LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY NOTICE OF ACTION it has been assigned by such order are: AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM ing to the plat thereof recorded in Plat TO: CHRISTOS POULOS, Deceased Name Address AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE Book 2, Page 29. Public Records of and his unknown spouse, heirs, Anita Gibson 514 Nottingham Rd. OF BEVERLY A. WIRKKALA, Citrus County, Florida, described as DGPGſEKCTKGUFGXKUGGUITCPVGGU Kingsport, TN 37660 DECEASED; THE UNKNOWN follows: Beginning at the point where creditors and all other parties claim ing HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, the North line of said Lot 24 intersects Anissa Carter 650 Gravely Rd., GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, the East line of said Easement Road, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE by, through, under or against him, Kingsport, TN 37660 and all other persons, known or un- CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND run thence in a Southeasterly direc- FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR Scott Floyd 522 Nottingham Rd., ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM tion along the East line of said Ease- CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA known, claiming to have any right, title Kingsport, TN 37660 and interest in the lands hereinafter AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF ment Road 39 feet to a point, thence Case No: 2020-CA-000477 described. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTI- DARYL HEINO A/K/A DARYL WAINO in an Easterly direction to a point 7 feet FIED THAT: HEINO, DECEASED; THE UNKNOWN South of the Northeast comer of said U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, Lot 24. thence North to the Northeast NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY seeking to quiet tax title to the following All creditors of the estate of the dece- GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, corner of said Lot 24, thence West BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE OF THE described real property located in Citrus dent and persons having claims or de- CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND along the North boundary of said Lot NEW RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE LOAN County, Florida: mands against the estate of the decedent ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM 24 to the Point of Beginning; TRUST 2020-NPL1, other than those for whom provision for full Lot 18, Block 796, Unit 7, CITRUS AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE LESS AND EXCEPT the land de- Plaintiff, payment was made in the Order of Sum- OF EDWARD CABRERA A/K/A SPRINGS, according to the Plat there- OCT[#FOKPKUVTCVKQPOWUVſNGVJGKTENCKOU scribed in Warranty Deed from Homer vs. of as recorded in Plat Book 836, Page EDWARD MANUEL CABRERA, E. Wesson and Elzora R. Wesson, His with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERI- DECEASED; and THE UNKNOWN JENNIFER KEENAN; et. al., 1393, Public Records of Citrus County, ODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STAT- Wife to Mabel W. Greer, dated Novem- Defendants. Florida. HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, DGTſNGF0QXGODGT UTES SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, JCU DGGP ſNGF CICKPUV [QW CPF [QW CTG AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE CPF TGEQTFGF KP 1HſEKCN 4GEQTF $QQM NOTICE OF ACTION required to serve a copy of your written CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL 238, Page 662. Public Records of Cit- FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTAND- OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN TO: Shawn M. Keenan a/k/a Shawn defenses, if any, to it on Plaintiffs’ attorney, ING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME rus County, Florida Donald F. Perrin, Esq., DONALD F. PER- INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID Keenan PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) J. WIRKKALA, DECEASED. And 6169 W. Oliver Branch Loop 4+02#2QUV1HſEG$QZ+PXGTPGUU YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECE- Crystal River, FL 34428 FL 34451-0250 within forty (40) days after DENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Whose Residences are Unknown LESS AND EXCEPT the land de- VJG ſTUV RWDNKECVKQP QH VJKU PQVKEG CPF ſNG Whose Last Known Mailing Address scribed in Warranty Deed from Valli P. LAST KNOWN ADDRESS STATED, 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG Briggs, A Widow and June B. James the original with the Clerk of this Court ei- is November 6, 2020. is: 42 Laurel Street, Apt. 3, Newport, CURRENT RESIDENCE UNKNOWN ther before service on Plaintiffs’ attorney or NH 03773, as to SEAN EATON A/K/A and Vincent James; her Husband to and any unknown heirs, devisees, immediately thereafter; otherwise a default Person Giving Notice: SHAWN EATON. Unknown as to the Earl G. Bishop and May A. Bishop, His grantees, creditors and other unknown will be entered against you for the relief de- /s/ Anita Gibson remaining Defendants. 9KHG FCVGF 5GRVGODGT ſNGF persons or unknown spouses claiming manded in the Complaint. 514 Nottingham Rd., September 15, 1972. and recorded YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an KP 1HſEKCN 4GEQTFU $QQM 2CIG by, through and under the above- DATED this 9th day of November, 2020. Kingsport, TN 37660 named Defendants, if deceased or action to foreclose, for declaratory relief, to 175, Public Records of Citrus County, whose last known addresses are ANGELA VICK Attorney for Person Giving Notice: quiet title, to reform a Warranty Deed and Florida. unknown. Clerk of the Court /s/ Donald F. Perrin to reform the legal description on a mort- DONALD F. PERRIN, P.A. gage on the following property in Citrus And YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an By: s/ Amy Holmes As Deputy Clerk FL Bar No. 164338 County, Florida: LESS AND EXCEPT the land de- action to foreclose Mortgage covering the 11/13-12/4/20LG 4T 2QUV1HſEG$QZ Lots 16 and 17, Block 13, of Garden scribed in Warranty Deed from Year following real and personal property de- —————————————————— Inverness, FL 34451 Ranchettes Section of Homosassa Round Cottages, Inc., a Florida Cor- scribed as follows, to wit: (352) 726-6767 Hills, Unit 2, according to the Map or poration to William Thomas and Mary LOT 9, BLOCK 130, BEVERLY HILLS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE [email protected] Plat Thereof as Recorded in Plat Book Evelyn Thomas, his Wife, dated July UNIT NUMBER SIX, SECTION ONE, FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR 11/6-11/13/20LG 2T 4, Page(s) 128, Public Records of Cit- ſNGF 5GRVGODGT ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THERE- CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA —————————————————— rus County, Florida. CPF TGEQTFGF KP 1HſEKCN 4GEQTF $QQM OF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Case No: 2019 CA 000756 A JCUDGGPſNGFCICKPUV[QWCPF[QWCTGTG- 293, Page 220, Public Records of Cit- 11, PAGES 89 THROUGH 91, PUB- rus County, Florida. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE quired to serve a copy of your written de- LIC RECORDS OF CITRUS COUNTY, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., fenses, if any, to it on ROD B. NEUMAN, And FLORIDA. FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR Plaintiff, CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA Esquire, of Gibbons Neuman, Plaintiff’s at- LESS AND EXCEPT the land de- JCU DGGP ſNGF CICKPUV [QW CPF [QW CTG torney, whose address is 3321 Henderson vs. CIVIL DIVISION scribed in Warranty Deed from Elroy required to serve a copy of your written de- Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33609, on or O. Janssen and Gloria Janssen, his fenses, if any, to it on Alexandra Kalman, The Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, CASE NO. 2017 CA 000184 A Assignees, Lienors, Creditors, Trustees, before sixty (60) days after the date of the Wife to William Thomas and Mary Ev- Esq., Lender Legal PLLC, 2807 Edgewater ſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEGCPFſNGVJG or Other Claimants by, through, under WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND elyn Thomas, his Wife, dated Decem- &TKXG1TNCPFQ(NQTKFCCPFſNGVJG original with the Clerk of this Court either DGT ſNGF ,CPWCT[ original with the Clerk of the above-styled or against, Lillian A. Chilson, Deceased, SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN ITS INDIVID- et al., before service on Plaintiff’s attorney or im- CPF TGEQTFGF KP 1HſEKCN 4GEQTF $QQM %QWTVQPQTDGHQTGFC[UHTQOVJGſTUV UAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY IN ITS mediately thereafter; otherwise a default CAPACITY AS OWNER TRUSTEE OF 589, Page 1330, Public Records of Cit- publication, otherwise a default will be en- Defendants. will be entered against you for the relief rus County, Florida, and re-recorded tered against you for the relief demanded MATAWIN VENTURES TRUST SERIES demanded in the Second Amended Veri- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 2018-1, WPFGTſNKPIFCVGQH(GDTWCT[ in the Complaint. ſGF%QORNCKPV KP 1HſEKCN 4GEQTF $QQM 2CIG Plaintiff, If you are a person with a disability who NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- NOTE: THIS COMMUNICATION, FROM 569, Public Records of Citrus County, needs any accommodation in order to par- suant to the Summary Final Judgment of vs. A DEBT COLLECTOR, IS AN ATTEMPT Florida. Foreclosure dated October 29, 2020, and ticipate in a proceeding, you are entitled, KEITH JOSEPH CABRERA, VALERIE TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFOR- PARCEL 2: at no cost to you, the provision of certain entered in Case No. 2019 CA 000756 A of L. LYLES A/K/A VALORIE LYLES, MIKE MATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit FARR, MANUEL CABRERA, DARLENE FOR THAT PURPOSE. The North 70.01 feet of Lot 23 of C. dinator for the Courts below at least 7 days in and for Citrus County, Florida wherein CABRERA MCCOY, EILEEN CONWAY Buck Turner Camp Sites, that lies East BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., is the Plaintiff If you are a person with a disability who QH NCPFU FGUETKDGF KP 1HſEKCN 4GEQTF before your scheduled court appearance, CABRERA, EDWARD JOSEPH needs any accommodation in order to par- or immediately upon receiving your no- and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, CABRERA, HELEN HOLSOMBACH, Book 318. Page 175, according to GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book VKſECVKQP KH VJG VKOG DGHQTG VJG UEJGFWNGF SUSANNE GREENE, RANDY at no cost to you, to the provision of certain appearance is less than 7 days; if you are CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER WRIGHT, DEBBIE BROWN A/K/A 2, Page 29, Public Records of Citrus CLAIMANTS BY, THROUGH, UNDER assistance.
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