Utah Education Network Steering Committee October 19, 2007 U TAH E D U CATION N E TWORK S T ee RING C OMMITT ee AGENDA OCTOBER 19, 2007 9:00 a.m.- Committee of the Whole / Business Meeting 11:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions Tab 27 NEW STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBER – ACTION . 1 Tab 28 FY 2009 BUDGET REQUEST – ACTION . 3 Tab 29 UEN STEERING COMMITTEE SCHEDULE FOR 2008 – ACTION . 9 Tab 30 UPGRADING CORE SEGMENTS OF NETWORK BACKBONE TO 10 GB – ACTION . 11 10 GB ETHERNET UPGRADE – ADDITIONAL INFORMATION . 13 Tab 31 UEN NETWORK PERFORMANCE METRICS – DISCUSSION . 21 Tab 1 UENSS TO IVC PROJECT FINAL REPORT – DISCUSSION . 23 Tab 2 QUARTER 1 PROGRESS REPORT ON FY 2008 STRATEGIC PLAN – DISCUSSION . 25 Tab 3 UEN SUMMER GOALS AND PROGRESS – DISCUSSION . 29 Tab 4 STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES . 31 Tab 5 OTHER . 41 11:00 a.m.- Instructional Services Subcommittee 12:00 p.m. Tab 6 COURSEWARE SHOWCASE REPORT AND DEMONSTRATION – DISCUSSION . 43 Tab 7 WORLDVIEW DIGITAL CHANNEL – DISCUSSION . 45 Tab 8 K-12 PIONEER ONLINE LIBRARY ENHANCEMENTS – DISCUSSION . 47 REVISED K-12 PIONEER WEB SITE . 49 Tab 9 MULTIMEDIA GUIDE – DISCUSSION . 51 UIMC ARTICLE . 53 Tab 10 PUBLIC ED AND HIGHER ED ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORTS – DISCUSSION . 55 11:00 a.m.- Technical Services Subcommittee 12:00 p.m. Tab 11 NETWORK IMPROVEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – DISCUSSION . 57 Tab 12 FY 2008 QUARTER 1 ACCOMPLISHMENTS STRATEGIC PLAN – DISCUSSION . 59 UEN Steerng Commttee - October 2007 U PCOMING M ee TING S Steerng Commttee Meetng - December 21, 2007, 9:00 a.m. Instructonal Servces Subcommttee Meetng -December 21, 2007, 11:00 a.m. Techncal Servces Subcommttee Meetng - December 21, 2007, 11:00 a.m. Please place these materials in your Steering Committee Binder. v UEN Steerng Commttee - October 2007 C OMMITT ee OF TH E W HOL E T AB 27 NEW STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBER – ACTION Issue Jeff Lvngston has retred from Weber State Unversty and from the UEN Steerng Commttee. It s recommended that Gal Nklason of Weber State Unversty be approved to replace hm. Background Jeff Lvngston has recently retred from hs staff poston at Weber State Unversty. Hgher Educaton Co-Char Gary Wxom is recommendng that Gal Nklason replace Jeff, and Gal has agreed to serve on the Steerng Commttee. Gal Nklason is Drector of Onlne Educaton and eLearnng at Weber State Unversty. She prevously served as Manager of Technology Servces at Weber State. Gal is a doctoral student n the Unversty of Wyomng Adult Learnng and Technology Distance Education program where she is focusing her research on the efficacy of onlne learnng. She has a master’s degree in Busness Informaton and Computng Systems from San Francsco State Unversty and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Unversty of Utah. Recommendation It s recommended that the Steerng Commttee approve Gal Nklason to serve a 4-year term on the UEN Steerng Commttee from August, 2007 through July, 2011. The nomination will be subject to final approval by Governor Huntsman. 1 2 UEN Steerng Commttee - October 2007 C OMMITT ee OF TH E W HOL E T AB 28 FY 2009 BUDGET REQUEST – ACTION Issue The FY 2009 UEN budget request requres approval by the Steerng Commttee before submttal to the Legslature for its consderaton. UEN staff has worked on the plannng and development of ths year’s request in cooperaton wth our stakeholders. Because the deadline for submitting budget requests to the Governor’s Office of Policy and Budget (GOPB) was September 24th, UEN has already submtted a prelmnary FY 2009 budget request to the Governor’s Office. Background Utah’s economc outlook has improved snce the Legslature last acted upon revenue forecasts in February. Although strong revenue growth indcates a very healthy state economy, recent economc news natonally ponts to slower economc growth for the naton as a whole. The Utah economy however, is expected to contnue to rank among the best in the nation during the current fiscal year. The Legslatve Fscal Analyst is projectng revenue collectons for FY 2008 wll come n hgher than prevously expected. The Educaton Fund s expected to exceed the February target by $102 to $175 mllon. Ths is favorable for UEN because durng the 2006 Interm, UEN evaluated its levels of effort and found that about 80% of its spendng serves Publc Educaton. Applyng ths proporton to UEN’s base budget, the Legslature funded most of the FY 2008 budget from the Unform School Fund and the remander from the Educaton Fund. Ths change in the fundng mechansm moves the UEN budget request for FY 2009 from under future statutory spendng lmtatons appled to those enttes recevng State General Funds. Major Budget Issues for FY 2009 Salary and Benefits for UEN Employees Funding is needed in FY 2009 for retention of crucial technical staff. Private firms contnue to attract key personnel because salares for techncal staff are runnng below market. Addtonal funds wll address market equty and techncal staff retenton needs. Priority 1: Network Infrastructure Project Increasng network bandwdth has been UEN’s top strategc prorty for the past several years. Consstent support from the Governor and the Legslature has assured significant progress in keeping up with that growth. State funding has been leveraged wth Federal E-Rate rembursements at a two-to-one rato to upgrade Internet connectvty to hgh-speed Ethernet bandwdth capacty. Research Network Utah’s research unverstes requre a separate research network that is independent of the producton network UEN manages for publc and hgher educaton. UEN must buld a world class research network if our research unverstes are to be actve partcpants n the cyber-nfrastructure that s now beng bult natonally and nternatonally. In addton, expanded network capacty s needed to support the State’s USTAR project. Ths wll improve the interacton between researchers and educators located throughout the State’s network of unverstes, colleges and appled technology centers and enhance the transfer of technology to exstng companes that requre access to cuttng edge research. For FY 2009, UEN is requestng $700,000 to deploy a research network between the University of Utah and Utah State University. Included in the figure is $500,000 in ongong funds and $200,000 of one-tme fundng. Upgrade connectvty for elementary and charter schools and new secondary schools UEN s requestng funds to begn a three phase project to ncrease bandwdth at elementary schools and charter schools to 100 Mb/s servce or greater. Some elementary schools now have comparable capacty to secondary schools, but about half lack the capacty and relablty to support the technology-ntensve instructonal mprovements that are now beng made n classrooms throughout the state. Hstorcally, UEN has had responsblty to connect secondary schools to the network and dstrcts have been responsble to connect elementary schools to the nearest UEN hub. That arrangement has not assured that all elementary schools in the state wll have the network capacty needed to support planned technology improvements in classrooms. The scope of ths network infrastructure project is to ensure that crcut speeds for all 501 elementary schools, 58 charter schools and 100 new schools planned for the next four years are functonng at 100 MB/s or better. In FY 2009, the UEN budget request s ntended to upgrade approxmately 170 nsttutons. Ongong crcut charges are projected to cost $700,000 a year of ongong state funds whch wll leverage $1.4 mllon federal E-Rate funds. Equpment and constructon costs are more difficult to determine but are estimated at $500,000 one-time in the first year which will also be augmented by federal E-Rate funds on a two-to-one ratio. Network backbone expanson of core segments to 10 Ggabts/second The capacty of the network backbone wll need to be increased selectvely from 1 to 10 gigabits per second to support the growing traffic demands of our education partners. Our three network rngs are now reachng sustaned peak capactes of over 50%, so wthn the next year or two, speed and relablty wll be degraded if capacty is not 4 UEN Steerng Commttee - October 2007 ncreased. Insttutonal plans to locate dsaster recovery and busness contnuty stes at the state’s Richfield Data Center cannot be successfully implemented if UEN does not ncrease network backbone capacty of core segments to 10 ggabts per second. The requested fundng of $400,000 from Educaton funds for FY 2009 is needed to expand the network backbone capacty of core segments to 10 ggabts/second. For FY 2009, the request includes $200,000 in one-tme funds for equpment purchases and $200,000 for ongong expenses. Priority 2: Technology-Rich Instructional Content The requested fundng of $820,000 for FY 2009 s needed to provde multmeda nstructonal resources in targeted hgh need areas: mathematcs, world languages, and college courses. Course materals wll be added to the UEN-hosted course management system, Poneer Onlne Lbrary, and the CollegeMeda and eMeda dgtal vdeo servces where teachers and students can download meda for effectve learnng. The fundng wll target hgh enrollment courses and courses where student performance s enhanced through vdeo-based instructon, such as medcal assstng, mathematcs, and LearnKey technology skills for writing and finance courses. Reflected in this figure is $500,000 of ongoing revenue for licensing fees, video and computer-based nstructonal programs to advance learnng n key areas, and one addtonal staff person for software ntegraton support. One-tme fundng of $20,000 s to purchase meda rghts to course content for CollegeMeda and eMeda, consultng to integrate meda wth the WebCT/Blackboard system, and producton of new programs for KUEN-TV on technology, academc advising and college financial aid.
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