-71 DOCUMENT RESUME 110 .-c11-11o4 024. , TITLE Career Education Teacher's Guide lEletientaty Units]. INSTITUTION Rockland County Board of Cooperative Educational Services, West Nfick, N.Y.' PUB DATE 74. NOTE= 2= 18p.;= For Intermediate Units, see CE 004 °025; for Secondary -Units, see CE-004-026 EDRS' PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$10.78 PLUS POSTAGE- DESCRIPTORS *Career Akareness; *Career Education; Course Content; Course ObjeativesrCurriculum- Guides; *Elementary Edudation; Primary Grade4; Resource Materlals; *Resource UnittTeacher Developed Materials; *Teaching Guides- IDENTIFIERS Rockland -CoUnty Career Education Program- :ABSTRACT_ The 12 teacher's guidesi emphasizing career e *cation and i infusion into existing curriculum, are for the following units of instruction and suggested grade levels: the department stare, K-2; the airport, K-3; measurement and-its relationship to baking, K-3; people behind the scenes at school, Kei3; books, 1-3; can be a-- scientist ?, 3-5; careers in earth science, 3-5; =life and-Work early America, 4; explorers--an introduction, 4-5; imventors who 4 -careers that follow, 4-5; safety and health in school an ndistrf, 4-5; and headlines and deadlines, 4-4. Each unitA.s organized under several strategies and major aims, subdivided into categories of objectives, concepts, suggested activities, resources, and evaluation procedures. Some units conclude with a bibliography of additional resource materials. Material in the units is intended be eXible and easily adapted to the interests and needs of put) in e-class. (Authot/NH) ******************4i****ig*********************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished_ * * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * -* supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * ********************************************************************** U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION TH. DOCumE GLEN REPRO DUCFO EXACTL Y RECEIVED FROM THE PERcrIN OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN AT,NC, IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARIL'' REPRE SENT OF F 1( 1AL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY- RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Laurence W. Aronstein Rockland BOCES TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NATIONAL IN- STITUTE OF EDUCATION FURTHER REPRO- DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM RE. OUIRES PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER CAREER EDUCATION TEACHER'S GUIDE Grades K - 2 DEPARTMENT STORE Copyight: Board of Cooperative EducationalServices Rockland County, New York 1974 Rockland County Career Education Program Dr. Laurence Aronstein, Coordinator Rockland County DOGES West Nyack, New York 10994 My 3 PREFACE This teacher's Guide was developedby county teachers for the infusion strategy in teachers. The material was developed with selected and the approach to mind. That is, traditional units were the unit was refocused in order toemphasize Caveer Education. It is not our intention thatthese Guides be a blueprint and that they be followedpoint for point. Rather, we feel that this material will provide a key resourcefrom wnich the creative teacher Each might implement all kinds ofunique teaching-learning situati.ns. relates Guide is uniquely designed toemphasize how Career Education there to some phase of thesubject matter. We do th s to point up that the exist many diverse approaches toinfusing Career Education into through the use of a existing curriculum. This end is accomplished consistent format, so that teacherneed not reinterpret a newformat for each of the 1uides. Particular mention should be made,f those teachers who originally develcped the premisefor this Guich. Ruth Berlin - East Ramapo Janice Goldfarb - Pearl River Joseph Malgieri - Ciarkstown 4 INTRODUCTION In studying the community helpers curriculum, we haverealized that the department store and its associated career clusteris overlooked. Since children from an early age, are brought to the department store, we felt it necessary tofamiliarize primary children with people and their jobs in this setting. We, as teachers, realize the great amount andvariety of materials which are currently part of the communityhelpers curriculum. However, it is our intent that this Department Store unit canbe infused into that course of study. In writing the objectives for this K-2 unit, wefocused on the Career Education elements of Self-Awareness, CareerAwareness, Economic Awareness, Appreciations and Attitudes, Decision-MakingSkills, Skill Awareness and Beginning Comdetence, and Educational Awareness.Very simply, this means that the primary child is introduced,through the use of these materials, tohe world of work and its implications forpersonal growth and self-understanding. The unit is written so that the teacher may usehis/her own creativity and discretion in using the material. We emphasize that it is a flexible unit -end the teacher maypick, choose, add or alter the material so that it meets the needs of the individualsin a particular group. In addition to the references included on each strategysheet there is a general bibliography at the end of theunit. This bibliography includes references for both the student and backgroundinformation for the teacher as well. We would like you to particularly note that thebook Behind the Scenes in the Department Store, by Leon Harrisis an excellent reference guide fpr this unit and is available at local librariesand through Dr. Aronstein's office. At the end of your guide you willalso find a list of joPs which are part of the Department Storecluster which may prove helpful to you. Finally, we hope you have as much fun sharing this material with your class as we had writing it. e's NAME OF UNIT Department Store STRATEGY NUMBERCit.'.0EISUtlu:rTI in a departmentK-2 store.Interdisciolinary MAJOR AIM The child will learn that people do differnt jobs-,': ** * * ** * * ;: * -.": * ** * OBJECTIVE* * ** -%. V: *CONCEPT** * (1)* The* teacher* SUGGESTEDwill show picturesACTIVITYof the depart- FilmstripRESOJRCE Thetento identifychilddepartment will at bestoreleast able thererecognizeforIt ischildren areimportant variousthat to availableasrenment manywill store departmentidentify through and its Dr. andstoreworkers Aronstein'sdiscussjobs to picturesasthe possible. class.office.) and Thename(Slides child- DepartmentVisualSinger-SocietyChicago, Education, Store Ill. Workersfor 197A6061 jobs. ofjobsstore.the a departmentinvolvedoperation in emphasisfrom(2) Havea departmentstore onchildren the people bring involvedand in traceanewlyandits theirpurchased origin jobs. with item MicroSEIMCtionInformation andFicheCenter Work View-Vitalfor Educa- &Occupations.Concise3 MWolfsen Press Handbook Costello of GC Handbook.OccupationalChicago,Ferguson 1971PublishingU.S. Outlook Dept. Co. 'CareerofD.C.Statistics, Labor, 1972-73Education Bureau Washington Aof Man' EVALUATIONoneat PROCEDURE:least of these ten departmentjobscollowIagfor a classstore this, jobs.bulletinthe studentThey board will woulddisplay. then be illustrate able tolist at orleast name i TeachingWork.Group1972 I.International Tapes,Office Inc.and Sal MAKE OF UNIT TheDepartment child will Store learn that peopleSTRATEGY do differentjobsNUMBERGRAOricimejFcTif in a departmentK-2 Interdisciplinary store. MAJOR AIM J. ' * * * * RESOURCE ableThe studentto chooseOBJECTIVE will and be forIt isthe important CONCEPTchildren siblings)information(1) Make awork schoolabout forSUGGESTED whichsurveya department parents whichACTIVITY willstore.(or guardianselicitAs anthe or LeonDepartmentPeo.le Harris, Who Store.Make a store.comparetioninvolved of twoa indepartment jobsthe opera- differentthatto(a) recognize skillsthere are additionchildren(2) Invite toto .,,howthis,these ajobpeople bar distribution. graph to speak may beto madethe childrenby the DepartmentLipponcott,resource people Store1971 (d)(c)(b)(e) lifeopportunitiesexpectationspreparations styles onstyles,needed,(3) theVisit various trainingjob aopportunity, department aspects and preparation. of store jobtheir expectations, andjobs. observe(eg. somelife skills of Astore local department ofstore.differentinvolved a department injobs the andpointtothese obtainthe outpeople function ahow copy. at merchandise work. of the Teacherstore is arrangeddirectory should inbe and departmentssure try to r* EVALUATION PROCEDURE: custodian-cleansPreparethis(eq, cashiermay a bedi_tto -takes done forITIOTICLY.store,orally. matchingwindowstockjab designer-sets clerk-keepscharartpritirs supplyup Andwindow fun,.up, displays,sales tirxn person-shows to etc.)lob title.At merchandise,kindergarten level, "" NAMMAJOR OF AIMUNIT DepartmentDifferent jobsStore require differentSTRATEGY training NUMBER*and/orGRADE/SUBJECT* backgroundill* * * * * InterdisciolinarY** * * * * toThe recognize childOBJECTIVE* will that* bespeci- able* *forit Isthe important CONCEPTchildren* * *jobs(1) * Askto thethe restclassroomSUGGESTED of the helpers class. ACTIVITY toThedescribe teacher their can PeopleClassroomRESOURCE previously teacher necessaryformanceficin theskills department offor arespecific the sometimes
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