Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-7-2005 Arbiter, February 7 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. MUDRY FEB UAIIY 7 liDOS UOLUME 11 :~ THE I II 0 EP E II 0 E II T STU 0 E II T U 0 I C'E OF BOISE 5 TAT ES I II eEl S 3 3 I ,').7 IS SUE 'II FIRST ISSUE REE t J l 'J n, e Beast ---.-..........itaph online Idaho student Student radio revitalized leaders sue as campus organization State Board of BY GREGORY RUTTY Sweat said the beginning of News Editor the process was to get the ASBSU Senate to approve a student fee. Education Student radio gained new foot- After a $2 per student fee was ap- ing as a recognized student or- proved, it was a matter of writing ganization Friday, Feb. 4 when a charter and getting approval President Robert Kustra signed from Kustra, a process that cul- The suit asks that the court not BY DUSTIN LRPRRY its charter into effect. minated last Friday. require the students at ISU and News turlter As an official student organi- "I think this is great," Kustra LCSC to pay for further fee in- zation, student radio now has said at the charter's signing. creases, which they believe will The Associated Students of access to the funds generated Student radio is really important include tuition, until the court Idaho State University and Lewis- by a $2 per student fee approved for a campus because it plays determines that said fee increases Clark State College filed a law- last spring by the State Board of an important role in connect- do not include tuition as defined suit against the State Board of Education. ing students with the campus, in Idaho Code 33-3717. Education Jan. 14. The suit is a Interim General Manager for Kustra said. - The suit was filed in the Sixth complaint for declaratory and in- student radio, Lea Sweat, called Student radio can be heard Judicial District of Idaho, in and junctive relief from new student the transition "the biggest thing from noon to midnight every for Bannock County. fees. It asks the court not to allow since we were kicked offthe air 16 Sunday on AM 730. Sweat hopes The suit says that ASISU an full-time resident students to be years ago by Keiser." According this charter is the first step in re- ASLCSC are representatives of charged tuition. ASBSUPresident to The Arbiter archives, KBSU viving student radio to its former their respective student popu- David Morriss has declined in- became a National Public Radio glory when it was student- run 24 lations, that the State Board of volvement in the suit. affiliate during President Keiser's hours a day, seven days a week. Education is responsible for su- "Education can only take us so administration as a service to the The student radio advisory pervision of all state educational far, and when students are not community, board is currently seeking ap- institutions, and that it can be allowed, people and citizens of According to Sweat, it has been plications for a general manager. Idaho are not allowed to go to sued. sixteen years in the making for Application can be picked up at college, a great tragedy has oc- Since the suit exceeds $10,000, student radio to be recognized as the student activities desk in the the district court has jurisdiction curred," ASISU President Terry an official student organization, SUBand are due Feb. 14. Student over the matter. Fredrickson said in an address with a lot ofthe work taking place radio is the 174'" recognized stu- The suit says that although fees to the ASISUstudent senate in an in the last two years. dent organization on campus. , emergency meeting Jan. 20. "By are not uniform at all four state allowing tuition to occur, we are universities, the state board is re- sponsible for the collection and PlIIITO BY RlCIIAE SWANBECIltrlIE ARBITEB turning away students." President Kustra signs the papers lor the BSU Student RadiO tn his oillce on The ASISUsenate unanimously expenditures of student fees and Friday, February 4th. voted to support the action taken costs. The suit requests injunctive re- in the suit. Fredrickson also asked lief from the court, that the stu- his fellow students to write letters dents at ISU and LCSC will not to their congressmen, editors and have to pay fees and costs estab- to encourage their fellow constit- lished by the SBOE that include State Board endorses tuition bill uents. tuition and that the court con- According to Idaho Code 33- BY RRNDRLL POST' tion and ex-officio voting board "It is my opinion that this is a tinues to exercise its jurisdiction 3717,full-time resident students in ASSistant News Editor member, voted against the en-" change that will be helpful to over the matter "so long as neces- Idaho cannot be charged tuition. dorsement. them (colleges and universities). sary to effectuate the purpose of The State Board of Education has The Idaho State Board of Dr. Howard, Idaho's only The purpose of this legislation is proposed legislation that would this injunction." , Istill sense not Education endorsed a bill Democrat elected in a statewide not to increase student fees, that ASISUand ASLCSCare also ask- change the law and allow colleges Thursday that would allow Boise vote, said she voted no because is not to say that their will not ing that they be relieved of attor- and universities to charge stu- just students con- State University, Idaho State students were left out of the deci- be an increase this year," Lewis ney costs and fees that they have dents tuition to help pay for in- University, and Lewis-Clark State sion making process between the said. accrued in establishing the suit. struction costs. cern, but their College to charge tuition fees, state board, university adminis- Soon after, the ASBSU Senate The bill would repeal Idaho trators and the state legislature. passed a resolution asking for lack of trust in Code that states higher educa- "I still sense not justtheir (stu- safeguards to protect Boise State tional institutes cannot use stu- dents) concern ... but their lack of students from paying higher whether this will dent fees to pay for instructional trust in whether this will actually fees than the University of Idaho costs. Under the new law, univer- come out in the end as being to since they cannot charge tuition come out as being sities will be able to charge tu- their benefit," Howard said. fees for instruction. In order for Help Wanted: ition fees to cover instructional State board president Rod U of I to do so, a constitutional to their benefit. and other costs that were previ- Lewis noted to Howard the Jan. amendment would be required, I ously paid with matriculation 24 board meeting in which stu- The tuition bill now moves on to - Dr.MarilynHoward fees. dent leaders from Idaho's univer- the state legislature. ASBSU desperately Dr. Marilyn Howard, state su- sities got to provide input on the I perintendent of public instruc- issue of tuition fees. i seeking senators I ' / I BY MRRY GRRCE LUCRS legislative duties, the loss of stu- I News turlter dent input comes with, a sting. j "We're missing the viewpoints of I The Boise State Associated colleges we would like to have," f Students Senate is facing a defi- he said; Senators representing the I cit of the human sort. For vari- College of Health Sciences and ous reasons, six senators have left Applied Technology, as well as their posts at ASBSU,leaving nine some senators-at-large are need- Ii students legislatively represent- ed, Labreque said. I:I ing the entire student body. But while Labrecque says he is BSU Student Body President not aware of a staff loss this big 1 David Morriss says the depar- in ASBSUhistory, senate changes I tures have occurred during one are not always a surprise. "The of the more important parts of turnover of our senate is always ASBSU'slegislative year. "It's sad high," Labrecque said.' He says really, because this semester is some of the loss is due to the when they vote on student fees," sometimes overwhelming de- Morriss said. _ mands of the position. "The truth PHIITOBHAI'll BY JOE BURB Morriss says that this year is when you're going to school and Kevin Rose of the University of Central florida School of Film and Dlgllal Media checks out the new 2-D Animation Design StudIo ~t the-school's new space at I could be pivotal because some being a senator, it's almost a full- the Orlando Expo Center In Orlando, Florida. - I· campus groups are recommend- time job: ing student fee increases above Turnover will again be an issue what he feels is appropriate. With next month. March 9and 10mark some suggesting up to a 10 per- the election dates for next year's u. of Central Florida gears up to cent rise in fees for the coming cast of senators, and Labrecque year, Morriss says extra student wants applicants to be aware of input can push the overall dialog the quick turnaround time.
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