Cambridge University Press 0521823439 - The Gospel and Henry VIII: Evangelicals in the Early English Reformation Alec Ryrie Index More information INDEX Aarau 268 Antwerp 95 Abel, John 266 English exiles in 110, 266, 267, 268 Abergwili 246 printing in 108, 110, 115, 269 Act for the Advancement of True Religion apocalypticism 108–10, 125–6, 149, 209 (1543) 15, 18 Aquinas, Thomas 74 contents of 46, 47, 128 Aretino, Pietro 207 enforcement of 49–50 Arran, earl of see Hamilton, James reactions to 103, 252–4 Arthur, Thomas 88 Act of Six Articles (1539) 15, 16, 26–39, 46, Arundel, Thomas 208 143, 150 Ascham, Roger 197 ambiguities of 33–4 Ashford, Kent 140 amendments to in parliament 31–2, 36 Askew, Anne 5, 26, 50, 54–6, 211, 264 commissions issued under the Act 40, 42, arrest and interrogations 25 218, 263 beliefs 204, 250 contents of 27–8 Examinations of 100–1 diplomatic background to 29–31 execution 82, 202 evangelical responses to 19–21, 38, recantation 76, 133, 218, 236 254 torture 5, 82–3 opposition to 36–7 assurance 132, 190–1 penal code of 27 Astall, Richard 243 penal code of relaxed 18, 51, 218 Athanasius 226 purposes of 35–6, 38–9 Audley, Thomas, lord chancellor 30, 40, 99, adiaphora 131; see Nicodemism, 160, 199 obedience Augmentations, Court of 150, 167 Adisham, Kent 226 Augsburg 267 Adrian, Friar 102 Augsburg Confession 105, 133, 172 adultery 151 Augustine of Hippo 74, 75 Ainsworth, Oliver 172 auricular confession see penance Alder, Jane 266, 269 Ayre, John 138 Aldrich, Robert, bishop of Carlisle 214 Ayrshire 234 Alesius, Alexander 93, 254, 266 Allen, Edmund 96–7, 203, 266 Bainham, James 73 Anabaptism, Anabaptists 38, 105, 120, 140, Bainton, Edward 99, 199 227, 236 Baker, John 55 on oaths 76 Baker, William 229 prohibition of 15, 34 Bale, Dorothy 100, 266 Anne of Cleves 16 Bale, John 96–7, 107 Antichrist 2, 109 apocalyptic views 109–10, 180, 235 anticlericalism 141, 228, 234 as bibliographer and historian 59, 97, 105, antinomianism see under justification 173, 235 293 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521823439 - The Gospel and Henry VIII: Evangelicals in the Early English Reformation Alec Ryrie Index More information 294 Index Bale, John (cont.) apocalyptic views 149 as martyrologist 178 arrest and recantation 47–8, 75–6, 117, exile 95, 100–3, 110, 266 140, 191 mentioned 38, 96, 211 as conformist 120 on auricular confession 32 internal exile 111 on the ‘commonwealth’ 77, 150, 153, 160, on auricular confession 32 163 on ceremonies 130, 131 on the English Bible 253 on clerical marriage 131 on moderation 126, 132–3, 217 on conservatives 130 on recantation 69, 75, 87–8 on the ‘commonwealth’ 147, 148, 149, on the Six Articles 20 150, 152, 153, 159–60 political comment by 48, 62, 67, 69, 221 on the English Bible 251–2 publications and writings of 97, 105, 107, on the Eucharist 131, 138, 140, 142 189 on justification 134, 136, 137 Anne Askew’s Examinations 100–1 on oaths and swearing 76–7, 78, 149 Christen exhortation vnto customable on prayer to saints 128, 129 swearers 77, 104 on proselytisation 123–4, 125 Disclosynge or openynge of the Manne on recantation 72, 75–6 of synne, A 104, 106, 107 on the royal supremacy 66, 68 Epistle exhortatorye of an Englyshe publications of 104, 106, 115, 126, 133, Christiane 104, 107, 121 152, 172, 230, 251–2 Image of both churches 105, 107, 180, Bedford, earl of see Russell, Francis 235 Belenian, Nicholas 23, 264 plays 62, 128, 179–80 Bell, John, bishop of Worcester 86, 214, 223 reputation 105, 107 Bellasis, Anthony 245 theological views 97, 98, 123, 135 Benett, Robert 48 violence of language 122, 192 Benson, John and Joyce 227 Bale, Philip 242 Benson, William, abbot of Westminster 31 ballads 113–14 Berkeley, Gilbert 175 Bangor, bishop of see Bird, John; Bulkeley, Berthelet, Thomas 45, 61, 116, 198 Arthur; Salcot, John Best, John 177 Bankes, Richard 114, 119 Bette, Joan 263 Banwell, Alice 228 Bible 28 baptism 229 interpretations of 190–1 Barlow, John 208, 245, 246 Welsh translations of 246 Barlow, William, bishop of St David’s 44, Bible, English 44, 54, 172, 225, 233, 252 128, 161, 171, 199, 213 Coverdale’s Bible 234 as patron of reformers 176, 245–7 ‘Great Bible’ 43, 44, 117, 133, 217 theological views of 29, 31 importance of for evangelicals 118, 145, Barnes, Robert 215, 240 221, 250–2 career of 21, 40, 170, 213, 233 official support for 15, 40, 42–3, 44 execution of 21, 25, 85, 262 restrictions on use of 15, 28–9, 44, 47, on royal authority 71–2 49–50, 220–1, 252–4 Protestation of 95, 239 Tyndale’s Bible 47, 50, 117, 233, 234 recantation 88 Wycliffite Bible 105, 234, 235 views of 39, 139, 147, 163, 191, 254 Bickley, Thomas 175 Basel 255, 268, 269 Bilney, Thomas 74, 84, 88, 127, 158 Basille, Theodore 115, 119; see Becon, Bird, John, bishop of Bangor and Chester Thomas 171, 214 Bath and Wells, bishop of see Knight, bishops 213–22; see also under individual William bishops Beaufort, Margaret 161 episcopacy linked to conservatism 219–20 Becket, Thomas 73, 128 episcopal appointments (1536–47) Becon, Thomas 115, 192, 204, 206, 221, 214–15 231, 240 new bishoprics created (1540–2) 25, 43 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521823439 - The Gospel and Henry VIII: Evangelicals in the Early English Reformation Alec Ryrie Index More information Index 295 Bishops’ Book (1537) 45, 132, 173, 197, Broke, George, Lord Cobham 200, 204, 206, 228, 244 210 revision of 31–2, 45 Broke, William 204 Blage, George 210–11, 212, 244, 253, Browne, Anthony 269 257 Brunfels, Otto 74, 172 arrested and reprieved (1546) 56, Bucer, Martin 72, 74, 93, 172, 215 201 on the Six Articles 21, 37 Blage, John 114, 204, 244–5 Buckemer, Raynold 228 arrested for heresy (1540) 41 Bucler, Walter 100, 204, 205 Bland, John 226, 227, 244 Bugenhagen, Johannes 172 Blount, William 211 Bulkeley, Arthur 214 Bocher, Joan 236 Bullinger, Heinrich 74, 77, 84, 97 Bois, Thomas 35 English contacts of 21, 72, 85, 99, 266, Boleyn, Anne 22, 199, 213 267, 269 Bonham, William 244 publications of 105, 115, 126, 133, 148, Bonn 108, 269 172 Bonner, Edmund, bishop of Hereford and Bullyngham, Nicholas 175 London 41, 45, 151, 206, 216–18, Burcher, John 266 220–1, 241 Bury St Edmunds 264 and the English Bible 44, 101, 217, 220–1, Bush, Paul, bishop of Bristol 214 226, 251–2 Butler, John, archbishop’s commissary in as persecutor of heresy 24–5, 54, 82, 104, Calais 238, 245 217–18, 255 Butler, John, correspondent of Heinrich as religious moderate 25, 54, 83–4, 132, Bullinger 21, 266 214–15 Butts, William 99, 195, 202 evangelicals’ views of 122, 218 Byford, Mark 241 books and book trade 21, 229–30, 239 censorship 18, 46–7, 54, 104–5, 117 Calais 96, 99, 100, 200, 204, 263 export of books 95, 101 evangelicals in 40, 100, 238, 239, 241–2, impact of the Six Articles on 27 244, 251–2, 265 limits of censorship 51, 100, 117, 128 Callaway, William 242 underground trade 103–5, 107, 108, 114, Calvin, Jean xvi, 74, 84, 105, 172, 174 120, 230, 233, 244 Calvinism see Reformed Protestantism Boughton, Thomas 80 Cambridge University 102; see also Boulogne 99, 208 universities Bowker, Margaret 7 colleges and halls of Braintree 233 Buckingham College 160 Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk 99, 195, Christ’s College 172, 179–82 206 Corpus Christi College 166, 266 Brandon, Katherine see Willoughby, Gonville Hall 216 Katherine King’s College 216 Brecon 161 King’s Hall 166, 169 Bremen 48, 94, 268, 269, 270 Magdalene College 160 Bretton, Edward 49–50 Queens’ College 166, 190 Brinklow, Henry 87, 110, 111, 201, 239, St John’s College 178 242 Trinity College 166, 168 on the ‘commonwealth’ 146–7, 149–50, Trinity Hall 179 153, 155, 160, 163 early evangelicalism in 170 on the royal supremacy 63–4 impact of the dissolution of the on the Six Articles 20 monasteries on 162 publications of 110, 121, 152 strength of evangelicalism in 171–4, Brinklow, Margery 201 178–87, 193, 249 Bristol 191 White Horse Inn 170 bishop of see Bush, Paul Cameron, Euan 81 Broke, Elizabeth 206 Camper, John 263 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521823439 - The Gospel and Henry VIII: Evangelicals in the Early English Reformation Alec Ryrie Index More information 296 Index Canterbury 25, 41 Cole, Henry 103, 218 archbishop of see Cranmer, Thomas Colet, John 158 Cathedral 171, 176, 226 Collins, William 261 diocese of, evangelicals in 243–5 Collinson, Patrick 8–9, 13–14 evangelical conventicles in 238 Cologne 269 St Andrew 226 ‘commonwealth’ ideas 60, 145–56, 159–64, St Mary Northgate 227, 243 209, 253–4 Capito, Wolfgang 172 communion see Eucharist Capon, John see Salcot, John confession see penance Capper, Thomas 23, 263 conformism 113–34, 144–5 Cardiff 23, 263 conservatism, conservatives Cardmaker, John 141, 245 definitions xv Carew, George 99–100, 202, 239 moderation amongst 131–2 Carew, Peter 204 on the ‘commonwealth’ 151 Carkke, William 242–3 on education 158 Carlisle, bishop of see Aldrich, Robert publications of 250 Cartwright, Nicholas 175 Constantine, George 37, 68, 139, 154, 219, cathedrals 154; see also under individual 245, 246 cities conventicles 105, 107, 169, 223–43 Catholicism see also conservatism activities of 237–43 medieval Catholicism 7 patronage of reformers 240–3 Cawarden, Thomas 202 preaching in 239–40 celibacy 72, 111, 150, 226, 228, 255, 266 use of evangelical books in 229–30, 239 and oaths and vows 76–8 conversion 157–8, 213 and the Six Articles 27, 28, 37–8 Convocation 36, 44, 45, 249 evangelical ambiguity on 37–8, 131 Copenhagen 268 censorship see books and book trade Cotes, George
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