Trusted Services Since 1942 Date: 19th June, 2020 To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, C-I, Block-G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra, Mumbai-400 051, Maharashtra. Company Symbol: MGEL (NSE Emerge), ISIN: lNEOAPBOlOl6 Subject: Outcome of Board Meeting held on Friday, lPth June, 2020. Reference: Regulation 30 of SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 201 5. Dear SirlMadam, We would llke to Inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company, at ~tsmeeting held on today 1.e. on Frlday on June 19, 2020 whlch was commenced at 3:00 P.M. at the registered offlce of the Company situated at 101, Mangalam Corporate House, 19/B, Kalyan Soclety, Near M.G. lnternatlonal School, Mtthakhall, Ahmedabad-380006, Gujarat, Indta, has Inter aha; 1. Consldered and Approved the Standalone Audlted Flnanclal Statement of the Company for the Flnanclal Year ended on 3Ist March, 2020. 2. Consldered and Approved the Consolldated Audlted Flnanclal Statement of the Company for the Financial Year ended on 3IstMarch, 2020. 3. Consldered and Approved the Standalone Audlted Flnanclal Results of the Company for the half year and year ended on 31" March, 2020 along wlth Auditor's Report wlth Unmodlfled oplnlon and Declaratlon by the Company (As attached herewtth). 4. Consldered and Approved the Consolldated Audlted Flnanclal Results of the Company for the half year and year ended on 31" March, 2020 along with Auditor's Report wlth Unmodified opinlon and Declaratlon by the Company (As attached herewlth). 5. Recommended a Flnal Dlvidend of Rs. 11- per equtty share (Face Value of Rs. 101- per share) for the Flnanclal Year ended on 3IstMarch, 2020 subject to approval of the members at the ensulng Annual General Meetlng of the Company. 6. Considered and Revlewed the Statement of Devtatlon or Varlatlon of Publlc Issue proceeds for the half year ended on 3Ist March, 2020 (As attached herewlth). 7. The Board approved the Rules lncludlng Form & other relevant documents under Artlcle 138 of the Artlcles of Assoclatlon of the Company for those Equlty Shareholders who want to walvelforgo thelr rlght to recelve dlvldend (As Attached herewlth). Further, the Company wlll d~sseminateto Stock Exchange In due course the date on whlch the Company wlll hold tts Annual General Meeting for the year ended on 3Ist March, 2020 and the date from whlch dlvldend, ~f approved by the shareholders, will be pald or warrants thereof dispatched to the shareholders. The meeting was concluded at 6:45 P.M. Kindly take this information on your record. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, For Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited Ms. Vrunda Patel Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Enclosed: Ala. Mailgalam Global Enterprise Limited CIN: L24224GJ201 OPLC062434 Regd. Office: 101, Mangalain Corporate House, 19/B, Kalyan Society, Near M.G. International School, Mithakhali, Ahmedabd-380006, Gujarat (INDIA) Tel: +9 1 79 61 61 5000 (1 0 Lines) E mail: [email protected] Trusted Services Since 1942 Date: 19th June, 2020 To, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, C-I, Block-G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra, Mumbai-400 051, Maharashtra. Company Symbol: MGEL (NSE Emerge), ISIN: INEOAPB01016 Subject: Declaration of Financial Results for the half year and year ended on 3IstMarch, 2020 Reference: Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 201 5. Dear SirlMadam, With reference to captioned subject and pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed herewith the Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the half year and year ended on 3IstMarch, 2020, along with Auditor's Report with Unmodified opinion and Declaration by the Company. Kindly take this information on your record. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, For Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited Ms. ~r"ndaPate1 Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Enclosed: Ala. Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited CIN: L24224GJ20 1OPLC062434 Regd. Office: 101, Mangalam Corporate House, 19/B, Kalyan Society, Near M.G. International School, Mithakhali, Ahmedabd-3 80006, Gujarat (INDIA) Tel: +9 1 79 6 16 15000 (1 0 Lines) E mail: CQJ?ur Shah & Go, {Zpr 3 ~pj:~?*&37(~>2~$4-~ ~4Y j hdegandent AudEtar's Repar't: sn Audited Standalone Anxrwiiat Pln~ncialResult$ af the Company Pursuant to the! R@guta#iarr33 911 Zhe SEBX &%dingObllgaPiezns and Qisdosure Reqorir@ments) RegtalatEcrns, 2015 [as amended) We have audited the acCampanyin8 saandalarre anfiuai flnarrci9f rel;;tr!b {"he S%%tam@nt*)rrf Manelam Cialsal Enterprtso tirnltsrf ('the Csmpeny'j for the yeas ended 32% March %Q2Qf attached bergwith, being submitted by the Campany gur;suertt to tho a@qxdlsemeratr06' ReguFatbn 3%of aZta SEES1 (Udi~& QbligatEans and mscfasurrtl Rs~uiren.menf.sjRegul~tiwa, 2015 {as amended) $%sting Rt3gul~tl~ns~f, In our opinigin and tra the bgrt d our fn%orn?atitanarrd accord&@to aha &xplswafi~nligi~el"i %a these starrdaEoure firranelal resofls: {f) are presents in ~CCOP~BRC~~with the rx?quirsmf?ntsOF %egu!atlon33ssf the Listing Wag~fatFas&$ sad (8) ~lussa true end hir view In ~onf~rmfqwith the reeagf~ZtS011and mcdsuxem@ntprinclplas Xsld down in the appJicable 8eckrun'Sing ganders and other accaunalng gar"incip3esgcnefatly accepted in It.idia af the pr"oflt$tgss and otieer cramprehsns'vsrc incoma and sather fina~elslinfomation ffpp tha year ended 55%March, ZOXs3* a4V.e conducted our audit ifi accordanre with the Staradasds on Auditiskp ('$As" speclfiad under s;ec%j:~oat Ms(10) sf the Act, Our r~sponsS14tlftksunder $hose standads fui'atrttrer d~scrlheatin fh~&t;ldft@rt;s kspsnsibllities for the Axdlt af the standalone finanela! results ssa%anaf artr rewrt, We are Ind~pendentDQ the Campany 111 accordanc~with the Code of Ethics issesed by ttRs Institute of Ghaaltered Ac~saan&nEBOF &$la rPho rf:AI'g tagether with the aafiket requ3rernants that are relevant to aur r;aardlt of 8nanca'al rssuft;.; undst tkc pravi%icnssf t!t@Cowtmnles Actt 2Q13 and th%Rtdlss %hereunder,and we hiwe Fulfilled aur ather etPttred msgonsEBiOlxies In aecacdence with these r~qolxementssnb $he C~deof Ethics, We b@Ji@v@that Lkle audit euide~ltebve bilv~3abt&it-fed i9 $ulf@fitientend apprupdaite fa pmvide a bslr;far our apiaion Responsiblllti@saaf Mzrn;xg@arP@nt:and Jhoss; Charged with Qavernarlce ~OP%he $tatemant This saandabne Rrtanciai resrjllt 88s heen pr@p;rreden the b~lsaf: the s$it~d%iaf.raalnncrai audited financla! st&damspt"fnaPtd has Beerr approved by the; Compa%y5s8clsrb DP Dlr~ctars~TIng CatarpartyL 8oard of Olne;Oon is fesponslbfe far the preparatlan and pnse;arnbtion sf the St~t~mentthat giwsl aa fme and fair vkw af the net prafik I/f lass anel oti~et.canaprehr;astv.l"? lntotpve err6 ather fnsn~:I~t 'mfar~~&tfonaf the Campawy In acc~rdancewith the ascow~tiwgprlncipt~s generatly accepted In Irsdfa, isacluding AccaunMu~gStandor$ prescrJbeuf under [email protected]~n633 of the Act mad with ~ei~fz8@trdes bsrtqd therecxr"ad&rand bather accaerntlng pAstriglw garrerally aaepted fn Sndia, and In coxl.rpIlas%cew&h ,iiXIII , Regu9at3on 33 af the hrsang R@gulstio~s,"Fk snspwndbllity a!$- irreiudes meint@nassreof ;aclr;guate aemurlatlng records irr a~;"car@aneewith Zhs pravisfo*~aP the Adfor rlfeguardlng al the assts rxf the Campany and far pr@wF?n%lngand d@te&ing fmxads and ather. Irregui8rttieq [email protected] and application of apprapri8Se accauntf~gpaBclss; making judgrmen& eard @stirnates$Rat are reamfiixfste md pwfbent;; iand des$n, In~ptern&rttatizfnaard maintenanc~rsf adscfuatc In;Xeraaii 8ndnclat csnml-s that ware apantling ePfectSvely Oar ensuring iths acca~racyand cd~p!efi~rac?SsbP&f~@ ICCPQRY~~~ r~cardk~, sblev&nt the prepsaratian and pm~;entirNonof the?: Statemen%%Brat giyela a tros and fair view and is free ?.ram maxerSal aPllrs&tr;m@at whether due ta Tnud rsr errar. Irr preg8ristg Ike SMlemsnt the Board .;df Dirsctaa Fs re~pansiibbPgr as~as~ng%ha C~mpiany's aMfiW to ea~tinbre$3 B going ca;ancern, dbscksfng, os appXk$lad~r,mat&@ relebd& gadng canmrtr, a4irtc3 adng ths galrag cencem basis of accauratXglg untess the Wad of ~lncta~.%;ither Sntendlg t~ liquidate &fit; Company or TO cease opaw8lo~s~ar hiss wro rsafisrie elt~xnsrliwchat to do sa &Q~/%~TP'sRespanbbillties far Zkia AtrdR d %hot5t;dMrnenft Our ~hJec;f.Ev&sare to obtalra r~amflitbleaularance &boutwhctkar the staadalane 8srenrlaf resultti as B wftare am %re@%am awratg&al rnblsla%e;k?re-n@~r,whcth6irdrrt; $0fraud ass ~PI"OP,and ts Essu~aaaudMof8 mparf. that Incfudesour oplnian, Reawrrebl~ss(;t~rerr"tce 1s a hfgh I&vt31 ~f:assuranc@$ but is not 8 guanretea that i(ra jlwrfir canclu&stl in accardance with $As will always det~cta amater!@bmlssoaterr-rsnt; when If ~xisis, MIstatemewkPs mo ar&s fhom fralad ar arrsr and are coxrsfderad msterfa! 1% Indiulrluetty as ixs khe aggregstg they could raas~~sblybe ewpeesd lia influerrck?the ecslf'rsn~le,declsgans af user*; t3k~nan the basts af there standaXwlxaa finerocfat resda. A$ p8Raf an audit in ~gmrdancewffh W,WE ex@rcl$eppslictFessiorra!Jardgm@na and mlaintain profe*ctssfrm;rl $kaptl~lsmthreqhout the auTfM, We alsa: * lQe~ti@and35%~~ the risb oZmi3teriaB rnl%t2$ea81?aeatofthe standeltk~nefitlandat' restailtgwt'l@thsrr due la fraud or @rror+°,@sign and pe&m atrdlt pmed~res~espansfug to :oh@%t-igkr;, aawd obt~ifi aud& ~aarlderrrnthat b swtmctarat snd approprfi~tefa pravSVld@a ia~$i$%P BUX apitiini~~~ Thg risk @fnook sfate&in@a matariol mfsMhmam r~sui~agtram fmud is higher than fa~rrr on@resttM1~g hm efmr, is fmud nBy ;trra~a!veGOIIUL~QP~, forg~~y, intenr;Eanat omi~-ion% ~ralQrepf@'i@rrkt%onr;, or the overrldtt ssf Snt~malsortrasi.
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