For the most up to date and accurate information Cycles are carried free on National Rail specific to your rail journey, use National Rail National Rail services Enquiries. Cycle information is available on desktop, mobile, iPad, iPhone & Android National Rail encourages the integrated use of cycles and trains – two convenient and environmentally friendly devices and includes information on: Cycling forms of transport. To plan your cycle-rail journey, please s #YCLINGFACILITIESATSTATIONS check the terms and conditions for taking your cycle on the train detailed in this leaflet. s #YCLECARRIAGERULESSPECIlCTOYOURRAILJOURNEY General Advice by Train 2015 s !NINDICATOROFLEVELSOFCYCLESPACESON s&ULLSIZECYCLESMAYBEEXCLUDEDFROMTRAINSATPEAK specific trains times, generally morning (0700-1000) and evening (1600- 1900) commuter services to and from London, and some s 7HETHERCYCLERESERVATIONSAREAVAILABLEOR local services, as listed in this leaflet. required s2ESERVATIONS3OMEOPERATORSHAVENOSEATORCYCLE s 4HENEW0LUSBIKEFACILITYnALSOPROVIDES reservations on some or all of their services. On such trains a common-sense approach may apply where information on hire cycles at station PASSENGERSWITHFULLSIZECYCLESMAYBEASKEDBYSTATION STAFFNOTTOBOARDBUSYTRAINSANDWAITFORALATERSERVICE Download free s7HEREASEATRESERVATIONSYSTEMISAVAILABLE THE reservation of cycle space is also normally provided, and this is strongly recommended to guarantee your journey. 7HERETHESERVICEISAVAILABLE DETAILSOFHOW RESERVATIONSCANBEMADEISLISTEDBYOPERATOR s#OMPACT FULLYFOLDINGCYCLESWITHWHEELSUPTOvIN diameter are carried without restriction on all trains WHENFOLDEDDOWN HOWEVERYOUMAYBEREQUIREDTO cover the cycle and place it in luggage racks. You may ALSOBEREQUIREDTOFOLDTHECYCLEBEFOREPASSINGTHROUGH THETICKETBARRIER THEBLUECYCLELOGOINDICATESWHENCYCLE RESERVATIONSAREREQUIREDORWHERERESTRICTIONSAPPLY s&ULLSIZECYCLESMAYNOTBECARRIEDONREPLACEMENTBUS SERVICESDURINGENGINEERINGWORKORSERVICEDISRUPTION BUT ITSHOULDBEPOSSIBLETOCARRYFOLDINGCYCLESONREPLACEMENT BUSSERVICESPROVIDEDTHEYAREFOLDEDANDCOVERED s!LLCYCLESARECARRIEDSUBJECTTOTHE.ATIONAL2AIL #ONDITIONSOF#ARRIAGE s#YCLESTORAGEANDHIRE!LARGENUMBEROF.ATIONAL2AIL STATIONSHAVEGOODQUALITYCYCLEPARKING ANDCYCLEHIREIS SOMETIMESAVAILABLE&ORMOREINFORMATIONSEETHE 3TATION) s4ANDEMSANDSPECIALCYCLES3OMEOPERATORSCAN ACCOMMODATEAWIDERRANGEOFCYCLES4HE4ANDEM#LUB HASDETAILSOFCURRENTARRANGEMENTSnEMAIL TRAINS TANDEM CLUBORGUK s!CYCLERESERVATIONISONLYVALIDFORONETRAIN*OURNEYS $EVELOPEDINPARTNERSHIPWITHTHE%NABLING)NNOVATION4EAM THATINVOLVEMULTIPLECHANGESOROPERATORSWILLREQUIRE ANDTHE"ICYCLE!SSOCIATIONOF'REAT"RITAIN WWWFUTURERAILWAYORG WWWBIKEHUBCOUK multiple reservations for each part of the journey, and it MAYNOTBEPOSSIBLETORESERVEASPACEFORYOURCYCLEON trains operating on all legs of such a journey. s-AJOREVENTSTHATCREATESIGNIlCANTINCREASESIN PASSENGERNUMBERSMAYAFFECTOURAVAILABILITYTOOFFER NORMALLEVELSOFCYCLECARRIAGEONTRAINS!LWAYSCHECK with the train operator prior to travel. Cycles are carried free of charge on UK /UTSIDEOFTHESETIMES CYCLESWILLBE East Coast Local, rural and inter-urban services C /NTRAINSTIMEDTODEPARTFROM,ONDON London Overground South West Trains Stansted Express domestic services. carried at the discretion of the Conductor, throughout the West Country. BETWEENAND SEEWEBSITEFORFULLDETAILS Tel: 0845 722 5225 Tel: 0845 600 0650 Tel: 0845 600 7245 Fully folded cycles, with wheels up to 2ESERVATIONSADVISABLEON#ARDIFF 0ORTSMOUTH d) On trains scheduled to depart Ely or Tel: 0343 222 1234 a size of 20” in diameter, are carried #YCLESMAYNOTBECARRIEDONDAYSWHEN SERVICES4WOCYCLESPACESPERTRAIN 7ATERBEACHTOWARDS#AMBRIDGE as luggage, without restriction on all AMAJOREVENTISTAKINGPLACEATTHE London Liverpool Street – Stansted London King’s Cross – Eastern Counties Reservations can be made: BETWEENAND .ON FOLDINGBIKESCANNOTBECARRIEDONANY South West London, Berkshire, Surrey, trains. You may be required to cover the Millennium Stadium. For dates of events Airport. – Yorkshire – North East England – 9OUCANTAKEABIKEWITHYOUATANYTIME ,ONDON/VERGROUNDTRAINBETWEEN Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Dorset, cycle and place it in a luggage rack. REFERTOTHEWEBSITEORCALLTHE#USTOMER s!TANYSTAFFEDSTATION Scotland. BETWEEN3TEVENAGEAND(ERTFORD.ORTH AND -ONDAYSTO&RIDAYS Wiltshire, Somerset and Devon. /NLYFULLYFOLDEDBIKESTHATHAVEBEEN Relations Department on 0845 6061 660 s6IA&IRST'REAT7ESTERNSWEBSITE Tandems are only carried by exception 2ESERVATIONSARECOMPULSORY4HREECYCLE EXCEPT0UBLIC(OLIDAYS 2ESERVATIONSARECOMPULSORYBETWEEN mATPACKEDINPREPARATIONFORAIRTRAVEL s6IA&IRST'REAT7ESTERNS4ELESALES4EAM can be accepted on Stansted Express and where stated. Reservations can be made: SPACESPERTRAINONDIESELHIGHSPEEDTRAINS Heathrow Connect ,ONDON7ATERLOOAND3ALISBURY %XETER 3ERVICES BIKESMEETINGTHISCRITERIACAN s!TANYSTAFFEDSTATION and five cycle spaces per train on electric Merseyrail AND"RISTOL4WOCYCLESPERTRAIN be carried at anytime. First Hull Trains Tel: 0845 678 6975 Abellio Greater Anglia s6IA!RRIVA4RAINS7ALES4ELESALES4EAM HIGHSPEEDTRAINS Reservations are not available for any other 4ANDEMSCANBECONVEYEDSUBJECTTO Tel: 0151 702 2071 services. Number of space varies from Thameslink Tel: 0345 600 7245 LENGTHRESTRICTIONSBUTREQUIRETWOCYCLE Tel: 0845 071 0222 c2c London Paddington, Ealing Broadway, DEPENDINGONROLLINGSTOCK reservations. West Ealing, Hanwell, Southall, Hayes Tel: 0345 026 4700 Hull, Brough, Howden, Selby, Doncaster, Northern and Wirral line services Restrictions apply Monday to Friday, London Liverpool Street – Norwich, Tel: 0845 601 4873 ,OADINGRESTRICTIONSAPPLYATSOMESTATIONSWITH & Harlington – Heathrow Airport local Retford, Grantham, Stevenage and around Merseyside. cycles are not permitted on: intercity services and local services in SHORTPLATFORMS SEEWEBSITEFORFULLDETAILS service. London King’s Cross. Reservations are not available. Cycle sSERVICESARRIVINGINTO,ONDON7ATERLOO Reservations not available. Cycles Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. Reservations not available. One cycle carried subject to space. London Fenchurch Street – Southend Reservations can be made: spaces are subject to availability. BETWEENANDINCLUSIVE Reservations recommended. Four cycle space per train. Reservations are compulsory on intercity Central and Shoeburyness. s!TANYSTAFFEDSTATION ANDDEPARTING,ONDON7ATERLOORestrictions apply Monday to Friday services. Reservations are not available on s6IA%AST#OASTSONLINETICKETBOOKINGWEBSITE spaces per train. 7EADVISEOURCUSTOMERSFORYOUROWN (except public holidays): Reservations not available. Cycles carried Restrictions apply Monday to Friday on BETWEENAND local services. s6IA%AST#OASTS4ELESALES4EAM Reservations can be made: comfort and that of others to travel off subject to space. SERVICESDEPARTING(EATHROW!IRPORT PEAKWITHABICYCLE inclusive from and to the s /NTRAINSTRAVELLINGTOWARDS,ONDON Six cycle spaces per intercity train and four s!TANYSTAFFEDSTATION BETWEENANDORDEPARTING,ONDON suburban area bounded by SOUTHOF,UTON!IRPORT0ARKWAYTHAT Restrictions apply Monday to Friday CYCLESPACESPERLOCALTRAIN#ARRIAGEOF East Midlands Trains s6IA(ULL4RAINSONLINETICKETBOOKINGWEBSITE 0ADDINGTONBETWEENAND !LLOFOURSERVICESHAVEDESIGNATEDAREASFOR (OOK 'UILDFORD 2EADINGAND$ORKING ARETIMEDTOARRIVEATORPASSTHROUGH TOONSERVICESARRIVINGINTO additional cycles is at the discretion of the s6IA(ULL4RAINS4ELESALES4EAM cyclists situated at both ends of the train. ANYCENTRAL,ONDONSTATIONBETWEEN ,ONDON&ENCHURCH3TREETANDONSERVICES s3ERVICESDEPARTING#LAPHAM conductor. Tel: 0845 712 5678 CARRIAGETRAINCYCLESPACES 0700 and 1000. DEPARTING&ENCHURCH3TREETBETWEEN Junction 0745 to 0900 to the area CARRIAGETRAINCYCLESPACES 4ICKETHOLDERSRECEIVE!BELLIO'REATER and 1842. First TransPennine Express bounded by Clapham Junction, s /NTRAINSTRAVELLINGAWAYFROM !NGLIA%4!CYCLERECOVERYSCHEMEWHILST 4WOCYCLESPERTRAINONALLSERVICES &ELTHAMAND3TRAWBERRY(ILL ,ONDONANDTIMEDTODEPARTFROMOR PASSTHROUGHANYCENTRAL,ONDON TRAVELLINGBYTRAINANDCYCLEIN.ORFOLK Reservations compulsory on: Tel: 0845 600 1674 Northern Cycles may be conveyed on services 3UFFOLKAND#AMBRIDGESHIRE)FYOURCYCLE Chiltern Railways STATIONBETWEENAND BETWEEN!SCOT !LDERSHOTAND'UILDFORD BREAKSDOWNORISSTOLEN BOTHYOUAND Main Line services to and from London Tel: 0333 222 0125 "ICYCLESCANBECARRIEDATANYTIMEBETWEEN Tel: 0845 600 5165 &IRST4RANS0ENNINE%XPRESSALLOWSA at any time. YOURCYCLEWILLBERECOVEREDANDTAKENTO including journeys between Sheffield, "EDFORDAND,UTON!IRPORT0ARKWAY the nearest station. Derby, Leicester, Loughborough and MAXIMUMOFTWOCYCLESPERTRAINWITHA Reservations can be made: Nottingham. valid cycle reservation. Inter-urban and local trains across the London Liverpool Street – Southend London Marylebone – Aylesbury s!TANYSTAFFEDSTATION North of England and parts of the East Virgin Trains Victoria, Colchester and Ipswich and Vale Parkway, Stratford-upon-Avon, Local services between Liverpool Lime Reservations compulsory and available: Street and Norwich. Midlands. s6IA3OUTHWEST4RAINSTELESALESTEAM London Liverpool Street – Chingford, Birmingham and Kidderminster. sATANYSTATIONWITHASTAFFEDTICKETOFlCE
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