Persp ectiveVol. 19, Nos. 2 2011 P e Review of International Affairs r s p e c t i v e Special Issue s s Identity and Solidarity in Foreign Policy: Investigating East Central e European Relations with the Eastern Neighbourhood v i t c e p V s o l . 1 9 r , N o . 2 e 2 0 1 1 P CALL FOR PAPERS/NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS ARTICLES, CHAPTERS FROM BOOKS AND INTERNET SOURCES: Author’s name, title of article or chapter within single inverted commas with principal words capitalised, name(s) of editors(s) if in a book, title of journal or book in italics, vol - ! Perspectives is a refereed journal published twice a year by the Institute of International Re - ume number, issue number in parentheses, page reference, place of publication and pub - ! lations, Prague, Czech Republic. At the present time, it is established as one of the leading lisher if in a book, url if an internet source: journals in Central and Eastern Europe, dealing with a range of issues from international re - Lisowski, Michael (2002) ‘Playing the Two-Level Game: US President Bush’s Decision lations theory to contemporary international politics and regional and global issues that af - to Repudiate the Kyoto Protocol’, Environmental Politics 11 (4): 101–119. fect international relations. Perspectives invites papers and enquiries from interested Aguilar Fernández, Susana (1997) ‘Abandoning a Laggard Role? New Strategies in scholars. Spanish Environmental Policy’, in D. Liefferink and M. S. Andersen (eds) The Innovation of EU Environmental Policy , pp. 156–172. Copenhagen: Scandinavian University Press. GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS Yahuda, Michael (2004) ‘Europe and America in Asia: Different Beds, Same Dreams’. The aim of Perspectives is to produce an eclectic mix of articles dealing with various areas The Sigur Center Asia Papers No. 18. Online: http://cow2.la.psud.edu. of international relations and regional studies. These may include articles on recent history, specialised articles on some legal or political area which affects international affairs, or ar - QUOTATION MARKS: ticles that capture some issue which, while seen from a national perspective, is at the Single in text throughout; double within single; single within indented quotations. same time of importance at a regional or international level. While there will naturally be some bias towards the Central and East European region, the same principles will also HEADINGS: apply to articles from other parts of the world. Only main headings and subheadings (both non-numbered) should be used in the main The journal publishes three types of articles (Research Articles, Discussions, and Con - body of the text. ! sultations), Book Reviews and Review Essays. Research Articles are full-length papers (be - DATES AND NUMBERS: tween 6,000 and 10,000 words, including endnotes and references) that contain an original contribution to research. Discussions are topical commentaries or essays (be - 25 February 1999; February 1999; 25 February; the 1990s. tween 6,000 and 8,000 words, including endnotes and references) with the aim to pro - voke scholarly debates. Consultations are full-length papers (between 6,000 and 8,000 words, including endnotes and references) of a descriptive character that bring informa - • For submissions of Research Articles, Discussions and Consultations, or general corre - tion on topical international developments or present results of recent empirical research. spondence, please contact the Editors: Petr Kratochvíl at [email protected] or Mats Braun Each article should be accompanied by a one-paragraph abstract. Book Reviews should at [email protected] . not exceed 2,000 words, and Review Essays should be 3,500 words maximum, including • Articles will be reviewed by two anonymous referees. endnotes and references. All submissions should be made in electronic form, unless this • For matters related to book reviews, please contact the Book Review Editor Vít Střítecký is impossible for some practical reason. at [email protected] . • While we welcome reviews of English-language academic books, we encourage authors Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the article with raised numerals to submit reviews of academic books published in other languages, including the lan - corresponding to the list of notes placed at the end. A list of References should appear guages of Central and East European countries. after the list of Notes containing all the works referred to, listed alphabetically by the au - • Following approval for publication, authors of all articles and reviews should send a short thor’s surname (or the name of the sponsoring body if there is no identifiable author). biographical note (80 words maximum) including their institutional affiliation and rele - References to literature in the text should be made by giving the author’s name and year vant experience to Petr Kratochvíl at [email protected] . of publication, both in parentheses, e.g. (Wendt, 1999). • Since we encourage authors whose first language is not English to submit writing, we as - BOOKS: sume that authors will accept language editing. • Authors of Research Articles, Discussions and Consultations will receive one compli - Author’s name as it appears on the title page, date of publication in parentheses, title in mentary copy of the journal and 10 photocopied prints of their article. ! Italics with capitals in principal words, place of publication, publisher: • The postal address of the journal is: Perspectives , Institute of International Relations, Liefferink, Duncan and Mikael Skou Andersen (eds) (1997) The Innovation of EU Envi - Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1, Czech Republic. ronmental Policy . Copenhagen: Scandinavian University Press. [Continued on p. 3 cover] Perspectives02_11_vstup:PERSPECTIVES 16.12.2011 11:04 Page 1 (Black/Black plate) Perspectives Review of International Affairs Vol. 19, No. 2 2011 Perspectives02_11_vstup:PERSPECTIVES 16.12.2011 11:04 Page 2 (Black/Black plate) Editorial Board Petr Drulák (Chairman), Institute of International Relations, Czech Republic Regina Axelrod, Adelphi University, USA Francis Beer, University of Colorado, USA Dorothee Bohle, Central European University, Hungary Tanja Börzel, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Vladimír Handl, Institute of International Relations, Czech Republic Karen Henderson, University of Leicester, United Kingdom Petr Jehlička, Open University, United Kingdom Vendulka Kubálková, University of Miami, USA Christian Lequesne, Sciences Po Paris, France Andrew Linklater, Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom Paul Luif, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Austria Nicholas Onuf, Florida International University, USA V. Spike Peterson, University of Arizona, USA Mark A. Pollack, Temple University, USA Erik Ringmar, National Jiaotong University, Taiwan Jacques Rupnik, Sciences Po Paris, France Frank Schimmelfennig, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Jiří Šedivý, Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, NATO, Belgium Wolfgang Wessels, Universität zu Köln, Germany Andrei V. Zagorski, Institute for Applied International Research, Russia Jan Zielonka, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Editor-in-Chief Petr Kratochvíl, [email protected] Associate Editor Mats Braun, [email protected] Book Review Editor Vít Střítecký, [email protected] Opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and thus represent neither the views of the editors nor those of the Institute of International Relations. Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted or indexed in Scopus, Academic Search Premier (via EBSCO host), ABI/INFORM Global, Academic Research Library (via ProQuest), Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), World Affairs Online and Czech National Bibliography. Editorial and Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 3, 118 50 Prague 1, Czech Republic. Administrative Office Tel.: 00 420 / 251 108 101 (P. Kratochvíl), 00 420 / 251 108 363 (V. Střítecký). Fax: 00 420 / 251 108 222. www.iir.cz Subscriptions US$ 50, p. a. Single Issues US$ 30. Send orders to the Administrative Office. Layout Jakub Tayari Printed by Petr Dvořák – Tiskárna, Dobříš ISSN 1210-762X ČÍSLO REGISTRACE MK ČR 6554 Perspectives02_11_vstup:PERSPECTIVES 16.12.2011 11:04 Page 3 (Black/Black plate) Contents Introduction: Identity and Solidarity in the Foreign Policy of EU 5 Members: Renewing the Research Agenda • Elsa Tulmets Projecting the Re-Discovered: Czech Policy Towards Eastern 27 Europe • Tomáš Weiss Between a Romantic ‘Mission in the East’ and Minimalism: Polish 45 Policy Towards the Eastern Neighbourhood • Melchior Szczepanik Shining in Brussels? The Eastern Partnership in Estonia’s Foreign 67 Policy • Vahur Made Latvian and Lithuanian Policy in the Eastern Neighbourhood: 81 Between Solidarity and Self Promotion • Katerina Kesa Slovakia in the East: Pragmatic Follower, Occasional Leader 101 • Lucia Najšlova New Eastern Perspectives? A Critical Analysis of Romania’s 123 Relations with Moldova, Ukraine and the Black Sea Region • Irina Angelescu A Limited Priority: Hungary and the Eastern Neighbourhood 143 • András Rácz Slovenia and the Eastern Neighbourhood 165 • Polona Bunič and Zlatko Šabič ▲ Reviews 183 188 Clara Portela: European Union Sanctions and Foreign Policy. When and Why 183 Do they Work? – London / New York: Routledge, 2010, 206 pages, ISBN: 978-0-415-55216-5. • Elsa Tulmets Gérard Chaliand and Arnaud Blin (eds.): The History of Terrorism: From 185 Antiquity to Al Qaeda – Berkeley / Los Angeles, CA: University of California
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