Jesus in the Manichaean Writings This page intentionally left blank Jesus in the Manichaean Writings Majella Franzmann T &T CLARK LTD A Continuum imprint The Tower Building 15 East 26th Street 11 York Road New York, NY 10010 London SE! 7NX, UK USA www.continuumbooks.com Copyright i"; T&T Clark Ltd, 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any_/<Jrm or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information retrieval .1ystem, without permission in writing from the publishers or their appointed agents. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0 567 08964 9 (Hardback) Typeset by YHT Ltd, London Printed and bound in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press Ltd., Trowbridge, Wiltshire For Werner Sundermann and the 'Tur/an Team· This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface 1x Abbreviations x1 l Manichaean Christology l I Previous studies in Manichaean Christology 2 2 Manichaean Christology in detail 7 3 The current study 11 2 '/, Mani, apostle of Jesus Christ' 15 I Mani as apostle of Jesus Christ 15 2 Mani as Paraclete 19 3 Jesus and the Heavenly Twin of Mani 21 4 Jesus as Mani's personal saviour and model 23 3 Jesus the Splendour 27 I The origin and nature of Jesus the Splendour 27 2 Jesus the Splendour as saviour-revealer 31 3 Jesus the Splendour and the soul in the hour of death 42 4 Imagery for Jesus the Splendour as saviour 44 5 General descriptions of Jesus the Splendour 47 6 A saved saviour? 48 4 Jesus the Apostle 1J/ Light 51 I The origin and nature of Jesus the Apostle 51 2 Jesus the Apostle as revealer, teacher and wonder-worker 60 3 Jesus the Apostle as founderof a church 63 4 Jesus the Apostle as guide and defender of souls at the hour of �ili M 5 Events in Jesus's 'lifetime' 66 6 The 'passion-resurrection' story 67 7 Resurrection and appearances, gift of the Holy Spirit, ascension 81 8 Conclusion of contact with the world 84 5 Jesus the Judge 89 I Jesus the Judge at the endtime 90 2 The action of judgement 93 3 Associated imagery: bridegroom and king 96 4 The ascent of the Judge 97 VII Vlll CONTENTS Interim Summary I: Jesus - Splendour, Apostle and Judge 99 I Jesus the Splendour and Jesus the Apostle 99 2 Jesus the Splendour and Jesus the Judge 103 3 Jesus the Apostle and Jesus the Judge 104 4 Jesus - Splendour, Apostle and Judge 104 6 The Immanent and Suffering Jesus ( Patibilis) 107 I Jesus of Light who descends and is trapped 109 2 Jesus who suffers, rises and saves I 12 3 Jesus who is liberated from the world I 16 7 Jesus the Youth 119 I Emanation of Jesus the Youth 119 2 Jesus the Youth who weeps and cries out in the world 120 3 The Youth/Little One 121 4 The final gathering 122 8 Jesus the Moon 125 I The moon as object of veneration or god 125 2 The moon associated with Jesus the Splendour and Jesus the Apostle 126 3 Jesus the Moon 128 Interim Summary 2: Jesus - Patibilis and Youth 131 Final Summary: Six Jesus Figures - One Jesus 133 I Jesus the Splendour and Jesus Patibilis 133 2 Jesus the Apostle and Jesus Patibilis 136 3 Jesus the Splendour, Jesus the Apostle, Jesus the Judge and Jesus Patibilis 137 9 Conclusion 141 Bibliography 147 Indexes 157 Preface This present work is my second study of Jesus from texts of the early centuries CE. These texts represent or interpret Jesus but do not belong to the mainstream ('orthodox') Christian tradition. The first study appeared in 1996 as Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Writings (Edinburgh: T&T Clark). The bulk of the initial research for this second study was funded by a Large Grant of the Australian Research Council during I 996-98. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, to whom I owe an enormous debt of gratitude for research support over many years, provided financial assistance in 1997 for me to attend the fourth Inter­ national Manichaean Conference in Berlin, where I first broached the subject of the Manichaean Jesus with colleagues. The University of New England granted two periods of study leave in 1997 and 200 I which were used partly to work on the project, and the Faculty of Arts at UNE provided a small grant in 2001 towards putting the finishing touches to the manuscript. I dedicate this work to Professor Werner Sundermann, former Director of the Institut ftir Turfanforschung of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. who together with his colleagues always gave me a warm welcome in Berlin and generously made time to help with my many questions. I remember with gratitude Professor Hans-Joachim Klimkeit who was a gracious host to me on a number of occasions in Bonn. especially during an extension of my Humboldt Fellowship in 1995. and who continued to encourage me in this project up to the time of his death. Professor Sundermann and Dr Siegfried Richter (Munster) read parts of the manuscript in draft form and provided invaluable feedback. However, I take full responsibility for the work and the opinions expressed in it. Dr Jeffery Hodges. employed by the University of New England as a research associate for the Australian Research Council project during 1996-- 98, did extensive bibliographical work and a considerable part of the col­ lection, reading and initial summaries of texts. Dr Joan Relke gave invaluable assistance with editing several drafts of the manuscript, checking and cor­ recting references, and collecting extra bibliographical material. Kevin Kaatz generously helped with the collection of bibliographical material on many occasions. Toni Tidswell was a tower of strength through the proofreading ·marathon' and indeed through the entire writing process. Finally I would like to thank most sincerely Geoffrey Green of T&T Clark (Continuum), who continues to encourage me to publish with his company. M. Franzmann University of New England March 2002 IX This page intentionally left blank A hhrcvia tions 1 Manichaean texts Unless otherwise specifically noted, the following versions of texts have been used in each case. I have used Klimkeit's list of abbreviations in Gnosis on the Silk Road as a guide. BBB Henning (ed.), Ein manichdisches Bet- und Beichthuch. CMC Cameron and Dewey (eds). The Cologne Mani Codex. H. Chinese Hymn Roll in Schmidt-Glinzer, Chinesische Manichaica. Her Psalms of Heracleides. Hom. Polotsky (ed.), Manicluiische Homi/ien. HR II Millier (ed.). Handschriftcn-Rcstc II. Keph. Polotsky and Bohlig· (eds), Kephalaia: I. Hiilfte (Coptic); Gardner (ed.), Kcphalaia (English). Keph. II Funk (ed.), Kephalaia (I!: Zll'eitc Hii/fte. MM IL III Henning and Andreas (eds), 'Mitteliranische Man­ ichaica aus Chinesisch-Turkestan II, III'. PsB Allberry (ed.), Manichacan Psalm Book: Part II. PsB I Giversen (ed.), Psalm Book Part I. SR Klimkeit. Gnosis on the Silk Road. TracPell. Tractate Pelliot in Schmidt-Glinzer, Chinesischc Manichaica. Turk. Man. I, II, Ill Le Coq (ed.). Tz"irkischc Manichaica ems Chotscho I, II, /1/. WL I Waldschmidt and Lentz. Die Ste/lung Jesu. WLII Waldschmidt and Lentz, "Manichaische Dogmatik'. XI XII ABBREVIATIONS 2 Other primary texts Augustine of Hippo c. Faust. contra Faustum manichaeum; Migne PL 42, cols 207- 518 (Latin); Stothert, 'Reply to Faustus the Man­ ichaean' (English) C. Fe/. acta contra Felicem manichaeum; Jourjon, 'Contra Felicem Manichaeum' (Latin and French) c. Fort. acta contra Fortunatum manichaeum Disput. I Disputation of the First Day Disput. JI Disputation of the Second Day; Jourjon, 'Contra Fortunatum Manichaeum' (Latin); Newman, 'Acts or Disputation Against Fortunatus the Manichaean' (English) c. Sec. contra Secundinum manichaeum; Jolivet, 'Contra Secundinum Manichaeum' (Latin and French) haer. de haeresibus; Migne PL 42, cols 21-50 (Latin); Muller, De Haeresibus (English) JI mor. Liher Secundus: de moribus manichaeorum; Migne PL 32, cols 1345-1378 (Latin); Gallagher and Gallagher (eds), Saintf Augustine: The Catholic and Manichaean Ways o Life, 65-117 (English) Christian Scriptures Matt Gospel of Matthew Lk Gospel of Luke Jn Gospel of John Acts Acts of the Apostles Rom Letter to the Romans 1 Cor First Letter to the Corinthians 2 Cor Second Letter to the Corinthians Gal Letter to the Galatians Eph Letter to the Ephesians Phil Letter to the Philippians Col Letter to the Colossians 1 Tim First Letter to Timothy 2 Tim Second Letter to Timothy Heb Letter to the Hebrews 1 Jn First Letter of John Jewish Scriptures Gen Book of Genesis Is Book of Isaiah Lev Book of Leviticus ABBREVIATIONS XJII Nag Hammadi writings Hyp. Archons The Hypostasis of the Archons 3 Publications ABD Anchor Bihle DictionmT AEPHE.R Annuaire de /'Ecole Pratique cles Haute.1· Eludes - Section des Sciences Religieuses AoF Altorientalische Forschungen APAW Abhandlungen der (K.) Preul3ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften APAW.PH ··. Philosophisch-historische Klasse Aug(L) Augustiniana (Louvain) BBAW Berlin-Brandenburgischc Akademie der Wis- senschaftcn BDB Brown. Driver. and Briggs, Hehrcir ancl English Lexicon BSAC Bulletin de la Societic d'Archcologie Copte BSOAS Bulletin of' the School o( Oriental and A/i·ican Studies ByZ Bvzantin/schc Zcitschri/i EaW East and West EeT(O) Eglise ct thcologic (Ottawa) JRH Journal o( Religious Histon· JSOT Journal fin· the Stucfr o( the Old Testament MIOF Mitteilungcn des lnstituts ji"ir Oricnt/iJrschung NGWG.PH Nachrichten (van) dcr Gcsellscha/t der Wissenschaftcn ( zu) G6t t ingcn Philologisch-Historische Klas.ff NHMS Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies NHS Nag Hammadi Studies NPNF A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers NRCC Nahozenskci revue cirkve ccskoslovcnskc NT Novum Tcstamentum OLZ Orientalischc Literaturzcil/1111-; Or.
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