NEWS Page 5 The Renegade Rip I www.therip.com Wednesday, March 28, 2012 SGA: Peterson vows to put BC votes no smoking SERRANO: students' best interest first District Continued from Page 1 to raise it. We'll fight that for By Keith Kaczmarek non-smokers alike:' said SGA policies. and has lived most of his life sure," he said. Reporter general counsel Derrick Kenner. They were " 100-percent. To­ in Bakersfield. He attended The office of president was "The student body has spoken," bacco-free campus" with 442 Bakersfield High School, and the only SG A office in the elec­ During the Student Govern­ he said, later adding, "When you votes, "designated-smoking ar­ prepared worked in the community in tion that was contested, with ment Association elections that ask me about it, it's about what eas" with 295, and "No Ban on retail management and the Peterson beating out Richard happened on March 20-21, there the school wants." Smoking" with 156. trucking indus!ly before the Heath and Jose Gun ola. The was an extt·a poll about changing "This is something like a A total of 953 students voted for worst economic downturn saw him candidates for the other offices BC's smoking policy and stu­ dream that has plagued BC for in the poll, and the vote was ex­ laid off, and he returned to BC. ran unopposed. Genise Wallace dents chose overwhelmingly for several years. tended for two full days so that "Originally, I was just go­ is the new vice-president and a tobacco-free campus. "This issue, this plague, needs faculty would have more time to outcome ing to come back for a semes­ Toccara Bird is the new secre­ "I think it's a great thing," said t.o die for us to move forward. vote. ter just to keep busy, keep my tary. Iva n Mendez will be the Tawnya Steele, 19, a biology ma­ "This is a huge step for BC and Even with these results, sev­ Continued from Page 1 mind active while I looked for new activities liaison and Nick jor and a non-smoker who spe­ I'm proud to be a part of it." eral more steps have to occur for as many students as possible, work," he said. "But there just Acosta will be the new general cifically voted so that she couJd Kenner has been heading up any changes to school policy to that we'll be able to really pro­ wasn't anything out there, so counsel. Richard Heath, in ad­ be part of the poll. the B-COUGH program on cam­ actually happen. vide a cleai· pathway for stu­ here I am." dition to coming in second in 'Tm personally not a smoker, pus, an anti-tobacco initiative The actual poll is non-binding, dents to come in and !lmisfer Peterson's interest in becom­ the presidential campaign, was and I believe everyone should looking to exploit the passage of and BC administers are under no or move into the workforce, ing SGA president began with elected treasurer as a w1ite~in have freedom and all that, but I Senate Bill AB 795 that took ef­ obligation to actually change the and that we really can come him inquiring about becoming candidate. don't like walking across campus fect this year and allows Califor­ policy from the cun ent policy together and get this done." a senator. This year, 953 people took and getting a face full smoke." nia campuses to enforce smoking which follows state regulations Burke said that the reserves "I wanted to be a voice for pa.it in the voting, a slightly Steele has allergies. policies by levying citations and requiting smokers be at least 20 ai-e a big reason why KCCD the students," higher num- ************ "We've had a lot of complaints fines. feet away from doorways or hall­ can take the time to assess the he said. "And ber than economic situation. President: Richard Peterson and animosity from smokers and The poll consisted of three ways while smoking. when I when last year's "[The reserves] ai·e going I went in to 941 - voter to allow us to go into a two­ Vice President Genise Wallace see about turnout. yeai· process where we can becoming a "I wish take some sizeable hits to our Secretaiy: Toccara Byrd senator, I de­ they would BC boo kstore embracing chang e revenue," he said. cided to go go back to "But instead of reacting in a Treasurer: Richard Heath for it; go for the physical kneejerk way, we can take the president. I ballots," said By Breanna Fields of mouth and flyers posted on ing books and other supplies. time to plan out the changes Activities Liaison: Ivan Mendez thought may­ 'fawntannisha Reporter the bulletin boards in an effort to Aguilar explained that some of approp1iately and in the most be I could do T ho mpson , spread the word. the other prizes given away in­ efficient and effective man­ General Counsel: Nick Acosta more for the cunent SGA The Bakersfield College "We're much more technol­ clude sweaters, headphones and ner and to try to minimize t:he students as president. bookstore has embraced the lat­ ogy savvy now," said Alex Agui­ backpacks. reactions while at the same Legislative Liaison: Vacant "We had est social networking trends by lar, 24, who has worked as a " It. all depends on what we president.." *********** time trying to maximize the Peter son much bigger providing online updates for bookseller even before the store have to offer and what our com­ number of students t.hat we realizes he is turnouts back products, sales and giveaways changed ownership. pany sends us to also give out as can serve." taking office at a time when then." via Facebook and Twitter. Aguilar explained that the promotions," said Aguilar. Burke said that a lot of dis­ the college is facing potentially She attributes the overall low A number of changes have product sales ai·e designed spe­ After walking into the book­ tiicts in the state ai·e not in the devastating budget cuts and voter participation to students been made since Barnes & No­ cificall y to appeal to BC students store to make a purchase, film position to take the time to as­ vows that the SGA will do ev­ being unfamiliar with the In­ ble became the new owners of and bring them into the store to major 'faylor Akins noticed a sess the situation, and could erything within in its power to side BC portal. the BC bookstore. In an effort to see all of the products available. basket. of Energy Sheet samples make brash decisions. protect students . "Students just don't know reach out to students and offer "We'll do a flash-sale so the on the counter. "They're going to have to "I understand that most of how to log on, or sometimes those on a tight budget afford­ students are aware of what we "I wasn't sure what. they were make changes in a very shon these cuts are coming directly you say 'Inside BC,' and they able snacks and supplies, regular have to offer," he said. at first," said Akins. "I tried pe1iod of time, and what hap­ from the state, and we just just say, 'What's that?'" discounts and sales are posted on One-day-only flash-sales are a a sample and was pretty im­ pens operat.ionally when you don't have any control with The elections also contained the BC Bookstore's official Fa­ regulai· feature on the Facebook pressed." have to do that in very quick that," he said. "But there are a feedback poll which allowed cebook page. page that allow students to find Energy Sheets are small, fla­ order is you get a lot of unin­ little things that we can do to voters to express their opinions A sign on the front counter deals that are posted at random vored sheets that contain caf­ tended consequences down­ help the students." of the SGA's perfonnance. encouraging students to "Like" times. feine to provide a temporary stt·eam," he said. Peterson pointed out that The majority of voters rated their Facebook is just one of the They are eligible to receive energy boost. "The leadership of this programs such as the Renegade the job the SGA is doing as many ways that the bookstore these special discounts and buy­ "I really cai1't afford to buy distiict, the chai1cellor, the Panl:ly are vital to students and "average," and rated the Ren­ is !lying to reach students on a one~get-one free deals when they Stai·bucks every day, so this was boai·d, the college presidents pledged the SGA's continued egade Pantry as the most valu­ personal level and provide their mention it to the cashier. a good alternative;' said Akins, and theit· management, have support of such programs, as able thing the SGA does. When se1vices t.o a broader range of The bookstore has also imple­ who hoped to see the product for really done an outstanding job well as opposing a rumored asked what the least valuable people on campus. mented a nationwide sweep­ sale in the future. to help build that reserve, rec­ parking price increase. activity the SGA sponsors, With over 1,300 "Likes" and stakes online where students can Students can check the web­ ognizing the magnitude of the "It's just a rumor at this voters responded resoundingly counting, the popularity of these enter to win $150 for theit· col­ site for updates and infonnation economic downturn and the point, but if it they do want with "homecoming." deals has increased due to word lege bookstore to aid in purchas- on discounts in the store.
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