THE AMERICAN BIOLOGYTEACHER VOLUME63, NUMBER 6 * AUGUST 2001 '''- Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/63/6/395/50130/4451138.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 'I ./'' /'/ F1 - ='/I ^ mE Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/63/6/395/50130/4451138.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 lel}Level| 201 Biology Titles g Annelids * Classification of Living Things * Invertebrates 2001 Biology Upgrades * DNA: The Molecule t W | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Food Chains & Webs) THE AMERICAN BfOLOGYEACHER VOLUME63, NUMBER6 * AUGUST2001 Guest Editorial Bad Teaching: It's Not Just for the Classroom Anymore Randy Moore MurrayJensen Jay Hatch....................... 389 Articles Biology in silico: The Bioinformatics Revolution The Human GenomeProject is forging an alliance betweenbiology and Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/63/6/395/50130/4451138.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 computersthat promisesto revolutionizeour understandingof genetics. Mark Bloom . ............................................... 397 Effect of a Curriculum Containing Creation Stories on Attitudes about Evolution Researchsuggests that a conceptualchange approach to evolution is more effectivethan traditionalinstruction. Dorothy Matthews ........................................... 404 Improving Students' Questions in Inquiry Labs ABOUTOUR COVER How our laboratoryand classroompractices may inhibit or promote While walking through a forest in students'ability to ask high-level,open-ended questions. the Sheep River Valley, located in Gili Marbach-Ad LarkA. Claassen ............................. 410 the foothills of western Alberta, about a one-hour drive southwest How-To-Do-Its of Calgary, photographer Mark A Classroom Demonstration of Temperature & Wind Effects Degner and a friend found the cav- on Plant Transpiration ity nest of a pair of Northern Malcolm McCallum .......................................... 420 Flickers (Colaptes auv-atus) in an Investigating Evolutionary Aspen tree. The young had already Questions Using Online Molecular Databases hatched and the parents were fly- Evaluateevolutionary relationships of vertebratesusing an Internet ing back and forth, bringing food proteindatabase. to them. They returned later in the Mary N. Puterbaugh J. Gordon Burleigh........................ 422 day and set up a blind a short dis- Relating Enzyme Function to Concepts of Dominance & Recessiveness tance from the Aspen. The male, An exerciseto link conceptsof dominancelrecessivenesswith enzyme shown in the photo, would often action and phenotypeexpression. land in the top of a broken tree Janet Lanza Camille Cress ...................... 432 after bringing food to the nest. A DNA Fingerprint Simulation: Different, Simple, Effective The Northern Flicker is found Scientific"who-dunnit" gets studentsout of their seats and learning across North America and there are about DNA two races: the yellow-shafted shown profiling. here, and the red-shafted. The two Eileen Reed ................................................. 437 races regularly hybridize and inter- mediates are commonly found. Departments Letters ....................................................... 392 Degner captured the image with a Nikon FE-2 camera and a Nikkor Biology Today 300m f4 lens on a tripod using WhereIs Biology? Fujichrome 100 ISO film. He is a Maura C. Flannery, Department Editor .......................... 442 Biology Instructor and the Biology Index to Advertisers .......................... 446 Laboratory Supervisor at Grant MacEwan College, City Centre Classroom Technology Reviews Campus, in Edmonton, Alberta. Rachel Hays, Jose Vazquez, Department Editors................... 448 He teaches Diversity and Environ- Book Reviews mental Biology lectures and Cell Rita Hoots, Editor................................. 452 Biology, Diversity, Ecology and Department Vertebrate Biology labs. NABT National Convention 2001 Information . .............. 458 A * ps Editorial Staff TheAmerican Biology Teacher(ISSN 0002 7685), official Editor: Randy Moore peer-reviewed journal of the National Association of University of Minnesota 374 Appleby Hall, 128 Pleasant St. SE, Biology Teachers, 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, #110, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0434 Reston, VA 20191, is published nine times a year E-mail:[email protected] (monthly except June and July; November and Managing Editor: Christine Chantry December are combined). Institutional subscriptions are $90 a year in the United States and U.S. posses- Associate Editor: Kris Collum sions; foreign subscriptions are $105 a year. Publisher: Wayne W. Carley Subscriptions are offered on a calendar year basis; members and subscribers receive all issues in the vol- Editorial Staff: Kay Acevedo, Cheryl Merrill ume for the year in which their subscription is entered. ABT Production 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive #110 Advertising matters, subscription orders and changes Office: Reston, VA 20191-3409 of address should be send to NABT's Reston Office, Phone: (703) 264-9696 Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/63/6/395/50130/4451138.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, #110, Reston, VA 20191- Fax: (703) 264-7778 E-mail:[email protected] 3409. All manuscripts should be sent to Randy Moore, Web site: www.nabt.org c/o NABT, 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, #110, Reston, VA 20191-3409. Department Editors Editorial contents ? by the National Association of Biology Today: Maura C. Flannery Biology Teachers. Designed by Finney Creative, Charles St. John's University,Jamaica, NY 11439 Town, WV. Printed by United Litho, Inc., Ashburn, VA. E-mail:[email protected] Periodicals postage paid at Herndon, VA and additional Book Reviews: Rita Hoots mailing offices; single copy for subscribers: $10 domes- Woodland Community College tic delivery, $12 foreign delivery (includes postage); sin- 41605 Gibson Rd., Woodland, CA 95776 gle copy for members, $7; nonmembers, $10. 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This permis- guidelines should be sent to: sion does not extend to copying for advertising or pro- ABT Managing Editor, NABT motional purposes, creating new collective works (i.e. 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive #110 course packets/anthologies), resale or any material not Reston, VA 20191-3409 copyrighted to the National Association of Biology Teachers. Registered with Copyright Clearance Center, Anthology Permission 222 Rosewood Distinguished1998 THEASSOCIATION Service, Dr., 1996 OFEDUCATIONAL Danvers, MA 01923; [email protected]. Achievement1993 PUBLISHERS POSTMASTER:Send address changes to The American Award1992 Biology Teacher, 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, #110, Winner19890 A Reston, VA 20191-3409. Bringing Genomics into the Classroom Geneka Biotechnology introduces a complete line of educational kits designed to highlight such techniques as the Gelshift/EMSA, the Northern blot and the Western blot. Laboratory techniques that once seemed quite complex are simplified. Students learn to master techniques and build confidence. Educational Packages/Kits Available: Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/63/6/395/50130/4451138.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 EMSA/Gelshifting Kit Northern BlottincgKit Western Blojting Kit Educational Package Educational Package Educational Package ~~~~~~~- -1 ----All t4 *4 DNA mRNA Protein Features of Educational Package: I| r . Comprehensive and easy-to-use for science educators and students I .* Acquisition of the latest laboratorytechniques is made easier * Activation of the learning process is greatly accelerated * Retention of new techniques and concepts is greater Don't wait. Try Geneka's complete line of learning tools. Geneka Biotechnology Inc. r Learning Tools for Science Students s'e [>y8 <t.7 >tJ7j .
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