ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(2): 241–275 25 DECEMBER 2017 Cave and burrow crickets of the subfamily Bothriophylacinae (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) in Iran and adjacent countries Пещерные и норные сверчки подсемейства Bothriophylacinae (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae) в Иране и соседних странах M.S. TAHAMI, A.V. GOROCHOV* & S. SADEGHI* М.С. ТАХАМИ, А.В. ГОРОХОВ, С. САДЕГИ M. Tahami & S. Sadeghi, Entomology Laboratory, Biology Department, College of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] A.V. Gorochov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] The composition, distribution, morphology and bionomics of the cricket subfamily Bothrio- phylacinae are briefly discussed. The following taxa are described and redescribed on the base of type material: Microbothriophylacini Gorochov trib. nov.; Eremogryllodes iranicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. persicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. p. torangae Tahami et Goro- chov subsp. nov., E. p. lari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov., E. dilutus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. d. bakhtiyari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov. and E. bifurcatus Tahami et Goro- chov sp. nov. from Iran; E. b. turcicus Gorochov et Ünal subsp. nov. from Turkey; E. major Chopard from Afghanistan; E. monodi Chopard from North Africa; Bothriophylax kiritshenkoi Gorochov et Tahami sp. nov.; B.? richteri Chopard from Iran; and B. rjabovi Gorochov sp. nov. from Armenia. Key to tribes and genera of Bothriophylacinae is also prepared. Кратко рассмотрены состав, распространение, строение и образ жизни сверчковых под- семейства Bothriophylacinae. Описаны и переописаны по типовому материалу следую- щие таксоны: Microbothriophylacini Gorochov trib. nov.; Eremogryllodes iranicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. persicus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. p. torangae Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov., E. p. lari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov., E. dilutus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov., E. d. bakhtiyari Tahami et Gorochov subsp. nov. и E. bifurcatus Tahami et Gorochov sp. nov. из Ирана; E. b. turcicus Gorochov et Ünal subsp. nov. из Турции; E. major Chopard из Афганистана; E. monodi Chopard из Северной Африки; Bothriophylax kiritshenkoi Gorochov et Tahami sp. nov. и B.? richteri Chopard из Ирана; B. rjabovi Gorochov sp. nov. из Армении. Составлена также определительная таблицы для триб и родов Bothriophylacinae. Key words: crickets, taxonomy, Iran and adjacent countries, Orthoptera, Myrmecophilidae, Bothriophylacinae, new taxa Ключевые слова: сверчковые, таксономия, Иран и соседние страны, Orthoptera, Myr- mecophilidae, Bothriophylacinae, новые таксоны INTRODUCTION territories of North Africa as well as of Southwest and Central Asia. This subfam- The subfamily Bothriophylacinae Mi- ily was discovered almost at the same time ram, 1934 includes small and completely by two entomologists: French orthopter- apterous crickets living in burrows of ro- ist L. Chopard (1929) described the genus dents and reptiles or in caves in the arid Eremogryllodes with two new species from North Africa, and he placed it in the fam- * Corresponding authors ily Gryllidae Laicharting, 1781 between © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 242 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES Gryllomorphinae Saussure, 1877 (“Gryllo- 1873, Myrmecophilidae Saussure, 1874 and morphes”) and Phalangopsinae Blanchard, Gryllotalpidae Leach, 1815. In this publica- 1845; Russian orthopterist E. Miram (1930) tion, Bothriophylacinae was included in the described the subfamily Philobothriinae Myrmecophilinae as its tribe. Somewhat (also in Gryllidae) for the one new genus, later, the genus Microbothriophylax Goro- Philobothrium, with two new species from chov, 1993 was described for one new spe- Turkmenistan, but soon she (Miram, 1934) cies from Saudi Arabia, and Bothriophylax changed these supraspecies taxa names for was restored as a genus (Gorochov, 1993). Bothriophylacinae and Bothriophylax in In the monograph on higher classification connection with the homonymy of her origi- and evolution of Ensifera (Gorochov, 1995), nal generic name to Philobothrium Beneden, the original status of Bothriophylacinae 1849 (Platyhelminthes). In the same year, was also restored, and this taxon was con- Miram’s supraspecies taxa names were pro- sidered as a separate subfamily belonging visionally synonymised to Gryllinae (!) to Myrmecophilidae and most related to and Eremogryllodes, respectively (Chopard, Myrmecophilinae. Recently, another new 1934); later the latter author confirmed this species of Bothriophylax has been described generic synonymy and placed his Eremo- from United Arab Emirates (Gorochov, gryllodes between Mogoplistinae Brunner 2017), and numerous specimens of Eremo- von Wattenwyl, 1873 and Myrmecophili- gryllodes (including several new species and nae Saussure, 1874 (Chopard, 1948) as well subspecies) have been collected in different as described five additional species from caves of Iran. The work with this material Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Afghanistan and as well as with some older material allowed Israel (Chopard, 1948, 1959, 1960, 1963). the authors to better understand the ge- Then Chopard (1968) put his Eremogryl- neric position of many species of Bothrio- lodes in the tribe Bothriophylacini and in- phylacinae as well as to find more clear dif- cluded this tribe in Mogoplistinae, possibly ferences between closely related genera in based on the very superficial similarity of their morphology and lifestyle. these small and non-flying crickets, and La The specimens examined are deposited Greca (1969) described the another new in the following institutions: Zoological species of Eremogryllodes from Libya with- Museum, Collection of Biology Depart- out any mention about systematic position ment, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (ZM- of this genus. CBSU); Zoological Institute, Russian The morphological features of Bothrio- Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg (ZIN); phylacinae were studied in details and com- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, pared with those of Myrmecophilinae and Paris, France (MNHN); Staatliches Mu- other subfamilies of Grylloidea by Goro- seum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany chov (1980). This study showed that Both- (SMNS). riophylacinae is most related to the subfam- ily Myrmecophilinae and may be considered TAXONOMIC PART as a tribe inside Myrmecophilinae; Both- riophylax was removed from synonymy and Subfamily BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE considered as a subgenus of Eremogryllodes. Miram, 1934 In the paper on higher taxonomy of Gryl- loidea, Gorochov (1984a) grounded the Philobothriinae Miram, 1930 (name division of this superfamily into four recent based on homonymic generic name). families having independent development Note. Bothriophylacinae includes three of the sclerotised male genital apparatus genera: Eremogryllodes, Bothriophylax Mi- (see also Gorochov, 2014, 2015): Gryllidae, ram, 1934 (= Philobothrium Miram, 1930, Mogoplistidae Brunner von Wattenwyl, homonymic name) and Microbothriophylax. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 241–275 M.S. TAHAMI ET AL. BOTHRIOPHYLACINAE IN IRAN AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES 243 The first two genera are closely related and and almost semiglobular, with the long an- widely distributed in the arid territories tennae having the small scape which is 1.8– from North Africa to Pakistan; however, 2.4 times as wide as the distance between they are clearly distinguished from each the antennal cavities, with the mouthparts other by some small but distinct characters rather small but having the comparatively of their male genitalia and possibly by their long maxillary palpi (Figs V: 10; VI: 1) as lifestyle. Adult specimens of the third ge- well as large and moderately convex clyp- nus (Microbothriophylax) are known only eus (this clypeus is more or less oval, i.e. from Arabian Peninsula, and habits of this almost not divided into anteclypeus and genus are unclear; however, one nymph pos- postclypeus by distinct lateral notches or sibly belonging to this genus was collected any transverse fold), with the eyes elongate in “dark interior of wolf’s den” (Chopard, (almost vertical) but not large and lacking 1948). The external structure of Microboth- facets in the dorsoposterior third or quar- riophylax is more similar to that of the pre- ter (Figs I: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 17; VI: vious genera than to that of Myrmecophili- 1), and without ocelli. The pronotum is nae (Figs I; II: 1, 6), but its hind femora are also large, semitubular but wider than long, almost intermediate between these subfam- with the anterior edge somewhat convex, ilies (Figs II: 4, 5, 7), and its male genitalia with posterior one more or less straight, are very different from those of all the other with the lateral sides almost parallel, and taxa of Myrmecophilidae (Figs III: 1–7, without any border in the shape of a low 13–21; IV); thus, this genus must be isolat- and thin submarginal keel which outlines ed as a separate tribe of Bothriophylacinae all the pronotal edges in the other groups (see a key for tribes and genera of Both- of Grylloidea (Figs I: 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13–15, riophylacinae below). Moreover, its male 17); meso- and metanotum are almost as genitalia has a rather primitive structure of abdominal tergites in the shape, i.e. clearly the epiphallus and endoparameral apodeme transverse but usually longer than the lat- (Figs III:
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