OCTOBER 2010 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL OCTOBER 2010 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON Fund enables F O N D F A R E W E L L innovative ministry BY DAVID EDWARDS An annual $25 donation, above regular offerings, from every A Foundation for Life, the con- adult New Brunswick Anglican, gregational development fund and $5 from every Anglican child, recently launched in our diocese, funds A Foundation for Life so encourages innovative, risk-tak- parishes can help parishes, and ing projects that will lead this innovative mission and ministry diocese to spiritual, numerical can fl ourish. This kind of fund, and financial growth for the based on the South Carolina making of disciples. It inspires model, was identifi ed in a report us to lift our eyes beyond what to Synod 2009 as the diocese’s pri- we see around us and trust that mary means of supporting rural God, by his grace, will enable and struggling parishes. the transformational change All the money collected this we seek. year will be dispersed to make these exciting new ministries and missions a reality. Fresh donations will be sought next The tea for retired clergy hosted at Bishop’s Court by Archbishop Claude and Sharon Miller at Bishop’s court year to support more innovative served several purposes this year. One was to say farewell to retired Archbishop Harold and Edith Nutter who opportunities. were preparing to move to Ontario to be near their daughter Patricia. Since the Nutters made it abundantly Groups, parishes, deaneries clear they did not need any more things to pack, the Millers presented Edith with a bouquet of fl owers in and even archdeaconries with honour of the occasion. Above, left to right, are Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Nutter, Arechbishop Nutter and Archbishop exciting ideas for growth may Miller. apply for funds. A brochure with See “Things of great value” on page 2 NCD puts wheels on Nicodemus Project BY CHRIS MCMULLEN ministry, passionate spirituality, So when I heard that the Baptist effective structures, inspiring Convention was bringing Chris- Bill Bickle, Canadian resource worship, holistic small groups, tian Schwartz to Moncton for a person for Natural Church De- need-oriented evangelism, and workshop in the autumn of 2009, velopment (NCD), will lead an loving relationships. The higher our parish sent a team of fi ve to introductory workshop to the the quality of these eight di- learn about this program. program at Christ Church (Par- mensions of congregational life Our parish team came back ish) Church in Fredericton on and ministry, the greater the from the Moncton conference Saturday, Nov. 6, from 10 a.m. increase, over time, in the size of very enthusiastic about this until 3 p.m. It is organized and its membership. program, and our vestry voted to hosted by the clericus of the GEOFFREY HALL I encountered recommenda- make a fi ve-year commitment to Gary Nikolosi, left, an expert in congregational development, was guest Archdeaconry of St. Andrews tions for the NCD program from it, starting with our fi rst survey speaker at the annual Clergy Conference held at Rothesay Netherwood In an effort to fi nd an effec- Dr. Ed White and Bishop Ed questionnaire in May of this year. tive way for churches to reach Salmon at recent clergy confer- We asked 40 of our parish leaders School in August. With him, enjoying the warm summer weather, is the Rev. out to others for Christ, German Mary Ann Langmaid, rector of the Parish of St. George. ences in this diocese. The Nico- to answer 90 questions about statistician Christian Schwartz demus Project, initiated in this the life and work of our parish studied congregations from diocese following Synod 2009, and their own faith. A larger all denominations and in all ushered in a time of transforma- group in our church answered a Speaker hits the mark countries to see what qualities tional change. Like most clergy shorter survey designed to help and characteristics distinguish and vestries, we in the Parish of us understand the “colour” or growing churches from stagnant Lancaster saw it as an answer to spiritual fl avour of our parish. BY ANA WATTS velopment and this year’s guest or declining ones. With data from our prayers but we were unsure These surveys were sent away to The annual Clergy Conference speaker, “fi t the bill as someone more than 50,000 congregations how and where to start our jour- the NCD offi ce, and in no time we at Rothesay Netherwod School who could assist our Nicodemus he identifi ed eight basic quality ney. We needed a concrete way had our results. (RNS) the last week of August priority of ‘training our leaders characteristics common to con- to measure our spiritual vitality We were shocked by them and “Hit the mark,” according to the for a different future.’” gregations of all sizes, cultures as a parish, identify our weak- some of us were angry. All of us Ven. Vicars Hodge, of the Nerepis The Rev. Paul Ranson, Saint and theological climates: em- nesses, and set some realistic were humbled. Our minimum and St. John. The Rev. Gary Niko- John Inner City Ministry, agrees. powering leadership, gift-based goals for renewal and growth. See “Now we’re” on page 2 losi, expert in congregational de- See “Clergy conferences” on page 2 Congregational development conference and mission at St. Mary & St. Bartholomew’s A crisis in the church … over- toward greater understanding of mission follows the leadership clude Saturday afternoon with and an opening mission service. coming obstacles … God’s vi- the hurdles of congregational portion of the conference Oct. a prayer & praise service at 4:30. On Sunday morning another sion for us … the Rev. Chuck development at St. Mary and 30 – Nov. 1. Mr. Owens moves into mission welcome praise and prayer time Owens of South Carolina will St. Bartholomew’s Church in The leadership sessions begin mode on Saturday evening with at 9:30 is followed by a parish lead the leaders of our diocese Saint John Oct. 29 – 30. A parish Friday morning at 9:30 and con- a welcome praise and prayer time See “Mission” on page 4 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN OCTOBER 2010 f r o m t h e f r o n t November workshop a basic introduction to NCD Oops! Now we’re “talking about our faith with others and inviting people to worship” The New Brunswick continued from page 1 so advantageous. Now, thanks to enjoy deep spirituality in their duction to the philosophy and Anglican previously factor was “needs-oriented evan- NCD, we are receiving training in own traditions. So Riverview’s method of NCD. A registration identifi ed gelism.” It took some time but we evangelism and venturing into St. John the Baptist church set fee of $25 covers lunch and the Natural Church eventually admitted that we had new territories — talking about up a committee to lead the con- basic textbook of the NCD pro- Development as done the survey to discover our our faith with others, and invit- gregation in rejuvenated spiri- gram — Christian Schwarz’s National Church weaknesses, and now we knew ing people to worship. tual development. It promotes Colour Your World with Natural Development. what they were. The results were In May 2011 we will do our daily Bible reading through the Church Development. Registra- We regret the error. a bluntly accurate portrait of our second survey to see how we have distribution of Our Daily Bread. tion is available online, as well as parish. Soon we were making ad- grown. That survey will also Six small groups are exploring through me and the Rev. Canon We also mis-identifi ed justments in our programming reveal what we need to work on Richard Foster’s Renovare pro- John Matheson of St. Andrews. the ACW to address the “minimum factor” for the next year. gram in spiritual renewal. And We recommend each send a team Diocesan President, in our parish profi le. Indeed, I The Parish of Riverview did the parish is also encouraging of several people to meet Bill, Florence Joy Clement. thank God for the optimistic the NCD survey and found its people to participate in Cursillo. learn about the program, and We regret that error can-do attitude of the people lowest score was in “Passionate In January, Riverview will mea- refl ect on how it could be helpful as well. in my parish adopted when we Spirituality.” That does not mean sure its growth with a second to their congregation. were challenged to improve as a that they are not charismatic NCD Survey. congregation. enough or high church enough The workshop on Nov. 6 in The Rev. Chris McMullen is This is where NCD becomes — all “colours” of Christians can Fredericton is a basic intro- rector of the Parish of Lancaster Clergy conferences just keep getting better continued from page 1 Osborne, Pennfi eld. “Although it len, Lancaster. times of common prayer were, for of the conference sessions. I was nothing new, it was good to be Clearly the professional develop- the most part, creative, worship- would like to register my usual “Gary was a dynamic and pas- reminded and strengthened in the ment aspect of the conference was ful and inspiring,” says Mr. Ran- observation that the last week sionate speaker. He focused on resolve to re-package our message a success, but there was more. son. “And to top it all off — our of August is possibly the worst the need for the church to re- and bring our ministry to bear in “I was pleased with the time annual co-ed clergy basketball week to hold the annual clergy evaluate her methods of commu- more creative ways.
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