Way to Success A COMPLETE GUIDE With Activity Sheet ENGLISH (TERM-II) A Product From WAY TO SUCCESS PUBLICATIONS ------ For orders ------ Mail us : [email protected] Call us : 9787609090, 9787201010 Visit us : www.bookade.com You can make online purchase in www.bookade.com You can give SMS to 9787104040 to get books by VPP You can download free study materials from www.waytosuccess.org 1 PREFACE “Way to success leads to success” We are very happy to publish ‘Way to Success, A Complete Guide’ for 7th Std Term II - English for revised Government syllabus and new text book. All our books are published by ‘Way to Success Publications’. The main aim of the Publication is to enrich the students’ and teachers’ community. It’s a Self-learning Material in bilingual approach. Each unit is dealt properly based on the Government syllabus and new text book. ‘Activity Sheet and Picture sheet’ which are attached with this book will be very useful to conduct FA(a), FA(b) tests. Most of the Exercises in this guide are based on SSLC Public Exam Question Pattern. We assure you that this guide will serve you like a good friend to enhance your dreams in the near future. We render our sincere thanks to the teachers’ team members who play a vital role in preparation of this guide. A special Thanks to Mr.G.Mohamad Issac, Mr.R.Karthikeyan, Mr.S.Ravichandran who spend their time to collect materials from various resources, frame the rules, organize the content & draft the book with their innovative ideas. We thank Mrs.Devika Suresh for supporting us to draft the book. Our sincere thanks to Mr.K.Chinnappan, Founder of Way to Success Groups and Mr.V.Somu, Managing Trustee of Way to Success Trust for their kind support. Finally we thank the entire Way to Success family members who make this material to available in your hand. Best Wishes to All. Way to Success Team ------For subject-related clarifications------ Mail us : [email protected] Call us : 7397774508, 9092680753 Visit us : www.waytosuccess.org You can download free study materials from our website vq;fsJ tiyjsk; www.waytosuccess.org cq;fsJ re;Njfq;fisj; jPu;j;J itf;Fk; fskhfTk; midj;J tFg;GfSf;Fk; Njitahd gy;NtW Study Material-fspd; fsQ;rpakhfTk; cs;sJ. mtw;iw jhq;fs; vg;nghOJ Ntz;LkhdhYk; ,ytrkhf gjptpwf;fk; (Free download) nra;J gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;syhk;. Fwpg;G: 1. ,e;jg;Gj;jfj;jpd; eLtpy; Activity sheet xd;Wk; Colour Picture Sheet xd;Wk; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. Gj;jfk; thq;fpaJk; mtw;iw jdpNa gpupj;J gj;jpug;gLj;jpf;nfhs;sTk;. 2. Mrpupau;fs; jq;fs; tFg;G KOikf;Fk; ekJ Gj;jfj;ij gupe;Jiuj;jpUe;jhy; mtw;iw jq;fs; trk; thq;fp itj;Jf;nfhs;syhk;. FA(a) & FA(b) nray;ghLfs; kw;Wk; FWe;Nju;Tfs; itf;Fk;NghJ mtw;iw khztu;fsplk; nfhLj;J nray;ghLfs; nra;aitf;f my;yJ FWe;Nju;T tpdhj;jhshf mij gad;gLj;j trjpahf ,Uf;Fk;. 3. Colour Picture Sheet-y; Album jahupf;fj; Njitahd tz;zg;glq;fs; cs;sd. mtw;iw FA(a) Activity-f;fhf my;yJ Album jahupf;f khztu;fs; gad;gLj;jpf;nfhs;syhk;. 2 CONTENTS I. UNIT-1 1. Prose – Adventures of Don Quixote….......................................................... 05 2. Vocabulary – Synonyms, Antonyms……………………………………………...... 09 3. Question Answers, Paragraph………………………………………………... 11 4. Vocabulary – Homophones, Syllabification …...…………………………… 13 5. Listening and Speaking skills ……………………………………...………… 14 6. Grammar – Degrees of Comparison …….………..…………………………. 15 7. Writing and Creative Writing ………………….….......................................... 16 8. Poem – The Poem of Adventure..................................................................... 18 9. Supplementary – Alice in Wonderland……………………………………. 23 II. UNIT-2 1. Prose – The Last Stone Carver….................................................................. 31 2. Vocabulary – Synonyms, Antonyms……………………………………………....... 36 3. Question Answers, Exercises, Paragraph…………………………………….. 38 4. Vocabulary – Match……….……………………… ………………………… 38 5. Listening and Speaking skills ……………………………………...………… 39 6. Grammar – Active Voice and Passive Voice………………………………… 40 7. Writing and Creative Writing ………………….….......................................... 41 8. Poem – Wandering Singers............................................................................ 42 9. Supplementary – Naya – The Home of Chitrakaars……………..……….. 45 III. Vocabulary 1. Synonyms …..................................................................................................... 50 2. Antonyms ………………………………………………………………………........ 50 3. Homophones and Confusables………………………………………………. 50 4. Syllabification ……………………………………………………………….. 53 5. Other Exercises………………………………………………………………. 56 IV. Grammar 1. Degrees of Comparison…................................................................................ 57 2. Active Voice and Passive Voice...................................................................... 59 3. Spot the Errors.................................................................................................... 66 V. Composition………………………………………………………………………. 68 VI. Model Question Paper with Key – 2019………………………………… 70 Way to Success Gj;jfq;fs; Ntz;LNthu; ,g;Gj;jfj;jpd; filrp gf;fj;jpy; nfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;s miyNgrp vz;fspy; cq;fs; khtl;l xUq;fpizg;ghsiu miof;fTk;. my;yJ 97 87 60 90 90, 97 87 20 10 10 Mfpa vz;fisj; njhlu;Gnfhs;Sq;fs ; 3 4 7th English – UNIT 1 5 Prose – 1 ADVENTURES OF DON QUIXOTE (lhd; Fapf;N]hl;bd; jPur; nray;fs;) ghlr;RUf;fk; lhd; Fapf;N]hl;> tPuu;fisg;gw;wpAk; mtu;fspd; jPur;nray;fs; gw;wpAk; fijfs; gbj;J jd;idAk; xU khtPudhff; fw;gid nra;J nfhs;fpwhu;. ]hq;Nfh ghd;]h mtUila gzpahsd; Mfpwhd;. jd; Fjpiuahd nuh]pehd;Njapy; rthup nra;Jnfhz;L jPur;nray;fisj; Njb Gwg;gLfpwhu;. ngupa fhw;whbia muf;fdhff; fUjp mijj; jhf;Ffpd;whu;. mjpy; mtu; fhakilfpwhu;. ]hq;Nfhtpd; vr;rupf;iffis mtu; nghUl;gLj;jtpy;iy. ,uz;lhtjhf Ml;L ke;ijfis gd;dhl;Lg; gilfs; vd epidj;J mtw;iwj; jhf;Ffpd;whu;. ,ilau;fs; mtu;kPJ fw;fis vwpfpd;whu;fs;. fhaKw;w lhd; jiuapy; tpOfpd;whu;. lhd; jd; ntw;wpia czu;fpd;whu;. ,Wjpapy; mtu; Foe;ijfSf;F khtPuu;fspd; fijfisr; nrhy;ypf; fhl;Lfpwhu;. Mind map Consolidation • Don Quixote imagined himself as a knight. • Sancho Panza became his squire. • He set out on his journey with his horse Rocinante, seeking adventures. • He considered the large windmill to be an ogre. • He attacked the windmill and he was wounded. • He did not care of the warnings of Sancho. • Secondly, he attacked the herd of sheep, thinking that they are the armies of many nations. • The shepherds pelt stones on him. • Don realized his craziness. • He told the stories of the knights, to the children. [email protected] www.waytosuccess.org 6 Way to Success Translation ENGLISH TAMIL Once upon a time, in a village called La Kd;ndhU fhyj;jpy; ];ngapd; ehl;bd; yh khQ;rh Mancha, in Spain, there lived a man who vd;w fpuhkj;jpy; tPuu;fspd; rhfrq;fis thrpg;gij loved to read about knights. Every day he kpfTk; Nerpj;j xU kdpju; ,Ue;jhu;. xt;nthU ehSk; would read about courageous knights and mtu; Jzpr;ry; kpf;f tPuu;fisg; gw;wpAk;> mtu;fspd; the incredible adventures they had. He was ek;g Kbahj jPur;nray;fisg; gw;wpAk; gbg;ghu;. so absorbed in these stories that he hardly rhg;gpLtjw;Fk;> J}q;Ftjw;Fk; epidT $whky; ,e;jf; remembered to eat or sleep. fijfspy; mtu; ftug;gl;L ,Uf;fpwhu;. The days of Knights and Squires, of exciting khtPuu;fspd;> mtu;fspd; cjtpahsu;fspd; ehl;fs;> adventures and romances come alive in the czu;r;rpA+l;Lk; jPur; nray;fs;> GJikr; nray;fs; hilarious account of Don Quixote's travels. lhd; Fapf;N]hl;bd; gazq;fspy; capu; ngw;wd. rpy Mz;Lfs; fopj;j gpd; lhd; Fapf;N]hl; jk;ikj; jhNk As years passed, Don Quixote imagines khtPuu;fspd; cyfj;jpy; ,lkspj;J fw;gid nra;fpd;whu;. himself placed in the world of knights. He mNj fpuhkj;jpy; trpj;j Xu; Vio tptrhapahd ]hq;Nfh convinces Sancho Panza, a peasant from the ghd;]h vd;gtiu rkhjhdg;gLj;jp jd;Dila same village, to be his squire. cjtpahsuhf itj;Jf; nfhz;lhu;. Don sets on a journey in search of a squire. lhd; jd; cjtpahsiuj; Njb xU gazj;ijj; He meet Sancho Panza Jtf;fpdhu;. mtu; ]hq;Nfh ghd;]hit re;jpf;fpwhu;. Don Quixote: Sancho, how would you like lhd; Fapf;N]hl;: ]hd;Nfh eP vd;Dila gzpahsdhf to became my servant, and accompany me tUtijAk; khngUk; jPur; nray;fspy; vd;Dld; on a great adventure? tUtjw;Fk; vg;gb tpUk;Gfpd;wha;? Sancho Panza: Your servant? ]hq;Nfh ghd;]h: cq;fs; gzpahsuh? Don Quixote: Yes, if you serve me lhd; Fapf;N]hl;: Mk;> eP vdf;F cz;ikahfTk;> Neu;ikahfTk; gzpahw;wpdhy;> ehd; cdf;F xU jPit faithfully and honestly, I will reward you ntFkjpahfj; jUNtd;. with an island. ]hq;Nfh ghd;]h: xU jPth? ePq;fs; cz;ikahfr; Sancho Panza: An island? Are you serious? nrhy;fpwPu;;fsh? Don Quixote: I vow it upon honour as a lhd; Fapf;N]hl;: vd; kjpg;G kupahijapd; kPJ xU knight! So, will you come with me? khtPudhf cWjp nra;fpd;Nwd;! Mjyhy;> eP vd;Dld; Sancho Panza: Yes master: I will come tUthah? with you. ]hq;Nfh ghd;]h: Mk; v[khd;: ehd; cq;fNshL tUNtd;. The two men set out on a journey together. ,UtUk; xd;W$b xU gazk; Gwg;gLfpd;wdu;. lhd; Fapf;N]hl;: mtu;fSf;F Kd;dhy; xU kiyapd; Don Quixote: On the hill in front of them, kPJ xU ngupa gioa fhw;whb ,Ug;gij mtu;fshy; they would see a large old windmill. When fhz Kbe;jJ. mijg; ghu;j;jJk; lhd; Fapf;N]hl;bd; he saw it, don quixote’s eyes began to sparkle. fz;fs; kpspuj; njhlq;fpaJ. Don Quixote: Look Sancho, how dare that lhd; Fapf;N]hl;: ghu; ]hq;Nfh> me;j kiwe;jpUe;j muf;fd; vt;tsT Jzpr;rYld; ek;Kila topiaj; hideous ogre block our path? jil nra;fpwJ? Sancho Panza: What? An ogre? Where, ]hq;Nfh ghd;]h: vd;d? Xu; muf;fdh? vq;Nf master?... That’s a windmill.
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