1 Iv "PORTLAND, 'WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1867. — _ _- -I ___i___ __ THE VOLT LAND DAILY DLESS in publish*'! INSURANCE REMOVAL*. MElMHANtHsf.. CLOTHING. °f the CVitv «lav, at No. I DnulciV bottom of (Sunday excepted.| t.on R«PnWlcmn organiza- the bay, knowing as what Commercial Street. Portland. tiP,ain”’ami are now they did, Exchange, laboring to secure bttle hope there was for them. Tin DAILY PRESS. freedmen to the y could N. A. PttGIUUETOK. REMOVAL. the 1 Imve heard thodivers POSTED, » P II I N just logic .1 working on tin- si b > „f 1 kums:- I K»l 1 nfi-u in‘advance. C'ossI. S7.. truits of aPI>r''PriaU- their boat the Eight your C-1ic;b|> faisnrance Card. PORTLAND. liberty and orof theih r attaching chains, and perhaps fifty e- » unifbrin & fidelity toll the strain as the AND MILLER DENNETT, with whMh cable drew taut; but as is *he R 110w ofli'r nice VIIKMTX! T DO % I* they adhered to the time THE MAINE STATE PKKSS, publihliedal eau« ot tl sped away without thrir being raised ea- •©” a Jcar» W ft*-•V*.GO New while their sime plaee -.very Thur><ftiy morning at $- per tun, delivered Mi any pun of Ihe Agency. New Office. (JuuuscUors at Law, country masters wore worse than death must have taken city. Alsu ibr sale id Wednesday 8, 1867. labor!,,., to pair pores- Invariably in advance. the lowest market price, Morning, May its aiou of tliem. The * IJ 91 91 E IS Solicitors Patents d) accomplish overthrow. aperture to the inti rlor was THE FIRM OF of llanliruptt y, so am ill one iuclioi OKI Co. lhatbut person could pass through Uate9 op AUYKirrisiMJ.-Uno space,tn I.ol*i{iK, it at No. 1 Knrmira in the a time, aud that slowly, so it an ut- Urtt.Mli r,i column, couMiiutea a ••square.’ & Ex<*liaii{j« St., L*r*l Camp. The l.ubor <tue>liea. very ek : *3 cents Loving, Staehpole Co., was made to that <• per tenipt all •V p. >'|Ha daily firstw< SUGAR LOAl1 LEHIGH, Fore It is neither escape by means, Near Street, same entrance as Merchants Ex- difficult nor embarrassing to For some weeks the New York would be drowned. After For Funimfi. GOODS ! been change, Me. papers have inevitably many Ilavmg Dissolved. Portland, deal with an open, A hours of laborious effort to raise the the .lohn’M White —AT— undisguised enemy. teemed with reports of the and <loi„..s boat, I For Ranges luid Cook Sieves, J, F. Miller, L. B. Dennett. sayings wideh are free ot ail PRENTISS of hostile foe, in au maturing broke, and the alt. nipt A«h, Diamond, IStd AmIi, LOItING that firm, and May 4. Ini open, staud-up tight, where otall sorts of workingmen on a general and as uiachiucry and nic e. Also Fuaiabrrlaud ! A necessarily abandoned. About the lu.ddio impurities very the rules of honorable warfare arc for Rlacksiuitb STEPHEN observed, miscellaneous strike. '1 he ot"er mou of the second cargo just landed, fresh mined, use. I*. THURSTON,recently carpenters, ship a..m» day, tin* bubbles Second National Rank. always Such an mmencod tiAi i’' * p'luaiT im iuenrsT a®. IS. FKOST’S. Of the linn ol RYAN A have challenges respect. enemy brass turners, growing fainter and more rare, and in- L«Ui);li LiUinp, liir Fwiudiy tso! McGILVERY, DAVIS, % joiners, ship painters, plumbery sertion. and 23 cents pci square lor each farmed a one knows how to meet, from him he knows -till ll^'iitUuw“’ entirely oeastd. '1 be boat subsequent We on hand a mil assortment ot REMOVAL. metal roolers, boiler makers, iron moulders insertion. keep constantly » rAVlxn just return (1 ironi the with a u wcut and Those t*> market what to and when he knows arrivlin- nlle*s down, passengers Advertisements iuserted in the Choice Family Coal. wishing pur- I line stoeko- to expect, conquered tool coal shovelers and all the rest “Maim-. SiaiF. goods adapted the Spring ami Bunk lias removed to its new Room sharpeners, Bt“ a»> told the btat- lias a chase large lots wall do well to us a call before ffMIIS Banking as by purss”l which lai.^eciivulntion in ovi-rv r- give Summer trade ot this place, which I will luanuftie- COPARTNERSHIP in the second what to do with him—to treat him as a "ten. Zv tnw? p. 1 story of tne MeicUauU National pris- have been resolutions and or tht* Abort*, tlie | am- oi (If Mate) for 4*1.00 per for it u* purchasing. ture irum my own personal passing striking ialAit.rv «>i ti* to,war‘l square fir.-d Insert cutting and superintend- Bank Buildi g. St. oner of entitled to all the consideration * lat#* an'1 ol the l.id 'U ence Under Exchange war, who stdl families Cv-nts per square tor each suhacoucut inser- the style ol W. H. preparing to strike, as if the small profits real- ninioT n,*o' tion. HAltli A.Vft SOFT WOOl> STEPHENSON. Caslder. ‘due aT»rai»o tor their in.iers 2,186«. to persons in his position. ized in and brothers in* in Delivered at notice. May May 2. lw the present state of business afforded a U ,rou coUil‘ al any part of the city at short of the sea the Lottorn Ten per cent. LORING & But it is not thus with a disguised enemy, most Jtandull, McAllister .V s o., Cheaper THURSTON, eligible margin for an increase ol wages > lor tlio transaction of KEMOVAL. clothed in the uniform of a friend, and wav- The The nciswnss uhim. No. GU COMMERCIAL ST., i'han meetings of the “Practical the tlouimin Vtiu... any other tailor can do’, tVom the same before him Painters,” Maine Wharf. quality f ing the flag under which you your- tnayOdtf Head of of Goods. National Traders Bank lins removed to the Journeyman Tailor’s Protective Association” Tho Montana Moil, Fire, Marine, Inland JMJE* self published al new Banking Ro mi, No. 31 go forth to battle. Nor is the treatment and the Virginia As and- Exchange Street, “United Derrickmen" have been scene asserts iliat Montana is the Ikni'an A so.oo, #0400. my expenses arc that much mailer than theirs second story of the Merchants Ban building. due to when of the City, rithest min- Brackett, 3w such, detected, that pris- of which advantage I will give my customers. Alayl. E. UoUlMl, cashier. lively debate, and the“B.,ss ors! country iu the wofipl. Iu 1886the oner of in Carpenters” popular Manufacturers and WHOLESALE and Detail My place of business is war, captured open, fair, legitimate have been at No Coal. LIFE INSURANCE! their wits’ends. Here in Maine tiou was less thau 40,1)00, aud the Dealers In ^ Cheap battle. The is yield oi gold E Bpy entitled to no considera- we have And will the new and il 310 V A L bad o„r little flurries at Iu the same occupy commodious office Biddeford and was *18,000,000. year Idaho pro- the host of tion. no mercy; a drum-head court, a file of 1 do not keen nnvbut quality COAL, 332 1-2 Lewiston, and in this city there have been duced Colorado Ti Valises & the lowest market Congress Street, No. 7 EXCHANGE some $17,l)00,Gk)0, $17,t()0,000, Nevada links, Traveling Bags. AS I offer for sale at rates choice STREET, soldiers and a volley of musketry, with a band of ot | symptoms disaffeotion d.Herein varieties Just above TCecItamcfe’ on the Three doors above among $10,000,000, Oregon *8,000,000. California, with ALL KINDS Hall, oppo> MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE W. F. to play the death march, are all that he can classes of been totlie of TODD, builders. In Manchester and a more than ten times as Bed nud While Miteftiilcol tbc Street, Having appointed agency the (allowing claim. Law- population great, Knauicled Clotli Cou»tnully on Ifnual. l.rhigli, Asli, reliable and w.ll known rence tho strikers viz: companies, comprising the Has Removed his Stock of compelled some of tho mills $£.'.000,000. Where I shall be happy to see Lir e quanti.ios of leading offices recently represented by Now it is not when the actual clash produced LOlUNU, Bimply to shut and had to bo 171 Middle untl lift Fe leral Sts., customers, to prove my assertion true. 8TA< ERODE .V CO., we are to serve the down, restrained the The growth of the territory has been prepared of arms is by very Honey Brook and Ilesellon Merchant Manufacturers and Citizens of heard, that the most important bat- In New Portland polioo. Jersey, a large lorce of iron rapid. In 1800 Montana was almost unkuiwu. j! 11' POKTIAAB. and vicinity, hi effecting F'ire and Marine insurance Watches, Clocks and tles are The conflict of ideas is often liUA^n, } F. B. Jewelry, fought. miners marched fours and Di- FROST, to any amount desiied. by through Dover the In 1801 it sent no gold to tho mints, wane Ore- Lehigh, Lorbcrry From 25 Free stroet, to the new and rommodiouM more important than the conflict of arms.— other Order* for and kepairiug MM2 1-Si day; proceeded to the Swede mine whore gon, Idaho aud Colorado each sent over $J,- Shipping Congress St. FI Recons I RE CO MPA .VIES : Store, ruction, which is a work of peace, is a few of Htleiuled to at nlaort notice.
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