![The Real H.P. Blavatsky](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE REAL H. P. BLAVATSKY A STUDY IN THEOSOPHY, AND A MEMOIR OF A GREAT SOUL BY WILLIAM KINGSLAND Theosophy Series www.universaltheosophy.com Theosophy Series www.universaltheosophy.com DEDICATION This present Work is Dedicated to the Memory of the Great Soul of H. P. BLAVATSKY Who lived a life of martyrdom that she might give the following Message to the World, and perchance direct the footsteps of a few into the path that leads to liberation and Adeptship. “There is a road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind—but yet a road ; and it leads to the Heart of the Universe. I can tell you how to find Those who will show you the secret gateway that leads inward only, and closes fast behind the neophyte for evermore. There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer. There is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through. There is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount. For those who win onwards, there is reward past all telling : the power to bless and save humanity. For those who fail, there are other lives in which success may come.” H. P. B. v Theosophy Series www.universaltheosophy.com A WARNING “Four high!r roa#$"%& be. O()% thos! f!!* M"% tr!"# th!, which h"v! don! with e"rth)% thin &, Right Purity, Right Thought, Right Loneliness, Right Rapture. Spr!"# no win & “For Su($"r# f)ight, thou sou) with u(.)u,!# v"(&/ S$!!* is th! low!r air, a(# s"+! a(# k(ow( Th! hom!)% l!v!)& ; o()% stron o(!& l!"v! Th! n!&t e"ch m"0!& his ow(. “D!"r is th! lov!, I k(ow, of Wif! a(# Chil# ; P)!"&"(t th! frie(#& a(# p"&tim!& o+ your y!"r& ; Fruitfu) o+ good Lif!3& g!(*)! ch"ritie& ; Fir,4&!t, thou h f")&!, its f!"r&. “Liv!5%! who mu&*5&uch liv!& a& liv! on th!&! ; M"0! gol#!( s*"ir$"%& of your w!"0(!&&!& ; ris! B% d"il% sojour( with thos! ph"(*"&ie& To lov!)ier v!riti!&. “So sh")) y! p"&& to c)!"r!r h!igh*& a(# fi(# E"&ier a&-!(*& a(# ligh*!r loa#& of sin&, A(# l"r !r wil) to bur&t th! bo(#& o+ s!(&!, E(*!rin th! PATH.” The Light of Asia. vi Theosophy Series www.universaltheosophy.com PREFACE M% obj!-* in this $or0 is (ot &o ,uch to $rite " biogr"ph% $hich &h")) r!cor# th! i(cid!(*& i( th! !v!(*+u) )if! of. th"* r!,"r0"')! $om"(—“th! Sphin8 o+ th! XIXth 2!(tur%7—H. P. B)"v"*&0%, "& to !(#!"vour in th! +ir&* .)"-! to &how +rom th! !8istin r!cor#& i( con(!ction $ith h!r histor% how th! r!"* ,od!r( Th!osophica) Mov!,!(* origin"*!#, "(# $h"* "r! th! +u(#",!(*") +"-*& a(# principl!& o( $hich it is ba&!# ; "(#, i( th! &!con# .)"-!, to dis-)os! a& +"r "& ,"% '! pos&ibl! th! soul of th! $om"( $ho $"& th! -!(tr") +igur! in th! inio( of th"t Mov!,!(t. Th! personality of H. P. B)"v"*&0% $"& " v!r% r!,"r0"')! "(# com.)!8 o(!. I* $"& i( +"-* " .!r.!tu") !(ig," !v!( to thos! $ho 0(!$ h!r ,os* intim"*!)%, "(# $!r! th! ,os* #!vote# to h!r. Th!r! h"v!, how!v!r, '!!( *$o $or0& r!-!(*)% pu')ish!# $hich throw " +)ood o+ )igh* o( h!r ch"r"-*!r "(# "ctio(&, "(# on th! !"r)% histor% "(# #!v!)opm!(* of th! Th!osophica) Mov!,!(t. Th!&! *$o $or0& "r!, The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, "(# The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett. Th! for,!r of th!&! w"& pu')ish!# i( 1923, a(# th! l"**!r i( 1925. I sh")) dr"$ l"r !)% from th!&! sour-!& in th! pr!&!(* wor0. Th! -)u! to th! !(ig," of th! personality of H. P. B)"v"*&0% is (ot "( !"&% o(! to +in# "."r* +rom, or !v!( $ith, th! occu)* *!"chi( & "& to th! con&titutio( o+ ,"(. B% personality $! com,o()% m!"( th"t com.)!8 of ch"r"-*!ristics which is ,"(i+!&*!# to our (or,") &!(&!& "(# u(#!r&*"(#in in th! "ctio(& o+ th! in#ividu") hu,"( '!in . Bu* how ,uch o+ th! r!") or com.)!*! Self #o th!&! ou*!r ch"r"-*!ristics "(# "ctio(& #is-)os!? Ev!( i( th! ,os* or#in"r% .!r&on th! &ubcon&ciou& ,otiv!& or i(+)u!(-!& $hich prom.* to "(% ."rticu)"r "ction "r!, to " )"r ! !8*!(t, hid#!(, "(# u(0(ow( to th! in#ividu") him&!)+. Which o+ u& -"( +ol)ow our .!r&on")ity '"-0 to its +ir&* '! in(in &—if, in#!!#, it !v!r h"# "(% '! in(i( &5"(")%&! "(# #u)% "&&ig( th! v"r%in in+)u!(-!& of th"* v"&* com.)!8 of cos,ic +or-!& $hich h"v! co(tribu*!# in th! ."&* to ,"0! u& $h"* $! "r! to4#"%, "(# $hich .)"% upo( u& "* !v!r% ,om!(* of our )iv!&, &o th"* it is impos&ibl! +or u& to &"% $h"* "r! our r!&pon&ibl! "ctio(&, "(# $h"* thos! i( $hich $! "r! ,or! or )!&& th! irr!&pon&ibl! .)"%4thi( & o+ high!r cos,ic +or-!& or i(*!))ig!(-!&? Witn!&& th! m" (i+ice(t li(!& of W")t Whitm"( :— vii Theosophy Series www.universaltheosophy.com “Ri&! "+*!r ri&! bo$ the pha(to,s '!hi(# ,!, Af"r #o$( I &!! the hu ! +irst Nothi(g, I 0(o$ I $"s !v!( ther!. Im,!(&! h"v! '!!( the pr!."r"tio(& +or ,!. 2%-)!& +!rri!# ,y cr"#)!, ro$i( "(# ro$i( )i0! che!r+u) bo"*,!(. For roo, to ,! &*"rs "si#! i( *heir o$( ri(gs, They &!(* i(+)u!(-!& to )oo0 "+*!r $hat $"s to ho)# ,!. B!+or! :$"s bor( out o+ ,y ,other !(!r"tio(& gui#!# ,!, My !,bryo h"s (!v!r '!!( torpi#, (othi( cou)# ov!r)"% it. For it the (!bu)" coher!# to "( orb, The )o( &)o$ str"*" pi)!# to r!&* i* o(, Vast v! !*"')!& "v! i* su&*!("(-!, Mo(strous &"uroi#& tr"(spor*!# i* i( their ,ouths "(# #!posi*!# i* $ith -"r!. Al) +or-!s h"v! '!!( &*!"#i)% !,.)o%3# to co,.)!*! "(# #!)ight ,!, No$ o( thi& spot I &*"(# $ith ,y robust sou).7 Th!r! is " profou(#)% tru! &"%in th"* “to 0(ow ")) is to +or iv! ")).7 Th!r! is ")&o "(oth!r &"%i( 5" &*"*!,!(* o+ th! i(!8or"')! )"$ of K"r,"—“Au# ! (ot, th"* %! '! (ot 6u# !#.” Th!r! is proba')% (o ,or") )"$ $hich is &o com,on)% tr"(& r!&&!# "& this ; "(# I thin0 it ,"% '! &"id th"* o+ ")) thos! i(#ividu")& $hos! $or0 h"& com! promin!(*)% '!+or! th! $or)# #urin th! )"&* +i+*% %!"r&, th!r! is (ot o(! $hos! r!pu*"tion h"& &u++!r!# &o ,uch +rom th! &u.!r+icia) 6u# ,!(t, $hich is ")) th"* is com,o()% brou h* to '!"r upon &uch ch"r"-*!r&, th"( h"& be!( th! ca&! with H. P. B)"v"*&0%. Sh! h!r&!)+ $"& &o &cor(+u) of &uch &u.!r+icia) 6u# ,!(*& th"* &h! took (o ."in& to "#".* h!r&!)+ to ,i(or &ocia) conv!(tion& i( &uch " ,"((!r "& to "void th!,. A* th! &",! tim! th!r! is (o #ou'* th"* &h! o+*!( #!)iber"*!)% pr!&!(*!# to .!opl! a d!,!"(our ca)cu)"*!# to &hock th!,, for th! e8pr!&& purpos! of te&tin th!ir "bility to ris! &u.!rior to !8*!r(") "..!"r"(-!&. This *!&* &til) hol#& ood, "(# th! "--u&"tion& )!v!))!# " "in&* h!r "r! r"th!r co(#!,("tion& o+ th! "ccu&!r& th"( of th! "--u&!#. How o+*!( in histor% it h"& '!!( prov!# to '! &o in th! -"&! o+ r!"* r!+or,!r&. Thu&, "& $il) pr!&!(*)% "..!"r, &h! brou h* th!&! 6u# ,!(*& upon h!r&!)+ : a(# u)tim"*!)% ca,! to r!")is! th"t in doi( so sh! h"# to som! e8*!(* i(6ur!# th! cau&! sh! h"# so much at h!"rt. B!hin# th! rou h, &om!$h"* u(couth, &tor,% "(# -!r*"in)% ,os* u(conv!(tion") personality of H. P. B)"v"*&0% th!r! l"%, for thos! $ho cou)# pu* "&id! &u.!r+icia) 6u# ,!(*&, " (obi)ity "(# +or-! of ch"r"-*!r o+ th! high!&* viii Theosophy Series www.universaltheosophy.com Bu")ity : $hil&* i( "##ition to th"* th!r! $!r! th! &.!cia) Bu")itie& $hich th! occu)tis* ,u&* pos&!&& '!+or! h! -"( '!com! th! impersonal " !(* of thos! $ho, +rom h!igh*& o+ 0(ow)!# ! "(# $is#om, $"tch ov!r "(# uid! th! #!&tinie& of th! R"-!. I( th! pr!&!(* $or0 I &!!0, th!r!+or!, "& +"r "& ,"% '! pos&ibl! to .!(!tr"*! '!(!"th th! ou*!r .!r&on")ity '% $hich H. P. B)"v"*&0% h"& '!!( &o of*!( "(# &o h"&til% mis6u# !# a(# co(#!,(!#. I( &.!"0in o+ th! Real H. P. B)"v"*&0% I u&! th! *!r, +ir&* o+ ")) "& corr!ctin th! +")&! r!pr!&!(*"tion& "(# ,iscon-!ption& $hich h"v! '!!( &o com,on)% "(# &o )igh*)% "--!.*!# '% th! $or)# "* )"r ! ; "(#, &!con#)%, "& &ig(if%in 5 $h"t i( +"ct !"ch of u& pos&!&&!&5"( in(!r Self, " real S!)+ a& #istin uish!# from th! +)u-*u"ti( , ch"( in .!r&on")ity ; " S!)+ $hich, in th! ,"6ority of u&, is on)% v!r% f!!')% activ! in or throu h th! te,por"r% per&on")ity. This #istinctio( '!*$!!( th! high!r "(# th! )ow!r S!)+ is " +u(#",!(*") on!, (ot ,!r!)% in Th!osoph% bu* ")&o in ")) M%&ticis,, both philosophica) "(# #!votion"). I( o(! of th! M"h"*," )!**!r& to H. S. O)cott,: M,!. B)"v"*&0% is &pok!( of "& “th! .!r&on")ity 0(ow( "& H. P. B. to th! $or)# (bu* oth!r$is! to u&).7 I* $il) (ot '! pos&ibl! +or u& to .!(!tr"*! to th! r!"* occu)* &!cr!* o+ h!r (or hisD high!r S!)+. 2ou)# th"* '! r!"ch!#, both .!r&on")ity "(# in#ividu")ity $ou)# v"(ish, "(# (o 3!8.)"("tion&3 $ou)# '! (!-!&&"r% or pos&ibl!.
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