TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1007. 6 NEW-TORK DATLY system. us that the combination in question and Delegates next winter will be 300. Two and efficiently in the- conduct of suea a pears to About Teople and Social will be leans toward the trust side of the line. It is at Incident^ Amusements. Commissioners will booh be elected from the That the political progress oi CWm "full by profonnd all events "a ladies* agreement." The Su!;:-TC— y.:\r,— Philippines, and of 1910 places ntt<'iiile<i or cioseiy followed Clarence C Rice. will be married to ACAIfFMY OF The Old Homeitead. after the census the cause dissatisfac- THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS. W. Gordc AMiAMHI'.A——2—.-— Vsi"Vvi!:«;. provided 42."» or 430 cbangea In l^r social and industrial constitu- dinner pail" is chief Means, of Boston, in the Church of the Ascensj ASTCR— £:15 A •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 Tourist. willhave to be for probably the railroad men who [FVr>m The Tribun*Bureau. 1 ea J;EUAHCO— — tion [a to nor is it to deplored tion. It seems that on November M. Her Miss Gladys £:15 Tiv li-se of th* Ilancho. members, To adding desks and seats be expected, be 14.— Russian Ambassador, sister. Ric« — Buildi: continue largely make up the dependents of the board- Washington, Oct. The wil!be her maid honor, BUOU—8:18 The Master ball or regarded as a to the world. The pro- daughter. of and Mr. M«ins siste- HU.M;V:- Kobln Hood. would necessitate an enlargement of the menace noonday who. with Baroness Rosen and their Means, ]:I«)AIAVAY— '» the ing house take their meal Miss Claire and Miss Kafherine — —b:18— It.per? Brother! in Panarr.a. an aggravation present ductive power ot the Chinese i pie union-trust Elizabeth Risen, has to the em- Earton. o* CASINO h:ir Thr (Jay White Way. and of Inconveniences. in that much vaunted Damns— returned Boston: Miss Jacqueline Kelly.Miss — <— arts be enormously ex- with them to thetr work here, to-night Ccrnelia tier** OOUOiIIAIt B— Yaudevi.!*-. Mr. Boutell, therefore, proposed to remove the :L-id Industries "ill organiza- bassy occupied a box at the Relasco Miss Dorothea Potter and Miss CRITERION— *>:IS—T-.- Dairymaids extensively tin It was asserted at the Elolse Durant wi«* desks, replace benches, the panded and will be broughi more reservoir. to act Virginia Hamed in Tolstoy's "Anna Kare- serve her DALY'S—*::#—— The On-at Mvlfie. them with reduce these same pails were as as bridesmaids. Robert L. wi" DEWEY—2 X— with otter tion meeting that baron baroness, there were Means Vaudeville. floor space by about one-half and devote the and more closely Into competition nina." Besides the and be his brother's best man. Following KDKN MI'KEE-Th» Wr.rlJ Id Wai labor, Uie large wash boilers. One long faced house- amons; and the c«r«^ F.MPIHE—*:2O—Mv Wifp. area saved galleries. lauds. We may shut out Chinese '"it as others In tluir box Prince Koudacheff mony there willbe a reception at the Rice RuTtf-fly. thus to lobbies and Republican declared that httn<v GARDRN 8.-20 Madam would, product* of that labor at home will, for a while kopper of affiliations Mr. yon Siebert. In Irving Place. x RARRICK 8:2o-Tho Step Sifter. The disappearance of the desks under • right when he Portugal, who ar- Dl« Grogse least, Ihe markets thp hit Mark Hanna was all Viscount d'Alte. Minister from GERMAN B:20*— :.flrd" present conditions, work little hardship. They at more and more invado of iWiTHAM-l'- \ntideville. time, eulogised "full dinner pail." She insisted. rived In this country from Europe the last the Elliot Cow-din. Reginald C. Vamlerbitt. H4CKETT-*:ls—When Knl«rht* Were Bold. a good years ago, when there of the world. Yet at the same In corre- the looking for Thrm»-» __._. served purpose however, "meant enough to week, has come to Washington and is Bond and William Laimbeer were the <j* UaMMKRSTEIN"S—2:IS—V.I&—VaudeviIIe. M sponding ratio, that labor will become lens and that the Senator fraests HERALD PQT:aRE— 15 Girl Behind the Counter were only a few committee rooms accessible to load." Hence an a house for the legation. W. Goadby Lara yesterday en the road 2—H—Nepluce's Daughter and 1 loneer The is certain. As people rise cut and not a wheelbarrow Hauge. coach UIPPOimOME— members and when writing had actually to be less cheap. rule The Minister from Norway and Mme. who Venture on its trip the Dajs. — they also extra tax of $1 a week was placed on the full avenue, between Holland HouaaF HUDSON—* nS r:iaK.«niates. done in the chamber. But now that every mem- In the political and social scale rise are in the new legation in Massachusetts and Ardsley. H. S. Brenchley drove. KNIf'KKRROCKER— S:IR—The KTarrell»t. case pall. and will be LIBERTY— fr>m an and a clerk and corre- in the Industrial scale. That has been the dinner will s.iil for Norway on November 5 -*:IS—LoUI Berlin. l>er has office room clear, therefore, that this 1.T.-'- M ••. Thief. dictation, desks a in Japan, where wages have increased until It seems pretty absent from this country for three o«- four months. The long distance drive of the Coaching J..Vni<^—'•\u25a0jn— \li<r',p Cristo — spondence is done by the are as a 11 ny employers beginning complain that they combination should be frankly classed willbe the Clc^ MADISON BQfARE GARDES- 10 a. in. to V- belated survival. The hall of the House has arc to gas- made on October 2S. when members wta Hufinwß s>how. with tic- trust. It is a conspiracy in restraint of take part in it willdrive from the — Round fp. speaking and voting, and can ao longer successfully compete SOCIETY. Holland Hous* KISW AHSTCTtDAW—'- 4>:IS Th" come to be used for tronomy. IN WASHINGTON Blairsden, C. estate, KEW ir!i-T.K B- Tv— I-li.;la in personal work simply Industries of other lands. The same tilingwill to I-«<iyHrii Blair's near Pea. HEY V«H(K—2—P.Vi A<svht'c»-.1 Vaudeville. members engaged or fFrom The Tribune Bureau. 1 pack. - SAVOY- «:IV- of the Hour. happen in China, and the industrial and com- N. J. The start will be made on -nrrl.-j The M»n fillingin the time can use their own offices or Washington. Oct. 14.-Major General and Mrs. the Journey WAL.LACK'B—«:ir.-Tlie Stiver Girl. balance of the world will be main- The telegraphers' strike, begun In haste, is a and return on Monday. wtpfh's- «:ir,—Flip' I'lp! Hooray! the lobbies to better advantage. It would add mercial Henry C. Corbin returned to Washington from END—P—The Money and discord. The until WEST Lender. the smoothness, courtesy and practical use- tained. now ending in recriminations visit to Ohio. They will live at Chevy Chase Mr. and Mrs. W. Nelson Cromwell have to organi- construction, is returned if the members participating strike Is a two-edged weapon which no their new house, now in course of from their place at Seabright. N. J.. to fulness of debate finished, the^ it were to sit near together on the front .1 SORRY RECORD. zation should unsheathe lightly and thought- about December X. home. in West 43th street, for the winter. Index to Advertisement*. In able of State, Robert Bacon, beaches, instead of trumpeting across space, More than once daring the protracted session lessly. Unless public opinion sustain? it such The Assistant Secretary now has returned to Washington from his summer place Mrs. John Ellis Rcosevelt will present her daqaj^ Pair*.* Co|. | Pairs. Col. and there would be less temptation than to of the 1 ile New Jersey Legislature we had oc- a move is always little less than suicidal at- >mtjw>nvr.U &-* Help TVanted 11 2-8 at Westbury. Long Island, where he "went to ter. Miss Glatlys Roosevelt, en 4. 1* long stump speeches having little or way December T»a Apartment Hotels... 14 4 Ir.Mructlon 0 indulge in casion t<> remark upon the discreditable In tend the wedding of his niece. Mrs. Bacon and days later Miss Edna Mr.--. H. Auction' Sales Fleas l^rift Ilarkbooks '.' '\u25a0 the subject hand. The House politics" instead Prohibition in the South is greatly decreasing I»ng DWilt. Wilmerdlaj <-ia! 13 4'l-ni.t * Found 13 -»'\u25a0 no relation to In which that body was "playing the your.g members of her family are still on Bidtlle's daughter, willmake her debut. Autumn Hetwta ....14 6!Machinery 11 a good in years from state, it the receipts of the federal internal revenue col- Island, probably to Washington in Kroken..]2 B-»"> has suffered deal recent of attending to the business of the but will return liank»-r« A- JlMarrlagf-s & Deaths.. 7 its discus- section, of Hoard & Rooms 11 2!Notice of Summons. .11 « the superficiality and crudeness of remains to be added that the game was kept lectors in that and a consolidation tho near future. Mr. and Mrs. Prederi. c Havesstyw * \u25a0< k will ra» Hoxlnjf 11 f-'Orean Reamers i legislation. Any experiment districts will be necessary Letters from Mrs. L. Z. ter to her friends in Hus:r..'M ft 41I'm;>c.aal« 14 \u25a0 sions of pending up to the very end. and thai tbe longest lived probably unless Lei main abreai 'inril early in r»aiuary.
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