- * r '■/- / TUESDAY, APRIL 1,1958 )URTEBff Scefibn Two WEDNESDAY^-APRiL 2. WEDNESDAY, AFHlL 2, 1952 ^ages 17 to 3^^ iManrte0fer B t j E L ....., ‘ ,,-7^" ' i * r ' .y and unbecoming to they have done, biit believes that capacity Is uirged to 'Call the Qlri DAV Auxiliary, No. 17, will cliapter for the year in prospect this week Troops-4, 10 and 66 will St. Mgi'y'B Guild Has advknMd flclal." ' X / ihahy are being asked to dh more Scout office, 983 Maln..atre«t. _ meet tornorCow at S p.*m. at the are': - acU.-ths. thrte Kinds of cooKles,at Jts .meeting,, which ordlnarily-f ' Correefion LaBelle, while never entwii^-tn- <iirl Scout Umt than Should be expected of them The'flrst orders of the townwtde iifl>outToWii V FW Home, “ Mancheater Oi-een. OES Associate matron,, Mrs. Lillian Alexander Castigates the J. -W. Hale detrim ent store; wdnid occur 'niureday, AprjJAO, t o to a personal dispute with A A ^W v because there are ito.t enough peo-r cooKie sale are now. being. dcliv-: - Afra. ..Jaiu ITorUn aiut.hcr ^.a -Thumlay of Ihla .wccK,,Il& mem-, JSs.vYntcr ra.tea.,charged Its cus- H. Leggetl; associa te patron, Nor­ The.Scouts will be -assisted by. det oh the matter of the^waler fle- pie to All air the.^ Jobs in the or­ ered, and addltiohal orders may be Mfs. StanleY Baldwin, Mrk. Albert Thi Ladfes Aid 8ocI»ty t»f th» mlttee will have c h a rg e ^ ^ ie bers wrlil meet nt 10:30' aa usual, .lomers In the .North End by * 5 2 man Travis; secretary, Mrs. Flor­ - Wins?Eraise partment, has declared'that prac­ ganisation! In almost every town placed with neighborhood Girl Roblnson''and Miss Gertruda Lid-i ESnanAel. Lutheran "Church Avtll freahment*.- T ^ y will prlhg'lbclf otvn aar-i* 'the ' Mancheslcr Water Com­ ence Hi Thornton; treasurer, MJss w m«*t at the church Thuraday Mary .E. Miller: -conductress, Mrs. tices followed in Allowing th* she visits, aha said, the same Scouts this weeK. On Thursday of don. ^vlchcs, s ajjd' lhe hoalesaca, Mrs. pany arc board on nn estimated {■■Tir problem exists, and the presented momtnit at 10 o'cloclt to aew Mary S. Smith; .a.siociate.conduc­ 'j general-fund mopey to be used by GREYHOUND Membera ofrthe Britlah Amerlj *Alhert, Gh'apin, Mrs. Earl Rohan nverage u.-lo per family of 13,- A NEW ENGLAND PUBLIC lITILItY CO. SELLING- the water department were ‘'Im­ Regional Official Visits to .the councij many Worthwhils aproni: Membera are th brtn(( their can CIiijMti'e requeated to and:-'Mrs, Preston Ulmmermiin, 000 gallnnx quarterly, not Mrs. Irene Foster a tress, 'Mrs. Vli^inia U, Lew'ts; ChaFSeg Arouse Gontro- hearing ah bpln- proper” and adviaed the bdKrd suggeationa for the recruiting of ,owB.luncha» and coffee will be the,«t|lbhou|le at 7:30 ton y -Will- serve de.ase»t and beyerages,- yenrljr aa reported yrsterday,. haplain, Mrs. - Anna W . Robb;, 'f'**'*- Council to Discuss TS Keith Johnstpn .Will ' shab-Mra.-Doris'. G/> JohiJson..;.'r- ...^ .......................... , ' ■ . ..t ion from the town courteel— and that many of the procedures fq|-. .volunteers, — ................. ~aOv«HL. In . the_aIUriiotii^the-dWa4^iifi)cee4- frem- there-.-ln-»■ -i > The -gtriW-•will'alao-aerve-^-fel­ - ■ A(T«M “TOnimmyronn Tireord^ ’Ve r s ia l'. n e C e p ilQ Il a « ' the' departihent's "ffebl,'’ or ■ over lowed by Alexander should be re- Anyone! interested in helping clety, will be the gueat of the Mrs. Emma Ur\velder; U N p E iR ' A.SHARE Prbblciiis7 P r o g r css the T. P. Holloran. Funi Home lowship supper tnmp^rQ^y At- 6':00 of. the company, lndl90tc .that ;Head Temple Chapter -■i. $16.00 ' rAmWtK>.Kf. A J* 8103,000 ta the fund. • • , ; vamped. ! the Manchester Girl Scouts in any alonary Society at ita' meetlhg at Ruth, Mirs. FIorcnjJB C; Cook: Es­ f to pay reapecla r « Anhte ■p. m. consumption' during . the teat ----------. lA }in il7 e n t8 in A u d i e n c e Thr^board last night Instrue^ed Alexander stated that the Dem 3 o'clocK. Mooney, whose a member of ther, .M ri^llen Q. Callson; Mar­ '.’The Manchester Girl Scout or-' year: following the ln!l(allati,on My.<i. Irene M. Foster of -358 tha, Mgs. ^ lle d n a N. Mansur; I n t e r r u p t . P r e s e n t a t i o n General Manager J a m e *^ ocratic directors precipitated the the club. Woodbridge street-, w is- installed YIELDING APPROXIMATELY .......... 6.35% ganization lias done many out­ •TKa executive board ^ I h e Hdf- . o f. metera has been ; Electa, Mrs. N^;en?' G. Johnson: * ______ SheOKey to Invite both Alexander. water department controversy D A Y S O N L Y Paul V- 8hca of 117 Proapect IJsicr PTA will hav5A"mfetlng to- quarter. wnrthy ' matron of. Temple Chap­ warder. Mrs. Mariorie R. Hall; _ . (i and LaBelle to appear at this -after falling In their' attempt Ip standing things lii a very short 3 PRI., S A T . atreetj,-Who waa admitfed to the Mr.'and MrS. Archie KilpatricK, morrrtw night gt<8 o’clocK at the ter, No. .5.3, Order'of the Raid em s«ntlnel/-ClBrence l^Booth. Town Auditor Hibbard K, Ale^.< meeting. ^in a lower tax rate.' The Dsmo- time." stated Miss iv i PicKens, Vutrtana Hoapltal In Newington who have Been ^pending the win. school, .Stan at'cercmortles la-st weeK.’ She Associate Matron\Mrs. Lillian ander assailed at length tha three Director T. J. CrocKett, alio is a erkts had pre.ssed for a 29 J-2 community advisor from the Re­ ter ot-the Albion Inn, Corler, Fla., f •On March. 3.3, expecta to remninAt is well Known Imboth Ma.«onic aiid Leggett w^s appointetKchairman milKtax rate; . gional Girl Scout office In Boston, the • ln.«tltutlbn for- a month or are ^auing the famiHea -oT th.eif musical clrtles^dn this town and Democratic members of the Board Republican member of the board REE ^Ttje Hustlefa group of the South of the t^'elfai'e commltlee> COBURN & MIDDLEBNOOK, iNa of Directors and Town .,Coun*el hut who has aligned hlmseit wUh at a meeting of the Manchester jrtmn tlgn of triivol ot Its more. aonp/ln town, en route to ^helc, Hartford. She is a past worthy Girl ..Scout Council'. last night. *t, Methodist WSCS has invltyd Iho- Manchester Retiring Worthy Matron. c-Mra. ■ r y poyltl / •"Owfy"’Oyiyf»oiw9<’' affort ” ny e-in PenaeooK, N, H> - . htgh priejrtCTstTf'Vnshtt Shrine No. : INVESTMENT SECURITIES - 55 Middle turnpiKe east_____ ._ . dopMidobilHye eoavofiltmeo Study group'menibcMTo'beJigucsls | Msr.v G. Beauregard was pres^ *rha Willing' Workera of at their annual potlucK^inOrrow 2, Ojider of the White, Shrine of was presented to the„'Board of Dl- AuxlUitry l6 View Miss PirKeni, vlalted the SJan- sG oragf (aeiWis'j ovoilobU , coinfort ot .tudf tow fora*' The . tJorcaa Soci^y "Iwill meet J^rtisalem. Possessing a fine con- cd with a past matron’s jewel b, secure U>e auditorium of xie.of the CLOTHES South Metbodiat WSOS will noon- at the church. ' ' Pa.st Matron Mrs. Mary C. Dltt- 541 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 8631 rec^tors last night, 'bhargUig the new schools for the meeting next rhester Girl Scout office yester­ •Airport bui stops ol.pur 46or Roiidd; tomorrow evenlijgr "at 8:30 foliow> ralto voice, she has made frequent day. dl.scussing local Scouting In the ladles’ parlor at 3, p meyor. Retiring Worthy Patron minority members withX’P'syIn,g w ^K. He said the public interest Newi^igloii Films • Grand Cpnlrol and Peo'nsylvooia ing the flnaP-L^tcn quiet hour in ,, Tomorrow. public_ appei^ances as a_church pi'oblemfl .with members pf the or­ tnorro'tr.. Thp hoateaaea’ The Wesley Grohp of the South Harold Leggett -was presented r - poUUcs”.. with the , ‘,Wa{ilr- am M'lbe matter Is stjeh that hear- Slolioni ore .tonvsiifienl, 1(OF-VALUEI iMTRTON JCm.annjKtiUtheran Ghurch. — ' 'Reeling Of Kisehiiow’er^fprFres , Sewer Department contthvers ganization and observing progress . Mra. -Mary4^wls and Methodist Church will meet to­ with a past patron’s Jewel by Past "''in g room of the Municipal B.AId- N E W YORK ........ ManKin brlef-HSualneaa meeting will be iJenC Cluh, 539 Maht ptj*6t, 8 p.ni. aqd criticising LaBelle. fo r iRe Mrs. Harold belcher, unit Child that has been made In the past (smplitdy Moditniiid ond fid«(eratif followed by a social hour with re- morrow night St 7:4,3 at the 1 Patron J. Herman Dlttmeyer. ing would not be large enough to OUT THEY GO AT WORCBSXBIL....... ' Tuesday, Apyil 8 part he has played in the dispute. Wejfar# chairman\f the American year. She realizes that the main MIAlVn _____________ freahmenta served by Mra._Vera church. Ml»a RUen Peller, home YW CA .iliU?to/<Affalra Jcclura! - 'Tl'e. ceremony was followed bv hold..all the people who .might Alexafider's n ^ r l, ' WTiJtih rah want to attend. *' difficulty at"present Is that of ob- TeVorsdh,'' Hiss Watlie' and ‘Miaa ree?CT(tiHg~ri'rftT orTTarlford Prof. SIgmcSlgntuncl Newmann, Com a social time in the banquet hall, Legion Auxlliary,\ will be in liss THAN COST CENIlBIt 'mAVBL for' 31 pages and toojt-AImost aq secretary of the Board John tninlng-xprofesslonal executive to Rather Pe'teraon, Mrs.
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