E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 2015 No. 97 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Members of Congress and their fami- league from Texas, Mr. CASTRO, as we called to order by the Speaker pro tem- lies. It would take way more than the visit the two facilities. pore (Mr. FARENTHOLD). allotted 5 minutes to enumerate all of I am sure that Immigration and Cus- f the reasons for this grandfather’s toms Enforcement personnel, and even pride, so let me just say I am looking private companies who are contracted DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO forward to showing him off at tonight’s to run the facilities and profit from the TEMPORE gathering. incarceration of other people, are try- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- But more than tonight’s picnic, what ing their best to make the conditions fore the House the following commu- I am really looking forward to is Fa- of detention for these moms and kids nication from the Speaker: ther’s Day. This Sunday, in Chicago, as humane as they can. WASHINGTON, DC, along with Luisito, my grandson, I will But, you see, that misses the point. June 17, 2015. be with his dad and my daughters, who We shouldn’t be holding vulnerable I hereby appoint the Honorable BLAKE always make the old man feel loved. women and children in detention. We FARENTHOLD to act as Speaker pro tempore And this Father’s Day, I will be espe- have mothers and small children living on this day. cially thankful for being allowed to in jail-like facilities with uncertain fu- JOHN A. BOEHNER, have my family around me, because on tures, limited access to legal counsel, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Monday, I will be visiting with hun- and this has been going on for some f dreds of children who cannot be with time, for almost a year for some of MORNING-HOUR DEBATE their dads. them. Even with schools and laundry On Monday, I will be joining seven of and TVs, they are still being held be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- my colleagues in San Antonio to visit hind fences. ant to the order of the House of Janu- the two largest family detention facili- Moms still have to explain to the ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- ties in the country. Karnes and Dilley youngest children that, no, in fact, nize Members from lists submitted by are where moms and their children are they do not know when they can leave the majority and minority leaders for being kept behind bars awaiting resolu- or whether they will be deported back morning-hour debate. tion of their immigration cases seeking to the violent countries they fled after The Chair will alternate recognition asylum. months in detention. between the parties, with each party Remember a year ago when tens of Children who face trauma, gangs, limited to 1 hour and each Member thousands of children and young people murder, and sexual assault in their other than the majority and minority were fleeing violence in three countries neighborhoods were forced to leave leaders and the minority whip limited in Central America? The Republicans alone or in groups or with a parent. to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- thought that these children would They faced all sorts of dangers—smug- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. bring this country to its knees, and glers and predators—on the journey to f anti-immigration groups organized northern Mexico, where we know as- mobs to protest and keep children out sault, robbery, and rape are common- END IMMIGRANT FAMILY of detention facilities in their commu- place. Then they crossed the U.S. bor- DETENTION nities. Do you remember that? der, often with the guidance of addi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Well, many mothers with small chil- tional smugglers and criminals, and, Chair recognizes the gentleman from dren were also fleeing to the U.S. last following the process in the U.S. law, Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. year, and they are still being held in presented themselves to authorities to Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, you detention facilities, which are operated request asylum. are in the presence of greatness. No, by private prison companies in Texas Now, because we have not put money not me, but I am flattered if that was and Pennsylvania. They are detained into our immigration court system your first thought. Rather, I speak of for the completely lawful act of seek- and, by the way, because we have not my excellent grandson, who has come ing asylum. My colleagues and I are created ways for people to come here to Washington and to the floor of the going to see firsthand what is going on. with visas instead of smugglers, we are House of Representatives to see his The minority whip, Mr. HOYER, and all paying a higher price to house and grandpa at work. two of my closest allies on the family feed moms and kids when much cheap- Tonight, Luisito, who is 12, will be detention issue, Ms. LOFGREN and Ms. er monitoring and supervision options my escort, along with his grandma, at ROYBAL-ALLARD, both of California, are are available. Why? The government the annual White House picnic for going, and we will be hosted by our col- feels that imprisoning these children b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4435 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:54 Jun 17, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17JN7.000 H17JNPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 17, 2015 and moms, even in relatively humane for the more than 8,000 veterans of Nye corporations, hoping some of it might conditions, will be a deterrent to oth- County, Nevada. trickle down. ers. f Actually, it has just led to job ex- But 136 House Democrats, including ports because they can get 30-cent-an- all 8 Members traveling to Texas on STOP MESSING AROUND WITH hour labor in Vietnam. They des- Monday, have asked the Secretary of FAILED TRADE AGREEMENTS perately want this agreement. And Ma- Homeland Security to end the practice The SPEAKER pro tempore. The laysia, hey, the House stripped out the of holding moms and children in deten- Chair recognizes the gentleman from minor restrictions on human traf- tion when there are other ways to get Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. ficking so that U.S. companies could the job done. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, 44 days— feel free to go to Malaysia. The children are paying the highest 44 days—that is when the highway So they are furiously plotting what cost. It doesn’t take a developmental trust fund runs dry. way they can trick us or somehow expert to know that weeks and months Now, this isn’t a surprise. We have overcome 85 percent of the Democrats in detention in prison-like conditions, been kicking the can down the road for in the House caucus here and a number having already lived through weeks awhile. The Republicans have been in of Republicans who have concerns and months and years of desperation, charge for 41⁄2 years. And today, the about these failed trade deals. are not conducive to good child devel- Ways and Means Committee is, rather Now, just think—just think—if opment. begrudgingly, holding its first hearing Speaker BOEHNER, President Obama, But with my Republican friends, it is on the issue of the highway trust fund. and corporate America assembled, were usually not the human cost that mat- However, they have already foreclosed just working to help us find a solution ters. So let me break it down another the options. to our crumbling infrastructure, be- way. The chairman and the Republican cause it is certainly important to ev- At $343 per person per day, we are leadership have said: We can’t do user erybody in this country. If we found spending $125,000 per detainee per fees the way Dwight David Eisenhower that solution, if we moved forward year—$125,000. But the alternatives to and Ronald Reagan did. That is off the with a long-term bill, we could, instead detention we could be using cost about table. We are going to come up with of having to argue over assistance for $5.50 a day, or about $2,000 a year. That some other creative or phony way to workers who are going to lose their is cost savings logic that even in Wash- pay for these investments. jobs because of this trade agreement, ington we can understand. And they pretty much have said they we could be hiring hundreds of thou- Mr. Speaker, regardless of how you are going to try to kick the can down sands of Americans, and not just con- feel about the funding and regardless of the road until the end of December. struction workers. This would involve how you feel about immigration or pol- Well, those sorts of patches won’t manufacturing. For transit, it involves icy issues, Central America, or any deal with the massive pothole that we high tech.
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