!'He 2796 Doo. l2~ "arch 10, 1786 J:SOX 45 p. trom 1 to 3 All in Spanish Yroceedings instituted by Don redro oludge, Don ... Biduo Herbert tor the purpose ot I.Ilro ) having several pieces of cotton Court Clerk: P.I cloth measured. Rodriguez 1 Don Pedro Biduo Herbert, a resident of this 0ity, petitioned the l,;ourt, alleging that he bought 66 pieces ot ootton oloth in Cape ~~ance, but that there is an error in the measurement of said cloth. Wherefore, petitioner begs the Court to appoint two merchants of this Uity, accompanied by the l,;ourt ulerk, to examine and check the measure ot said pieces ot cotton cloth, in order to prove the error egainst the petitioner. un Wlrch 10, 1786, the Court granted .iJon l'edro lJiduo Herbert's petition, and appointed Don Jacobo r.ionsanto and JJon AIlgele Babi~ to elWllline the measure­ ment ot the cotton cloth in question. un the same day, the l,;ourt Clerk, accompanied by Don AIlgelo JJabi~ and .uon olacobo monsant o, in com­ pliance with the preceding decree, went to the store of Don .t'edro Biduo Herbert, and after they measured the 66 pieces ot cotton cloth that were bought in l,;ape !'rance, trom the firm of uhoisel and Mensenon, and that according to the invoice it was suppose to contain 7.719 elle, and atter said cloth waa measured separately they found that there were only 6.842 ells, resulting in a shortege or eight hundred and seventy-seven ells. I The reoord is incompl ete, and the outeoms 0 t this case is not known. Translator 11 23 Copyist #11 File 2963 I Doo. 1245 Maroh io, 1786 I BOX pp. 1 to 25 I Judges: Governor I Case of Esteban Miro &: I Pedro Voizln Joseph de Orma I vs. Court Clark: FernandoI Carlota - tree negress Rodriguez I Pedro Voizin petitioned the Court of Don Esteban Miro, Colonel, Civil and Military Governor, in order to reoover the sum of 400 pesos, past due, that Cerlota, free negress, owes hiU4 as evidenced by the note secured by mortgage that he introduoes, and begged the Court to issue a writ of execution against all the property of the defendant, particularly the lot of ground specified in said mortgage. On March. 10, 1786, Joseph. de Orme, Senior Justice of the Peaoe, grants the plaintiff's petition, but as the defendant had moved her residence to Pointe coupee, outside the Jurisdiction of the Court, the Chief Constable is unable to serve the decree of execution on her, and effect seizure of her property. The plaintiff again petitione the Court to author­ ize the Commandant of pointe Coupes to follow pro­ ceedings against the defendant, which petition was granted and decree issued by Governor Don Estevan Miro. On April 20, 1786, ~enon Trudeau, Cammandant of that Post sends the Court Clerk, Renaud, to collect the sum of 400 piastres plus the costs of these pro ­ oeedings trom the defendant, or in default thereof to effect seizure, but as the defendant has no property, she was placed in Jail and then released on petition of her bondsman, ~urgeon Vitrai of Pointe Coupes, so as she may go to New Orleans and sell her lot to settle with Voi zin. On May 11th, 1786, the Court on plaintiff's petition granted a writ of seizure against the Doc. 1245 cont 'd. property of the defendant, but before execution of said decree, the plaintiff and defendant, having reached an agreement, pet!tioned the Court requesting that oosts of the above pro ceedings be fixed and charged to the defendant. The petition is granted, end oosta amounted to 37 pesos 3 rea.les. Translator fi26 Copyist fill Doc . 1246 File #2971 . ) Box 45. March 10, 1786 . ) JUdge : Don Estevan Mi r o. J CC: Don Fernando ROdriguez. ) Case Of Pages 1 to 8. I Don Ni colas Weber Soanish and French . I versus Don Bernardo Dubrocar. The plaintiff petitioned the Court , alleging that as evidenced by the past due promi s sor y note pr esent ed, t he defendant i s indebted to pet i t i oner in the sum of si x hundred pesos, for a cer t a i n loan; and that alth petitioner has on several occasions requested the de­ f endant to pay said debt, the defendant has refused. Wherefore , petitioner begs the Court to order the de­ f endant to declare under oath if tho signature a ffixed t o t he promissory note presented is hi s and if he owes t he sum olaimed. The Court granted the plaintiff's petit i on, and the defendant appeared before the Court Clerk and de­ olar ed unde r oath that the signature affixed t o the promissory note presented is his and that he owes the suo claimed by the plaintiff. The plaintiff then petitioned the Court, alleging t hat since t he defendant baa confessed t hat he owes the sum cl aimed, pe titioner begs t he Cour t to i ssue a writ of execu t ion against the properties of t he defendant to sati sf y said sum plus t he cost s of these procoedings. The r ecor d shows that the obove petition was prov­ i sonal l y denied by the Court on the ground that the ma­ Jority of the creditors of the defendant had granted 1 sai d defendant an extension of time to pay his debts. -I I Translat or 1122 Copyist tllO Doc. #1247 File #149 ) Box 45 . !!arch 1.3, 1786.) JUdge: Josef Orue . I CC . Perdomo. I Case ot P. 1 to 9. ) Edwardo Jones an~i""s_h.;;,.' I ...Sp... I versus Nihil Castell. Plaintirt, a resident of this City, petitioned the Court al l egi ng t hat the defendant has pUblicly defamed pe ­ titioner ' s character. Wherefore, petitioner begs the Court to punish t he defendant and in order to prove the above al­ legations to admit parol evidence that petltloner will pre­ senti and if said allegations prove to be of merit to is­ sue a writ of execution against the person, and properties of the defendant. On March 13th, 1780, the Court ordered as petitioned by the plaintiff. The record shows that t he plaintiff's witnesses appear .ed betore the Court Clerk and their testimonies substantiat ed the plaintiff's allegations in his pe tition. ~h e Cour t after taking into consideration the informa­ t i on submitted by the plaintiff, ordered t he arrest and imprisonment of the defendant and issued a wri t of execu­ t i on against t he defendant's propert ies for t he sum of 300 pesos. The record shows that the plaintirt dropped t he case , and t he Court taking this into conaideratlon exonerated the xl defendant of all liability, and ordered his release f ram prison. ,. The record does not show the cost of these proceedings. translator #25 Copyist 1110 Doc . #1248 Box 45. File /fO E. ) PRCC EEDlllGS INSTITUTED BY ClffiISTO- March 14, 1786. I V.AL ,A TTO FCIl THE PURPOSE OF JUdge: Estevan Miro . ) PROV lllG TIIAT Ill. S BORN A iREE cc , Rafael Perdomo. I NmRO . PP. 1 to 8 . I Spanish. ) Christoval Franc1sco, a mulatto, pet 1t i oned the Court alleg1ng that he is the son of Christoval Francisco and Margarita, free negroes, residing in New York. eref~ petitioner 1n order to pr ove the above allegations peti­ tioner will pr esent witnesses to substantiate said allega­ tions, and to order the Court Clerk to give petitioner a copy of the test1monies of said w1tnesses. On March 14 , 178 6 , the Court ordered as pet1tioned. The reoord shows that the witnesses pr esent ed by the pet1tioner test1fied betore the Court Clerk and that their testimonies substantiated the allegations made by the pe ­ t!t!oner. On petitioner's request said testimoni es were approv­ ed by the Court. The Court after closely examining the information submitted by the pet i t i oner declared him a tree mulatto. The record does not show the cost of these proceed1ng.,I Translator 1125 Copyist H10 File #125 1 Do=ent #1249 Maroh 14, 1786 1 Box 45 JUdge: Estevan I Miro I Oase of Oourt 01 ark: Rafael I Santiago Meder Perdomo I versus pp. 1 to 12 I Ma t heo Wehet Spanish I Plaintiff, a resident and m~ohant of this Oity, petitioned the Oourt, alleging that as evidenoed by the obligation duly presented, petitioner sold to the de­ fendant, a resident of the Post of Natohe~, f i ve negro slaves; that the defendant promised to pay for said slaves by delivering to petition~ a oertain quantity of tobaooo, valued at one thousand five hundred fifty pesos, and besides six hundred pesos in cash. That the defendant has fail Ed to oomply with his promise. V~erefore , petitioner begs the Oourt to forward a waxrant to the oommandant of said Post, instructing said oommander to oompel the defendant to satisfY in oash the complete value of the negroes, as at the present time petitioner has no use for said tobacco. The Oourt ordered as petitioned by the plaintiff. The record is incompl ete and the outcome of this case is not know. Translator fj24 Oopyist fill Doe. ",1250 · BoX 45. Do~a Maria Genoveva, wite ot Don ancisco Berre, petitioned the Court, alleging that her husband has lett New Orleans tor Islas Negras with the purpose ot estab­ lishing his residence in said townj that as evidenced by the letter presented, the petitioner has been instructed by her husband to sell all her properties in this city, so that she may join her said husband; that among her properties, the petitioner owns a certein slave named Margarita wham petitioner desires to sell; where tore , petitioner begs the Court to grant her the necessary ju­ dicial authorization to pertorm said sale.
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