Thursday, May 18, 1972 Visakha 28, 1894 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (Fifth Series) Vol. XIV (April 2 5 to Miy 9 , 1972 /Vaittkba 5 to 19,1894 (Safes) Fotrth Settios, 1972 /1893-94 (Saks) (Vol. XIVcontains Nos. 31— 40) LOK SABHA SECBKTA1 IAT NEW DELHI C ONTENTS No 47 —Thursdav, Mav 18, 1972lVaisakha 28, 1894 (Saha) Com m\# Oral Answers to Questions *Staried Questions Nos 881 to N91 1 -31 Written Answers to Questions - Starred Questions Nos 892 to 900 31—39 Unstarred Questions Nos 6548 to 6577, 6579 to 6622, 6624, 6625, 6628 to 6645 6647, to 6665 6667 to 6669 and 6671 to 6680 39—138 Calling Attention to Matter o< I'rgent Public Import­ ance Reported imminent water crisis m Delhi 138-52 Mleged donations made by a Company to the ruling Congress for election campaign 152—60 Papers* laid on the Table 160-61 Statement re Demands of the tmployees of ihe Employees Provident Fund Organisation 161-64 ShnR K Khadilkar 161-64 Finance Bill, 1972— 164-201 Clauses 29 to 69 and 1 Motion to pass as amended 185 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu 185—86 Shri K Suryanarayana 186 -90 Shri Shyamnandan Mishra 190-91 Shri Chapalendu Bhattaeharvyia 191-92 Shri R. P Ulaganambi 192-93 Shri Sat Pal Kapur 193 -94 Shri K. M. Madhukar 194-96 Shri Panpoornanand Painuh 196-98 Shn G. Viswanathan 198-99 Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan 199—200 *The sign -f marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member ( i» ) COLTTMWS Demands for Grants (Railways), 1972 73 ... 201—332 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu ... 207—14 Shri Chandrika Prasad ... 280--86 Shri Ramavatar Shastri ... 287 94 Shri A. P. Sharma ... 294 - 98 Shri Jagannathrao Joshi ... 298—305 Shri K. Narayana Rao ... 305- 06 Shri Manoranjan Hazra ... 306-07 Shri R. N. Barman ... 307—09 Shri M. M. Joseph ... 309- 12 Shri N. Shivappa ... 312-18 Shri D. N. Tiwary ... 318—21 Shri Rajdeo Singh ... 322—27 Shri P. Venkatasubbaiah ... 327 30 Shri Banamali Patnaik ... 330—32 Business Advisory Committee- Twelfth Report ... 333 34 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABI! A triation of non-Bengalis from Bangladesh to Pakistan The Government are further Thunday May 18. \912fVaimkha 28, 1894 aware that the ICRC has been discussing {,Saka) the problem with the two Governments concerned The Government's position has been made amply dear on a number of occasions the question of minorities m The Lok babhu met at Pleven of the Clock Pakistan and Bangladesh is one to be sorted out by the t\*o Governments concerned. [M u. SrKAKt i< in the Chair] fa* f»m srnFsft 3n*sr ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS * 3TT7% 5TTT 5fr ft *TFRT wrfarr f f a ^ r r t o srsrr?r s r t ? rfw »rf sr*fVsr tfg sa % «r*mT t o ktott % rr^ w srfafw | afa ?rw aT?T-^ftcr tv% % *rncT % srf?rftrfe *fr m f® $ ’ + *881 «ft fa* fUK * SHRI SWARAN SINGH For obvious reasons, I am not competent to give the reaction of the UNO We ourselves have also been impressing upon the International wr fato w t f r r Red Cross and other organisations to help fsp: in the matter, but primarily this is a matter between Bangla Desh and Pakistan (*T) WT ^F T X *TT WTR ?r*TT^TT- «ft f a * f m r ^ r f t *t<t $ *ra> it sr*rrF$r?r m r R R aftr fe? rm *T5fi ft 'SfT^PTT SJTf^TT | W *WT $ % 3TW STTSft 3f»HT JTWft* aft* to ft 'rrfar^rfam 3r> qrf«F?TR ft qrf^^fFT *r ferfatf it vflr s’R'ta sr»rrfa*ft z m x | 7 m*t ^ p f, sfa: f t apsrcfafta frfafa % 3r«r m % (sr) sft ?rt *wsr Jr $x *p k sfT SRTPT f 3*T*T WT ’Tf^JT* | ? SPTT 3rrJT«FFt 3TOST | <R^C «RH 5[H SHRI SWARAN SINGH The numbers tot 'K s*rm to arvrc% frr«r tftf are not the same m the two countries, but f*TO-W«nw |3rr | ’ in a matter like this, the question of num­ bers and the equality of numbers are not unpoitant It is a human problem where THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL those who are virtually stranded as Bengalis AFFAIRS (SHRI SWARAN SINGH) . (a) are m Pakistan, and for human considera­ and (b). The Government are aware that tions, the Pakistan Government should ^veral lakhs of Bangladesh citizens are in enable them to return to Banlga Desh. Pakistan. The Government are also aware ol the Bangladesh Prime Minister's appeal v j w r o m m $ & {o the United Nations to arrange their iepa* to Bangladesh in return for the repa­ 3rH*T f 3 Oral Answers MAY 18, 1972 Oral Answers 4 afiT % sf*pn ^ fr»fr Bonus Review Committee t ^ t Ht srfcr- + f a f W ift 3TT Tjfy fr ? *882. SHRI P. M. MEHTA : SHRI KRISHNA CHANDRA PANDFY : SHRT SWARAN SfNGH ; Obviously, I Will the Minister of LABOUR AND cannot give information about the informa­ REHABILITATION be pleased to state : tion reaching the Government of Hangla Desh. (a) whether a Committee to review the working of P.ijment of Bonus Act has been constituted; SHRI SAMAR GUHA : May I know whether it is a fact that all the members of (b) if so, the constitution and the main the armed forces of former Pakistan, that i>, terms of reference of the Committee; and the Bengali members of the armed forccs. namely the Air Force, the Na\> and the (c) the time by which it is likely to Fourth Regiment of the Pakistan Army are submit its report } now being kept in detention in concenttation camps and also whether it is a fact that a large number of Bengalis are also being kept THE nrPUTY MINISTER IN THE in concentration camps in Pakistan and whe­ MINISTRY OF 1AHOUR AND REHA­ ther during the talks between Mr. A/i/ BILITATION (SHRI BALGOV1ND Ahmed and Shri D. P Dhar, the Government VLRMA) : ( j ) Yes, Sir. of Pakistan said that the Bengali members of the armed forces would be released only (b) Copy of Resolution containing the on condition that the prisoners of war of composition and terms, of tefeience has been Pakistan were allowed to be released tn equal placed on the Table of the Lok Sabha on numbers, and if so, the reaction of the 2K-4-1972 Government thereto ? (c) It is not possible to say at this stfge whui the committee would complete its work. SHRI SWARAN SINGH : We have in- formation to the effect that the Bengali SHRI P. M. MEHTA • Ail the central component or persons of the Armed fo rcc s trade unions in the country demanded a priginaily belonging to Bangla Desh are minimum bonns at the rate of 8-33 per facing difficulties and some of them are i,nder cent, and ihe Union Labour Minister gave virtual arrest. This is a genuine problem an assurance to that effect at the Bombay which should be resolved between Pakistan confciencc, but unfortunately, Government and Bangla Desh. At the time of the talks have failed to persuade industry to accept between Shri D. P. Dhar and the special the demand, and as a result, lakhs of emissary of President Bhutto, only the ques­ workers were compelled to strike woik and tion of the agenda, the venue and approxi­ lose their wages for ten or twelve days. mate time wcie settled but the other side, Keeping this tn view, may I know from that is, the Pakistan side was not prepared Government whether they will regulatise the to discuss substantive matters. advance known as the Khadilkar Kharchi paid to the workers and the bonus at 8*33 pei cent, and what steps Government con­ SHRI RAMAVATAR SHASTRI roi«- template to regularise these amounts of advance as bonus at the rate of 8*33 p« cent ? MR, SPEAKER : Yesterday, we were able to cover only three or four questions. We THE MINISTER OF LABOUR ANH sfyould do more today, Sot 1 am not going REHABILITATION <SHRI to allow more thaa three or four supple­ KHADILKAR) : The advance baaed on the mentary questions for any single question. ad hoc Bombay formula Is supposed to be 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 28, 1894 (SAKA) OraI Am hers 6 n ot recovered till the final review commit tec spccift any penod within which the report submits its recommendations. Every effort should be submitted. Mr, Mehta has put will be made to persuade the employers, the question. In some textile mills Rs. 120 because it is not a statutory formula, not to or Rs. ISO was paid as advance to be start recovery proceedings at the present adjusted against any future decision given juncture. by Mr. Khadilkar or the committee. The hon. Minister is aware the with his inter­ SHRI P. M. MEHT\ : Looking to the vention in two mills in Kanpur Rs. 120 was terms of reference laid on the Table on 28th paid iis advance and the employers said April, 1972, it appears that the committee that Mr. Khadilkar would give is award will take a long time. The financial year is within 15 or 20 dr»ys, ^(Interruptions) I more or less over and the demand for bonus should like to know' whether that point has will be put forth witlrn a month or two. also been referred to this committee or the Therefore, may I know whether Govern­ employers will be asked to pay the workers ment will picscnbe a time-limit to the commi­ without further delay.
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