December 2000 - January 2001 Volume 31, Number 6 Whole Number 186 IN THIS ISSUE: All Over the Map: 1926-27 Map Airmails Paying Postage to Overseas Destinations LA POSTA: A JOURNAL By Richard W. Helbock .......... 9 How Much of a Penalty Is It Anyway? OF AMERICAN POSTAL By Richard Martorelli .......... 27 Philadelphia 1834-6 FREE Marking HISTORY By Tom Clarke .......... 37 A Look at Guam’s Postal History 1945 through the 1980s 33470 Chinook Plaza, Suite 216, Part 2: Civil Postal Operations Scappoose, OR 97056 By Michael Dattolico .......... 40 Website: www.la-posta.com A Domestic US Postal Card, Mailed Overseas Short Paid in 1891, and Surtaxed (?) by the Publisher: Richard W. Helbock USPOD Associate Editors: By Henry J. Bertholet .......... 46 Henry Berthelot Tom Clarke Rod Crossley Michael Dattolico War on the Border Martin Margulis Bob Munshower By Rod Crossley .......... 49 Dennis H. Pack James Patterson Robert G. Schultz Randy Stehle Maryland Doanes Project Advertising Manager: Cathy R. Clark By Gordon Katz .......... 58 COVER: Our cover illustrates an envelope postmarked The Post Offices of Oldham County, Saginaw, Michigan, in 1932 and franked with two 20¢ Map airmails paying the forty cent air rate to Arequippa, Kentucky Peru, with forwarding to Bolivia by ordinary means. By Robert Rennick .......... 62 Richard Helbock launches a series of articles on early overseas use of this stamp issue herein. The Browns Park, Utah, Post Office By Dennis H. Pack .......... 68 La Posta: A Journal of American Postal History is published six times a year with issues mailed on or about the 20th of February, April, June, August, October and December. Persons wishing additional information about advertising, manuscript submittals or subscription West Virginia Research Papers—Friendly should contact the publisher at 33470 Chinook Plaza, Suite 216, Scappoose, OR 97056 By Alyce Evans .......... 72 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: U. S. A. - $20.00 per annum (6 issues) CANADA - $28(US) per annum (6 issues) Also Postal History Notes & Reviews OVERSEAS - $32.00 per annum surface - $55.00 per annum airmail 2 January 2001 La Posta LA POSTA SUSTAINING SUBSCRIBERS The following individuals and institutions have contributed financial assistance to La Posta in excess of their subscriptions. We are indebted to them for their generous support. Without it La Posta could not continue to exist. Joseph J. Adamski David M. Ellis Oscar R. Marsh Peter Smith Richard Agee Alyce & Don Evans Peter Martin Rev. Fred K. Smyithe Gary Anderson Arthur R. Everett Doug Marty Al Soth Kirk Andrews Arthur Everett Bernard D. Mayer Jr. John W. Spangler Archives International LLC Ronald W. Finger Thomas C. Mazza Gus Spector M.D. A. A. Armstrong, Jr. MD Sidney Fingerhood Larry McBride Keith R. Spencer Jon K. Arndt Kenton Forrest David R. McCord Duane Spidle Ausdenmore-McFarlane Stamps/Covers Dale Forster R.J. McEwen Stanley Spurgiesz Ted Bahry Myron Fox William T. McGreer Ken Stach Mark T. Baker Robert K. Garrity Great Valley Archives; Attn: Dan Thomas E. Stanton Kendall Lee Ballard William R. Geijsbeek McGuire Randy Stehle Jacob M. Bard John J. Germann Robert G. Metcalf Seymour B. Stiss Richard Bard Jr. James S. Gerson J. L. Meyer Robert Stoldal Edmund Bashista Glenn Gholston Steven Miedziak Bill Strauss Rex J. Bates C. Dorance Gibbs John Milewski Jr. David E. Sudweeks Henry F. Battestin Jr. Michael Goldstein Lynn I. Minneman Bob Summerell William H. Bauer Ted Gruber Jack E. Molesworth Robert A. Svoboda Robert A. Beall Seely Hall Jr. Steven R. Morehead John & Nina Swanson Arthur E. Beane Jr. Larry J. Haller E. F. (Al) Mueller Robert D. Swanson - 701 John W. Becker Kenneth L. Hamlin Neill D. Mullen Robert Tepe John Beirne John T. Hardy Jr. Robert Myerson The Postal History Foundation William R. Beith Wayne Hassell Burnham S. Neill Donald G. Thompson Bary D. Bender Loyal M. Haun Eric A. Nelson Don Tocher Dr. Steven J. Berlin Bruce W. Hazelton Ray L. Newburn Jr. Thomas K. Todsen Dr. Steven J. Berlin Dr. Edwin J. Helitzer Francis E.W. Ogle Allan Tomey Henry J. Berthelot Gary G. Hendren Ronald Olin MD William Jay Treat Donald G. Beuthel Stephen F. Herzick Jr. Arthur E. Olson Ron Trosclair John Bigart H. Stanton Hill Douglas Olson Joseph A. Turek Dr. W.Wallace Bilyeu Dorlon Himber Robert Omberg Mort D. Turner James B. Blandford Joseph A. Holzman Bruce E. Panek James O. Vadeboncoeur Thomas V. Boettger B. Clyde Hutchinson Dr. Richard Papp Tonny E. Van Loij Eppe Bosch James H. Inverarity Richard H. Parker Frank Von Borstel Bruce J. Branson James D. Jacobitz MD Alan Parsons Howard A. Wallace Deane R. Briggs M.D. Stefan T. Jaronski Donald R. Pearson M. Lauck Walton John Broberg Constant R. Johnson Eugene T. Peterson Ronald A. Wankel Roger S. Brody Jonathan L. Johnson Jr. Hans Pohler Dr. Ronald A. Ward William E. Brooks Al E. Jones Rev. Elwood S. Poore Roy Ware Dan Brouillette Robert Juceam Stephen Prigozy Edward Weinberg Mike Brown Gordon E. Katz Robert Quintero Larry Weinstock Dr. Kenneth E. Burden Phil Kay Mrs. Beatrice Rainier Kenneth L. White James W. Busse Robert Keatts James H. Raley John H. Willard Elmer Campbell James E. Kenney Peter J. Rathwell John H. Williams E. B. Cantey Jr. Curtis R. Kimes Robert D. Rawlins William P. Winter Stephen J. Capone Lucien S. Klein Byron L. Reed Kirk Wolford Thomas E. Caton James A. Klinger Louis A. Repetto John Wright Thomas E. Chastang Kenneth Kloss Robley D. Rhine Richard Wyman C. Robert Chow Floyd M. Knell Thomas S. Richardson Nicholas Zevos Clay’s Covers Fredrick D. Knoche Robert E. Rogers Louis Cohen Kelly J. Krizan MD Robert G. Rose Stephen E. Cohen Alfred F. Kugel Hal Ross Giles R. Cokelet Floyd Kunzwiler Vincent A. Ross David C. Collyer William O. Kvale Millard H. Ruether Philip C. Cooley Walter P. LaForce Roger Rydberg Bruce L. Corey Edward C. LaFountain Wm. A. Sandrik Joe H. Crosby Curt J. Lamm Leonard G. Sautter Rod Crossley Eliot A. Landau Schmitt Investors Ltd. Raymond A. Currier Russell Lang Michael E. Schnee Richard F. Curtin Robert M. Langer George Schroder Matt Dakin Peter Larson Neil C. Schroeder H. J. W. Daugherty Howard Lee Robert G. Schultz John DeNault James E. Lee Joseph Sedivy Doug DeRoest Arnold A. Leiter Uncle Sam S&C Michael Senta MD Carl R. Ditsch Brian P. Levy Edwin H. Shane Lee Drickamer Robert Lorenz Terry Shaw Joseph E. DuBois Thomas H.. Luellen Timothy M. Sheehan Robert M. Ebiner Dr. Dennis J. Lutz Wesley N. Shellen Craig Eggleston Millard Mack Gina Sheridan Stephen W. Ekstrom Larry Dean Maddux P.L.S. James E. Shew Jim Elin Howard A. Mader David J. Simmons Mike Ellingson Richard Malmgren Donald T. Smith La Posta January 2001 3 PUBLISHER'S PAGE Postal History Beyond the Limits for postal history, was ob- We have often heard it said that a collector’s choice viously interested in the of postal history specialties is only limited by his or postal history of Middle her own imagination. Human geography and history Earth and he has pro- define a broad universe which afford postal histori- gressed most impressively ans nearly unlimited selection among places, times in his investigations over and themes within their borders. To understand the the years. richness of subject selection possibilities within this Thus far, Tom has concen- universe, one need only review the titles of exhibits trated his efforts primarily on display at a major national or international show. on that portion of Middle Collectively, we have only begun to explore the pos- Earth known as the Shire, and he has written a brief, sibilities of the past when it comes to postal history but detailed, history of the Shire Post; drawn an ex- research and scholarship, and, since neither human cellent map of the Hobbit Postal District; compiled a history nor our geographical boundaries are static, the complete Shire Postage Stamp Catalogue; and is cur- universe of possibilities is constantly expanding. rently working on an exhaustive catalogue of Shire Despite the immense breadth and rich diversity of this townmarks. Figure 1 illustrates the front of an official human universe of postal history possibilities, there cover from Will Whitfoot, postmaster of the Shire are those among us whose imaginations cry out for Central Post Office at Waymoot, to Arlo Underhill at even greater freedom of choice. One such person is Springdell. The cover is franked with the ½ penny Tom Maringer, a sometimes resident of Arkansas, denomination of the recently issued “Animal” series who has, over the past decade plus, become the chief paying the one ounz “Inside” rate. The mailing post- authority on the subject of Middle Earth postal his- mark cancels the stamp and clearly indicates the date tory. the cover entered Shire Post and the receiving mark (lower right) shows that the piece was five days in For readers unfamiliar with the location and geogra- transit. The Waymoot “Official Business” handstamp phy of Middle Earth, the land was initially described at upper left is only seen on mail originating at the in a series of tales by J. R.R. Tolkien published as Central Post Office from the Postmaster.All transit The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Tolkien, markings from offices en route appear on the reverse. who was not only a superb storyteller but also had a keen sense of geography and history, described Maringer’s work may be better appreciated by exam- Middle Earth and its inhabitants with such detail and ining his website http://shirepost.tolkien-movies.com/ enthusiasm that many humans over the past three or This is an extensive and fascinating example of color- four generations have become intensely interested in ing outside the borders in postal history.
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