The Library FRIDAY PROM EDITION ®hp Nnu lampahtrp TONIGHT “A Live College Newspaper’ V O L . 27. Issue 54. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY 14, 1987. PRICE THREE CENTS STUDENT COUNCIL Students Vote On Blanket Tax System Christine Fernald Crowned Junior MEMBERS INSTALLED The student body will be allowed INTO OFFICE AT CONVO to vote on the blanket tax as they did last year when this tax was first Prom Queen by President Tonight Nomination of Athletic installed. Opportunity will be given for this on the same ballot as that Joe Haymes Dance Band Association Officers are for the Hood Achievement prize. Blue Key Sponsors Plays for Major Social Named at Annual Meeting This voting is taking place the end Second Annual Float of the week. Event of Spring Season The formal installation of George Last year Frederick Collins Walk­ Parade Saturday Afternoon Stenzel as president of the Student Coun­ er was the recipient of the Hood Christine Fernald was elected Junior The second annual float parade, spon­ Prom Queen by the student body last cil climaxed yesterday afternoon’s con­ award. sored by Blue Key, will be held tomor­ vocation activities which saw Herbert Wednesday morning and will be crowned row. The parade will consist of floats Merrill and K. Robert Manchester re­ by President Fred Engelhardt tonight entered by the various fraternities and tire as student presidents, the announce­ in the gymnasium at the height o f the sororities. It will start from the busi­ ment of Athletic Association officers’ DR. STOWE CHOSEN major social eivent of the spring season. ness district and go up to Memorial nominations, and the induction into office President Engelhardt will present Miss field. There, the judges will pick the of thirteen council members. HEAD N.E. EDUCATORS Fernald with a silver cup during the best float, and the winner will be pre­ A. A. Meeting Held coronation ceremonies shortly before in­ Dr. A. Monroe Stowe, head of the sented with a cup by the Prom Queen. The annual meeting of the Athletic termission. Department of Education since 1934, was Each entrant is limited to five dollars for Association occupied the convocation at Miss Fernald reigned as Winter Carn­ elected president of the Association of the cost of constructing the float. first. The first part of the meeting was ival Queen last year. She was recently New England College Teachers of Ed­ The fraternities which will enter floats devoted to nominating new officers for installed as vice-president of the W om ­ ucation at a meeting held May 8 at the are: Kappa Sigma, Theta Chi, Lambda the Athletic Association. It was pre­ en’s Student Government executive coun­ University of Maine. Prof. Harlan M. Chi Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma sided over by Herbert Merrill, president. cil and is president of Cap and Gown, Bisbee, assistant professor of education Beta, Phi Delta Upsilon and Tau Kappa The nominating committee submitted a women’s senior honorary society. She was elected secretary of the association. Epsilon. list of names which they had nominated is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta The Alpha Xi Delta and the Phi Mu and only one addition was made to the Acceptance of the University of New J o h n R. M c K e ig u e , general chairman sorority and of the Blue Circle. During sordrities will also enter floats. list. The .nominees were as follow s: Hampshire’s invitation to hold the 1938 of Junior Prom committee. the past year she, has been engaged as The committee in charge of the pa­ president, George Quinn, James Conrad, meeting of the Association on this cam­ women’s editor of the Granite. pus was voted. rade is as follow s: George Stenzel, Arthur Hanson; vice-president, Robert Joe Haymes and his dance band will chairman; Arthur Hanson, judge; Jas GLEE CLUBS PRESENT Jones, Thomas Giarla; secretary, Myrtle Before coming here as head of the furnish the music for the Junior Prom Conrad, awards; John DuRie, fraternity Congdon, Lois Cudhea; student repre­ Department of Education upon the death entries; and Martin Verville, sorority DIVERSIFIED PROGRAM tonight. This orchestra is one of the sentative, John DuRie, Edward Little; of Prof. Justin O. Wellman, Dr. Stowe most popular recording bands in the entries. faculty representatives, Mr. Harold I. headed the education department of Ran- The combined Glee clubs of the Uni country, and in the past few years, Leavitt, Dr. Carl L. Martin, assistant dolph-Macon Women’s college in Vir­ versity will present their annual spring Haymes has made hundreds of record­ professor Leroy J. Higgins, assistant ginia, 1926-34, and before that was Pres­ concert Wednesday evening, May 19, ings for Columbia and Victor. He is professor Donald H. Chapman. These ident of the University of the City of SIXTY-FOUR CADETS at 8:15, at the men’s gymnasium. Mrs. now making a tour of the eastern col­ men will be voted upon soon by the stu­ Toledo. He started his teaching career Helen Claggett Funkhouser;, and Mr. leges and has played recently at Nor­ dent body. as principal of the Darien schopl in GO TO SUMMER CAMP Ernest Furnans, will be the soloists. The wich, Amherst, Massachusetts State, and Following the meeting of the Athletic Connecticut in 1906, having received Yale. program will include Shakespeare songs, Association, K. Robert Manchester, re­ M.A. degrees from Northwestern in Three Students Named to choral works by Bach, Shubert, Pur­ Honey Burns Featured tiring president of the Student Council, 1904 and H arvard university in 1905. Attend Chem. Warfare cell Elgar, and others. The glee clubs presented the new Council for the 1937- In 1909 he received his degree of D oc­ Joe Haymes features Honey Burns as will present the first performance of 38 school year. Before doing so, how ­ tor of Philosophy from Columbia uni­ Combat Edgewood Arsenal vocalist. H e has been heard over all the Professor Manton’s “Night Song”, aid­ ever, he expressed his gratitude to the versity. large networks and at several of New Announcement of R.O.T.C. cadet of­ ed by the baritone soloist, Mr. Ernest student body for the support tney had Prof. Bisbee, who received his A. B. York’s leading hotels and ballrooms. He ficers, who are going to summer train­ Furnans. given him during his term of office. H e degree from Bowdoin college in 1898 has been exclusive arranger for Ted ing camp, has recently been made by the The program is as follow s: said, “ I want to tell you how much I and an M. A . degree in education from Weems, Casa Loma, and Duke Elling­ military department. Three students Part I Harvard in 1905, has been associate pro ton. Several of the songs he has com ­ (Continued on page 2) were named to attend the Chemical Choral: Jesu, joy of man’s desiring fessor' of education at the University posed are: “The Life of the Party”, Warfare Service camp at Edgewood ar­ Johann Sebastian Bach of New Hampshire since 1930. He “One Man Band”, “Let’s Have a Party”, senal, Maryland, to report for duty June Three Shakespeare Songs: served as assistant professor of educa and “My Favorite Band.” MOTHER’S DAY PLANS 6. They are: Joseph M. DuBiel, Rob­ a. Over hill, over dale (Midsummer- tion here from 1928 to 1930. H e began The gymnasium will be decorated to ert T. Hart, and Mayland L. Parker. night’s Dream) his teaching career at the Rumford Falls represent a penthouse on top of a New INCLUDE PAGEANT, Thirty students will report at the Thomas Cook (M aine) high school in 1898, and is the York skyscraper. The decorating will Coast Artillery camp at Fort Monroe, b. The Willow Song (Othello) author o f Latin Withdut Tears, an ex­ be done by the New England Decorat­ CAMPUS INSPECTION Va., for training on June 18. These men Dallis’ Lute Book position ,of Latin teaching methods. ing Company of Boston. are: William A. Anderson, James P. c. Come into these yellow sands (T h e President and Mrs. Fred Engelhardt, Balloch, Winston F. Caldwell, Edward Tempest) Frank Laforge R.O.T.C. Regimental Mr. and Mrs. Edward Y. Blewett, and J. Chodokoski, John K. Damon, Walter Mrs. Helen Claggett Funkhouser Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundholm will be Saturday Morning Will K. Donle, Richard Farr, Thomas C. Chorus: Feasting I watch DR. RICHARDS ATTENDS the chaperons. Also Feature Program Giarla, Prescott L. Goud, Thomas J. Sir Edward Elgar HOLYOKE CENTENNIAL Herlihy, Fred H. Johnson, Robert H. Men’s chorus Complete Week-end Arranged The annual Mother’s Day will be held Jones, Bernard H. Langley, Adolph J. Part II The Prom committee has arranged a Saturday, May 22, with many mothers Leocha, George E. MacQueen, George Chorus and solo; “Night Song” (after Dr. Alfred E. Richards acted as the complete week-end of entertainment. visiting the campus. The University has K. Mason, Robert O. Maxson, James D. Nietzshe’s “Zarathustra” delegate of the University o f New Hamp­ Friday night there will be the Prom. arranged a program showing the visi­ McMahon, Harold D. Merrill, Stanton Baritone solo and chorus shire at the centennial celebration of the Saturday afternoon there will be a float tors the different aspects of the life on C. Otis, George D. Patten, Boleslaw Robert W. Manton founding of Mt. Holyoke college in South parade, sponsored by the Blue Key. The the campus, and to acquaint them with H. Pokigo, Carl S. Rice, Charles E. Soloist: Mr.
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