m COAL! COAL! For Household Removals Ph«»ne S2) Hall & Walker Burt’s Padded Vans tttlf 123? Government Street 735 PANDORA ST. •rompt Attention Experienced Men TELEPHONE 83. R<. tder.e# Phone R7L0. NO. 27 \ K IX) Kl A, i;. VVEBXEtiDAÏ, AL'U U ST ..... y.ou.ûs. ................... .y TO-OÔY’S BASEBALL SLOP"1 MIRES TO pwwfl WILL NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE xÿjtè -%ï Portland —Pim Inning: Victoria. W'Portland, T. , . " COHOCT LIE Second Inning Victoria, 1; Port­ be consol» land, 0. Batteries — Thorsen and De Vogt ; Jensen and Bradley. idéflmi\ ’ fmm At Tacoma—First Inning: Vancou­ WILL BE GENERAL IN LONG LEGAL BATTLE TENDERS FOR HUDSON ver, 0; Tacoma. 0. Second timing Not runs* PROVINCE BY AUGUST 20 ~ HAS BEEN TERMINATED ......BAY RAILWAY OPENED Batteries—Cates and Lewis; Annie ' ( and Slebt. At Seattle—First Inning: Spokane, 0; Seattle. 0. Wheat Reported Fully Headed Contracts Will Soon Be Award Second Inning: No runé. Settlement Means. Much to . Qut—Condition of Oats ed—Work to Start Before__ Third inning; Spokane, 0; Seattle. 1. Camp—Development Wifi Batteries—Bonner. and Spiesman ; and Barley — Bè Actively Carried on 7—— September 1 Fullerton and Shea. Tna+IôNAI. league ' --------- 4 At Cincinnati—Philadelphia-Cincin­ Regina. Sask . Aug. 2.—That harvest­ nati game postponed on account of Kelson, B. C.. Aug. 2.—R. S. Lennle, Ottawa. Aug. %- The active pro­ ing in Saskatchewan will be general Wh.i returned yesterday from Slocan. gramme for the construction of the At Chicago— R. H- E. by- August 20 la the announcement made announcement of the consolida­ Hudson May Railway will be made Im­ Brooklyn ....rrrr. 0 2 9 made In the seventh fortnightly report, of the* Saskatchewan department of tion <;f the Slocan Star and John M. mediately following the Government's 1 lu< ax-» ............................... .... 1 4 0 ^.rns ml. r. sts. which will n-m-.x .• décision to construct the railway Itself. Batteries—Rucker and Bergen ; Cole agriculture. The following are the Hein thé Slocan camp the trio Sun eya were completed and tenders and Archer. Ten innings. dates un or about which harvesting will ^ntlgation which for the last ten years asked for last June for the construc­ AMERICAN LEAGUE be general In the districts tributary to has retarded progress. The litigation tion of the first 200 miles extending At Washington— the railw ay lines mentioned ; which has tied up some of the most from Pas Mission. Keewatin Territory. First Game. Main line C. P. R., east of Moosejaw., R. H. E. i i nporta»1 properties .of -the SI dean in - -Thicket- Hrrrtage and running in a August Ht; main line €. P. R-. west of New York ................ *... .. 1 2 0 Moow'jaw, August li); floo line. August ^ voiced the Slocan Star. Rabbit Paw northeasterly direction through the Washington ...... ........ 3 9 2 IS; Woseley-Reston. August 25; Este- and Heber inaction. It Involved the primitive country north Of the Sas­ Batteries—Scott, Hovtlk and Sulli­ van branch, August 18; Areola branch. adjustment of extra lateral rights and katchewan river. Tenders were open­ van Becker and Street. --------- August- 23. Pheasant Hills, branch, was started by the Star Mining and ed this afternoon. In aft eight *^ere re- At Boston— August 19; Yorktown branch. August ÂTÏIiing Company, Limited, in an action cetved, but the choice, it la said, was First Game. ~T 22; M..' kiln ’ l.nuu-h. August L’4; OSt* fur trespass against the Byron N. Ft 11 B look branch. August 15. narrowed down to two, - those sub­ White Company. Mr. Lennie was one Detroit I • .*.... ..... 3 6 6 C. N. R.. Lloyd rnlnster-Togo line, of the counsel engaged in the litigation mitted by J. D. Macarthur of Winni­ Boston .............................................7 10 3 August 25; Reglna-Prince Albert line. and it is through his efforts that par­ peg. and M. J. O’Brien. Both of these August 20: Saskatoon - Klndersley ties have at last been brought to­ tenders, it is said, were of a very sat Batteries — Willett and Stanage; Wood and Càrrlgan. branch. August 20; M»*lfort-Prince Al­ gether. He has formulated the propo­ isfactory character. However, these bert branch. August 24. sition. hy which the whole of the will have, hv be- gone into in detail be^ Second Game. Grand Trunk Pacific main line. Aug- properties Involved will be consolidat­ fore an official announcement of «he H H K ust 22. ed and acquired by the company under awarding of the contract will be mad Detroit ..............................................2 the name of the Slocan Star Mines. It Is the Intention of the Government Boston ...... ....... ............ ' * Wheat la fully headed out while only ------ltd _______________ ___________ ____ to.- atari-the work of . the . £Onatru£tlon j.Xld ' a small percentage of oats and late 't'b&Héy, from ten to twenty per pen!.,” This proposition has been accepted at the earliest possible time and it is Mail And Nunamâkcr, ' fcy R>r.m NT 'WhUe Add Johh M. Har­ regarded a* likely that the successful according to dîstm-r. is sttti unheeded.' ris. subject to the ratittcation of dlrec- ÇPJJlœclbr. will be at work hffore Her* Ba-riJy harvest leg has a4rea«iy conv viy*cmgpinit&y. ’ iraiber !.. <7iiiniül‘V‘‘>i,,n b* the railway. mencexl ct MapJ.- Creek and Swift Cur- The properties to be taken over Y»y will commence from the north end of cafiyvariaUes liiiiiiLl of wheat will be ready for cutting the new company are the Rabbit Paw. the government bridge over the Sas­ LIBERALS Heber Fraction mineral claims, being katchewan at the "Pas. If. as Is prob­ within a week in these dlxtiicte. the whole of the property of the Star able, port Nelson is selected as the ■Montreal Herald. Only at one point has these been any Mining and Milling Company. Ltd. terminal port, the railway will be ap­ report of flax wilt, but symptoms are and the following mineral claims on proximately 500 miles In length, and SEEING THINGS not perhaps as widely known as other the west side, **f Sandon Creek: Slo­ the Government anticipates imttlug MAJORITY OF FIFTY forms of damage. It is possible that can Star. Jennie. Silversmith, Windsor. down a considerable portion of the some cases may have escaped observa­ « Shogo. Minnesota, Bella I Hiwne, Millie. first 20ti miles of road l*ed provided for tion. The damage, however, is com­ Whistler Fraction. Pembroke, together by present contract before, the advent paratively small. with the mill site of the Byron N. of winter. EXTRA PUMPS FOR ENCOURAGING REPORTS AH grain* would appear to be entire­ jflWhin Company, wl(h Its concentrator, LONDON DOCK ly free from black rust. At one* or two er rights, flume lines and all of STRIKE PROBABLE. REACH OTTAWA plates the leaf is slightly touched with which will be operated by the new CRUISER MORE red rust, but this does not affect in any company. | way the quality of the grain. At present Andrew <1 Larson. M E.. Des Moines. Iowa. Aug 2.—State LI of Vancouver, is making aiy examina­ menti* that a general strike of all the The province has been very free from tion of the properties and will advise employees of the Des Moines city rokd R, L. Borden Tries to Induce damage by hail. In only a small area of the southeasterly and southerly dis­ the new company as to the best plans would be called l>efore night, were Reports Regarding Condition Premier Whitney to Aid for future development. The company made by labor leaders here to-day, STEAMER CAPSIZES tricts have there been any hailstorms. expects development to -be In full pro­ following the antuamcement of acting TWELVE THOUSAND of Warship Declared to — In no Instance has the damage been Him in Ontario serious. The crop Is generally well- gress this fall, and to make shipments Chief of Police Jackson that between AFTER STRIKING ROCK of ore and concentrates this winter. 200 and ;$00 strike-breakers were MEN HAVE QUIT WORK Be Exaggerated _ rooted, cool weather during May and This will mean a great revival of min­ brought Into the city to-day from Chi June materially assisting in the root­ ing in Slocan and the return of pros­ cago and Milwaukee. President Leon ing process. Stubble erope generally %rd of the stcart car union, said that Ottawa. Aug. 2 —Conservative lead­ are not quite as satisfactory as was perity to the country. ers frankly admit their only hope of The Star Company atone has paid one more attempt would be made to otuwa. au,, i -••condition nf ,h*’ Vessel Was Carrying Sunday reported. Probably the *vason for this fiw in dividends, while the get the street car company to arbitrate Twenty Steamers Carrying Ni..t^ is aa. satisfactory as Could be beating 4ho government is by making la there- haa not been iuffleieu' KSBB Slocan as a whole has paid hi dlvi- the case of the conductor whose recent expected. Extra pump» which arrived School Excursion at Time a gain of at least fifteen eeats In On- weather to create good conditions of discharge led to the present difficulty. Meat Are Unable to Dis- growth in fields that were unusually tlviuis itiJhNUML________ _____ ___ ______ ynaiarday—have. nut ..as, . of the Accident. , tariau R. L^JBorden has na hop? qf do­ * The gross productive of the STocan Thé first of thé vatwd firm1 and "better supplied with hHH«tur> ..... .. “cfîârgë Cargoes work. - Exaggerated reports of Hallfas ing any better In Western Canada than StJAr mine to date is $3.000,000 a walkout of waiters and cooks at one than usual.
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