Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 1973 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Personal Explanation [29 NOVEMBER 1973] Local Bodies' Loans, &c., Bill 2063 THURSDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 1973 GIFT DUTY ACT AMENDMENT BILL INITIATION Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah­ Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. W. H. Lonergan, Premier): I move- Flinders) read prayers and took the chair at "That the House will, at its present 11 a.m. sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider introducing a Bill to amend the Gift Duty Act 1926-1969 in AUDITOR-GENERAL'S SEPARATE certain particulars." REPORT Motion agreed to. AcCOUNTS OF STATE GOVERNMENT INSURANCE OFFICE (QUEENSLAND), BRISBANE MARKET TRUST, COMMITTEE OF DIRECTION OF SUCCESSION AND PROBATE DUTIES FRUIT MARKETING AND QUEENSLAND FISH ACTS AMENDMENT BILL BOARD INITIATION Mr. SPEAKER announced the receipt from Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah­ the Auditor•General of his separate report Premier): I move- on the accounts of the State Government "That the House will, at its present Insurance Office (Queensland), the Brisbane sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of Market Trust, the Committee of Direction the Whole to consider introducing a Bill of Fruit Marketing and the Queensland to amend the Succession and Probate Fish Board for the financial year 1972-73. Duties Act 1892-1972, the Succession and Ordered to be printed. Probate Duties Act 1892 Amendment Act 1895-1969 and the Succession and Probate Duties Act 1904-1969, each in certain par­ PAPERS ticulars; and to repeal certain enactments concerning the payment of succession and The following papers were laid on the probate duties." table, and ordered to be printed:- Motion agreed to. Reports- Department of Commercial and Indus­ trial Development, for the year 1972- STAMP ACT AND ANOTHER ACT 73. AMENDMENT BILL Queensland Institute of Medical INITIATION Research, for the year 1972-73. Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah­ The following paper was laid on the Premier): I move- table:- "That the House will, at its present Order in Council under the Industrial sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of Development Act 1963-1973. the Whole to consider introducing a Bill to amend the Stamp Act 1894-1972 and the Money Lenders Act 1916-1969 each in certain particulars." PERSONAL EXPLANATION Motion agreed to. Mr. BIRD (Burdekin) (11.5 a.m.), by leave: During question time yesterday I directed a question without notice to the Minister for LOCAL BODIES' LOANS GUARANTEE Transport concerning the assurance he gave ACT AMENDMENT BILL during the debate on his Estimates that free permits would be issued to allow the con­ INITIATION veyance of goods by road to North Queens­ Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah­ land. The honourable member for Salisbury Premier): I move- (Mr. Sherrington), on a point of order, said "That the House will, at its present it was obvious that the Minister had a sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of prepared answer to my question and that the Whole to consider introducing a Bill this was a reflection on the intelligence of to amend the Local Bodies' Loans Guar­ honourable members. antee Act 1923-1972 for the purpose of making special validating provision in I make no apology for saying that I gave relation to certain borrowings by local the Minister prior notice of my question, as bodies and certain guarantees by the I considered this to be a normal courtesy. Treasurer with respect to such borrowings, I also regarded the matter as being of the and for purposes incidental thereto." utmost importance to the people of North Queensland. Motion agreed to. Questions Upon Notice 2064 Questions Upon Notice [29 NOVEMBER 1973] LAND TAX ACT AMENDMENT BILL Answers:- ( 1) "The Living at Home allowance INITIATION awarded to students in teachers' colleges Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah­ was never intended to make the student Premier): I move- completely independent of support from "That the House will, at its present home. It is this allowance which will be raised by $2 per week in 1974. Allow­ sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of ances will then be:-lst year, $40 per the Whole to consider introducing a Bill fortnight; 2nd year, $42 per fortnight; to amend the Land Tax Act 1915-1972 3rd year, $47 per fortnight; and 4th in certain particulars." year, $51 per fortnight. Away-from-Home Motion agreed to. allowance rates will be increased in 1974 by the following amounts:-lst year stude_nts, $9 per fortnight to $59 per QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE f?rtmght; 2nd year students, $7 per fort­ Mr. SPEAKER: The next business is mght to $61 per fortnight; 3rd year stud­ answers to questions on the Business Paper. e~ts, $8 per fortnight to $66 per fort­ mght; and 4th year students, $7 per Mr. Sherrington: With or without notice? fortmght to $70 per fortnight. The varia­ tion in increase is to obtain a uniformity Mr. SPEAKER: Order! I warn the honour­ in the away-from-home component of able member for Salisbury under Standing the total allowance. This component will Order 123A. be $19, which is added to the at-home rate." (2) "The whole question of teacher SLY-GROG TRAFFIC, PALM IsLAND; scholarship allowances and their relation AUTHORISATION OF POLICE ACTION BY to the Commonwealth Tertiary Allow­ ABORIGINAL COUNCIL ances scheme is still being discussed by Dr. Scott-Young, pursuant to notice, asked State and Commonwealth Officers. It is The Minister for Works,- ~aped that a decision can be made early m 1974." (1) Has permission to be obtained from the Palm Island Aboriginal Council before white police officers can take action against coloured sly-groggers who operate from UNDERGROUND WATER SUPPLIES Lucinda and other places? (2) If so, on how many occasions has Mr. Aiken, pursuant to notice asked The the Aboriginal Council refused it? Minister for Conservation,- ' (3) Has any investigation been made ( 1) What methods are available for as to the possibility of some members of determining the presence and quantity of the Aboriginal Council being involved in underground water, apart from the trial­ the sly-grog trade on the island? and-error methods of conventional drilling? (2) Is there definite scientific proof that Answers:- certain. individuals possess the power to determme underground water and if so (1) "No." does the Government employ such 'people? (2) "See Answer to (1) ." (3) "Yes." Answers:- ~ 1 ~ ."Two geoJ?hysical methods, electrical resistiVIty and seismic refraction can assist ALLOWANCES, TEACHERS' COLLEGE in obtaining preliminary indications of the STUDENTS presence of underground water. When Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice asked The used in conjunction with conventional Minister for Education,- ' drilling geophysical data can improve the overall assessment of the occurrence and ( 1) In view of the present movement quantity of water available. Final assess­ ~n prices, especially rents, fares and wages, ment of the presence and quantity of IS he aware that students attending the w~t<:r must still rely mainly on actual various teachers' training colleges through­ dnllmg pump. testing and relatively long out the State are finding it extremely dif­ term observatiOn of water level behaviour ficul~ to exist on the allowance they now .<or fl?w i~ the. case of artesian bores) receive and that it is considered that the m conJunction With actual quantities with­ $2 per week promised for 1974 will do drawn from the aquifers." little to alleviate the situation? (2) "There is no scientific proof that (2) If so, will he inquire into the certain individuals possess the power to financial position of the students with locate underground water. The Irrigation the object of restoring the allowance to Commis~ion does not employ any person a sensible living level? who claims to possess such power." Questions Upon Notice [29 NOVEMBER 1973] Questions Upon Notice 2065 CONTROL AND ERADICATION OF CATTLE from coal. Further research into the TICKS specific matter of extraction of oil from coal is under way. I would also inform Mr. Aiken, pursuant to notice, asked The the Honourable Member that the Depart­ Minister for Primary lndustries,- ment of Mines recently invited applica­ What is the average annual cost to tions for Authorities to prospect for coal Queensland of cattle-tick prevention in the Galilee Basin on the understanding methods, how effective are methods of that the coal would be used only for the control and has any research indicated production of liquid fuels." that tick eradication is possible? Answer:- DETECTION OF EYE DEFECTS BY SCHOOL "Tbe cost of acaricides amounts to MEDICAL SERVICES approximately $3t million annually. It is not possible to give an accurate estimate Dr. Crawford, pursuant to notice, asked of other costs involved but the tick is The Minister for Health,- believed to cost the Industry in Queens­ ( 1) Is his Department satisfied with land $30 million annually. Provided the programme of detection of eye defects clean musters can be obtained, dipping by School Medical Services and who facilities are good and treatments carried assumes direct responsibility for the con­ out at the recommended intervals, ticks trol of eye testing? can be effectively controlled with chemi­ cals. Spelling of pastures in some cir­ (2) Are the screening methods adequate cumstances is effective, but long term, the and how much time is spent on each child best control is likely to be achieved at an examination? through breeding tick resistant cattle and emphasis is being given to this at present. (3) What training has the staff received Ticks can be eradicated in limited local to screen for eye defects and how is the situations where the criteria stated above screening supervised at individual schools in regard to musters, facilities and treat­ and by whom? ments apply.
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