The Glenville Mercury Volume XLIII, Number 9 Friday, October 12, 1971 Homecoming Parade Floats Will Stress Queen Brenda 0ilion Reigns Theme "Highlights In History of G.S.C." Over Homecoming Festivity "Htghhghts In the History of Alpha fraternity, Theta Xi fratern;ly Brenda Evelyn Dillon will be is a physical education major and GSC" is the theme for the 1971 gala and Tau Kappa fpsilon fraternity crowned queen of the 40th annual special educa tion minor. celebratJon of the Pioneer Home­ The Gilmer County High School GSC homecoming during the coro­ A member of Delta Zeta sorority coming. This will be the theme whIch marching band \\ 111 be followed by nation ceremony Oct. 23. She is the MISS Eye has also marched with the the organIZations of the campus and MISS GCHS Homecomlllg Queen, MISS dau~hter of Mrs. Reva DiJJon of GSC band as a majorette for two commumty wilJ use to entitle thelJ Pat Dyer, and Court Richwood. years. naalS for the Homccmmg parade. M iss Debbie Hardman. M ISS Glen­ MISS Dillon, a 20-year-old .senior, The sophomore class will be Headmg the parade thiS year wiU ville State College. will be followed is an honor student and has partici­ represented by Becky Jane Von be parade marshall Dr Delmer K by the Rainbow Girls. the Cherry pated in various campus organiza­ Buseck of Erie, Pa. Her parents Somerville. r oUowing him will be RIVer Festival Queen and the Wo­ tions. She is a member of Theta Girls are Mr. and Mrs. Roger Von Buseck. the Cub Scouts Pack 79 color guards men's Club of Glenville, Gilmer Coun­ and Kappa Delta Pi honorary society Nineteen-year-old Miss Von Buseck and the GSC Marching Band. Dr 0 ty 4-H Leaders-Plnners, the G lenviUe for education students who have graduated from McDoweU High Banks" llburn. president of the col­ Rotary Club. County Volunteer rire attained academic I;.xceUenre. School in 1970. She is an art major lege and Mr. Michael Ferrell. presi­ Department wLiI termlnatc the morn­ In 1968 Miss DiUon graduated ana physical education minor. dent of the Alumni As:;ociation ing festivities from Richwood lIigh School where Her campus activities include will follow with Mrs. WiJburn and The parade will foUow the tradl­ she reigned as senior prom queen Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority and tionaJ route down main 'itreet. with \inTerreU tIl the car directly behmd She was crowned queen of the 1968 Order of Diana. the Ime up on the Souderman Soull'­ thell husbands Cherry River Festival in Richwood Susan Ann Chapman wiIJ be the Following wiU Brownie Troop vard and College Street at 9 30 am be and she was fust runner-up in the freshman princess. She is the 18-year JUnior and the actuaJ paude litartang prompt umber 58 (marching); Girl 1971 Potato Festival in Summersville. old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Edgar Scout Troop Number 235. (march· Iy at 10 :30 am After completmg undergraduate Chapman of Weston. mg) . foUowed by the Glfl Scoub of studies at GSC, Miss Dillon. an Miss Chapman graduated from America, The Cadette Gul Scout"'_ Lngll'i.h major and physlcaJ education Lewis County High School in 197 L and SenIOr Gul Scouts. minor, plans to do graduate work at She is an elementary education Next m the Ltneup will be the Snake Dance Set; William and Mary CoUege. major and special education minor. ,-,"est Vu-gmta I olk festival car and During her free time, MISS Dillon The queen's escort will be William tM Witt County High School band enjoys swimming, reading, dancing, Edward Suddath, president of the FoUowUl8 the band will be the rorest and water skung. Student Congress. Suddath IS a senior Technology SOCiety. the Student Ed­ Bonfire Scheduled The senior pnncess is 22-year business comprehensive major and ucahon AssocL3tlOn , and Women's On 1·f1day . Oct. 22. the cheer­ old Beneta Kay Bickel of Gassaway. language arts minor from West­ Hall floats leaders WljJ lead the Homecoming She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. minster, Md. lollowlng will be the MajOrs Club snake dance thai wlll start at Verona Denzil Bickel Miss Bickel will be escorted by the Olullmgohow Players. and Alpha \1apel HaJl at 6:30 p.m. The dance MISS Bickel graduated in 1967 David Shannon Wynne, president of Rho Tau, Alpha Stgma Alphacar and will lead Ihlough town and to the from Gassaway High School She is the senior class. Wynne IS a social float, will be: foUowed by the RaveM­ ballfield with stops along the "'ay an elementary education major and studies major from Summersville. wood High School Band, the college for cheers led by the cheerleaders Soctal Studies and langu'age arts The JUOlor princess will be es­ cheerleaders and Pioneer, and the Upon reachmg the field, the annu mmor corted by the president of the junior Fr.:shman aI bonfire wtll be Harted and more MISS Bickel is a member of Sigma class, William Webb of St. Albans. MISS Brenda Dillon, Homecommg cheers will be led. Coach Hanim and Sigma Sigma Sorority and Ladies of Webb IS a social studies maJor. Queen and her en towage will then the senior footbaU players "'ill speak the White RO!e Auxiliary. She is also Philip Aldo Reale, president of proceed being foUowcd by the con­ All SChool-spUlted studen 15 are Queen Brenda Dillon Lambda Chi Alpha Sweetheart. the sophomore class will escort cert chou banner. FoUowing the urged to attend the snake dance and Cathy Lynn Eye will serve as the Miss Von Buseck. Reale is a SOCial chou will be the Sigma Sagma Sigma other actlvlbes. Make this homecom­ JUOJor class prlncess. She IS the 20- studies major from Glenville. sorority and the Delta Zeta sorority. mg one to remember by ~pporllng year~ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MISS Chapman will be escorted by Miss Rosanna Corathers, Centen­ your team as they defeat the HLlJ· Returning Alumni 1.1 . Eye of Gauley Bridge. Kevin Terrance McCartney of Glen­ nial Queen and her entourage will top pen MISS Eye graduated from Gauley ville. McCartney is a freshman follow, foUowed by the Lambda Chi AU freshman must attend To Be Recognized Bndge High School m 1969. She business administration major. As part of the 1971 Centennial Homecoming plans of Glenville State College, all past Homecoming queens and pioneers have been mvlted back to GSC for the festive occasion. former queens who arc returnmg are LOIS Mason Mace. 1938; Ruth Hull Murin, 1940. Irancis Waggoner Compton, 1953; Elaine Bell Markley, 1954. Mary Ann Graham Nichols, 1960; Patsy Brake KlOg, 1965 Sandra Kae Salyers. Cox, 1966; Patricia Ann GUZZle Tonarelli, 1967 Brinda Kay Slnnett Price, 1969; and Julia Munn, 1970. Those former Pioneers who have agreed to return are Johnson Burke, 1940; John Calvin Tyson 1942 : Har­ old C. Butcher, 1953 ; John Blaine Lazear.J955 ; William Sim.,,'1RS. 1960; Ronald V. Stoops, ,'J61,Charles Wes­ ley Bargeloh, 196 3; Robert "Butch" lIays, 1965; Dave Stephens, 1967; and Daniel McPherson, 1970 These people will be recognized at the coronation, as weU as bemg hon­ ored at a luncheon folJowing the cor­ onation S. Congress Sponsors GSC Homecoming Mix The 1971 C..:ntcnnlal lI omecomlng Dance Will be sponsored this year by Student Congress. MUSIC for the dance will be prOVided by the A ppaJachian Cablecar. The event will take place in the ballroom of the Pioneer Center from 9 untl1 12 . Dress for the occas­ Susan Chapman Kay Bickel sion is semi-formal. Admission to the Becky Von Buseck Cathy Eye Freshman Senior dance IS one doUar per person. Sophomore JUOlor Page Two THEGLENVILLF MFRCURY Friday, October 22, 1971 Saturday Marks Fall Homecoming Director Welcomes Alumni by Ken Davis PaU not only bungs with It the Glenville State College Alumni Association changing color of the leaves, or the Glc:nvil1c: Sute: CoUrge: cool breeze which telJs us winter is GlcTIvUlt. Wett Vlrglnb 2~1 not far off. rall is also a reminder that Homecoming time is near October 22, 1971 Homecoming at GSC is always a festive occasion full of color and Dear Alumni and Friends: beauty, as well as the continuous motion of the people. It is a special privilege this year to welcome Homecoming activities officially each of you as you return to your Alma Mater for our thirty-eighth annual Homecoming. You return at begin on Saturday morning with the a time when Glenville State College is observing ,arade. Hundreds of people crowd both its Homecoming and its Centennial. Needless the short, narrow stree ts of Glenville to say, many hours of preparation by numerous indi­ as floats and VIP's pass through the vidual s have been devoted toward making this a most special day for each of you . corridor. The floats which are usuaUy just completed always caU for a PIO­ It is my sincere hope that when this day ends neer victory, whill" the VIP's wave you will take away with you the fondest of memories and greet students, friend s and re­ and a renewed interest in your Alma Mater as she turning alumni. commences her second century of "service and progress." WELCOME... However, the highlight of the I wish you a happy day of r eunion and fellow­ morning is the Queen's coronation. ship. ALUMNL The q~ ee n and her court, outfitted in their iong formals, are presented to a packed audience in the Amphi­ theatre. This is a solemn-yet-happy ~A moment for the queen, as the Home­ Robert K.
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