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Ann Aibor, MI 48106 THE WESTERN PONTIC CITIES: HISTORY AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATION DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Krzysztof Dariusz Nawotka, M.A. The Ohio State University Dissertation Committee: Approved by Stephen V. Tracy A. Geoffrey Woodhead li—C-lJl Adviser June W. Allison Department of Classics Copyright by Krzysztof Dariusz Nawotka 1991 Taoxfl ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The completion of a work of this magnitude would have not been possible without the assistance of many people and institutions. In the first place I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Tadeusz Kotula of the University of Wroclaw who introduced me to the study of the ancient governments and guided my first steps when I began researching the political organization of the Western Pontus. I owe much to Professor W. George G. Forrest who supervised my graduate work at Oxford. My greatest thanks go to my dissertation advisors, Professors Stephen V. Tracy and A. Geoffrey Woodhead. I deeply appreciate their thoroughness, candor and patience. My work has profited enormously from their insightful criticism. Likewise, I acknowledge the perceptive comments and efforts on my behalf by the other members of my committee, Professors June w. Allison, Charles L. Babcock, and the Graduate School representative during my defence, Professor Jack M. Balcer. I wish to thank the University of Wroclaw, the University of Oxford, the Batory Foundation and the Ohio State University for the financial support during my graduate study and for putting the resources of their libraries at my disposal. During all those years of the graduate work leading to the completion of this dissertation I have experienced the unswerving and loving support of my wife, Malgorzata Mo2d4ynska-Nawotka. This work is dedicated to her as a token of my deepest gratitude. VITA October 24, 1960.............. Born - Wroclaw, Poland 1983......................... M.A., University of Wroclaw 19 84-1986.................... Research and Teaching Assistant, Historical Institut, University of Wroclaw 1986-1987.................... Visiting Graduate Student, University of Oxford 1988-Present.................Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Classics, Ohio State University PUBLICATIONS 1. "Problematyka mezyjska w Kodeksie Teodozjusza," (The Problems of Moesia in the Theodosian Code) Balcanica Posnaniensia 1 (1984): 245-254. 2. "Zgromadzenia prowincjonalne w rzymskich prowincjach naddunajskich," (The Provincial Assemblies in the Danubian Provinces) Antiquitas 13 (1987): 163-200. 3."The Attitude towards Rome in the Political Propaganda of the Bosporan Monarchs," Latomus 48 (1989): 326-338. FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Classics. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................................... iii VITA................................................... v LIST OF TABLES........................................ viii LIST OF FIGURES....................................... ix ABBREVIATIONS......................................... X INTRODUCTION.......................................... 1 CHAPTER................................................ PAGE I. POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE WESTERN PONTIC CITIES.. 10 1. Foundation of Istros, Tomis, Callatis, Dionysopolis, Odessos, Mesambria.............. 10 2. Western Pontic Cities in the autonomous period to the end of the second century B.C......... 32 3. Mithridates VI and the advent of Rome........ 47 4. Pax Romana in the Western Pontus.............. 64 II. STATUS OF THE WESTERN PONTIC CITIES UNDER ROMAN RULE 7 3 III. DIVISIONS OF THE CITIZEN BODY IN THE WESTERN PONTUS............................................ 91 1. Miletus 9 2 a) The tribal system in Miletus................ 92 b) Tribes in the Milesian colonies............. 96 2. Megara......................................... 107 a) The tribal system in Megara................. 107 b) Tribes in the Megarian colonies............. 108 3. Clisthenic tribes.............................. 114 4. The tribe of the Romans....................... 116 vi IV. HIERARCHY OF OFFICES............................. 119 A. EPONYMOUS OFFICES.............................. 119 1. Eponymous magistrates in Istros, Odessos, Tomis and Dionysopolis...................... 119 2. Eponymous magistrates in Callatis and Mesambria...... .............................. 144 B. OTHER OFFICES.................................. 157 1. Istros....................................... 157 2. Tomis........................................ 182 3. Dionysopolis................................ 197 4. Odessos...................................... 201 5 . Callatis.................................... 214 6. Mesambria................................... 221 V. THE NATURE OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE WESTERN PONTIC CITIES.................................... 237 1. Colonies of Miletus (Istros, Tomis, Dionysopolis, Odessos )........................ 237 2. Colonies of Megara (Mesambria, Callatis) 250 VI. THE PONTIC KOINON................................. 263 CONCLUSIONS............................................. 295 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................ 299 vii LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1 . Municipal Offices in Westerm Pontus........... 235 2 . Presidents of the Western Pontic League...... 290 viii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Map of Dobrudja................................... 298 ix ABBREVIATIONS AA Archaologischer Anzeiger. AAA Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology. AAR Analele Academiei RomMne. AEM Archaologisch-epigraphlsche Mitteilungen aus Qsterreich-Ungarn. Atp L'AnnSe Spigraphique. ANRW Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt. Geschichte und Kultur im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. Ant. Cl. L'AntiquitS Classique. Antiquitas Antiquitas. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. ATL B. D. Meritt et al., The Athenian Tribute Lists. Athenaeum Athenaeum. Studi periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell'Antichita. BAR British Archaeologicla Reports. BCH Bulletin de Correspondance HellSnique. B$p Bulletin Spigraphique. x BMC Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum. BSA Annual of the British School at Athens. CAH Cambridge Ancient History. CIG Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum. CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Cl.Q. Classical Quarterly. C.Ph. Classical Philology. CRAI Comptes-rendus des stances de 1'Acad6mie des Inscriptions et Bel1es-Lettres. Dacia Dacia. Revue d'arch6ologie et d'histoire ancienne. DHA Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. EA Epigraphica Anatolica. Zeitschrift fiir Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens. Eos Eos. Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum. Epigraphica Epigraphica. Rivista italiana di epigrafia. FGrH F. Jacoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. GCS Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte. xii GHI M. N. Tod, Greek Historical Inscriptions. GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. GSU FF Godishnik na sofiyskiya universitet. Filologicheski fakultet. GSU IF Godishnik na sofiyskiya universitet. Istoricheski fakultet. Historla Historia. Zeitschrift fur alte Geschichte. IAI Izvestiya na B31garskiya arkheologicheski institut. IG Inscriptiones Graecae. IGB G. Mihailov, Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae. IGR R. Cagnat, Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes. IID Izvestiya na BSlgarskoto istorichesko druzhestvo. ILLRR Inscriptiones Latinae liberae rei publicae. INMV Izvestiya na Narodniya muzey Varna. Inschr. Kalchedon R. Merkelbach et al., Die Inschriften von Kalchedon. Inschr. Priene F. Hiller von Gaertingen, Die Inschriften von Priene. 101b. N. Levi et al., Inscriptiones Olbiae. IOSPE B. Latyschew, Inscriptiones orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini. IPr. Istoricheski pregled. ISM Inscriptiones Scythiae Minoris Graecae et Latinae.
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