rock bottom. came in third with dette, Gaithersburg. 53-680: Junior Mar- ‘ and that Jim Tatum could be the Everyone straight games , 9-1,225, tin, Walkersville, Filler, had lost 11 in a Miss Wilson shooting Ralph Rohrer, Frederick, 80-679; 103-668: new coach at Texas, where plunge that alarming. 63-667; Jack Landis, Frederick, ’ j was so ” there’s a vacancy. Tatum was other club officials promised to 36-663. and Ed H.-11. Purcellville, jTWASHINGTON’S • offered the step a A Va., 63-660.
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