University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 6-29-2009 Central Florida Future, Vol. 41 No. 56, June 29, 2009 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 41 No. 56, June 29, 2009" (2009). Central Florida Future. 2242. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/2242 Hamming it up Longtime Knight Students compete to see _,,..;,....;;::... Basketball's Kirk Speraw's journey who's Icing of the to UCF stardom -sEESPORTs,As airwaves - SEE NEWS,A2 ANIMALS DOGS COMPETE Bright Futures ·modifies scholarships_ TOWIN UGLY VIRGl~IA KIDDY demic Scholars will receive according to a UCF News & . News Editor $126 per credit hour, and Information press release on BRIGHT EUTURES Florida Medallion Scholars May 22. ·coNTEST Bright Futures. is chang­ will receive $95 per credit For a Florida Academic In 1997, the Florida Aprominent under-bite,scrunched ing this fall for all recipients ho~ accordmg to the Flori­ Scholar taking 30 hours of Legislature created the face and floppy ears are the of the scholarship. da Department of Educa­ courses, Bright Futures will Florida Bright Futures hallmarks of the _.....,.....-,-,--...,........,........, Money given to students tion's Web site. cover $3,780, leaving about Scholarship Program, winner of the will be a flat rate based on When tuition increases $746 as an out-of-pocket · This Florida Lottery­ World's Ugliest the nwnber ofcredit hours a by approximately 15 pen;ent expense to ,students who funded scholarship Scbolan•Jp Program Dog contest. student enrolls in. There­ in the fall, for a student tak­ once paid nothing for rewards students for Pabst,a boxer-mix fore, it- will not cover any of ing 30 hours of courses a tuition. won the annual their academic achievements during high school by providing funding for the tuition increases talcing year and paying differential For Florida Medallion them to pursue postsecondary educational and career goals in Florida. contest Friday, It place this fall because it is tuition, the annual cost of Scholars, Brigbt Futures ,will was an upset.victory for Pabst, who not based on a perce'iltage of -WWW.FLORIDASTUDENTFINANCIALAID.ORG beat fonT1er champion Rascal, a tuition and fees will increase pedigree Chinese Crested. Pabst's tuition and fees. Florida Aca- . from $3,947 to $4,526, PLEASE ~EE LOTTERY ON AS owner took home $1,600 in prize money, pet supplies and a modeling contract with House of Dog. English FOOD courses •,-r -receive• a ,, Students compete to send robot to the moon newlook ,Ji.\ ELIAS ASSAF ... Curriculum, class ., Contributing Writer capacity change Teani Omega Envoy finished preparations Saturday to send their prototype lunar MONICA AGATSTEIN rover to the North Pole. Contributing Writer UCF students have created a company dedicated to building and landing a lunar rover in hopes of winning $30 million in prizes from Google. The competition is an effort to have This summer, UCF will intro­ a 90 percent privately-funded group send a robot to the moon to travel 500 meters, collect duce a new curriculwn in fresh­ HD video and panoramic views, and send the first e-mail and text message from the moon. man English composition classes S~nior Ruben Nunez and grad students Jason Dunn and Justin Karl created the team that reduces class size in an effort Omega Envoy as part of Earthrise Space Inc., a not-for-profit company they founc!ed with to imp rove stude nts' writing which they entered the Google tunar X PRIZE competition. skills.' "It's a big systems engineering project," Nunez said. "We have our requirements already 'We are doing a longitudinal set for the entire project, from building to launch day." . study to see what the impacts of Breaking . The project was planned in collaboration between organizations such as the Florida smaller classes on writing news on Space Institute, Embry-Ridclle, 4Frontiers and Lippman Law Offices. instruction are," Elizabeth War­ Saturday the team prepared their rover to be sent to the Flashl~ne Mars Arctic dle; director of writing programs, your cell Research Station in the North Pole with 4Frontiers Vice President Joseph E. Palaia. said. "We predict that smaller They will be using this time at Devon Island in Nunavut, Canada to tl!st the communi­ Get UCF news sent to your cell class size will ei;iable teachers to phone. Just t~xt the keyword cation capabilities of the robot. spend more one.,on-one time "I'm ~oing to be up there for the whole month, with a crew offive other people, liv­ UCFNEWS to 44636. with students as they're learning ing in a simulated Mars habitat,'' Palaia said, "and so, I offered to bring this up there to write and to provide better with me, so they can control this, just as ifthey were operating their rover on the feedback." AROUND CAMPUS, A2 moon." English Composition I , or · This will allow UCF students to test how well they can control the rover in ENC llOl, will be the first class to EXPLORATION OF ·a terrain similar to those they will encounter in the competition. talce part in the new curriculum. ·VALUES AUCTION TO The prototype rover was designed by the Defense Advan~ed Research The previous enrollment ca'p of BE HELD TUESDAY Projects Agency (DARPA) Team at UCF and is the secon~ model to be con­ 27 has now been lowered to 25 structed. The rover was built in two weeks in an effort to take advantage of and also offers two 19-student On Tuesday,students will be able to the rare opportunity the students have been given. · sections. participate in an auction to help "The rover takes video and remotely feeds it to us, and we can remotely In the fall there will be eight clarify values related to career and co~trol it from a computer at UCF,'' said Eric Travis, a UCF student on the sections offered with the 19.-stu­ major decision-making. Learn how Omega Envoy team. · dent enrollment cap. your p,ersonal and work values The complete project has a budget of approximately $40 million. Of that, According to research con­ relate to }(Our career choices. $20 million has been donated to the team from its various sponsors. ducted by Wardle, studies from Omega Envoy joined the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition in October of research journals and reports show that writing classes with PLEASE SEE COMPETITION ON A7 smaller capacities displayed an LOCAL & STATE, A2 improvement in students' retert­ POLICE; TV PITCHMAN tion of information, improved quality and amount of professor BILLY MAYS FOUND feedback. • It also shows improvements in ' \ DEAD AT HOME students' attitudes toward writ­ Tampa police say Billy Mays, the ing 'classes, the college experi­ television pitchman known for his ence in general and higher scores boisterous hawking of products ) on writing-related tests. · such as Orange Flo and OxiClean, UCF hire d four new profes- has died. His wife found him dead on Sunday at their home. PLEASE SEE NEW ON A3 2DEADAFTER · APPARENT ILLEGAL SESSION BSCHE .DULE DRAG RACE IN MIAMI UCF develops event calendar On-campus Housing opens 1 Grade Forgiveness Deadline Poli.ce believe an illegal drag race LILY MAXWELL the Recreation & Wellness for them to get involved Saturday,June 27 on UiJiJJ'fllff<tff might be to blame for a crash that Contributing Writer Center, have complied a list here at UCF," Novak said (1:00 p.m.) (ends at 11 :59 p.m.) killed two men in Miami. of programs and . .events Novak attributes the ini­ Thursday,July 17 According to FHP,authorities found From pool parties to late form a universal calendar of tial idea of the calendar to aasses Begin the two men inside a car Saturday night movies, students will programs to get the word his vice president, who Monday,June 29 Classes end; last day to now have a better opportu­ morning. \ out about summer events. wanted to see the organiza­ remove incomplete nity to get involved with Jeff Novak, associate tions come together and Late Registration and Friday, August 7 · " UCF this summer through director of Housing and form a group. Novak the creation of a universal Residence Life, said that chaired the organizational Add/Drop · INDEX ' TODAY'S calendar called "Summer every summer there have committee, which he calls (ends at 11:59_p.m.on last day) On-campus Housing doses (noon) · Around Campus 2 WEATHER Knights." been programs av.;tllable to the Summer B Horizontal Jun';. 29 - Jul~ 2 Weather 2 Starting in summer B, students but now the organ­ Team Committee. Saturday,August 8 Local & State 2 numerous groups and izations have decided to cre­ Through a gro111p effort Last Day for full refund Sports 8 organizations such as the ate a calendar and a logo of rather than individual Wednesday,July 1 Grades Available on llililJ'fllPrtlf Opinion 10 · Campus Activities Board, "Summer Knights" so the organizations, students are (begins 9:00 a.m.) Learning and Interacting Oassifieds 11 activity list is more accessi­ able to look to one calendar Independence Day Wednesday,August 12 Sudoku with New Knights, the ble to incoming students. and know exactly what their Friday,July 3 11 Office of Student Involve­ Crossword 11 ''We want summer B stu­ options are for activities and Grades Available on UiJiJJ'fllffrt/f .
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