8 GEO. V.] Rese'l'ves and other Lands Disposal and [1917, No. 26. 139 Public Bodies Empowering. New Zealand. Title. ANALYSIS. 1. Short Title. 21. Canoelling reserva.tion for landing purposes 2. Governor-General may grant license to re­ over Section 2A, Blook I, Ranga.unu Survey move sulphur from lands subject to Tourist District. and Health Resorts Oontrol Act. 22. Authorizing issue of title to Section 51, Town 3. Validating purchase by East Tamaki Hoad of Hamilton East. Board of certain land as site for public 23. Cancellation of reservation for e. rifle re.nge buildmgs. over Section 30, Blook XVI, Kawakawa 4. Authorizing Hamilton Borough Council to Sarvey District. convey portion of closed streets to trustees 24 Cancellation of reEervation over middle por­ for pnrpose of soldiers' memorial. tion, Lot 26A, Section 2, Parish of Ta.ka­ 5. Authorizing exchange of land between the puna. Auokland City Council and the Auckland 25. Validating leaseR over ra.ilway la.nds in the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. City of Auokla.nd. G. Authorizinl!: Northcote Borough Council to 26. Authorizing tbe la.ying-off of a street in the vary purpose of loan for technical and City of AuoKland of a less width than 40 ft. manual training school, and validating Authorizing renewal of timber lioense issued poll. to the Leyland-O'Brienfimber Company 7. Authorizing Northcote Borough Council to (Limited). charge to loan account moneys expended 2S. Authorizing exchange of land by Tha.mes in loan works prior to taking of poll. Harbour Board. S. Division of Great Barrier Islaud County into 29. Closing certain streets, Borough of Paeroa, ridings. and adding same to Paeroa Domain. 9_ Members of Road Boards in East Taupo or 30. Cancelling tlwl reserva.tion for publio saleyards West Taupo County to hold office for term over pieces of land in the Borough of of three years_ Hamilton, and setting apart the same as 10. Validating payments by Pukekohe Borough an endowment in aid of the borough Council in respect of loan of £12,000. funds. 11. Including portion of certain closed streets in 31. Canoelling reservation over Section 255A, the Te Aroha Bridge Domain, and autho­ Town of Hamilton West, and Seotions 36 rising the vesting in the Auckland Educa­ and 117, Town of Hamihon East; and tion Board of site for a technical school. setting same apa.rt as endowments in aid 12. Setting apart Ia.nd for cemetery reserve at of borough funds. Matuka Bay. 32. Allocating land in Rotorua subject to the 13. Charging certain moneys to Swamp Land Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, Drainage Account in respect of Waihi 1905, to the purpose of a sohool-site. Drainage Area. 33. Authorizing issue of title to Lot 302 of Sec­ U. Authorizing the acquisition of sites of certain tion 1, Town of Tauranga, to Piri Erueti. astronomical and magnetic stations. 34. Vesting approaches to Mangere Bridge in 15. Cancelling reserva.tion over certain Ia.nding Onehunga Borough Council. reserves in Auckland Land District. 35. Authorizing the ra.ising of a. loan for the 16. Cancelling reserva.tion over certain timber enlargement, &c., of the Taneatua. Public reserves in Auokland Land Distriot. Hall. 17. Cancelling reservation for growth and preser­ 36. Authorizing Tauranga Borough Counoil to vation of timber over Section 432, Waio­ devote surplus from dra.inage loan for pur­ ta.hi Parish. pose of installing private drains. lS. Cancelling reservation as school- site over 37. Giving effect to agreement for dissolu~ion Section 240, Mangawai Parish. of Manukau Water-supply Board, and 19. Canoelling the reservation as a resting-pla.ce division of Board's assets. for travelling stock over portion of Sec­ 3S. Authorizing the extension of timber license ~ion 17, Block XIII, Waiawa Survey in Patetere North-ea.st Survey District, District. Auckla.nd La.nd District, held by W. 20. Authorizing acquisition of certain land for McArthur. saleyards in excess of area prescribed by 39. Authorizing the Mangere Roa.d Board to raise Part XIII of Land Act, 1905. a special loan. 140 1917, No. 26.] Reserves and other Lands Disposal and [8 GEO. V. Public Bodies Empowering. 40. Enlarging the boundaries of the Papakura. 71. Validation of payment by Westport Harbour Town District. Board on retirem~nt of Harbourma.ster. 41. Amendment of Proclamation setting apart 72. Changing the purpose of forest reserve, Seo­ land for discharged soldiers. tion 1, Block I, and Section 3, Block IV, 42, Ca.ncellation of reserva.tion over timber re· Maungatapu Survey District, Nelson Land serve in Weber Survey District. District, to a scenic reserve. 43. Cancellation of reservation over timber re­ 73. Validating reclamation and leasing of lands serve in Wha.ngara Survey District. by Motueka Harbour Board. 44. Authorizing the Napier Borough Oouncil to 74. Oancellation of reserva.tion over Section 203, raise a specia.l loan for certain works in Blook X, Mount Fyffe Survey Distriot. the borough, including repayment of 75. Declariug certain olosed roads at Kaikoura overdraft incurred in excess of previous to be Crown land. loan. 76. Removing the reservation from part of a 45. Giving effect to an agreement between the reserve for the growth and preservation Government and the Napier Harbour of timber in the Ma.rlborough Land Dis­ Board respecting the Napier-Westshore triot. Embankment. 77. Vesting portion of foreshore at Kaikoura in 46. Authorizing the Wairoa Harbour Board to Kaikoura Ha.rbour Board. purohase a site for offioes. 78. Vesting in Publio Trustee certain property 47. Closing portions of the Motu Valley and held by trustees in trust for t'b.e religious Moanui Roads, Hawke's Bay Land Dis­ purposes of the German Protestant in. triot. habitants of Canterbury. 48. Cancellation of reservation for timber pur­ 79. Oancelling the reservation over portion of poses over Seotion 6, Block VIII, Ohura Cemetery Reserve 62A, Block I, Pigeon Survey District. Bay Survey Distriot. 49. Adding portion of closed road to Taranaki 80. Authorizing leasing to Salvation Army of old Botanical Gardens. immigration barracks a.t Addington. 50. Authorizing New Plymouth Borough Council 81. Special provisions as to returns relating to to devote unexpended balance of loan· domams controlled by the Christchurch moneys to forming and improving streets. City Council. 51. Further powers to Mokau Harbour Board 82. Vesting of additions to Selwyn plantation for improvement of navigation of Mokau reserves. River. 83. Declaring certain closed roads to be educa­ 52. Vesting Lot 1 of Section 77, Wadestown, in tion·endowment reserve. the City of Wellington. 84. Cancelling the reservation for State-forest 53. Validation of certain agreements with respect purposes over Reserve 3273, Blocks II, V, to land in the Highland Park Estate. and VI, Upper Ashley Survey District. 54. Cancellation of reservation over ferry reserve 85. Vesting portion of Reserve 2237, Blook VI, on Manawatu River. Rakaia Survey Distriot, Canterbury Land 55. Extending boundaries of certain land set Distriot, in the Boa.rd of Governors of apart as scenic reserve in Hunua Survey Canterbury College. District. 86. Varying provisions of the Public Reserves 1>6. Empowering Sand on Park trustees to acquire and Domains Act, 1908, relating to and maintain Sandon Public Hall. domains oontrolled by the Ohristohurch 57. Altera.tion of boundaries of Borough of City Counoil. Shannon. 87. Exohange of national. endowment land, 58. Annulling compulsory dedication for street­ Clayton, for Crown land. widening at Hamilton and Busaoo Roads, 88. Severing an area of land inoluded within the Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ellesmere Lands Drainage District from 59. Authorizing the ereotion of seaside oottages tha.t district, and placing same nnder the on Koitiata Domain. oontrol of the Ellesmere County Counoil 60. Exempdng Palmerston North Showground as a drainage district under the Counties from genera.l rates. Act, 1908. 61. Legalizing and faoihtating the construotion 89. Adding post-office site to Wainui Dom~in. of a second slip at Evans Bay, Wellington. 90. Setting apart portion of the Port Chalmers 62. Authorizing the sa.le of Otari Soenio Reserve Town Belt as a burial-ground for soldiers. to Welling~on City Counoil. 91. Removing reservation from Defenoe reserve 63. Further postponing date of valuation of cer· in Town of Havelock. tain leases granted by the Wellington Oity 92. Validating the sale by the Roxburgh Borough Council. Counoil of part of Roxburgh Reorea.tion M. Proposed addition to Horowhenua La.ke Do. Reserve. ma.in. 93. Changing the purpose of the endowment set 65. Issue of title to Roman Catholio Oburchsite, apart for a publio library in the Township Motueka Distriot. of Hamilton to the Waipiata.Hamiltons 66. Cancellation of reservation over la.nd set Library endowment. apart as' a scenic reserve, Nelson Land 94. Exoha.nging part of the Otago University District. endowment for Crown land. 67. Canoellation of reservation over land set 95. Proposed removal of reservation from Sec· apart as public. buildings site in Ngakawau tion 107, Block VIII, Glenomaru Survey Survey District. Distriot. 68. Cancellation of forfeiture of license over cer­ 96. Exchanging certain laud acquired under the tain land in Steeples Survey Distriot. Land for Settlements Ao\ lor Ilome adja.oent 69. Vesting certain land situated in Town of land. Reef ton in the lna.ngahua Hospital and 97. Deolaring reolaimed lands in the New River Charitable Aid Board. Estuary to be part of the Borough of In­ 70. Authorizing tbe Nelson Agrioultural and veroargill, authorizing the issue of title, P&storal Association to mortgage the giving powers of leasing, and valida.ting Richmond Showground. and authorizing loans. 8 GEO. V.] Reserves and other Lands Disposal and [1917, No. 26. 141 Public Bodies Empowering.
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