l # t *► Alas m i* oropotag 106,000 motor ▼•* l I* 1010. V . f if t y -s e v e n t h y e a r CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1930 NUMBER 6 THE GREAT AMERICAN m u c u s I CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE 1 , CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE3 ■ GEORGE DEMOSS TOUR COUNTY b R flE HOMS BECAUSE \ \ t m i S MU9C. I MOPE THS RACKET GETS IN CUSTODY OF HfcGOflTSD U til ORDER US __ $ 2 .7 5 S S S M H P E HOUSE.! iOOtfr/ CAHPAICNING WANT TO 6 6 A GREAT VIOLINIST | U.SJTICERS *__ $ 3 .4 0 WAATTTA PLAY fO O T B ^L A N D ' with 100 It*- of (h a v e s o m e f u n / wn grata) « Legislative and Former Fairbury Man Held " $ 2 .4 0 for Connection With Poet m r in Chats worth. Office Robbery. iWVJ’ Republican candidates lor county1 George Do Moss, a former Fairbury Poaltoy Plant legislative and congressional offices boy, and who has been making Pon­ made a tour of Livingston county on tiac and Streator ills headquarters Monday and Tuesday of this week. w ; lately, was arrested In Streator on HOMER W. HALL L On Monday the towns of the FRANK L. SMITH Tuesday evening of last week. 'i northern part of the county were vis­ Par h w M w t a t ln la CoagreM For Congr—omon-ot-Large It has been ascertained that De- Moss Is wanted in California on a ited, leaving Pontiac in the morning In a recent speech at Bloomington, 0 Frank L. Smith, Republican nom­ federal warrant charging him with and closing the day’s visit at Odell. Mr. Hal) said that the Republican inee for representative at large in complicity in connection with the •M Tneaday the party started from Pon­ tariff bill was made principally for ,1 tiac and concluded1 the day at Mc­ congress, of Dwight, was born at robbery of the Tracey. Calif., post- the benefit of the farmers and that !Dwight Nov. 24, 1867. He received office a year ago. It has also been Dowell, alter touring the southern 90 per cent of the tariffs were levied part of the county. Chataworth was his early education In the schools of ascertained that Joe Miller has been Easy Now i; on farm produce and the other 10 the city, graduating from Dwight arrested at Las Vegas, Calif., for al- visited between 12:30 and 1:30, the per cent on manufactured articles. bigh school in 1885. After complet- jeged complicity In the Tracey, Calif, party being served with dinner by He said that he is of the opinion that ladles of the Methodist church. ing school, he was employed for a postoffice robbery, when the* new tariff has been given time with the Postal Telegraph com- j DeMoss was taken to Ottawa where The Chlet CUy Trio, of Pontiac, a fair trial, It will produce satisfac­ accompanied the auto caravan and pany in the construction department he was formally arraigned before llture now than tory results. furnished music at each town. Ray and as a clerk and bookkeeper. He Deputy United States Commissioner et, alm ost twtoo "The vote on the repeal of the was later employed by the Chicago x E White. The arraignment was Sealer, candidate for county Judge, eighteenth amendment" Mr. Hall •o planning now gave a short but convincing talk on |& Alton railroad company and fol-1 merely for the purpose of making a Ushlnga. That declared, “Is but a sham battle. Ii lowed railroad work in Chicago for a formal Identification of DeMoss. the business street In Chatsworth. the last ISO years there have been re beautltuVand He was followed by Congressman 'number of years. DeMoss was represented at the but nine amendments to the United He returned to Dwight in 1891 hearby by George Stranger, promln- re been several Hall, who spoke briefly, urging the States constitution and not one has THE NEXT NUMBER Importance of every voter going to and entered the real estate business. ent Peoria attorney, whom he had been repealed. "Compare this with the polls on November 4th and vot­ WILL BE A VIOLIN' , He was married in 1893. In 1905 retained. At the hearing there ap- the fact" he said, "that there have he helped to organize the First Na- peared for the government, Postal ing. Hr. Hall called attention to been 3,697 amendments proposed and SOLO la, well made of aomethlng that might be overlooked tional bank of Dwight, of which in- inspector C. W. Pfaffenberger, of round here. you will see the fallacy of endeavor­ stilutlon he is still president. Denver, Colo. Postal Inspector G. by the voters of this dlstlrict in that ing to repeal the eighteenth which they have an opportunity to send not j He served as internal revenue H Austin, of San Francisco, Calif., means a two-thirds majority of both collector for his district, has been an(i postal Inspector A. H. Lewis, of XDKB RANOH only one but two men to congress as houses for submission of proposal I Mr. Hall is the present congressman a member of the Republican Btate Bloomington. DeMoss. through his and three-fourths of the states for a central committee for many years, attorney, waived preliminary hear- and desires to be returned and Frank ratification.” L. Smith, of Dwight, Is also a can­ being thrice Its chairman, and serv- jnK didate to represent the people as ed as chairman of the Illinois com- Commissioner White approved the TOWN GUARDS HOLD October 28 Last M iss M ary Joyce congressman at large. Each district .merce commission for almost six identification of DeMoss and ordered ordinarily has but oue congressman, SHOOT AT PONTIAC Registration Day Dies in Chicago years. ills removal to Sacramento. Calif. but fortunately for us Mr. Smith was He was elected to the sixty-sixth commissioner fixed the bonds The Town Guard organisation ot nominated at the April primaries as Voters who did not register on Miss Mary Joyce, former well conBress following the death of John for DeMoss’ appearance there at IRE Livingston county held a shoot last one of the congreesmen-at-large. October 14 will be given another op­ known Chatsworth woman died in A. Sterling, and was nominated and $50,000. DeMoss was unable to fur- V Thursday west of Pontiac under the no Mr. Sesler stressed the fact that portunity to put their names on the Chicago Sunday. The body was elected United States senator to sue- nigh the required bond and was then auspices of the Uvlngaton County ceed William B. McKinley In 1926 Ruth Hanna McCormick's stand on books at the various precinct voting brought to Chatsworth Monday and remanded by Commissioner White Bankers’ federation, with Sheriff J. He Is a Mason, Modern Woodman the prohibition question was-the on­ places throughout the county on Oc­ funeral services held in the Catholic Into the custody of Deputy United tore Phone 01 R. Scarratt as officer In charge. Moose, K. of P. and Elk. ly logical one for any candidate to tober 28th. Those whose names are church at 10:30, conducted by Rev. States Marshal C. E. Hallett. of Chi­ This meeting to determine the take who pledged themselves to rep­ not on the books for the November Father FitzGerald. Burial was In cago. DeMoss was taken to that highest shots with both the pistol IOM OOOM resent the people and not their own 4 election will. It challenged, be re­ 8t. Patrick’s cemetery. FARM BUREAU PLANS |Clty, where he will remain until a and rifle, was held In connection sentiments. James Hamilton Lewis, quired to take oath. She la survived by one sister, Ger­ REORGANIZATION IN formal order for his removal to Sac­ with the fifth annual state shoot or the Democratic candidate la an The poll books are at present trude, who resided with her In Chi­ ramento, Calif., Is issued by a feder­ H u m m i M O the Illinois Bankers’ association. LIVINGSTON COUNTY avowed wet, no matter bow the vot­ hanging outside the polling places. cago and one brother, Matthew, who al judge of Chicago. Heretofore, a team from each coun­ ers decide the referendum question. It will be an easy matter to see whe­ resides in Peoria. ty competed at a central point in the „ The Livingston County Farm Bu-1 «alned P^m nence Mrs. O’Neil, Independent, Is an ther you are registered and If not Miss Joyce suffered a paralytic reau hM ,ang under for the re. a year or so ago when he was linked state for sUte honors, awards go­ avowed dry no matter what the peo­ you should write your name In the JOE 8. REED ing to but one team In the state. stroke several months ago from and !organllatlon under the community. “p, wl‘h *»r°ther8 Ux a ple want. Mrs. McCormick has proper place on the alphabetical list. Far County CLrk which which she never recovered. Colorado bank robbery In which four pledged her vote for the expressed This year a new arrangement Is In I rather than the township plan. Slnce it was organized 15 years men were slain and all four of the wishes of the people at the November effect whereby the highest score Mr. Reed Is the present county robbers were afterward hanged or ago, the bureau has functioned un­ election. It ,they want the question made by each county is given state BURIES GOLD; ITS GONE! clerk and has no opposition for re- killed.
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