WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Jan. 10-23, 2014 | Volume 75, Number 5 ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE Sigmund Baretto, left, a junior at Embry-Riddle Members of the Florida Atlantic University Newman Transitional Deacon Leszek Trojanowski stands with Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, speaks to Club are shown in this 2012 file photo. The Newman Bishop Frank J. Dewane after his ordination. (BOB Father Tim Daly, Catholic chaplain at the university, Club celebrated 25 years as an association last year REDDY | FC) following Mass Dec. 8, 2013. (MICHAEL HARKER | FC) and is looking forward to growth in membership and initiatives in 2014. (LINDA REEVES | FC) Ministry injects Transitional A Catholic deacon shot of faith home at FAU ordained into college life The 25-year-old Newman Club at Florida Atlan- tic University hopes and prays for a structure that As one of the final steps leading to his priestly Lindsay Marsh considered more than just aca- will represent a strong, permanent Catholic pres- ordination, a seminarian made a commitment to demics and athletics when she choose her cur- ence on campus, showing unity with other people serve God, the Church and the bishop of the Dio- rent college campus. One of her key selling points: of God who have campus facilities. cese of Venice and his successors. Having access to a Catholic church so she could “We, Friends of Newman, have been slowly Leszek Trojanowski was ordained a transition- celebrate Mass each week. working for a permanent building for the New- al deacon by Bishop Frank J. Dewane Dec. 21 at While online, she discovered a part of Stetson man Club and all Catholics on campus — stu- Epiphany Cathedral before priests and deacons University’s Catholic Campus Ministry was offer- dents, staff, etc.,” said Richard Siegel, a parishio- of the Diocese of Venice, as well as family, friends ing rides to Sunday Mass. That prompted her to ner of St. Lucy in Highland Beach. “Hopefully, we and well-wishers. take a look at the DeLand campus are nearing the start of something substantial,” he “The strength of the Holy Spirit guides you and “I began meeting people in Campus Minis- added, about initiatives by the nonprofit “Friends brings you forward,” Bishop Dewane said. “You try, and now our meetings are the highlight of of Newman,” a group dedicated to committing have been called to share in the continuation in my week,” said the Jacksonville native. “I have time, talent and financial support to assist the the work of the apostles, of the Lord and to con- learned a lot. It has really enhanced my faith.” club on campus formed eight years ago. tribute to creating a society of love for all.” Click on the ORLANDO DIOCESE above for Click on the PALM BEACH DIOCESE for more Click on the VENICE DIOCESE above for more more on this story. on this story. on this story. California Florida’s The community governor pope mourns signs and beloved another religious California death orders pastor warrant WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Jan. 10-23, 2014 | $1.00 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO EDITION A child reacts as he is carried on a stretcher at a damaged site after what activists said was heavy shelling by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus Dec. 26. (BASSAM KHABIEH, REUTERS | CNS) Bishop John Noonan poses for a photo in the multipurpose room of the new Catholic Campus Ministry Center at the University Leaders of Central Florida Dec. 16, 2013. (FRANK WEBER | FC) Bishop Noonan blesses, dedicates will gather new Catholic Campus Ministry Center at Vatican LINDA CALDWELL is housed in Northview, a 600-bed, luxury off- for Syrian of the Florida Catholic staff campus student apartment complex, which opened in August 2013 and is also home for ORLANDO | Five years after the journey the Hillel Center, which serves the Jewish stu- to construct a new home for the Catholic dent population. peace Campus Ministry at the University of Central “We have been longing for a permanent Florida (UCF) began, the prayers of many were home for campus ministry at UCF,” said Tony CAROL GLATZ answered with the blessing and dedication of Marco, associate campus minister. “This new Catholic News Service the new Catholic Campus Ministry Center by center is a tremendous gift that will lead to a Bishop John Noonan on Dec. 16, 2013. More flourishing of the Catholic faith on campus for VATICAN CITY | Former British Prime than 250 people filled the multipurpose room, those currently involved in campus ministry, Minister Tony Blair and former Egyptian which is also used as a sanctuary, for the joyful and will be a beacon of hope to students who Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei are celebration. are rediscovering their faith.” among the key political experts invited by “Dear friends, after much work and prayer Attendees had the opportunity to tour the Vatican for a one-day meeting aimed at by so many members of our diocese, we gath- the new facility. The first floor of the space promoting a cease-fire in Syria, the protec- er to bless and to dedicate this new Catholic includes a welcoming reception area; the di- tion of Christians there and a transitional Campus Ministry Center,” Bishop Noonan rector’s office; the multipurpose/sanctuary; a and unified government. said. “It will be a center for campus ministry café with a fully equipped kitchen and plenty The Vatican meeting Jan. 13 will come activities and a witness of the faith to all who of seating; a small chapel named in memory ahead of major peace talks Jan. 22 in Ge- enter. of the late Central Florida philanthropist Joe neva between the Syrian government and “Here the students of this university will Sciortino; a student lounge; and several meet- opposition forces. have the opportunity to grow in their relation- ing areas which can be used for classrooms Sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of ship with God, to know each other as brothers as well. Plans for how to best utilize the space Sciences, the daylong Vatican “workshop” and sisters in the Lord,” he continued. “Here are still underway. However, the space now will seek to propose “a cease-fire to make the students and visitors alike always will be includes offices for ministry leaders, such as humanitarian aid possible” in Syria; an Audrey Kovacic, a senior at the University welcome in the spirit of Jesus Christ. May the Marco. end to “persecutions against Christians to of Central Florida, shares her experiences word of God echo from these walls that all will “I remember when I first walked into this encourage interreligious dialogue; a transi- as part of Catholic Campus Ministries know the good news of salvation.” center before it opened,” said Audrey Kovacic, tional authority to organize elections (and) during the dedication ceremony of the The 20,000-square-foot center replaces the a senior at UCF. “Nothing was in place. I a unified national government also respon- campus’ new Catholic Center Dec. 16, ministry’s previous home, a 2,400-square-foot 2013. (LINDA CALDWELL | FC) storefront located off campus. The new center PLEASE SEE CAMPUS CENTER, 3 PLEASE SEE VATICAN, A16 Jan. 10-23, 2014 Florida Catholic Your Orlando cOMMUNITY A2 C ampus ministry brings Christ’s peace to hectic college life LINDA CALDWELL AND Baretto, born in Dubai, United MICHAEL HARKER Arab Emirates, to Indian parents, of the Florida Catholic staff said he wasn’t sure how his Catho- lic faith would be formed in college. ORLANDO | When selecting a By the end of his second semester, college to attend, students consider Baretto was involved in the minis- many factors — academics, athlet- try’s leadership board and learned ics, campus life — before making important lessons. their choice. For Lindsay Marsh, “I had always thought that faith is a resident of Jacksonville, having separate and life is separate — you access to a Catholic church so she go to Church every Sunday, you are could participate in the weekly cel- a good person and then you have to ebration of Mass was also of utmost deal with daily occurrences of life,” importance. She found that and Baretto said. “But there is more. You more in Stetson University’s Catho- live to deepen your faith, and at the lic Campus Ministry. end of your life, you have the eternal “I came to Stetson just wanting a reward.” place to go to church, and I saw on- In addition to serving students’ line that they gave rides to Mass,” faith needs through prayer servic- the senior said. “I was excited about es, retreats and other educational that and it was the extent of what I and spiritual growth programs, the wanted. But then I began meeting Catholic Student Union helps many people in Campus Ministry, and students in their discernment pro- now our meetings are the highlight cess. Father Tim Daly, chaplain at of my week. I have learned a lot. It Embry-Riddle and pastor at the Ba- has really enhanced my faith.” silica of St. Paul in Daytona Beach, Campus Ministry has been a said four students have entered priority of the U.S. Conference of the seminary in the past five years Catholic Bishops (USCCB) for more through their home dioceses or re- than two decades. In 1982, the bish- ligious communities. ops stated that the Church seeks to “help higher education attain its FLORID A INSTITUTE lofty goal of developing a culture OF TeCHNOLOGY, in which human beings can realize MELBOURNE their full potential” (“The Church of Catholic Campus Ministry at Sigmund Baretto, left, a junior at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, speaks to the University Pope Speaks,” Vol.
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