he a rive in Philadelphia and Served Mr. John Mifflin RANSDELL 4 years for his Freight in 178 1 april 3 was i married BIBLE RECORDS in Philadelphia by Dr. Kunzy to Eve Maria Anton born §.anford Bible !fr' at Laushield near Moefenhime Electorate. Palatine her Births: father was George Anton a nd her mother na me Eliza­ Wharton Ransdell born Nov 8th, 1763 And died Aug beth my wife Eve Maria was born in the year 1754 28, 1835 march 18 and in 1774 did she a ri ve in Philadelphia a nd Abigail Ransdell his wife born Oct. 16, 1776 Served 4 1h years for her Freight at Mr. Willia ms Daw­ Children fo the above persons: son White a nd Sickel Smith C hildren were born unto Margaret born July 28, 1799 us viz William S. born Nov 9, 1800 John Quest was Born in Robeson township Berks County Harrison born July 25, 1802 February 6 1782 Robert A. born Sept 9, 1803 George Quest was Born July 2 1783 Robeson township Nancy born June 20, 1805 Berks County Martha born Dec 17, 1806 Sarah Quest was born in Philadelphia Decem 9 1784 Elenor born Sept 23, 1808 George Quest was born in Philadelphia Novem 5, 1786 Ann died June 3, 1820 Charles Quest was Born in Philadelphia J anuary 5 1788 Felix T. born Aug I 0, 181 1 Henry Q uest was Born in Philadelphia October 20 1790 Minerva born May 14, 18 13 Samuel Quest was Born in Philadelphia Decem 17 1794 Benja min born May 28, 18 15 John Wilson was Born in Columbia La ncaster County John Sanford born Dec I, 1766 and died Sept 27, 1837 September 7 1806 Eli zabeth his wife born Aug 8, 1769 and1 died May 12, John Quest Junior son of John Quest and C ha rlotte his 1809 Wife was born in Columbia La ncaster County October Children of the above: 8, 1806 Nancy born Oct 28, 1789 Jacob Quest was born in Columbia Lancaster County Feb­ Eli zabeth born Nov 6, 1791 rua ry 24th 1808 Fannie born Dec 12, 1793 Marriages: William R. born Feb 13, 1795 Ja ne M. Quest was married in Rose Township Jefferson Sally born Oct 4, I 797 County Pa on t he 24th of November 1894 to Mr. Youell born Sept 8, 1799 John Hutcheson of lncia na County Pa Geo. W. born Aug I, 180 1 Anne E. Quest was married in Rose township Jefferson Martha born March 12, 1803 County Pa on the I I th of April 1834 to Mr. J a mes Barbara born July 6, 1805 Steele of Jefferson County Pa Belinda born J an 13, 1807 Samuel Simpson Quest was married to Ma rtha Curtin Henry S . born May 17, 1809 Mendenhall in Brookeville Jeffe rson County Pa April John R. born Oct 6, 18 10 27 1837 Thomas S. born Sept 28, I 8 1_ Henry Quest was married in Maytown La ncaster John R. Sanford was born the 7th day of october AD County the 23 Day of April 18 12 to Ma ry McC urdy 18 10 De:!th Records: Minerva Sanford was born the 12th day of May AD John Nicholas Quest Died in Indiana the 13 Day of 18 13 April in the year of our Lord 1831 And were bound together in holy mat ri mony on the J ohn Quest son of Nicholas Died in La ncaster in 13th day of December in the year of our lord 183 2 ovem 18 16 William R. Sanford was born the 24th day of Se ptem­ Charlotte Quest Wife of John Q uest Died in Columbia ber AD 1833 Lancast County July 29, 18 11 George W. Sanfo rd was born the 3rd day of March AD Mary Quest Daughter of Henry a nd Mary Q uest Died 1834 in Marietta Lancaster County July 17 , 18 14 Be njamin F. Sanford was born the 14th day of october _____ S. S. Q uest son of Henry Q uest died in in the year of our Lord 1830 Wellsburg Wes t Va the 21st day of June 1892 Thomas B. Sanford was born the 7th day of June AD _____ is buried at Pa. 1838 Sara Anne Daughter of S. S. & M. C. Quest died in Martha Sanford was born the 18th of December AD Allegha ny March 2 1st 1840 aged three months and 1839 eleven days James Sanford was born the 2 1st day of a ugust in the Sarah Quest daughter of N icholas a nd Mary Q uest died year of our Lord 184 1 in Indiana Feb 2nd 1844 aged 60 years 2 months Nancy Sanford was born the 19th day of February in Martha Emma line Daughter of S. S . & M. C . Quest the year of our Lord 1843 Died in A ll ethany City June 24th 1844 aged three Belinda Sanfo rd was born the 15 day of November AD years one month and twentyseven days 1844 Zelia Emma Daughter of S. S. and M. C. Quest Died Margaret Sanford was born the I 5th day of May AD in West M iddletown December 24th 1854 aged two 1846 years three months and 23 days Mary Sanford was born the 23rd day of J anuary AD Meary Quest wife of Henry Quest died in Allegha ny 1848 City Feb 3rd 1862 aged a bout 67 John W. Sanford was born the 7th day of September Martha C . Quest, wife of S. S . Quest died, a nd is AD 1849 buried a t West Middle town Washi ngton County Pa, Youell Sanfo rd was born the 17th day of March AD on the 7th day of October 1870 aged 57 years & 5 185 1 months d. in May 8, 1930 Henry Quest died in Alleghany City November 29th Elizabeth Sanford was born the 31st day of J une AD 1873 a nd is buried in Scme terry near 1853 Alleghany City d. 1938 Jan 27 Minerva Ja ne wife of J oseph Ha rding Died in Atla nta Abigail Sanford was born the 25th day of January AD Ga. September 24th 1884, aged 38 years, 6 mo. I day 1855 EBRUARY 1981 109 Deaths: Elias . Divine was born October the 27, William R. Sanford died the 26 day of November 1836 1879, Died March 9, 1850 aged three years two months a nd two days DEEDS Nancy Sanford died the 21 st day of January AD 1846 DIVISION OF LAND OF WILLIAM RANSDELL aged two years eleven months and three days TO HIS HEIRS, Mercer Co., Ky February 1830 /iomas Bible J oh n Sa ndford, Zacharia h Ransdell; John Bohon, hus­ Births: band of Sally Ransdall, heirs of Sally Bohon-William Amos Thomas was born August 8th, 1764 and Died in John, Ann, Mitchell {formerly Bohon), Walter, Garnett; the year 1829 Aged 65 years Fielding Ra nsdale, Foxwell Ransdale, Patsy Potts (for­ Enoch Thomas was born June 24, 1789 merly Ransdale, wife of John Potts), Wharton Ransdale, Harry Thomas was born December 25th, 1793 heirs of Nancy C hamberlaine (formerly Nancy Rans­ Elizabeth Thomas was born December 10th, 18 13 dale)-Robert, Nancy, Polly, Eliza Willia ms, Minerva David Thomas was born 4th, 1815 Spear, Julian, Melissa; Mrs. Elizabeth Sandford (for­ Harry Thomas was January 14th, 1817 merl y Ransdale), wife of John Sanford, Ja ne Yorhise, Strother Thomas January 25th, 18 19 wife of Jacob Yorhise, Polly Bourn (formerly Ransdale), Martha Thomas was October 17th, 1820 wife of William Bourn, legal heirs of William Ransdale Several names illegible deceased, son of William Ra nsdale, Sr., the heirs of Nancy Thomas was born J a nuary 17th, 1830 John Ra nsda le deceased, J ames Ransdale, Chilton Fanny Thomas was born Februa ry I st, 1832 Ra nsdale, Samuel Ransdale, Jeney Ann, Obetha and Sarah F. Thomas was born November 15th, 1833 Eli zabeth his widow. Several names illegible Will/AM RANSDALE AND HIS WIFE NANCY TO Mary M. Threlkeld was born August 6, 1839 JOHN SANFORD, Mercer Co., Ky, Dec 13, 1797 (Deed Judah M. Threlkeld was born June the 9, 1841 Book 3, p. 397) Name illegible Witnesses: Wharton Ransdale, George Threlkeld, John Sarah E. C urry and George Ann Curry was Born oc- Ra nsdale, Pierce C hamberlain tober 27th, 1865 JOHN SANFORD AND ELIZABETH HIS WIFE to Several names illegible Enoch Thomas Oct. 27 , 1829 Sarah . Thomas born the 12 ____ _ David Royalty was born December the __ 18 13 MARRIAGE RECORDS Nancy Royalty was born June 2, 1815 John Sanford and Betsy Ra nsdell were married in Orange Fa nny Royalty was born April the 14, 18 17 Co. Ya on June 30, 1788 (Ma rriage Register I , p. 22) Thomas Royalty was born October the 16th, 18 19 S imon Whitenack to Mary Thomas 11th day of October Several names illegible 1842, Mercer Co., Ky (Book H2, p. 102) Martha Thomas was Born the 17th October 1820 Marriage Records: WILL ABSTRACTS Sarah F. Thomas, Robert B. Curry was Mared October Inventory of estate of JOHN SANDFORD, deceased, the 12, 1852 produced by Elizabeth Sanford and Uel Sandford, ad­ Whitenack Bible ministrators, a ttested to by John Bobon, Robt. Forsythe, Ma rriage Records: Ha rrison Ransdale, Mercer Co. Court, Ky, 23rd of o­ John T. Yandervier & Arthusa Whitenack was maried vember 1837 (Book I , p. 593) April 23, 1861 Inventory of esta te of ELI ZABETH SANDFORD, pro­ Birth Records: duced by Enoch Thomas, her administrator, 31 st day of Sarah --- --· Whitenack was born September the August 1839.
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