UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN www.uct.ac.za EXCELLENCE AND IMPACT Annual Report 2011 MISSION UCT aspires to become a premier academic meeting point between South Africa, the rest of Africa and the world. Taking advantage of expanding global networks and our distinct vantage point in Africa, we are committed, through innovative research and scholarship, to grapple with the key issues of our natural and social worlds. We aim to produce graduates whose qualifications are internationally recognised and locally applicable, underpinned by values of engaged citizenship and social justice. UCT will promote diversity and transformation within our institution and beyond, including growing the next generation of academics. UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN EXCELLENCE AND IMPACT Annual Report 2011 Foreword by Vice-Chancellor Dr Max Price 2 ABOUT UCT UCT’S history and legacy 6 Executive structure 6 Governing and advisory bodies 7 Strategic goals 8 Student statistics in 2011 8 Demographics 9 Completion and success rates 10 Faculties 11 People 11 Research briefs and milestones 12 Student services 14 Internationalisation 16 FINANCE REVIEW Finances at a glance 17 UCT consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2011 18 UCT consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2011 19 UCT consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 2011 20 2011 HIGHLIGHTS Discoveries, mileposts and events 22 Teaching and learning developments 35 Internationalisation and Afropolitan niche 37 Funding and financial support 40 Social responsiveness and community outreach 42 New appointments 44 Developments and newsmakers on campus 47 Extramural achievements 50 UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN EXCELLENCE AND IMPACT – Annual Report 2011 The senior team: (From left) Vice-Chancellor Dr Max Price, who has been reappointed for a second term, deputy vice-chancellors Professors Thandabantu Nhlapo, Sandra Klopper*, Danie Visser and Crain Soudien. (*Klopper succeeded Professor Jo Beall after an interim period in which Professor Nan Yeld acted as deputy vice-chancellor.) FOREWORD Dr Max Price, Vice-Chancellor his report of university highlights relatively good, students from severely 2010 to 103 in 2011. The university provides a window on the many disadvantaged schools lag behind also performed well in two other Tachievements and successes of their more privileged counterparts. global university ranking systems in our community of staff and students – 2011: the Quacquarelli Symonds We are constantly reviewing our and of our institution at a broader level. (QS) World University Rankings for programmes that help students 2011/12 placed UCT at number It focuses on the activities that underpin overcome prior educational 156, up from 161st place in 2010. our mission to be a premier academic disadvantage to ensure that all the The QS and the THE system continue meeting point between South Africa, students we admit have adequate to rank UCT as the only university in our continent and the world, and an opportunities to succeed. Africa in the top 200, and we remain institution committed to grappling with Significant benchmarks indicate the only African university in the top the key issues of our social and natural that research is flourishing at UCT. 300 range of the 2011 Shanghai Jiao worlds. It also highlights our efforts to A myriad staff and student social Tong Academic Ranking of World enrol and graduate a diverse student initiatives – spanning all spheres of Universities. body and produce graduates who university life – show that this institution The university’s strong performance are internationally competitive and is fully committed to nation-building is the direct result of the productivity committed to engaged citizenship and and to preparing a new generation of and impact of UCT’s research, the social justice. scholars able to grapple with issues university’s ability to attract research that affect our country and continent. Although we have made important grants, the quality of its staffing, the gains in latter years in the area of International ratings reflect ongoing international diversity of its staff and teaching, considerable challenges improvements. On the Times Higher students, and the strong perceptions remain. While the graduation Education (THE) World University of the quality of its graduates by the rates of UCT undergraduates are Rankings UCT moved from 107 in international community. 2 UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN EXCELLENCE AND IMPACT – Annual Report 2011 The Graduate School of Business INTSHAYELELO esibamkelayo banawo ngokwaneleyo (GSB) full-time MBA programme amathuba okuphumelela. e ngxelo yezinto ezigqamileyo moved up 29 places to 60th place ngeyunivesithi ikrobisa kwizinto Imiqondiso engundoqo iveza ukuba in the 2011 Financial Times (FT) of eziphambili ezibe yimpumelelo uphando luhamba kakuhle kakhulu London’s Global MBA Top 100 L kubafundi nakubasebenzi – kuquka eUCT, kwaye intlaninge yemisebenzi Ranking, and to 54th place in the nempumelelo yeyunivesithi yethu yabafundisi-ntsapho kunye neyabafundi 2012 ranking. This degree was also kwimimandla eyahlukeneyo. – edibanisa yonke imimandla ranked the top value-for-money MBA yobomi beyunivesithi – iveza ukuba in the world in 2011. The GSB remains Lijolise ekubeni ngumjelo okrobisa eli ziko lizinikezele ngokupheleleyo the only business school in Africa in the ubani kwimisebenzi egqamileyo ekwakheni isizwe nasekuphekeni FT MBA Top 100, and ranks among kumgomo wethu wokuba liziko isizukulwana esitsha esiza kukwazi the top five business schools based in elitshatsheleyo kwezemfundo phakathi ukumelana nemiba echaphazela ilizwe the BRICS emergent-market countries – koMzantsi Afrika, izwekazi lethu kunye kwanezwekazi lethu. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South nehlabathi, phofu sibe sikwaliziko Africa. elizinikele ekusebenzeni ngokuzinikela Imiqondiso yehlabathi ibonisa ukuba These rankings are by no means ngemiba engundoqo kwintlalo yethu kukho utshintsho oluqhubekayo. the definitive word on academic nakubume-bendalo kwilizwe lethu. Le IUCT inyukele phezulu ukusuka excellence, but do demonstrate that ngxelo ikwaqulethe nemizamo yethu kwindawo ye-107 ngo-2010 ukuya our university is on the right path and ekuveliseni abafundi abohlukileyo kuma kwindawo ye-103 ku-2011, that there is international recognition of abanokukwazi ukusebenza kumazwe ngokwengxelo ye-Times Higher the excellent work being undertaken at ngamazwe nabanokuzijula ijacu Education (THE) World University our institution. ngokuphathelele ekusebenzeni Rankings. Kwi-Quacquarelli njengabemi abangabo nasekulweleni Symonds (QS) World University UCT is a well-governed and financially ubulungisa entlalweni. Rankings zika-2011/12 i-UCT sound institution, as is reflected in ibekwe kwindawo ye-156, ukusuka the financial section on page 17. Nangona ke siye saqaqamba kule kwindawo ye-161 ebikuyo ngo- We remain mindful that we need minyaka idlulileyo kwimimandla 2010. Kolu khuphiswano lwe-QS to continually balance needs and yokufundisa, isekho imingeni resources, and must do this in a way eqaphelekayo. Njengokuba nenkqubo yeTHE kuyaqhutyekekwa that increases the quality of the student imilinganiselo yabafundi nokubekwa kweUCT njengeyunivesithi experience, while ensuring that fees are abaphumelelayo eUCT ikhangeleka ekuphela kwayo kwizwekazi leAfrika never a barrier to coming to UCT. incomeka, impumelelo yabafundi ukubalelwa kwezo ziphambili bethu abantsundu ingasemva kakhulu zingama-200 kwaye sithi kuphela I pay tribute to the inspired leadership kunaleyo yabafundi abamhlophe. kwiiyunivesithi zezwekazi leAfrika seen at many levels throughout UCT, ukubalelwa kwezo ziphambili and to all the staff (academic and Sisoloko sihlaziya inkqubo yethu ezingama-300 kwi-2011 Shanghai support), students and stakeholders who enceda abafundi ukuba bakwazi Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World have grappled with the challenges we ukongamela ukusilela abanako Universities. face as a university with an Afropolitan ngenxa yemfundo engagqibelelanga vision. All have made an invaluable abayifumene kwixa langaphambili Lo msebenzi mhle weyunivesithi uzalwa contribution to the institution’s wellbeing. ukuqinisekisa ukuba bonke abafundi ngumsebenzi weUCT ogqwesileyo 3 UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN EXCELLENCE AND IMPACT – Annual Report 2011 nefuthe lawo kuphando, impumelelo ulwazi lokwenza kubekho ukulingana is om die sleutelvraagstukke van ons yale yunivesithi ekutsaleni izibonelelo phakathi kweemfuno noovimba, kwaye maatskaplike en natuurlike wêreld die zenkxaso-mali yophando, ukugqwesa oku kwenziwe ngokomgqaliselo hoof te bied. Dit werp ook lig op ons kwabasebenzi bethu, ukuba nabafundi onguwo nangokuchanekileyo strewe om ’n uiteenlopende liggaam kunye nabafundisi-ntsapho abaphuma ngendlela apha ephuhlisa izinga studente te registreer en gegradueerdes kumazwe ngamazwe, kunye lolwazi olufunyanwa ngabafundi ngeli te produseer wat internasionaal mobiel nokuhlonitshwa kwezakhono zabo lixa iqinisekisa ukuba iimali zesikolo en verbind tot betrokke burgerskap en bafundi baphumelele kule yunivesithi azingomqobo wokungena eUCT. maatskaplike geregtigheid is. lihlabathi ngokubanzi. Ndothulela umnqwazi ubunkokheli Ten spyte van die feit dat ons die Inkqubo yabafundi basemini ye-MBA obuphucukileyo, nobugqame afgelope jare belangrike vooruitgang ekwi-Graduate School of Business kumanqanaba amaninzi apha op die gebied van onderrig gemaak (GSB) inyuke kangangezikhundla eUCT, nakubo bonke abasebenzi het, is daar nog baie uitdagings wat ezingama-29 ukuya kwindawo yama- (abahlohlayo
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